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09-05 投稿


waiver 发音

英:['we?v?]  美:['wev?]

英:  美:

waiver 中文意思翻译



waiver 短语词组

1、waiver of tort ─── [法] 放弃侵权行为的主张

2、waiver of premium ─── [经] 免缴保险费, 放弃奖金

3、countervailing duty waiver ─── 反补贴税豁免

4、waiver of exemption ─── [法] 辖免的放弃

5、tuition waiver ─── 学费减免

6、waiver of succession ─── [法] 抛弃继承

7、non-waiver ─── [经] 非违约弃权

8、landlord waiver ─── 业主弃权声明书

9、waiver of restoration premium ─── [经] 归还保费的放弃

10、waiver of sanction ─── [法] 免除处分

11、waiver of private claim ─── [法] 放弃个人请求权

12、waiver of protest ─── [经] 放弃抗议

13、waiver of a debt ─── 免除债务

14、waiver clause ─── [经] 弃权条款

15、waiver of immunity ─── [法] 放弃辖免权

16、waiver of demand ─── [经] 放弃要求

17、express waiver ─── [法] 明示放弃, 明示弃权书

18、Waiver Focal Point ─── 豁免联络点

19、implied waiver ─── [法] 默示放弃, 暗示放弃

waiver 词性/词形变化,waiver变形

动词现在分词: waiving |动词过去式: waived |动词过去分词: waived |动词第三人称单数: waives |

waiver 相似词语短语

1、naiver ─── 天真的

2、aiver ─── 艾弗

3、waiter ─── n.服务员,侍者

4、waives ─── 流浪者;飘流物;无主物;信号旗(waif的复数)

5、wailer ─── n.恸哭者;哀悼者

6、waived ─── adj.被遗弃的;被抑制的;推迟的;v.放弃;抑制;推迟(waive的过去式和过去分词)

7、waivers ─── [法]弃权

8、waive ─── vt.放弃;搁置

9、caliver ─── n.(Caliver)人名;(英)卡利弗

waiver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、nor shall it be construed as a waiver, extension, or forbearance of any other terms, conditions, or covenants of the Parties hereunder. ─── 也不应被视为放弃,延长,或任何其他条款,条件,或公约的当事人本协议。

2、The GATT includes a general waiver from the principle of nondiscrimination for generalized system of preferences programs. ─── 从一视同仁的原则出发,“关贸总协定”里包含一项必须声明放弃普遍优惠制计划的条款。

3、On this basis, the author puts forward the suggestion which is to learn from waiver and estoppel in order to contribute the author"s mite to perfecting Chinese marine insurance legal system. ─── 在此基础上,提出了借鉴弃权和禁止反言原则完善我国海上保险法律制度的具体构想,以期为完善我国海上保险法律制度贡献绵薄之力。

4、If you believe that this is the case, you should contact the warranty staff of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection for information on how to apply for a waiver of the tie-in sales prohibition. ─── 如果你认为情况确实是这样,你应当与联邦贸易委员会消费者保护局主管产品保证的工作人员联系,了解相关信息,申请一个关于捆绑销售禁止规定的豁免。

5、Once California's request for a waiver is approved, other states that have adopted California's new tailpipe standards receive automatic approval. ─── 一旦加州诉请否决的要求被核准了,其他采用加州新排放标准的州也会自动获得核可。

6、Does it matter when you start to apply waiver? in Nov. or Dec. ─── 你的意思是说没关系么?现在就可以开始?

7、If the insured, without the insurer's consent, waives the right of indemnity against the third party after indemnity is made by the insurer, the waiver of the insured shall be regarded as invalid. ─── 保险人向被保险人赔偿保险金后,被保险人未经保险人同意放弃对第三者请求赔偿的权利的,该行为无效。

8、As the preceding cases indicate, waiver of a contractual right occurs when the parties' behavior is inconsistent with the enforcement of that right. ─── 上述的案例显示,当契约方的行为和对该权利的执行显得不一致时,该契约权利既告作废.

9、CCIL's failure to enforce a particular provision of these Terms and Conditions does not constitute waiver of that provision by CCIL. ─── 中国木球国际有限公司不执行任何上述细则及条款并不等同放弃该条款之权利。

10、Before before, our Aidetaizao , waiver got very quickly , paid casually promise, do not want to wait for the cat to jump. ─── 从前的从前,我们爱得太早,放弃得太快,轻易付出承诺,又不想等待结果。

11、The adjuster must carefully avoid mistakes involving the legal doctrines of waiver and estoppel, which might force an insurer to pay claims it otherwise might deny. ─── 保险理算人必须注意避免出现法律上的弃权与禁止反言的错误,这些错误可能会迫使保险公司对本可以拒赔的索赔案不得不予以赔付。

12、The enforcement of any right hereunder shall not operate as any waiver, release or discharge of any deficit or debit balance which may occur in the Customer's account(s) withBNZ. ─── 客户帐户如果发生赤字或负债,依此任何权利均不可作为豁免、免除、或放行。

13、We just need a waiver," Verlaine said. ─── 我们只需要办一张弃权证就行了。”魏尔伦说。

14、They never waiver. ─── 它们从不自动放弃。

15、If the creditor waives the property security, the surety shall be relieved of his suretyship liability to the extent of the creditor's waiver. ─── 债权人放弃物的担保的,保证人在债权人放弃权利的范围内免除保证责任。

16、If the waiver was declared to other inheritors, he should personally present himself to affix his seal onto the written waiver. ─── 其向其他继承人表示抛弃者,抛弃人应亲自到场在抛弃书内签名。

17、She picked up the waiver and scanned it. ─── 玛格·丽特拿起弃权声明书,扫视了一遍。

18、FOR 22 years America has banned HIV-positive people from entering the country without a hard-to-get waiver for fear of the virus spreading. ─── 22年以来,美国禁止任何没有豁免书阳性HIV携带者踏上美国领土,以防止病毒传播,而该豁免书很难取得。

19、Allows waiver of requirement with customer concurrence. ─── 在客户许可情况下允许放弃的要求。

20、Yesterday your one sentence waiver my bar. Drop the idea forever earlier , be able to there is a much more better than me boy appearing by you. ─── 可,昨天你一句的放弃我吧。早点死心吧,你身边会有一个比我更好的男孩出现。

21、The guest and Guest Relation Officer (preferably from the same sex) visit the doctor together, where the Guest Relation Officer explains the waiver, the fees and assists in translation. ─── 客人和客服(最好是同性)一同看医生,同时宾客关系主任负责向客人解释齐全弃权协议、费用并帮助翻译等工作。

22、Supplier will provide Certificates of Insurance with respect to General Liability containing the Additional Insured Requirement and Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement. ─── 供货商必须提供C.G.L商业综合责任保险单证明,批单内容需记载买主为本保单附加之被保险人且本保单放弃对买方之代位求偿权。

23、"We have a visa waiver program that allows most Europeans who come to be tourists to travel without a visa," Chertoff said. ─── 切尔托夫说:“我们有一个免签证项目,允许大多数欧洲人不用签证就可以来美国旅游。

24、But the APA waiver does not extend to claims for "money damages". ─── 但《行政程序法》的放弃并未扩大到包括"金钱索赔"在内。

25、In the event that documents presented hereunder are determined to be discrepant,we may seek a waiver of such discrepancies from the applicant. ─── 如果在该信用证项下的单据存在不符点,我行会要求申请人宽容此不符点。

26、If you are a small business, you may qualify for reduced fees, and you may also qualify for a waiver of the fee for your first Premarket Application. ─── 如果你是一个小公司,你有资格可以申请减费,同时你也有资格申请豁免有关首次上市申请的费用。

27、They have other terms as well such as interest rates, maturity dates, prepayment premiums in the event of an early sale of the business, waiver of certain debtor protections etc. ─── 它们还有其他条款,比如说利息、到期日、公司过早卖掉或者投资人主动放弃债权人保护权利时的额外偿付。

28、No party's waiver of any breach or accommodation to the other party shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach. ─── 一方放弃追究另一方的违约行为或对另一方作出通融不得视作放弃追究随后的任何违约行为。

29、Any failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver thereof or of any other provision except as set forth herein. ─── 任何违法行为将不会因为此协议而免除责任,除非双方另有书面协议。

30、Failure or delay on the part of ABC or Customer to exercise any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of any right, power or privilege of this Agreement. ─── ABC方面或客户方面没能或延误履行本合同下的权利、权力或特权将不被视为放弃本合同下的权利、权力、或特权。

31、Any waiver of any provision of the Terms of Service by a party will be effective only if in writing and signed by a party. ─── 任何一方若要放弃本服务条款赋予的权利,只有签署书面协议后,方可生效。

32、A signed waiver will be required at the race course, which will remain in effect for all 2007 races. ─── 在比赛日须签署一张免责声明,该声明将在2007赛季全部的比赛中具有效力。

33、Neither the waiver...shall thereafter be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or default, or as a waiver of any of such provisions, rights or privileges hereunder . ─── 均不得被解释为对任何随后的违反或不履行不予追究、或对本合同项下任何该等条款、权利或特权的放弃。

34、If you have proper reason, they may permit your application fee waiver. ─── 如果你有正当理由,他们可能会批准你免申请费。

35、No waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall be held to constitute a wavier of any other or subsequent breach. ─── 不放弃任何违反本协议应当举办的其他单据构成违约或以后。

36、The selected contractor must provide the insurance coverage listed under the insurance article of part III, and furnish a waiver of subrogation in favor of IMT and owner. ─── 保险服务提供商须根据第三章保险条款提供保险服务项目,并声明放弃债权转让权利以维护IMT和业主利益。

37、He is absolutely admirable person, a waiver does not mean anything, the contrary, he was not to escape across the high hurdles, but in the best and most intelligent way to conquer the cold gaolan! ─── 他绝对是值得敬佩的人,一次的放弃并不代表什么,相反的,他并不是逃避了跨越这个高栏,而是以最好最聪明的方式征服了这个冰冷的高栏!

38、If you want to work without a permit, you will have to apply for a waiver. ─── 如果你想在无许可下做工,你将不得不申请自动放弃一些权利。

39、No such waiver, unless expressly as stated herein, shall be effective as to any transaction which occurs subsequent to the date of such waiver, nor as to any continuance of a breach after such waiver. ─── 任何弃权声明书,如未按本协议的明文规定制作,对声明之日以后所发生的一切交易以及对声明之后的任何继续违约行为均不产生效力。

40、California still needs a waiver from the EPA in order to enforce its own emissions standards. ─── 加州要实施自己的排放标准,还必须从环保署取得弃权声明书。

41、No failure or delay in exercising any right hereunder shall be deemed a waiver thereof by any party. ─── 任何一方未能或延迟行使本合同之任何权利不应视为该方放弃其权利。

42、JFMM : You got J1 visa in CD and you must tell VO that you would go back China after 3 years training!But now you try to get H1b waiver!Wooooo! ─── JFMM满意的笑,说了一个一点都不好笑的笑话,足够让我感觉非洲老头子跳高-黑老子一跳.

43、They are graduate assistant (GA), teaching assistant (TA, also called GTA, graduate teaching assistant), and research assistant (RA, or GRA).Tuition waiver is also available. ─── 因为,费用是研究生院收取,所以,跳过它,直接寄到系里还是个可行的办法。

44、There are many misconceptions regarding qualifications for a National Interest Waiver (NIW). ─── 关于申请NIW国家利益豁免的资格,大家一直存在着很多误解。

45、A condition of this agreement may only be waived in writing, signed by the party to be bound by the waiver. ─── 只有弃权方出具书面并签字的弃权书才可视为有效。

46、But his petition for a waiver was granted, and for the past year he has trained in battlefield medicine. ─── 但他的申请豁免,过去的几年里他早已投身于战地医疗队伍中去。

47、Canadian officials say they hope to secure a waiver for Canadian products if the provision becomes law. ─── 加拿大官员说,如果这个条款成为法律,他们希望能保证对加拿大产品做出豁免。

48、Visa Waiver Program members are also required to maintain high counterterrorism, law enforcement, border control, and document security standards. ─── 参加免签证计划的国家还必须在反恐、执法、边境控制和文件安全等方面保持高水准。

49、Hence, the US nuclear agreement, India-specific IAEA safeguards and NSG waiver. ─── 因此,就有了美国的核协议、为印度专门定造的国际原子能机构保障以及NSG的高抬贵手。

50、California has been asking the EPA for authority to limit tailpipe emissions since 2004, but the agency has yet to grant a state a waiver to do so. ─── 加州从2004年就一直向EPA申请限制温室气体排放的权利,但是该局至今未能授权加州这样做。

51、NO delay or omission by either party to exercise any right hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of such right or to preclude the subsequent exercise of any such right. ─── 任何一方不得延迟交货或是不履行法律责任,否则其行使下列权利将被视为是自动放弃该权利或任何与该权利相关的权利。

52、Failure by OV to take action against any Distributor for breach of the agreement shall not be a waiver of its right of action in the future. ─── 倘直销商违反本协议书任何条款,而本公司未有根据本公司协议书条款要求其履约,并不表示机汇已放弃日后要求履行之权利。

53、Are you granted waiver for SSC activity participation fee for this year? ─── 你今年是否免交学生服务中心的活动费?

54、If we find documents to be discrepant, we may approach the DC applicant for a waiver at our sole discretion. ─── 如果发现单据有不符点,我们将独自决定,联络此跟单信用证开证申请人(接受不符点)。


56、"We are hopeful the granting of this waiver will not undermine the enormous efforts put forth to create the national program," said Dave McCurdy, the group's president and CEO. ─── “我们希望给予这一豁免不会损害的巨大努力提出建立国家计划,”戴夫说,麦克库迪,该集团总裁兼首席执行官。

57、If consensus is not reached during the time-period, any decision to grant a waiver shall be taken by three fourths of the Members. ─── 如在此期限内未能协商一致,则任何给予豁免的决定应由成员的四分之三多数作出。

58、The failure of _________ to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the TOS shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. ─── _________不能执行或者实施本协议条款就构成对相应条款的或者权利的放弃。

59、A director's failure to attend a Board Meeting either by himself or by proxy shall be deemed as waiver of his rights.??? ─── 如果董事届时没有出席董事会会议,也未委托他人出席,应视为弃权。

60、If the Issuing Bank determines that the documents appear on their face not to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit, it may in its sole judgment approach the Applicant for a waiver of the discrepancy(ies). ─── 如开证行已确定单据表面与信用证条款不符,它可以自行确定申请人联系请其对不符点予以接受.

61、IN WITNEWW WHEREOF, the seller has duly executed this Affidavit, Lien Waiver and Release on the date set forth below. ─── 以昭信守,卖方已妥为签立本书,留置权弃权和释放的日期列于下文。

62、To avoid having to pay for minor damage, customers should pay for super collision damage waiver, though even this sometimes carries an excess. ─── 为了避免支付小额车损费,消费者应当支付车辆损失不计免赔特约险费用,即使有时候所花的钱要多很多。

63、A waiver by a Party of a violation by a Party shall not change this Agreement or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent violation and shall not affect the rights or remedies of the Parties. ─── 如果由于一方违约,另一方在行使弃权时应不得改变此协议,不得解释为因违约后果导致的弃权,同时也不得干预任何一方的正当权利和补救措施。

64、No modification or waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding on either party unless agreed to in writing. ─── 该协议中所有规定,签定双方必须遵守,任何一方不得擅改,除经双方一致同意,以书面形式对其作出修改。

65、Tuition waiver, scholarship, assistantship etc. ─── 减免学费、奖学金和助学金等。

66、Waiver of liability by ABC against Customer or other restrictions shall not be imposed by Customer as a site access requirement. ─── 客户不能将ABC放弃对客户的责任追究权或其它限制条件强加给ABC而作为允许其进入现场之条件。

67、At the time of admission, all clients are required to sign a waiver acknowledging that they will not leave the clinic until they are "clean" or dead. ─── 在进入康复中心的时候,所有的顾客都必须签署弃权协议书,接受直到在“清醒”或者死亡之前不得离开门诊的规定。

68、In some countries, a waiver of liability must be sign. ─── 在某些国家,第三责任险也必须一同签名。

69、A waiver by either party of any breach or a failure to enforce or to insist upon the observance of a condition of this agreement will not be a waiver of any other or of any subsequent breach. ─── 任何一方在任何方面放弃或未行使本协议项下规定的任何权利,不得视为对本协议项下任何其他权利的放弃。

70、In the event that documents presented hereunder are determined to be discrepant, issuing bank may forward the documents and seek a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant of applicant bank. ─── 如果信用证项下递交的单据确定有不符点,开证行将转交单据和通知申请人和申请人银行。

71、If consensus is not reached during the time-period, any decision to grant a waiver shall be taken by three fourths4 of the Members. ─── 如在此期限内未能协商一致,则任何给予豁免的决定应由成员的四分之三多数作出。

72、In the event of our payment despite discrepancy ,it must not be construed as waiver of similar discrepancy on future drawing. ─── 在我们接受不符点付款时,并不表明着在以后的缮制的单据中我们也会接受相似的不符点。

73、However,I learned from other friends that you could always plea for a waiver of the penalty if it was your first time to commit this mistake. ─── 不过其他朋友告诉我如果是初犯可以恳请业务代表免掉罚金。

74、Any change in or waiver of this Code shall be promptly disclosed through a filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. ─── 撤销或放弃使用此准则应通过与美国证券交易委员会编档立即公布。

75、Do you still wish to study at NFU even if you do NOT have the tuition waiver? ─── 即便无法获得学杂费减费优惠,您是否仍愿意就读本校?

76、Complete waiver of marketable title ─── 完全免除权利

77、Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision thereof. ─── 任一方对协议中任何一项规定的权利的放弃,不视为对其他权利及此项权利的后续权利的放弃。

78、Failure to enforce this policy in every instance does not amount to a waiver of rights. ─── 在任何情况下,本政策未能执行概不可视为放弃权利。

79、No waiver, privilege, or service voluntarily granted or performed by Okion to or for distributor shall be construed to vest any contractual right in distributor by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. ─── OKION不得将任何依据惯例、禁止抗辩或其他条款,而就此视为已赋予本合约自愿提供经销商或为经销商提供本合约相关的弃权声明权利、特许权或服务的权利。

80、The converse, however, is not true, as an estoppel need not be founded upon a waiver. ─── 但反之则不然,也就是说,禁反言并不一定建立在弃权之上。

81、In the event that documents presented under this credit are determined to be discrepant, we may seek a waiver of such discrepancies from the applicant at our sole discretion. ─── 如果该信用证项下的单据存在不符点,我行会自行决定并要求申请人宽容。

82、CME Group announced the extension of interest rate swap futures contracts traded in bulk fee waiver deadline, and adjust the name and listed the date of the coupon. ─── CME集团宣布延长利率掉期期货合约大宗交易费用减免截止日期,并调整名义息票和上市日期。

83、This certificate shall by no means be considered as a waiver of claim from our company if the bulk is found unsatisfactory with regards to quality, workmanship, packing and shortage. ─── 如果大块被找到令人不满关于质量,这份证明绝不将被考虑作为要求放弃从我们的公司,手艺,包装和短缺。

84、Waiver orders allow medicines to be shipped, before they are approved in a specific country, provided that the national government gives specific permission. ─── 减免订单,让中药被发运,方可获准在一个特定的国家,只要国家政府特别许可。

85、Notably, this waiver includes Abacavir, an advanced therapy that is used when the initial treatment for this disease fails. ─── 值得注意的是,这次解除措施中还包括了对Abacavir的解除,Abacavir是一种高端的治疗药物,主要用在当初步治疗失败时。

86、Supplier will provide Certificates of Insurance with respect to General Liat Additional Insured Requirement and Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement. ─── 供应商必须提供C.G.L商业综合责任保险单证明,批单内容需记载买主为本保单附加之被保险人且本保单放弃对买方之代位求偿权.

87、No waiver of any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other breach of such or any other provision. ─── 一方一次或多次放弃追究另一方违反本协议中的某些条款,不应被解释为进一步或继续放弃追究另一方违反任何其他条款的行为。

88、Waiver of enrollment in Campus Care may be requested by complying with the UIC campus requirements for waiver. ─── 如果学生不想加入大学的校园医疗保险系统, 必须要通过大学的批准。

89、The Museum reserves the right to decide whether to approve an application or not. The waiver of admission charges is granted subject to the applicant's absolute compliance with the above-mentioned criteria for waiver. ─── 关于这项豁免入场费申请,科学馆拥有绝对决定权。申请能否获得批准,须视乎申请人是否完全符合上述条件而定。

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