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09-05 投稿



remainders 发音

英:[r??me?nd?z]  美:[r??me?nd?rz]

英:  美:

remainders 中文意思翻译





remainders 词性/词形变化,remainders变形

动词过去分词: remaindered |动词第三人称单数: remainders |动词现在分词: remaindering |动词过去式: remaindered |

remainders 常用词组

for the remainder of ─── 余下的岁月里

remainder theorem ─── 余式定理

chinese remainder theorem ─── 孙子剩余定理

remainders 相似词语短语

1、remaindered ─── n.[数]余数,残余;剩余物;其余的人;adj.剩余的;吃剩的;vt.廉价出售;削价出售;vi.廉价出售;削价出售

2、semainiers ─── n.七斗柜

3、reminder ─── n.暗示;提醒的人/物;催单

4、reminders ─── n.提醒,催函(reminder的复数形式)

5、remainder ─── n.[数]余数,残余;剩余物;其余的人;adj.剩余的;吃剩的;vt.廉价出售;削价出售;vi.廉价出售;削价出售

6、remainer ─── 再制造者

7、rejoinders ─── n.反驳;回答;(被告的)[法]第二次答辩

8、relaunders ─── vt.重新洗涤

9、remaindering ─── n.[数]余数,残余;剩余物;其余的人;adj.剩余的;吃剩的;vt.廉价出售;削价出售;vi.廉价出售;削价出售

remainders 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、second,remainders do not exist in the livestock products; ─── 二是在畜禽产品内无残留,对人类健康无危害作用;

2、Measurement of surface Remainders on Cold Rolled Strip for Galvanizing ─── 镀锌基板表面残留物的测定

3、Keywords Saving resources mode;Radial bamboo stripe;Fir-bundles;Processing with no cutting remainders;Estimation of resource utilization;Benefits; ─── 资源节约型;径向竹蔑;杉木木束;无屑切削;资源利用测定;效益;

4、It can be reduce remaind strength and improve collapsibility but withsufficient green and high temperature strength and casting surface quality. ─── 文中讨论了发泡涂料中气泡分布状态、密度、粘度、屈服值和涂片重等。

5、Least Remainders Problems in Modular Analysis ─── 模分析中的最少余数问题

6、I thought of leaving details like remainders of parapets, contours of windows and I try to break in a logical way. ─── 我试着留下一下细节,例如残留的墙,窗户的框架,并用一种理性的方式来破坏它。)

7、would not forgive them, the remainders. Never. ─── 死不悔改的,永远不。

8、After maintenance the main remains and remainders are left on the domain. ─── 维修之后,主要遗骸和剩余物留在了领地上。

9、The results of thermal analysis showed that the DTA, TG and DTG curve of remainders had the similar shapes in different decaying periods. ─── 热分析的结果显示,不同腐解期腐解物的DTA、TG和DTG曲线的形状基本相似。

10、After the revolution, when the irregular and the extraconstitutional have already given way to a regulated life, are there any remainders of that revolution in the city...? ─── 伊朗伊斯兰革命后,当那些非正规的和宪法外的力量已经让位给规范的生活,这个城市是否有任何革命的残留...?

11、On Remainders of Numerical Differentiation Formulas in ECT System of Functions ─── 一类ECT函数系的数值微分公式的余项

12、As the issue of remainders is especially significant for bestsellers due to the extra volume of books printed, our calculations will focus on the costs associated with bestsellers. ─── 由于书本额外的印刷量,畅销书剩于的问题特别值得注意,我们将著重计算畅销书的相关成本。

13、If either of these remainders is 0, the function returns true. ─── 如果这两种情况的余数有一个是0,那么此函数返回true。

14、Discarded computers still contain remainders of confidential information. ─── 被丢弃的电脑仍然含有残留的机密资料。

15、Agricultural Remainders Material Science and Technology ─── 农业剩余物材料科学与技术

16、25. After maintenance the main remains and remainders are left on the domain. ─── 经过维护之后,主要的残余和残渣还留在这个区域内。

17、One of them was in Minardi, in 2001, an in McLaren in 2007, and the remainders in Renault team. ─── 2001赛季,他在米纳尔迪车队。2007赛季,在麦克拉伦车队,其他时间都在雷诺车队度过。

18、the people born in Ming of remainders of conquered people Dynasty but living in Qing Dynasty ─── 明遗民

19、The remainders came as 17.5% for living expenses on board, 9.1% for supplementary studies, 3.8% for tutoring and 2.5% for boarding. ─── 在有子女就读的家庭中,1999年上学期户均学杂费支出904.32元,占教育消费的67.3%,其余依次是住校生活费占17.5%、补习班班占9.1%、家教支出占3.6%、住宿费2.5%。

20、Cleaning and utilization of remainders in cutting area ─── 试论伐区清理方法和剩余物利用途径

21、Those with this aspect are often tireless workers for a cause belonging to someone else and may need remainders that their own needs are precious and worth fighting for. ─── 有这相位的人,通常都是不知疲累的工作者,为的是原属于他人的事业目标,而且他们需要受提醒说他们自身的需要是可贵的,而且是值得争取的。

22、In order to make full use of the resource, this research quests for a more effective method to utilize bamboo and its processing remainders. ─── 本课题为了充分利用资源,探索竹材及加工废弃料高效利用新途径。

23、Results 14 cases got full recovery, and the 2 remainders died of multiple organ failure. ─── 结果治愈14例,死亡2例,均死于多器官功能衰竭。

24、In establishing the number of seats to be filled, remainders after division by four shall be disregarded. ─── 在确定席位数目时,用四除后余数不计。

25、In RLH,the numbers of CD7 positive cells(1 case) were smaller than those of CD2,CD3,and CD5,In the remainders(8 cases),CD2,CD3,CD5 and CD7 expression was similar in pattern and amounts of outside follicles. ─── 在RLH病例中仅1例CD7表达数量少于CD2、CD3、CD5,其余10例CD2、CD3、CD5、CD7滤泡外阳性形式和数量大致相等。

26、Biogeochemical study of the sediments and plant remainders of Xihu Lake, Fields Peninsula, Antarctic with INAA ─── INAA研究南极菲尔德斯半岛西湖沉积物和植物残体的生物地球化学特征

27、Ten permits are made available by advance booking and the remainders are available the day before at the nearby ranger's station by lottery. ─── 而该景点只允许十位游客提前预订,剩余的只在出游的前一天在逗留游客的站点中按抽签决定去留。

28、11. The complementary coastlines and certain geological features that seem to span the ocean are remainders of where the two continents were once joined。 ─── 相互吻合的海岸和虽大洋相隔但某些地质特征相似,都使人想起两个洲曾连在一起。

29、May be there's an answer in "Sealed Book" , which creates a paradise for the remainders of industrialization with innumerable strange ideas. ─── 也许在张天著的作品里能够找出些答案,他用细胞里无穷无尽的稀奇古怪的想法,创造了工业遗留物的乐园。

30、The New Conception of the Source of Economic Remainders ─── 经济剩余来源新解

31、DailyWords After maintenance the main remains and remainders are left on the domain. ─── 维修之后,主要遗骸和剩余物留在了领地上。

32、Simultaneously the activities of ATPase and NSE and the content of DNA declined and decreased in experimental groups, while CCO activity remaind unchanged significantly. ─── 并使虫体三磷酸腺苷酶 (ATPase)、非特异性酯酶 (NSE)活性降低及脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)含量减少。 细胞色素氧化酶 (CCO)的活性无明显变化。

33、I thought of leaving details like remainders of parapets, contours of windows and I try to break in a logical way. ─── 我试着留下一下细节,例如残留的墙,窗户的框架,并用一种理性的方式来破坏它。

34、After maintenance, the main remains and remainders are left on the domain. ─── 维修之后,主要遗骸和剩余物留在了领地上。

35、We assume no remainders in this model. ─── 我们假设这模型中没有削价出售。

36、surface remainders ─── 表面残留物

37、1. Completely cleanse the dirt of the face, make the skin fresh and clean (no remainders), and offer the fresh and clean feeling, and the skin will be not tight. ─── 彻底清洁面部污垢,清新/洁净(无残留),提供清新清洁的感觉且不紧绷。

38、The results indicated that a few of them showed better oxidative/thermal stability and the remainders exhibited better antiwear performance in comparison with the original succinimide. ─── 结果表明某些抗氧型丁二酰亚胺分散剂有很好的热稳定性和氧化安定性,以及良好的抗磨性能。

39、This part of the dam serves as a cofferdam which protects the remainders of the foundation for further construction. ─── 坝的这一部分起着围堰的作用,保护着基础的其余部分,以便进一步施工.

40、Jose made up his mind, the sinners believed in him would be rescued and the remainders would not be forgived, forever. ─── 圣人表明了决心,信他的罪民将得到救赎,信仰不坚定死不悔改者永远不会被原谅。

41、keep the round number ,and take out the remainders. ─── 去掉零头只保留整数就行了。

42、This part of the dam serves as a cofferdam which protects the remainders of the foundation for further construction. ─── 坝的这一部分起着围堰的作用,保护着基础的其余部分,以便进一步施工。

43、Estates in expectancy are of two sorts, those created by act of the parties, called "remainders", and those created by operation of law, called "reversions". ─── 可期待的地产有两类,依当事人行为设立的,称残余权;依法律设定的,称复归权。

44、Then, the remainders are useful ones.Choose the answer that YOU could understand most. ─── 另外也肯定有一个答案是最接近真实答案的,但是这个答案又不一定是最符合你心里的...

45、25.After maintenance the main remains and remainders are left on the domain. ─── 维修之后,主要遗骸和剩余物留在了领地上.

46、No one knows if these trace remainders are infectious. ─── 谁也不知道这些痕量的残存病毒有没有传染性。

47、The C/N ratio of decay remainders decreased quickly first, then didn't change on the whole after 6 months, and finally it was 35.9. ─── 腐解残留物的C/N比先迅速下降,然后缓慢下降,6个月后基本不变,最终为35.9。

48、12.Beford I arrived in sight of it ,all that remaind of day was a beamless,amber light along the west ;but I could see every prbble on the path ,and every blade of grass,by that splendid moon. ─── 我还没有望见那座住宅,天早已暗下来了,只有西边天际还剩下一抹朦胧的琥珀色的余晖,但是我仍可借助皎洁的月光,看清小路上的每一颗石子,每一片草叶。

49、The Study on the Measurement of the Carbendazim Remainders by Spectrophotometry ─── 分光光度法测定多菌灵残留量的研究

50、The Protection and Expansion of the Guangzhou Royal Garden Remainders of Nanhan ─── 广州南汉宫苑残粒的保护与拓展

51、Vested remainders are generally not subject to the rule ─── 既得转归权通常不须符合本规则

52、the Pu de temple remaind palace ─── 普德寺遗存殿堂

53、Less waste of carrier tape remainders and consequent effect for more economical use of resources! ─── 将残留的送料带重新连接使用,实现资源的有效节约!

54、partial remainders ─── 部分余部

55、the remainders are town boys or "oppidans. ─── 这笔钱用来保证他们能够吃饱。

56、Only a few Chinese firms so far have the money and the management expertise to establish international brands; most of the remainders ─── 迄今为止,只有少数几家中国公司有创立国际品牌的资金和管理技术。其余大多数公司还在为获得国内知名度而奋斗

57、The three remainders can then be used to calculate how manysoldiers are present. ─── 这三个余数可以用来计算当时的士兵数目。

58、Moreover, roentgenogram of the long bone was examined in all patients. Results: Among 69 IH, cases absorbtive IH(aIH) accounted for 56.5% (39/69), renal IH(rIH) 24.6% (17/69), the remainders were unclassifiable 18.9%(l3/69). ─── 结果:69例IH中肠吸收型(aIH)占56.5%(39/69),肾漏型(rIH)占24.6%(17/69),分类不明(unclassjfiable)的占18.9%(13/69)。

59、7 Forty-two represents one-fourth of the number of States members of the Assembly of the Paris Union, discounting any remainders after division by four (see Article 14(3) of the Paris Convention). ─── 7 42个即为巴黎联盟大会的成员国数的四分之一,被4整除后的余数不算(见《巴黎公约》第14条第(3)款)。

60、Please take only 1 egg or pancake. Share the remainders with others. ─── 一次只拿一只煎蛋或煎饼,其余的请分享其它的朋友。

61、When Chuck Norris does division, there are no remainders. ─── 做除法,余数从来不敢出现。

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