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09-05 投稿



demeaned 发音

英:[d??mi?nd]  美:[d??mi?nd]

英:  美:

demeaned 中文意思翻译



demeaned 短语词组

1、demeaned return ─── 贬损回报

demeaned 词性/词形变化,demeaned变形

动词现在分词: demeaning |动词过去分词: demeaned |动词过去式: demeaned |动词第三人称单数: demeans |副词: demeaningly |

demeaned 相似词语短语

1、bemeaned ─── v.降低身份;贬低;使(自己)言行举止特殊化(同demean)

2、bemoaned ─── vt.惋惜;为…恸哭;vi.叹息

3、-meaned ─── 卑鄙的

4、demand ─── n.(坚决的或困难的)要求;(顾客的)需求;v.强烈要求;需要;逼问;查问,查询;n.(Demand)(德)德曼德(人名)

5、demeanes ─── 德梅内斯

6、demean ─── vt.贬低...的身份;使...失去尊严

7、demeane ─── 贬低

8、demanded ─── n.(坚决的或困难的)要求;(顾客的)需求;v.强烈要求;需要;逼问;查问,查询;n.(Demand)(德)德曼德(人名)

9、demeanor ─── n.风度;举止;行为

demeaned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don' t demean yourself by telling such obvious lies. ─── 你不要用这种明显的谎言自贬人格.

2、Photographed cavorting in a bathing suit with a naked Llewellyn in 1976, she demeaned the Queen and the whole royal family. ─── 1976年,身着泳衣的玛格丽特和赤身裸体的卢埃林在海边嬉戏的照片被公布于众,使女王和整个王室蒙受了耻辱。

3、The official demeaned himself by accepting the bribe . ─── 这名官员因受贿而辱没自己。

4、have an inferiority complex;demean oneself;belittle;Underestimate one's achievements ─── 妄自菲薄

5、He constantly put her down and demeaned her at every opportunity. ─── 他经常推倒她,并且抓住每个机会贬低她。

6、They demean themselves peaceably. ─── 他们举止安详

7、13. The duke's son demeaned himself by doing manual labor with his servants. ─── 这个公爵的儿子贬低自己的身份和仆人一起做体力活。

8、I deny not, but that it is of greatest concernment in the Church and Commonwealth, to have a vigilant eye how books demean themselves as well as men; ─── 许先生译文:教会与国家,于书之为好书坏书,公民之为好人坏人,不能不表极大关注。此点余亦承认。

9、to behave with composure; to demean oneself peacefully ─── 举止安详

10、“I don't wish to demean you,” I said to the strange boy.“However, can you explain why an important delegate like you would need to steal so many expensive chocolates for such a mission? ─── “我不想贬低你,”我对这个怪里怪气的小伙子说,“然则你能注释你这么首要的人物为了完成任务需要偷那么昂贵的巧克力这件事吗?”

11、party, the little boy demeaned himself well. ─── 晚会上,那男孩表现很好。

12、He demeaned himself like a gentleman. ─── 他举止颇有些绅士风度。

13、Really, she wasn't demeaned in Hollywood so much as she was ignored. ─── 事实上,与其说霍恩在好莱坞被贬低还不如说是被漠视。

14、3. He find it demean to ask his wife to support the family. ─── 他觉得让妻子来养家虎口有损他的面子。

15、They will take a look at the prevalence of the burqa in France, following criticism by prominent politicians that the all-covering garment demean s Muslim women who wear it. ─── 此前,一些杰出的政治家批评说,全身覆盖的罩袍是对穆斯林女性的贬低。委员会将会深入调查布卡在法国流行的原因。

16、We will not standby as immigrant brides are demeaned, discriminated, violated and unjustly treated. ─── 我们对于新移民女性被贬低、歧视、不公不义对待的行为绝不会袖手旁观。

17、I wouldn't demean myself to ask for favours from them. ─── 我不会降低身分向他们求情。

18、He might have been observed to demean himself as a person with nothing to do ─── 他也许已被别人注意到他的行为像一个无所事事的人。

19、He felt he would demean himself if he replied to the scurrilous letter. ─── 他觉得如果他回复那封充满辱骂的信,会自贬身份。

20、Then I pictured her driving home to her family 10 hours later , feeling unappreciated, frustrated, underutilized, and demeaned . ─── 然后,我又看到10个小时以后她驾车回家,她感到未受赏识、无比沮丧、不被重用、让人轻视。

21、He demeaned himself ill. ─── 他举止不良。

22、One's demean our is upright ─── 仪容端庄

23、Photographed cavorting in a bathing suit with a naked Llewellyn in 1976, she demeaned the Queen and the whole royal family. ─── 1976年,身着泳衣的玛格丽特和赤身裸体的卢埃林在海边嬉戏的照片被公布于众,使女王和整个王室蒙受了耻辱。

24、The outward appearance of these two men formed scarce a stronger contrast than their look and demean our ─── 这两个人在外表上的差别并不比他们在神情和举止上的差别大。

25、In that case, hedge fund investors who refused to accept the government's low-ball offers were demeaned by the president as "speculators" and all but blamed for driving the automaker into insolvency. ─── 在克莱斯勒破产案中,拒绝接受政府提议的对冲基金投资者被奥巴马总统冠以“投机者”的称号,并把克莱斯勒的破产完全怪罪在他们身上。

26、Thus they did not neglect the virtuous nor demean the people in any respect.Rewards were not granted, punishment were never even tried. ─── 虞 舜不用赏也不用罚,民众都能听他使用,这是由于有了高尚的道:德。

27、"- you experience a sense of being demeaned, constricted or attacked. ─── 3. 对他们说“现在谈点积极的事情。”

28、Do not respond this boring accuse to demean yourself. ─── 不要回应这种无聊的指控而贬低自己。

29、(5)“It was meant to demean,” says Tom Lee, who advised Mr Ford's campaign. ─── 福特竞选顾问汤姆?李说:“考克这是想故意贬低对手身份。”

30、To be rude is to demean oneself. ─── 态度无礼是自贬身分

31、No matter how we may demean ourselves, we find embarrassments everywhere. ─── 无论我们如何低三下四,也摆脱不了无处不在的窘迫难堪。

32、Could you demean yourself by committing treason? ─── 你能犯叛国罪而有辱自己的人格吗?

33、You will demean yourself if you agree to the terms of the contract. ─── 要是你同意契约的条款,就等于瞧不起自己。

34、Such images demean women. ─── 这些形象有损妇女尊严。

35、Discard the images you may have of athletic coaches who storm, scream, demean, and threaten in order to draw the utmost performance from an athlete. ─── 你的脑中可能描绘这样一幅画面:体育教练正在咆哮、尖叫、贬斥并威胁,好迫使运动员发挥出极限水平。你大可不必这样想。

36、demean oneself (to do something) ─── 降低身份

37、to demean oneself by taking a bribe ─── 因受贿而贬低自己

38、What these supposedly scientific tests look for is not what astrology does; again a misconception from one field is used to demean unrecognized conceptions of another. ─── 什麽这些传闻科学的试验寻求不是什麽星象做;又一误解从一活动范围经常贬低身份未被认出概念的别.

39、3.Such lier will demean you. ─── 这样的谎言会贬低你的身分。

40、but this gentleman is no spy, and why should he so demean himself as to make himself one?' ─── 这位先生既不是密探,又何苦降低身份去刺探别人的隐私呢。”

41、Under these conditions teaching ranked lower than the menial services, and college graduates hesitated to demean themselves in such an employment. ─── 在这种情形下,教师的地位比仆人还要低,因此,大学毕业生们不愿身处如此境遇。

42、Nevertheless, after the 1980s and 1990s, traditional mothers demeaned themselves from angels to devils, and sequentially evolved to maternal daughters and maternal sisters. ─── 但20世纪八九十年代以后,传统母亲形象从天使堕落成恶魔,从恶魔演变成母性女儿、母性姐妹。

43、I dont wish to demean you, I said to the strange boy. ─── 我想问题并不在于他的过失。

44、He was an official in the reign of Emperor Tai and Emperor Zhen.He acted very important functions in the national political life, but he was demeaned time after time as an official. ─── 他即在国家政治生活中发挥了举足轻重的作用,又多次遭受贬退的命运。

45、demean oneself by taking a bribe ─── 因为受贿而贬低了身份

46、Proud men demeaned themselves and their families to accept official charity from a contemptuous officialdom ─── 讲究体面的人也降低了自己及家属的身份,去到傲慢的官僚机构领取官方施舍。

47、2.You must demean yourself properly. ─── 你必须举止适宜。

48、demeaned themselves well in class. ─── 他们刻意使自己在班上表现良好

49、Do you think he would demean himself by accepting a bribe? ─── 你以为他会接受贿赂辱没自己吗?

50、so that when we constantly hear others demean our national status, ─── 所以听到别人在长期矮化台湾国格时,

51、demean oneself ─── 降低身分去做某事

52、But we do not permit hate speech which contains slurs or the malicious use of stereotypes intended to attack or demean a particular gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or nationality. ─── 但我们不允许攻击性言论,例如侮辱,恶意言语抨击或诋毁他人的性别,性取向,种族,宗教和国籍。

53、EXHILARATE: sadden invalidate minimize demean incriminate ─── 降低身份,损坏人品

54、I wouldn't demean myself by asking for charity. ─── 我决不低三下四地乞求施舍。

55、Don't demean yourself by telling such obvious lies. ─── 你不要用这种明显的谎言自贬人格。

56、Rickshaw men all live on credit, and he couldn't demean himself by refusing things to his old cronies; ─── 拉车的人晓得怎么赊东西,所以他磨不开脸不许熟人们欠账;

57、When you are demeaned, diminished, or dismissed, assert your dignity with conviction. You can do so without demeaning the other person. ─── 当你被人贬损,被人轻视,或是被人忽略,一定要保持自己的尊严,无须去贬低别人。

58、It means to publically insult or demean someone even if it's unintentional, especially when they're around someone they're trying to impress. ─── 好像不是“使有趣的”意思,大概是“侮辱,贬低(即使是无意的)”的意思吧。

59、Guys:Don't demean her by saying to your kids,"oh,you know how your mother is." ─── 男士们,不要再孩子面前贬低她,不要说“啊呀,你们也知道你妈那德行”。

60、Immutable veracity cannot demean itself by a lie, and eternal faithfulness cannot degrade itself by neglect. ─── 永不改变的真理不能藉谎言贬抑自己,永恒的信实不能藉疏忽降低自己。

61、He demeaned himself ill [well, like a man]. ─── 他举止不良 [良好,像个男子汉]

62、In the dualistic society, the farmers who are demeaned as second-class citizens are in an unequal position. ─── 在二元社会结构中,农民被人为地降为二等公民的不平等地位。

63、to demean oneself by doing sth. dishonorable ─── 为了做某件不名誉的事而贬低了身份

64、The key though is not to demean or punish, but to directly inform that what is being said is inappropriate and then, importantly, redirect the child to appropriate conversation. ─── 关键并不在于贬低他们或惩罚他们,而是告诉他们话题不合适且引导他们往正确的方向走。

65、I'll never demean myself by doing something dishonorable ─── 我决不会做什么不名誉的事来辱没自己。

66、The duke's son demeaned himself by doing manual labor with his servants. ─── 公爵的儿子降低自己的身份和佣人一起做工。

67、Crane said that Friedman "never demeaned the motives of his opponents, although they did him. ─── 更为重要的是,弗里德曼说,所有通胀都是内生的,所以央行应该是控制货币供应,防止通胀。

68、You must demean yourself properly ─── 你必须举止得当。

69、Some women carried banners reading "Italy is not a brothel" , and said Mr Berlusconi had demeaned women with his recent sex scandals. ─── 一些妇女手持些有“意大利不是一个恶棍”的条幅,她们说贝卢斯科尼先生因为最近的性丑闻激怒了妇女们。

70、not something to be argued over and demeaned, by those whose level of consciousness is so low that they fail to grasp its possibilities. ─── 不再有必要为了某些事情而争论不休或者互相贬低,对于那些人来说,他们的意识水平太低,以至于无法得到这样的能力。

71、At party, the little boy demeaned himself well. ─── 晚会上,那男孩表现很好。

72、Never insult, embarrass, shame, yell at or otherwise demean a person. ─── 所以,千万不要对一个人进行侮辱、羞辱或者对其大吼,让其尴尬等。

73、22 but I will demean myself even more. I will be lowly in your esteem, but in the esteem of the slave girls you spoke of I will be honored. ─── 甘愿加倍卑贱我自己!我在你眼中被视为卑贱,但在你所说的婢女们前,我必受到尊敬。

74、demean oneself to do sth ─── 降低身分去做(某事)

75、Was Obama merely being polite or had he committed treason and demeaned the highest office in the universe by deferring to the head of state of a county that surrendered to the US in 1945? ─── 他只是出于礼貌?或者他已经叛国了?他以向一个1945年臣服于美国的一隅小国的头领自降身份来摧毁全宇宙的最高政府?

76、He found it very demean to have to work for his former employee ─── 他觉得要为他以前的雇员工作很失身分

77、He find it very demean to have to work for his former employee. ─── 他觉得要为他以前的雇员工作很失身分。

78、Others argued that cheaply printed books and broadsheets would undermine religious authority, demean the work of scholars and scribes, and spread sedition and debauchery. ─── 打字机挽救了他,他掌握打字功能后,能够眼睛闭上写作,只使用他的指尖,词汇再次从他的大脑里流向纸页。

79、Professionals who feel demeaned by unskilled work. ─── 感觉受到非技术性的侮辱的专业人员

80、He demeaned himself peacefully. ─── 他举止安祥。

81、being demeaned by others ─── 人侮之

82、The official demeaned himself by accepting the bribe. ─── 这名官员因受贿而辱没自己。

83、It is now unfashionable, even illegal, to malign, demean, and otherwise make fun of people because of their race, religion, ethnic origin, age, physical disabilities if any, and even their appearance. ─── 中伤、贬低、取笑他人的种族、信仰、年龄、肢体缺陷,甚至相貌已经不是什么流行趋势了,严重者会触犯到法律。

84、Who am I allowing to demean me, put me down? ─── 抽时间跟那些能够做到这些的人交往。

85、Women are at best ambivalent and at worst, demeaned by the success of other women who do. ─── 巴拉什用感觉有些陈腐的心理分析语言提出,女人们有些另人困惑地没有把自己当作独立的个体。

86、demean oneself ill ─── 表现好

87、The duke's son would not demean himself by working ─── 公爵的儿子不愿意由于工作而降低自己的身分。

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