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09-05 投稿



gesticulated 发音

英:[d?e?st?kjule?t?d]  美:[d?e?st?kjule?t?d]

英:  美:

gesticulated 中文意思翻译




gesticulated 词性/词形变化,gesticulated变形

动词过去式: gesticulated |动词第三人称单数: gesticulates |形容词: gesticulative |动词现在分词: gesticulating |动词过去分词: gesticulated |名词: gesticulator |

gesticulated 相似词语短语

1、reticulated ─── adj.网状的;v.分成小方格;使呈网状(reticulate的过去分词)

2、gesticulate ─── vi.用姿势示意;(讲话时)做手势;vt.用手势谈话;做姿势表达

3、gesticulator ─── 手势器

4、testiculate ─── 睾丸

5、testiculated ─── 睾丸

6、gesticulates ─── vi.用姿势示意;(讲话时)做手势;vt.用手势谈话;做姿势表达

7、lenticulated ─── adj.双凸透镜状的;v.使胶片具有微透镜(lenticulate的过去分词)

8、denticulated ─── 齿状的

9、restimulated ─── 再刺激

gesticulated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Matthew whispered and gesticulated at his board. ─── 马修轻声嘟哝着,打着手势指着他的字母板。

2、She was wedged between a small old woman with tight-set lips and a fat matron, without a hat, who was talking shrilly and gesticulated all the time. ─── 玛丽周围都是摩尔人,身旁的两个,一个是身材矮小的老太太,紧闭着嘴唇,穿着黑衣服,另一个是没戴帽子的胖女人,说话指手划脚,声音很高。

3、He gesticulated a greeting. ─── 他用手势致意。

4、He gesticulated wildly at the clock. ─── 他使劲指着钟打手势。

5、Blatter was all impish smiles, he kept his head up, spoke freely, worked the room with his eyes, gesticulated. ─── 他一脸邪笑,抬头挺胸,口若悬河,用眼神对全场放电。

6、Allegedly, during the Spring Festival, a very ordinary Chinese walks into inn inside, gesticulated a few paragraph hind say, besides this a few, other total packages rise. ─── 据说,春节期间,一位非常不起眼的中国人走进店内,指指点点了几款后说,除了这几款,其他的全包起来。

7、But the doctor gesticulated more violently than before, and dashing out of the flat went home, glad that he had succeeded in getting the present off his hands. ─── 可是医师越发使劲地摇手,从乌霍夫的寓所跑出来,想到礼物总算脱了手,很满意,就坐车回家了。

8、Horse eight pigeon's sound several degrees sob, gesticulated with the hand is saying. ─── 马八鸽的声音几度哽咽,用手比划着说完。

9、Up on the platform the announcer and the telephonists were all red in the face as they gesticulated and shouted, but it was impossible to hear a word they were saying. ─── 台上拍板的,和拿着电话筒的,全涨红了脸,扬着手,张开嘴巴大叫; 可是他们的声音一点也听不清。

10、Afterward, old person wanted to reduce the peach the supply, discussing which gesticulated with the monkey: “in the morning three peach, evening four peach”. ─── 后来,老人想削减桃子的供应量,就与猴儿们比比划划的商量:“早上三只桃,晚上四只桃”。

11、The teacher gesticulated to stress the importance of the point. ─── 老师做了个手势,强调这一点的重要性。

12、I moved my lips and gesticulated frantically without result.This made me so angry at times that I kicked and screamed until I was exhausted. ─── 我嚅动嘴唇和狂乱比手画脚,却无效,这有时会使我生气而乱踢和尖叫,直到筋疲力竭。

13、He gesticulated wildly as he tried to make her understand. ─── 他使劲向她做着手势,试图让她明白。

14、The guards gesticulated that he had better not linger there. He shook his head. ─── 警卫人员作手势,示意他不要在那儿逗留.他点了点头。

15、The guards gesticulated those he had preferable not linger tITe. He shook his head. ─── 警卫打工人们作手势,示意他无所不能在那儿逗留。他点了点头。

16、' The boy gesticulated frantically, to warn him not to provoke the salt-smugglers any further. ─── 那孩子连连摇手,要他不可再向外人挑战。

17、4、He gesticulated a greeting. ─── 他用手势致意。

18、The officer gesticulated towards the refugees. ─── 那官员朝难民做着手势。

19、I raved at them, swore at them, gesticulated at them. ─── 我指着他们放肆咒骂。

20、The teenagers shook their long, black hair and gesticulated crazily. ─── 那群十几岁的青少年甩动着长长的黑发,怪怪地比着手势。

21、The speaker gesticulated by raising his arms, pounding the desk, and stamping his foot. ─── 演说者举臂,捶桌,顿足以表达他的意思。

22、When he reappeared he came over to me and gesticulated toward the telephone . ─── 当他重新露面时,他向我走来,并对着电话打手势。

23、He gesticulated wildly. ─── 他疯狂地打着手势。

24、Cars honked behind him. The mahout turned and gesticulated at him with his iron rod. A passerby yelled at him not to block traffic. ─── 身后响起了汽车喇叭声,看象人也用小铁棒向他比划着,一个过路人更对他吼着让他不要妨碍交通。

25、They were in silhouette against the blue sky. They shouted and gesticulated, pointing at him. ─── 他们的黑色轮廓映在蓝色天空上,他们呼喊着、用手势交谈并指着他。

26、Cars honked behind him. The mahout turned and gesticulated at him with his iron rod. A passerby yelled at him not to block traffic. ─── 身后响起了汽车喇叭声,看象人也用小铁棒向他比划着,一个过路人更对他吼着让他不要妨碍交通。

27、He always gesticulated merrily when he had a talk. ─── 他讲起话来总是手舞足蹈的。

28、He gesticulated wildly as he tried to make her understand. ─── 他使劲向她做着手势,试图让她明白。

29、The guards gesticulated that he had better not linger there. He shook his head. ─── 警卫人员作手势,示意他不要在那儿逗留.他点了点头.

30、They shouted and gesticulated, pointing at him. ─── 他们在大声喊叫,打着手势,冲着他指指点点。

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