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09-05 投稿


deplorably 发音

英:[d??pl??r?bli]  美:[d??pl??r?bli]

英:  美:

deplorably 中文意思翻译



deplorably 短语词组

1、deplorably synonym ─── 可悲的同义词

2、deplorably definition ─── 可悲的定义

3、deplorably define ─── 可悲的定义

4、deplorably bad crossword ─── 糟糕透顶的填字游戏

deplorably 词性/词形变化,deplorably变形

名词: deplorableness |副词: deplorably |

deplorably 相似词语短语

1、deplorable ─── adj.令人震惊的;糟透的;应受到强烈谴责的;恶劣的,悲惨的

2、deployable ─── adj.可开展的

3、deploringly ─── 遗憾地

4、explorable ─── 可勘探的;可探索的

5、deplorability ─── 可悲

6、desirably ─── adv.令人想往地;合意地;有魅力地

7、colorably ─── adv.可着色地;似是而非地

8、dependably ─── adv.值得信任地

9、depletable ─── adj.可耗减的

deplorably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She behaved deplorably. ─── 她的行为十分可悲。

2、The hall was at present occupied by two deplorably sober men and their highly indignant wives. ─── 穿堂里此刻有两个毫无醉意的男客和他们怒气冲天的太太。

3、This is slowing, among other things, the already deplorably tardy spending of European Union money. ─── 此外,这种行为本来就造成欧盟经费支出缓慢,令人愤慨,如今更慢了。

4、At a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation, poor health and a deplorably low standard of living we simply cannot take lightly the population problem. ─── 当今时代,世界上还有一半人口遭受着饥荒,健康状况不良以及生活质量低下,我们决不能再轻视人口问题。

5、deplorably dissipated and degraded; ─── 可悲的放荡和堕落;

6、Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society,deplorably dissipated and degraded,riotous living,fast women. ─── 康格里夫描绘了一个堕落的贵族社会,可悲的放荡和堕落,放纵的生活,放荡的女人。

7、Business is deplorably dull. ─── 生意极为清淡。

8、time when half of the world is suffering from starvation, poor health and a deplorably low standard of living we simply cannot take lightly the population problem. ─── 时代,世界上还有一半人口遭受着饥荒,当今时代,世界上还有一半人口遭受着饥荒,健康状况不良以及生活质量低下,状况不良以及生活质量低下,我们决不能再轻视人口问题。口问题。

9、Any Party organization that deplorably loses touch with the masses and doesn't mend its ways is forfeiting the source of its strength and will invariably fail and be rejected by the people. ─── 如果哪个党组织严重脱离群众而不能坚决改正,那就丧失了力量的源泉,就一定要失败,就会被人民抛弃。

10、As for Claudio Ranieri, now properly admired for the courage, decency and resilience he has shown when so deplorably undermined at Chelsea, he had not been nicknamed the覶inkerman?for nothing. ─── 再来说拉涅利。他因为在切尔西的地位被如此卑劣地动摇之时展现出勇气、庄重和达观而被广泛推崇,但他被称为“补锅匠”并非毫无理由。

11、Wang Xiaotian middle school in the well-known high reputation but is deplorably low. ─── 车子在山路上行驶,假使遇到大雷雨,千万不要下车走动。

12、He had squandered a substantial fortune, he had been deplorably convivial, he was known to have gambled freely. ─── 他把一份殷实的家私挥霍光了,过着令人惋惜的吃喝玩乐的生活,据说还大手大脚地赌博。

13、Their own publishers were naturally, if deplorably, reluctant to take their works. ─── 他们自己的出版商自然不会花钱买他们的著作,真是令人不胜扼腕。

14、Yet the tally of real achievements is deplorably small. ─── 然而,就所取得的实质性成果而言,得分却少得可怜。

15、deplorably high/low/bad ─── 高/低/糟得令人吃惊

16、Wang Xiaotian middle school in the well-known high reputation but is deplorably low.His parents are the teachers of the Office of the regulars, he is also a typical school. ─── 雷蒙磨粉机工作过程:雷蒙磨粉机整机结构是由主机、分析机、管道装置、鼓风机,根据用户需要可以配备破碎机、提升机、电磁振动给料机、电控电机等组成。

17、When this burro knows his place, just began to cry very deplorably. ─── 当这头驴子了解到自己的处境时,刚开始哭得很凄惨。

18、They behaved deplorably. ─── 他们的表现糟透了。

19、He would have been very pleased with the money and the recognition, but he would also have thought the competitive element deplorably vulgar. ─── 他对这笔奖金和人们给予的承认会相当满意,不过也会把这残酷的竞争视为粗俗的表现。

20、21. Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society; deplorably dissipated and degraded; riotous living; fast women. ─── 康格里夫描绘了一个堕落的贵族社会;可悲的放荡和堕落;放纵的生活;放荡的女人。

21、They behaved deplorably. ─── 他们的表现糟透了。

22、"He would have been very pleased with the money and the recognition, but he would also have thought the competitive element deplorably vulgar. ─── 自我开始创作之初,这似乎是一件相当迫切也相当有趣的事情。这任务之前还没有人完成过。”

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