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09-05 投稿


estimable 发音

英:['est?m?b(?)l]  美:['?st?m?bl]

英:  美:

estimable 中文意思翻译



estimable 网络释义

adj. 可估计的;可尊敬的;有价值的

estimable 同义词

valuable | acceptable | exemplary | honorable | deserving | assessable |worthy | venerable | esteemed | prized | meritorious | creditable | admirable | good | adorable | valued | praiseworthy | respectable | noble | appreciable | calculable | aboveboard | commendable | reputable | computable | pure | laudable | revered

estimable 词性/词形变化,estimable变形

名词: estimableness |副词: estimably |

estimable 反义词


estimable 短语词组

1、estimable define ─── 可估计定义

2、estimable md ─── 可估价md

3、estimable defined ─── 可估计定义

4、estimable adj ─── 可估价的

5、estimable function ─── 可估函数

6、estimable r ─── 可估计r

7、estimable vs estimatable ─── 可估价与 ─── 可估价

8、estimable definition ─── 可估定义

estimable 相似词语短语

1、masticable ─── adj.可咀嚼的;可撕捏的

2、inestimably ─── adv.无法估计地;难以计算地;无价地;极为宝贵地

3、estimably ─── 值得敬重地,应受尊敬地,可尊敬地(estimable的副词形式)

4、inestimable ─── adj.无价的;难以估计的

5、estimative ─── adj.被估计的;有估计能力的(estimate的形容词)

6、bestridable ─── 可克服的

7、restorable ─── adj.恢复原状的;可恢复的;可归还的

8、estimate ─── n.估计,估价;判断,看法;v.估计,估量;判断,评价

9、customable ─── adj.可以征收关税的

estimable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、admissible estimable ─── 容许估计

2、4、Nothing in this life, after health and virtue, is more as estimable than knowledge, nor is there anything so easily obtained and easily purchased. ─── 除了健康和美德,生命中没有什么比知识更值得尊敬了,也没有什么比知识更容易获得与掌握。

3、Who would have predicted at my birth or at his death what a severe blow to me would be the demise of this estimable Anglo-Indian! ─── 当我诞生时,谁能料到,那位尊敬的英裔印度人死后,竟会留给我如此巨大的折磨!

4、It was one of the deadliest and heaviest feelings of may life to feel that I was o longer a boy.From that moment I began to grow old in my own esteem-and in my esteem age is not estimable. ─── 感到自己已不再是孩子,是我一生中最致命、最沉重的感觉之一。

5、estimable function ─── 可估计函数可估函数

6、2 C ond itiona l m orta lity probab ility of S.ex igua in fected bySeNPV(A)and estim ated by TDM m odel(B)vary ing w ithtem perature after inocu lation. ─── 标题: 图2感染SeNPV(A)和TDM模型模拟(B)的甜菜夜蛾种群随时间和温度变化的日病死率 F ig.

7、I am not intended to help someone by using such an aesthetic affection , but express a faith: Another estimable life exists beyond righteousness and benefit. ─── 我无意以审美之情为救世良策,而只是表达了一个信念:在义与利之外,还有一种更值得一过的人生。

8、Yu was a estimable hero who had brought floodwater under controlled in ancient books and records.But he be came a mystical and weird king in Wei Book of Han Dynasty. ─── 摘要在先秦至汉初的典籍中,禹是一位造福于民的治水英雄和人间君王。

9、Multitudes today still regard the Scriptures in that fashion, not least among them estimable scholars and intellectuals. ─── 今天大众依然这么认为,其中不乏可敬的学者和知识分子。

10、10.Nothing in our life, after health and virtue, is more estimable than knowledge.-Sterne, Laurence ─── 除了健康和品德,人生再没有什么比知识更可贵。--斯特恩

11、Estimable system ─── 评价体系

12、estimable hypothesis ─── 可估计假设

13、linear estimable function ─── 线性可估函数

14、Simultaneous Confidence Intervals with Fixed Length and Probability of Coverage for Estimable Functions in Normal Linear Models ─── 正态线性模型可估函数的两步同时置信区间

15、The value of a true friend is not estimable. ─── 一个真正朋友的价值是无法估量的。

16、an estimable young professor ─── 一位值得尊敬的年轻教授

17、She said she was delighted to see Miss Glover, thinking meanwhile that this estimable person's sense of etiquette was very tiresome. ─── 她说她很高兴见到格洛弗小姐,一边又想着这位可尊敬的人的繁文缛节太令人厌倦了。

18、She said she was delighted to see Miss Glover, thinking meanwhile that this estimable person's sense of etiquette was very tiresome. ─── 她说她很高兴见到格洛弗小姐,一边又想着这位可尊敬的人的繁文缛节太令人厌倦了。

19、That is as it happens. It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours. ─── 那得看情况说话。一个深沉复杂的人,未必比你这样的人更难叫人捉摸。

20、estimable assets ─── 可估计的财产

21、The Estimable Criterion of Parametric Function g(q) for the family of Pascal Distribution ─── Pascal分布族中参数函数g(q)可估性的判定

22、He is the most estimable, the most trustworthy creature in the world, and I will venture to say, there is not a better seaman in all the merchant service. ─── 他是世界上最善良、最正直的人了,我敢说,在整个商船界,再没有一个比他更好的船员了,维尔福先生,我真心诚意地向您担保!”

23、We always complain the coxcombry and realistic of the age, not knowing the stillness under which is more estimable and forceful as the penguin's diving. ─── 我们总是抱怨这个时代太浮夸,太现实,浑不觉这浮夸底下的沉静更可贵,更有企鹅潜水的突破力。

24、A result on ridge estimations of estimable functions ─── 可估函数岭估计的一个结果

25、5. Repose of manner is an estimable trait in a horse. ─── 神情镇定是一匹马可贵的特质。

26、5.In the noise simulation SYSNOISE is applied to get estimable simulation results of aircraft noise close to ground. ─── 设计了一种可用于机场无人监测的专用无线噪声测试系统。

27、That is as it happens. I does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours. ─── 那要看情况了,一个性格复杂的人,很难说是否就比你这样的人更值得受人尊重。

28、an estimable young professor; trains ran with admirable precision; his taste was impeccable, his health admirable. ─── 令人钦佩的年轻教授;列车运行得非常准;他的口味无可挑剔,身体也很健康。

29、Two estimable methods of association rules in incomplete databases ─── 不完全数据库中关联规则的两种求估方法

30、estimable assets. ─── 可估算的资产。

31、Firstly, under the condition that the nonlinear dynamic function of the systems is estimable and bounded, sliding mode control law is presented. ─── 首先,在系统的非线性动态函数满足可估计和有界两个基本假设的条件下,给出了此类系统基于非线性动态函数估计的一般滑模控制律设计。

32、In the U. S. and major European economies, all those variables are known, or estimable with some degree of accuracy. ─── 美国及欧洲主要经济体的所有这些变量是可知的,或者是可以估算到一定的准确程度的。

33、I will treasure the estimable learning opportunity, during the study time of a valuable year, make great efforts to improve one's own professional level and Korean level. ─── 我会珍惜难能可贵的学习机会,在宝贵的一年的学习时间里,努力提高自己的专业水平以及韩语水平。

34、Since I'm ambivalent, my take is that the estimable college presidents have not made a persuasive case for lowering the drinking age. ─── 正是由于我矛的盾,我认为那些可敬的大学校长们没有给调低饮酒年龄提供一个有说服力的例子。

35、On a Problem about the Consistency Condition of the LS Estimates of Estimable Functions ─── 关于可估函数LS估计相和条件的一个问题

36、In recent years, academic circles and judicial circles have paid great attention to exclusive rule of unlawful evidence and established lots of different viewpoints and estimable suggestions. ─── 近几年,学术界和司法界对非法证据排除规则给予了很大的关注,形成许多不同的观点和有价值的建议。

37、8.a calculable risk; computable odds; estimable assets. ─── 可预测的危险;可计算的几率;可估算的资产。

38、There are some different characteristics which rarely exist on current young people but can be markedly found out on Mr. Shi. In my opinion, some of them are very estimable. ─── 身上,有许多与他的同学截然不同的特点,其中很多在我看来是非常可贵的品质。这些特点,在现在的年轻人中是很少见的。

39、Because be below this kind of circumstance, just can be called " before one person " , the means of this word " grown " and " estimable " . ─── 因为在这种情况下,才可叫做“一人前”,这个词的意思是“成年”和“可尊敬的”。

40、of manner is an estimable trait in a horse. ─── 是一匹马可贵的特质。

41、Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable. Let's see what each one means: ─── 独立的,便于沟通的,有价值的,可估计的,短小,可测试的。让我们来看看每一个的意思

42、An estimable gentleman just walked out of hotel, the teenager of 3 shoeshine that wish to be his work for with respect to the shoe brush that be taken by the hand immediately is surrounded. ─── 三个孩子,和他们的一些同行一样,早就发现,有钱人经常在这个旅馆四周进进出出。

43、Though we know little about the circumstances in Carthage itself that produced such estimable results, they can to a large extent be attributed to the political stability provided by the aristocracy. ─── 尽管我们对迦太基(非洲北部的古代城邦)的情况知之甚少,但是迦太基城邦的现状是可以估计出来的,其在很大程度上应该归因于政治稳定,而政治稳定则是因为贵族的统治。

44、"That is as it happens. It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours." ─── “那得看情况说话。一个深沉复杂的人,未必比你这样的人更难叫人捉摸。”

45、It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours." ─── 一个深沉复杂的人,未必比你这样的人更难叫人捉摸。”

46、He is an estimable and likeable young fellow. ─── 他是一个难能可贵而又可爱的年轻人。

47、The estimable beast certainly deserved some consideration ─── 这叫我路路通怎能不伤脑筋呢?

48、5. It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours." ─── 我们承认战争现象是较之任何别的社会现象更难捉摸,更少确实性,即更带所谓“盖然性”。收藏指正

49、He was an estimable, good natured man and a competent journalist ─── 他是一个值得尊重的、性情温和而有才能的新闻记者。

50、4.In the recent years, some factories use chemical dyestuff and the mills adhering to use indigo become estimable and commendable. ─── 近年有的厂家改用化学染料,坚持用植物染料的作坊变得难能可贵。

51、It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours. ─── 彬格莱马上接下去说,“那一定是一门很有趣的学问吧。”

52、The estimable beast certainly deserved some consideration. ─── 那么,能不能把它卖掉?

53、Objective:The damage of hypoglycemia could not be estimable on infants. ─── 目的:低血糖对新生儿的损伤是不可估量,值得我们重视;

54、A young lady fall in love with the estimable prelate. ─── 一个年轻女士爱上了这位可尊敬的高级教士。

55、you are not only a good player,you respect others very much,these estimable quality is your most amazing place. ─── 您不仅是一个优秀的运动员,您对其他人非常尊重,这正是您可贵的地方。

56、There was a long slate of estimable speakers but as the evening wore on I began to lose attention. ─── 当晚许多重量级的专家都出席了会议并发表了演说,但随着夜幕降临,我逐渐失去了注意力。

57、estimable structural dynamic programming ─── 可评估的结构动态规划

58、You are not only a good player, you respect others very much, these estimable quality is your most amazing place. ─── 您不仅是一个优秀的运动员,您对其他人非常尊重,这正是您可贵的地方。

59、an estimable distance ─── 可估算的距离

60、In addition, of course, many graduates are burdened by debt in the form of student loans - read my estimable colleague Laurie Penny on this. ─── 当然,除此之外,有许多毕业生都背负学生贷款而来的债务重任——读读我同事劳丽·彭妮在这方面难能可贵的文章。

61、He was an estimable, good natured man and a competent journalist. ─── 他是一个值得尊重的、性情温和而有才能的新闻记者。

62、estimable assets; an estimable distance. ─── 可估计的财产;可估算的距离

63、It is not necessary to assume the concrete stochastic process model for a repairable system when we estim... ─── 认为运用灰色预测模型来估计可修复系统的故障时刻,不必假定系统的随机过程模型。且估计精度较高,是1种有效方法。

64、A young lady falls in love with the estimable prelate ─── 一个年轻女士爱上了这位可尊敬的高级教士

65、The deceased, John Smith, was an estimable man in the community. He was a famous professor of ethics at the local university. ─── 史密斯再当地是个受人尊敬的人,他是当地大学著名的伦理学教授。

66、"And then, too," he continued softly, "I was waiting for the memory of the estimable Ashley Wilkes to fade." ─── "除此以外,"他温柔地继续说,"我还在等你对那位可敬的艾希礼 - 威尔克斯的记忆渐渐消失。"

67、Now such a theory of life excites in many minds, and among them in some of the most estimable in feeling and purpose, inveterate dislike ─── 现在,这样的生活理论引起了许多人的思考,包括引起了一些在感情和目的上最值得尊敬的人士的根深蒂固的反感。

68、an estimable achievement ─── 值得称道的成就

69、Considering that time social environment, he sought to set up managing newly for the exploration of the road, not only benefit country and nationality, but also estimable. ─── 从当时的社会环境去考察,他谋求建立新型治边道路的探索,不仅有益国家和民族,也属难能可贵。

70、You should not, of course, stop reading this estimable newspaper. ─── 当然,你不应该抛弃这份宝贝的报纸。

71、value of a true friend is not estimable. ─── 一个真正朋友的价值是无法估量的。

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