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09-05 投稿



dissectible 发音

英:[[d?'sekt?bl]]  美:[[d?'sekt?bl]]

英:  美:

dissectible 中文意思翻译



dissectible 短语词组

1、dissectible characteristic ─── 可分解特征

2、dissectible product ─── 可溶解的产品

dissectible 相似词语短语

1、detectible ─── adj.可看穿的,可发觉的

2、discerpible ─── 可分解的

3、digestible ─── adj.易消化的;可摘要的

4、discerptible ─── adj.可分解的

5、distractible ─── adj.容易分心的;不专心的

6、assertible ─── 有主见的

7、dissective ─── adj.仔细分析的;剖析的

8、defectible ─── 有缺陷的

9、discernible ─── adj.可辨别的;可识别的

dissectible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods Methylene blue was ordinarily injected into cyst/fistula in operation to show its width,directions,courses and branches,and to recognize,dissect and resect the lesions thoroughly. ─── 方法68例甲状舌管囊肿或瘘管中常规注入美蓝,显示囊肿(瘘管)的范围、方向及走行、分支,协助术中仔细分辨、解剖、彻底切除。

2、Method:To dissect and observe the suprarenal gland,to draw materials from the organ in whole, then suprarenal gland tissue slices under the light microscope with methods of HE. ─── 方法:解剖观察肾上腺、整体取材、常规HE染色、光学显微镜观察肾上腺组织学结构。

3、 双语使用场景

4、Each time, Cindy used her forceps to scrape the scales and dissect the fish’s gut, and then took all the bowels out and washed the fish from outside to inside. ─── 我非常喜爱海鲜类食物。洗蔬菜、肉类和鱼类很有多步骤。每2个星期,我会品尝一些鱼和虾。不过过去每次都是辛迪刮掉鱼鳞,并用钳子剖析鱼的内脏。

5、3- The valves are hinged by ligments.In order to identify the internal structure, you have to dissect the bivalve.You must be very careful when separating the valves, so as not to hurt your hands. ─── 两外壳以韧带连接,为了辨识内部构造必须解剖标本,解剖时要非常小心,以免伤到手.

6、Th e characteristics of foundry industry can be seen clearly by using the concept of the ISO9000Stan-dard to dissect and analyze it. ─── 以9000标准的概念观点对其剖析,能清楚地认清铸造行业特点。

7、In spite of this some brave scientists did dissect bodies. ─── 尽管如此,一些勇敢的科学家仍坚持解剖人体。

8、The fans are watching, ready to dissect every move and misstep. ─── 他们的球迷正拭目以待,准备看球队将如何对此做出改变。

9、They use specialized tools to collect information about the system, dissect, and analyze it. ─── 他们使用专门工具来搜集、研究并分析关于系统的信息。

10、Her teacher allowed her to use a computer alternative, and she has refused to dissect animals ever since. ─── 她的老师允许她使用电脑替代,从此她就婉拒解剖动物。

11、Methods:The anatomical structures of TFCC were observed by gross dissect on 23 upper limb specimens of adult human cadavers. ─── 方法:在23侧成人尸体上肢标本上对三角纤维软骨复合体的诸结构进行解剖观测。

12、Keywords Cooling bed Eccentric wheel Structure reformation Dissectible style; ─── 冷床;偏心轮;结构改造;剖分式;

13、Dissectible pin ─── 挤切削

14、The world is going to dissect his response. ─── 世界将会剖析他对此次危机做出的回应。

15、To Dissect the Modernization of System ─── 制度现代化解构

16、Methods Preoperative design was in routine way.To cut the posterior auricular skin and subcutaneous tissue and then dissect and push away the cartilage film using the detacher. ─── 方法先设计常规定点,切开耳后皮肤、皮下组织,剥离耳软骨膜并推向两侧,在软骨上做纵行平行切口,不切透耳软骨。

17、You're probably wondering what you can do with LSL and how quickly you can do it.We'll start with some simple examples dissect them and introduce you the script development process while we're at it. ─── 你可能在想要多久才会用这个LSL我们从最简单例子开始吧分解它们从而介绍如何编程.

18、1.to cut open; to rip open; 2.to analyze; to examine; to dissect ─── 剖

19、When words like justice, religiousness, virtue, wisdom, etc. were used by others, he would ask the speaker to explain them and then dissect the answers to show how they wrong or illogical. ─── 当别人的言论涉及到诸如公正,笃信,美德,智慧等字眼时,他会要求对方就这些字眼作出解释,并细细剖析这些解释来显示对方言论的错误或不符合逻辑。

20、To dissect difficult problems with farming oriented; to carry forward the development of ethical and cultural progress in rural area ─── 以农为本解剖难题推进农村文明建设

21、We have to dissect this frog to see its internal organs. ─── 我们必须解剖这只青蛙来看它的内脏。

22、I saw him mercilessly stab the little girl to death, and dissect her body. ─── 我看到他丧心病狂地刺死了那个小姑娘,并把她大卸八块。

23、To dissect the Boot Virus ─── 剖析引导区病毒

24、"You'll have to arrange about a part to dissect ," the secretary told him. ─── “你得先安排一个解剖的部位”,干事告诉他。

25、They of course could not dissect the brains of people to see if new neurons grew, but they could use MRI to hae a peek. ─── 他们当然不可能将人们的大脑切开来观察是否有新的神经元生长,但他们可以使用核磁共振成像来进行窥测。

26、For??example, in a Virtual space, Students can"dissect" a human body, "visit" ancient battlefields ─── 如,在虚拟的空间中,学生们可以“解剖”人体,“参观”古战场,与莎士比亚“对话”等等。

27、dissectible product ─── 可分割产品

28、To assess whether such a dangerous intervention is warranted, a physician must know how likely it is that an aortic aneurysm will rupture or dissect. ─── 为了评估这种危险的干预性手术是否值得,医生必须晓得患者的主动脉瘤出现破裂或剥离的可能性有多大。

29、Dissect the function of CEBPD and CEBPB between inflammation and tumorigenesis. ─── 探讨CEBPD及CEBPB联系炎症与癌症之关系。

30、Dissect heating reason, find solution, introduce the difference of sequencing valves and counterbalance valves from hydraulic system heating. ─── 从一起系统发热说起,分析发热的原因,找到解决问题的办法,说明顺序阀和平衡阀的区别。

31、Methods:In 71 cases of corneal cracking injuries,the viscoelastic substances were sed to form anterior chamber,maintain intraocular pressure,protect tissues in eyes and dissect the anterior synechia. ─── 方法:在71例角膜裂伤缝合术中使用粘弹性物质形成前房,维持眼压,分离虹膜前粘连,保护眼内组织。

32、A good social theory can help us produce new objects, detect dimensions and dissect mechanisms of the social world, and this is what the scholastic mode fails to provide. ─── 好的社会理论旨在帮助我们生产新的对象,这是学院模式是无法达到的。

33、You do not have to catch all the sparrows and dissect them before you can prove the fact that "small as it is, the sparrow has all the vital organs". ─── 不要把所有的麻雀统统提来解剖,然后才证明“麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全”。

34、Methods To dissect the goat heart and observe the structure of heart cavity with gross anatomy metbod. ─── 方法用解剖方法切开山羊心脏,对其心腔结构进行形态学观察比较。

35、These benign tumors(Most)(neurinomas、cavernous hemangiomas、pituitary adenomas、dermoids、chordomas、chondrosarcomas) are well-encapsulated masses that are dissectible from the surrounding structures. ─── 手术的目的是:减压受累的神经血管结构;全切只有在周围环境良好的情况下才能达到。

36、4.The retroperitoneal spaces are explored to dissect the pelvic and paraaortic lymph nodes. Any enlarged lymph nodes should be resected and submitted separately for histopathologic evaluation. ─── 后腹膜的探究要解剖骨盆和主动脉周围的淋巴结。任何一个增大的淋巴结应该切除和分离送去做组织病理学的鉴定。

37、Methods We dissect scleral flap over retinal tears, applying diathermy to the deeper layers of sclera, sewing scleral flap, draining inter retinal fluid, placeing external scleral buckle. ─── 方法在视网膜裂孔对应的巩膜处剖切巩膜瓣,行巩膜层间电凝,缝合巩膜瓣,放出视网膜下液,在巩膜瓣表面进行外加压。

38、In biology class we had to dissect a frog. ─── 上生物课时我们得解剖青蛙。

39、2.Next, dissect between it and the posterolateral corner of the joint capsule;ligate or cauterize the lateral superior genicular arterial branches located in this area. ─── 接着,在腓肌外侧头和关节囊后外侧角之间解剖,结扎或电凝位于此区内的膝外上动脉的分支。

40、All we have to do is dissect the market into its component parts and look at how the parts operate. ─── 我们可以把市场分解成几个部分,看看每个部分的工作情况。

41、Between channels blasting out voluptuous Bollywood love stories and pop videos, an endless stream of news channels dissect the latest political scandals, and debauched lifestyles of the rich and famous. ─── 在频道之间爆出了纵欲的印度爱情故事和砰嘣的舞乐视像,没完没了的新闻频道在解析着最新的政治丑闻,和富人与名人的放荡堕落生活方式.

42、For even though they used the traditional Korean method of burial, but officials were refusing to dissect, under negotiation for cremation only. ─── 尽管他们欲采用韩国传统的土葬方法,只是遭到解剖官员拒绝,经商议下惟有进行火葬。

43、I may dissect each little thing..and put myself out there too much. ─── 可能是我太专注于小事,太投入了.但至少说明我还在乎。

44、However, we often get masked sound resulting from focused reflections, dissect reflections, flutter echoes, and too long reverberation time resulting from too voluminous competing-hall. ─── 但由于这种体育馆的比赛大厅容积较大,平均自由程较长,混响时间过长,所以声音极其模糊,引起声聚焦、回声、多重回声等音质缺陷的机会非常多。

45、Methods Isolate and identify pathogenic bacterial strain from the intoxicated guinea pigs, and dissect the animals for histopathological examination and toxicological analysis. ─── 方法对中毒豚鼠进行病原微生物的分离鉴定、尸体剖检、组织病理学检查及豚鼠体内毒物分析鉴定。

46、"There will be a much greater ability to precisely dissect the mechanisms of reprogramming and to identify the genes that will be most effective in transform adult cells. ─── “这将是一个更大的能力正好剖开有效地转化成熟细胞改编程序和识别基因的机理。”

47、For example, let's dissect the act of jumping in Mario ─── 例子,让我们解剖马力奥的跳跃动作

48、dissect an idea ─── 仔细分析一种思想

49、Your assignment is to dissect the poem. ─── 你的任务是仔细评论这首诗。

50、In 1914, during an outbreak of bubonic plague in New Orleans, scientists dissect rats suspected of having the disease. ─── 意译:鼠疫灾祸图片。在1914年期间,爆发鼠疫在新奥尔良,科学家解剖老鼠怀疑有这种疾病。

51、If you dissect a painting, you will find the canvas and the colors, but the painting is not simply the sum total of the canvas and the colors; it is something more. ─── 如果你解剖一幅油画,你会找到画布和画漆,但是一幅画不是画布和颜料的简单相加;它包含着更多。

52、The cavity of ACAs in the vertical recti was larger and easier to dissect than those in the horizontal recti. ─── 垂直肌的血管较水平肌粗 ,易分离。

53、The Collectting Method of Cord Blood in the Birth by Dissect Uterus ─── 剖宫产中脐血采集方法

54、dissect cone ─── 分解圆锥体

55、If we compare the previous example with military action in Yugoslavia, we might find a different perspective from which to dissect the problem. ─── 以前例来对照北约在南斯拉夫的军事行动,我们或许可得到切入问题的不同角度。

56、Below we will dissect and explore American efforts meant to curb China as well as Chinese countermoves. ─── 下面我们将剖析和探讨美国遏制中国的努力,以及中国的对策。

57、In order to model spectrum of a sound, musicians need adequate means to dissect, interpret and represent them. There are two categories of spectrum analysis ─── 为了模拟一个声音的频谱,音乐家们需要适当的方法仔细剖析、诠释和呈现它们。下面是频谱分析的两个类别

58、to dissect a block of marble ─── 把一块大理石分成小块

59、But in order to get bodies to dissect they had to steal them by night from gallows or graves. ─── 但为了得到解剖用的尸体,他们不得不深更半夜到绞架台或墓地偷尸。

60、Dissect the text and find the author's meaning. ─── 仔细分析课文以理解作者的意思。

61、He( Li)felt relatively free to dissect the tradition, to accept or reject its various parts, and to use what he accepted as he saw fit. ─── 他比较自由地分解传统,以便接受其精华或扬弃其糟粕,并且采用他认为适合的东西。

62、Other tools and techniques are now making it possible to dissect these subcellular structures into the molecules and atoms ─── 其他工艺和技术,现在能使我们剖视这些亚细胞结构达到组成它们的分子和原子的水平。

63、Dissect all big rat after giving medicine be over, carry on hematology, blood bio-chemical to learn etc. the examination of the index sign, and carry on a pathologic histology check. ─── 于给药结束后(3个月),解剖全部大鼠,进行血液学、血液生化学等指标的检测,并进行病理组织学检查。

65、We have to dissect the frog to see its internal organs. ─── 我们得解剖这只青蛙看它的内脏.

66、Objective To observe the clinical effect for treatment of bullous keratopathy combined corneal interlameller dissect on with self-plasma injecting into corneal stroma. ─── 摘要目的观察自体血浆角膜基质内注射联合角膜层同分离治疗大泡性角膜病变的临床疗效。

67、dissect autopsy ─── 尸体解剖

68、In this respect, it is also necessary to investigate typical cases, or to dissect one or two "sparrows"; both methods, looking at flowers on horseback and getting off your horse to look at them, should likewise be used. ─── 在这方面也要作典型调查,解剖一两个“麻雀”,也要用走马看花、下马看花两个方法。

69、The Public security organ is authorized to dissect the corpse and the bereaved invites the expert to participate in the postmortem examination, does not conflict. ─── 公安机关有权解剖尸体与死者家属聘请专家参与尸检,并不冲突。

70、Me? Biological experiment. Today we dissect mouse. ─── 我生物实验。今天是解剖老鼠。

71、Dissect Factor of Trouble Party Member and Cadre in Enterprise to Penetrate into Study Theory ─── 困扰企业党员干部深化理论学习的因素浅析

72、nobody encourages a man to dissect his appearance, feature by feature. ─── 也没有人鼓励一个男子把他的外表按一个个部位分开来看。

73、We found a simple and quick method to dissect and remove the intact capsule with the prosthesis inside as excison of a cyst. ─── 我们发现一个简单又快的方法将整个完整的夹膜和它所包含的义乳与周围组织分开,再一起取出来,就像我们在切除囊胞时一样。

74、You can also get detailed views of the performance of children or parent routines, enabling you to dissect performance in an almost unlimited number of ways. ─── 你还可以获得性能分析视图的上下级细节信息,甚至分解成无限个小环节来分析其性能。

75、If more proximal exposure is needed, carefully follow the radial nerve proximally and bluntly dissect it from the region of the spiral groove. ─── 如近端需要更多显露,小心向近端沿桡神经自螺旋形的桡神经沟区域作钝性分离。

76、I love my biology lab.This week we finally get to dissect a frog. ─── 我喜欢我的生物实验室,这周我们终于可以解剖青蛙了。

77、Likewise, the comrades in charge of the leading bodies of the Party at the central, provincial and county levels should themselves investigate one or two villages, or dissect one or two "sparrows ". ─── 党的领导机关,包括全国性的、省的和县的负责同志,也要亲自调查一两个农村,解剖一两个“麻雀”。

78、Dissect the high and low points of past operations to determine areas of improvement. ─── 仔细研究过去管理中的最高点和最低点,以确定有待改进之处。

79、Dissect the major issues affecting different sectors of the energy industry, and construct a strategy map to establish priorities and formulate methods for attai... ─── 剖析影响能源工业的不同部门的重大问题,构建战略地图确定优先事项和制定实现组织目标的方法。

80、Isn't a fortnight long enough for you to dissect my personality? ─── 你用了两个星期的时间对我的人品乱加评论,难道还不够吗?

81、We murder to dissect. ─── 把原本的和谐肢解谋杀。

82、In the biology class today, the teacher showed us how to dissect the endothelium of frogs. ─── 今天的生物课上,老师带领我们解剖了青蛙的内皮。

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