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09-05 投稿



fibred 中文意思翻译



fibred 短语词组

1、fibred meaning ─── 纤维的意义

2、fibred cumberland md ─── 纤维坎伯兰医学博士

3、fibred inc ─── 纤维公司。

4、coarseness-fibred a. ─── 粗纤维的, (喻) ─── 粗鲁的

5、fibred product ─── 纤维制品

6、long-fibred asbestos ─── [化] 长绒石棉

7、fibred category ─── 纤维类别

8、fibred for anxiety ─── 因焦虑而发麻

9、coarse-fibred a. ─── 粗纤维的

fibred 相似词语短语

1、fibered ─── adj.有纤维的;纤维质的

2、fibbed ─── n.无伤大雅的谎言,小谎;一击;vi.撒小谎

3、aired ─── 通风;夸耀;晾干(air的过去式和过去分词)

4、fired ─── adj.用某种燃料的;v.烧制;点火;激发(fire的过去式和过去分词)

5、fibrosed ─── 形成纤维性组织

6、-bred ─── breed的过去式和过去分词

7、fibre ─── n.纤维;纤维制品

8、fibroid ─── adj.纤维性的;n.(通常长在子宫壁上的)纤维瘤

9、fibres ─── n.[材]纤维;[植]须根(fibre的复数)

fibred 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The paper introduces the anticrack, antiseep, and antistrike of polypropylene fibred concret and sup-plies some theories for polypropylene fibred concrete used more widely in water conservancy engineering. ─── 摘要论述聚丙烯纤维砼的抗裂性、抗渗性、耐磨性等性能,为聚丙烯纤维砼在水利工程中的进一步应用提供一定的理论基础。

2、In addition,the writer introduces the influence of garment trends on the development of garment textiles and some new|type fibr... ─── 此外,还介绍了服装潮流对服装面料发展的影响以及一些新型的纤维原料与功能性、智能性服装面料。

3、The experiments suggest that the superfluorescence of fluoride glass fibr is a kind of low coherence and high performances light source with bright application prospect. ─── 实验表明利用氟化物玻璃光纤有望获得性能优异的有应用前景的低相干度集成化光源。

4、Mahogany is a hard, red to brown, long-fibred wood with a plain grain pattern. ─── 桃花心木是一种坚硬的、红褐色、长纤维带清晰纹理图案的木材。

5、In order to reduce forest destruction, Company utilizes re-cycled fibred material and scientific production options, both appearance and internal all achieve overseas same productions standards. ─── 为了尽可能的减少森林资源砍伐,我们使用再生纤维,采用科学方法制造的擦拭系列产品,无论外观还是内在特性均达到国外同类产品标准。

6、Keywords ECDP fibred;DDV;dye uptake;dye-saturation-Value; ─── 阳离子染料易染聚酯纤维;动态粘弹性;上染率;染色饱和值;

7、The filter element of QU-A, ZU-A, XU-A series is made of glass fibred, paper, wire mesh notched wire that of XU-A series is of wound brass... ─── 该过滤油器分化纤式,纸质式,网式和线隙式四...

8、Product Description We are fiber optical cables manufacturer, we have both indoor and outdoor fibr... ─── 发布者:顾红芬所在地:广东东莞市行业:通讯产品职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

9、fibred manifold ─── 纤维流形

10、Gray clustering evaluation on thermal & wet comfort of soybean-protein fibred fabrics ─── 大豆蛋白纤维织物热湿舒适性能的灰色聚类评价

11、The production has the characteristic of nature, high protein, high vitamin and fibr in.The beverage suits various people to drink. ─── 使产品具有全天然、高蛋白、高维生素及纤维素的特点,适合多种人群饮用。

12、Discussion on the application of polypropylene fibred concrete in water conservancy engineering ─── 聚丙烯纤维砼在水利工程中的应用

13、2.The tearing mechanism can tear and cut off any fibred substances and then drain them out, without need to mount a filtering screen on the pump. ─── 2、撕裂机构能够把纤维状物质撕裂.切断.然后顺利排放,无需在泵上加滤网。

14、Annual output all kinds of cowherd, sand card, corduroy, chemical fibred, etc. costumes more than 2 million. ─── 年产各类牛仔、沙卡、灯芯绒、化纤等服装200余万件。

15、To review the recent advances in fibr oblast study in wound repair. ─── 对近年来有关成纤维细胞与创伤修复的关系的研究进展进行总结回顾。

16、Abstract: Objective:To study the relationship between serum hyalurionic acid(HA),laminin(LN),type IV collagen(IV-C) and hepatic fibr osis or primary liver cancer(PLC). ─── 摘 要: 目的:研究血清透明质酸(HA)、层粘连蛋白(LN)及IV型胶原(IV-C)水平与肝纤维化及肝癌转移的关系。

17、The products contain various kind of nutrient ingredients including vitamin and coarse fibred etc,which would avoid the damage to the brain cell and slow the caducity. ─── 杂粮类的食品含有多种维生素、粗纤维等营养成分,能使脑细胞免收损害,延缓衰老。

18、fibred asphalt pavement ─── 纤维沥青路面

19、At last, a synthetic evaluation of thermal-wet comfort of the 4 kinds of fibred fabrics was conducted by means of gray clustering analysis. ─── 并利用灰色聚类分析评价系统对前述4类织物的热湿舒适性能做了综合评价。

20、Get rid of big impurity in water, soft drink impurity fibred impurity, effective protection ultra-filtration. ─── 去除水中大的杂质。软性杂质,纤维性杂质,有效保护超滤膜。

21、Keywords Fibred magnesium hydroxide;Flame-resistance;Low-smoke;Polymer; ─── 纤维级氢氧化镁;阻燃;聚合物;

22、Compare to other alike products, we choose re-cycled fibred, ensure no environment destruction, bring all of us a better living conditions. ─── 与其他同类产品比较:我们使用再生纤维,在保证擦拭质量的同时,注重环境保护,节约森林资源。为我们共同生活的地球环境贡献力量。

23、At last, a synthetic evaluation of thermal-wet comfort of the 4 kinds of fibred fabrics was conducted by means of gray clustering analysis. ─── 并利用灰色聚类分析评价系统对前述4类织物的热湿舒适性能做了综合评价。

24、If the symptoms are disregarded, the affected muscles may become fibred or deceased. ─── 另一个重要的问题是:对疼痛的误诊。

25、Objective:To study the relationship between serum hyalurionic acid(HA),laminin(LN),type IV collagen(IV-C) and hepatic fibr osis or primary liver cancer(PLC). ─── 目的:研究血清透明质酸(HA)、层粘连蛋白(LN)及IV型胶原(IV-C)水平与肝纤维化及肝癌转移的关系。

26、coarse fibred ─── adj. 粗纤维的

27、So the quality lifting about soft fibred cotton was mainly related to original cotton's quality. ─── 短绒率棉花品质的升降主要与原棉的内在品质有关。

28、The result indicated that fibred asphalt mix can improve deck s fatigue life and early disease resistance when the mix is applied to bridge s pavement in cold region. ─── 结果表明纤维沥青混合料用于寒区桥面铺装能显著提高其疲劳寿命与抗早期病害能力。

29、And in his hands, which were small to effeminacy, the blue and swollen veins indicated the lassitude and weakness of the relaxed fibred. ─── 他那女人般的纤手上青筋突出,说明肌肉已松弛无力。

30、Recently, it is found out that the steel-fibred concrete is a method of good prospects. ─── 目前,钢纤维增强混凝土是最有发展前途的一种方法。

31、In addition to that through our investigation of fibred brucite market, we find there ... ─── 此外,通过对纤维水镁石市场的分析,证明开发纤维水镁石具有广阔的前景。

32、Pulp mold packaging product (paper mould product for short) is a kind of elaborate paper product, which is made of pulp of waste paper or plant fibred. ─── 纸浆模制品在产品的包装与固定、产品的缓冲防震应用中,是通过各种结构形式来满足对产品的包装保护要求及使用要求。

33、And in his hands, which were small to effeminacy, the blue and swollen veins indicated the lassitude and weakness of the relaxed fibred. ─── 他那女人般的纤手上青筋突出,说明肌肉已松弛无力。

34、Discussion on the performance and application of polyprpylene fibred concrete in water conservancy engineering ─── 聚丙烯纤维砼的性能及其在水利工程中的应用

35、Keywords Brachial plexus blockage Analgesia Medicine used fibr in glue; ─── 臂丛神经阻滞;镇痛;医用生物蛋白胶;

36、In this article, we will give the introduction of the similar physical and chemical characteristics between fibred brucite and asbestos, then explain why it is the perfect replacement of asbestos. ─── 本文就纤维水镁石与石棉物化性能相近的介绍,进而证明它是石棉矿物理想的代用品;

37、Get rid of big impurity in water, soft drink impurity fibred impurity, effective protection ultra-filtration. ─── 去除水中大的杂质。软性杂质,纤维性杂质,有效保护超滤膜。

38、Glass Fibred Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pipe (FRMP) ─── 玻璃钢夹砂管

39、The results showed that in months 3—12 after operation the implanted fats were liquidized and absorbed gradually, some of them became fibred; ─── 结果表明,植入的脂肪片术后3至12个月逐渐液化吸收,部分纤维化;

40、Oak is a hard, light to medium gray-brown, tough, short fibred wood with a distinctive grain structure. ─── 橡木是一种坚硬的,浅到中等灰棕色,坚韧,短纤维带与众不同的纹理结构的木材。

41、carbon fibred composite ─── 碳纤维复合材料

42、Rpublic of Kora DISEVEN polysr fibr sou-absorbig pals coraiv ars; ─── 韩国DISEVEN聚酯纤维吸音装饰艺术板;

43、In the studies, pectin enzyme and fibred enzyme were used to hydrolysis the mixture of orange pulp and dregs. ─── 经过酒精发酵、醋酸发酵等主要工艺,酿制的柑桔果醋具有柑桔的天然色泽,酸味柔和,具有怡人的果香,无苦味。

44、Keywords Agricultural Textile Raw Materia(lATRM);Chemical Fibr(eCF);Replacement; ─── 农业纺织原料;化学纤维;替代;

45、glass fibred polyester sheet ─── 玻璃纤维聚酯板

46、longitudinal fibred steel pipe ─── 直丝钢管

47、long fibred tobacco ─── 长纤维烟草

48、Discussion on the application of polypropylene fibred concrete in water conservancy engineering ─── 聚丙烯纤维砼在水利工程中的应用

49、7.Firstly, the fabrics washed with it feel fluffy and soft, esp. for synthetic fibred fabrics, and it prevents static electricity and reduced electric spark and dust. ─── 第一,织物经过这种洗衣粉洗涤后,手感蓬松、柔软、尤其是对含有化纤的纤物可起防止静电作用,减少织物电火花和吸尘。

50、Therefore, the sand control strength can be improved through adding the fibred to the coated sand. ─── 所以,在覆膜砂中加入纤维,可以提高覆膜砂的挡砂强度等性能。

51、Keywords Fibred brucite asbestos;Market.; ─── 纤维水镁石;石棉;市场;

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