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09-05 投稿


coronation 发音

英:[?k??r??ne??n]  美:[?k?r??ne??(?)n]

英:  美:

coronation 中文意思翻译



coronation 短语词组

1、coronation gown ─── 加冕礼服

2、coronation definition ─── 加冕定义

3、coronation for love ─── 爱情加冕礼

4、Coronation Street ─── 加冕街

5、festival coronation march ─── 节日加冕游行

6、coronation street spoilers ─── 加冕街头破坏者

7、Coronation Island vole ─── 加冕岛田鼠

8、coronation sussex ─── 萨塞克斯加冕礼

9、coronation machine ─── 加冕机

10、coronation day ─── 加冕日

11、coronation anthems ─── 加冕颂歌

12、coronation service ─── 加冕仪式

13、coronation chicken ─── 加冕鸡(用鸡肉蘸杏子酱做成的冷盘)

14、coronation spoon ─── 加冕勺

coronation 词性/词形变化,coronation变形


coronation 相似词语短语

1、incoronation ─── 合并

2、carination ─── 船骨状;嵴状

3、carbonation ─── n.碳酸饱和;碳酸化作用

4、condonation ─── n.(夫妻间对对方通奸的)宽恕;赦免;赎罪

5、corotations ─── n.共转,顺转

6、carnation ─── n.[园艺]康乃馨;肉色;粉红色;adj.肉红色的

7、corporation ─── n.公司;法人(团体);社团;市政当局

8、coronations ─── n.加冕礼

9、corotation ─── n.共转,顺转

coronation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Several more swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims and settled the disputed succession to the throne. ─── 一些更迅速的胜利使查理七世的加冕典礼在兰斯和解决有争议的王位继承人。

2、"faldstool:a folding or small desk stool at which worshipers kneel to pray, especially one on which the British sovereign kneels at the time of coronation." ─── "祈祷椅:礼拜着跪着祈祷时使用的一种可折叠的小凳子,尤指英格兰国王举行加冕礼时使用的."

3、She was on her way to a coronation, not a campaign. ─── 她走的是当选之路,而不是竞选。

4、The three-week campaign in the world's third-largest democracy looks more like a stroll to a coronation than a scrap for survival. ─── 在世界第三大民主国家的为期三周的竞选活动更像是迈向加冕的漫步,而不是生死一搏。

5、Not long after his coronation he joined the 3rd Crusade and headed off to the Holy land to liberate Jerusalem from the Moslems. ─── 在他加冕礼不久后,他参加了第三次的十字军东征,为了从穆斯林手中解放耶路撒冷而出发至圣地。

6、Are you familiar with the Coronation Chair and the ancient Stone of Scone? ─── |您熟悉加冕宝座和司康之石吗?

7、coronation and decoronation ─── 加冕-脱冕

8、This stream in which he stood was a feeder to the Coppermine River,which in turn flowed north and emptied into Coronation Gulf and the Arctic Ocean. ─── 他脚下的这条河是科珀曼河的一条支流,而科珀曼河则向北注入加冕礼河和北冰洋。

9、Nevertheless, thanks to the incorruptness of monarchic government, the country was still more prosperous than the time of her coronation. ─── 但由于国王政府保持廉洁,整个国家还是比她登基时繁荣昌盛。

10、The inauguration was set to resemble a coronation. ─── 该就职典礼被设计成一个类似加冕典礼的仪式。

11、On Inauguration Day, the swearing in of President Bill Clinton for his second term will reflect the pomp and circumstance of a coronation ceremony, with dignitaries from around the world in attendance. ─── 在就职日,来自世界各地达官显要的出席,使柯林顿总统的第二任就职宣誓仪式,如同国王加冕典礼一般的华丽与隆重。

12、coronation ceremony ─── 加冕仪式

13、Cut a gallant figure at the coronation ─── 在即位典礼上刻出华丽的雕像

14、a gallant feathered hat; cut a gallant figure at the coronation ─── 华丽时髦的带有羽毛的帽子;加冕礼给人一种时髦的印象

15、Princess, I shall prepare for your coronation. It would be best if you got some rest. You can use the master bedroom if you desire. ─── 女王,我应该准备加冕礼。如果你休息一下那将更好。如果你要求你可以使用主人的卧室。

16、I hereby proclaim the Empress coronation will take place on the fifteenth day of this month. ─── 内侍监。厉帝:传朕口谕,本月十五,举行皇后册封大典。

17、the pomp of a coronation ceremony.See also Synonyms at show ─── 加冕典礼的盛况参见同义词

18、Twenty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do honour to her. ─── 20位国家元首参加女王加冕典礼以向她致敬。

19、Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour . ─── 五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼,向女王表示敬意。

20、At the coronation ceremony, he treats her to smile affectionately, who knew what receives can have? ─── 在加冕仪式上,他对着她深情地微笑,谁知道接下来会发生什么呢?

21、The coronation was luxurious. ─── 加冕典礼非常奢侈。

22、The king divested himself of his coronation robes ─── 国王脱去他的加冕礼服。

23、The pomp of a coronation ceremony. ─── 加冕典礼的盛况

24、Baron F was wearing his whole wardrobe dating from the coronation of the Emperor Francis the First. ─── F男爵穿着国王佛兰西斯一世加冕时代的全套衣服。

25、December 8, Opening of Fourth Transcontinental telephone line. Seven-hour radio broadcast of the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of England. ─── 12月8日,第四根跨洋电话电缆开通。英格兰国王乔治六世和王后伊丽莎白的加冕典礼通过无线电对世人广播,长达7小时。

26、Nadal in 2005 and Kirilenko coronation, which also is in the harvest year career In his first Grand Slam trophy; ─── 2005年纳达尔和基里连科加冕,前者也正是在那一年收获了个人职业生涯中的第一座大满贯奖杯;

27、The coronation was conducted with great pomp. ─── 加冕礼盛大而隆重。

28、Coron aryartery disease ─── 冠心病

29、After the coronation Northern Ireland cup, O'sullivan emits the bold word, their goal are 30 place match champion. ─── 在加冕北爱尔兰杯后,奥沙利文放出豪言,自己的目标是30个排名赛冠军。

30、She was on her way to a coordination coronation , not a campaign. ─── 她是在加冕而非竞选,而且在最后,她已经非常、非常接近胜利了。

31、This stream in which he stood was a feeder to the Coppermine River, which in turn flowed north and emptied into Coronation Gulf and the Arctic Ocean. ─── 他所站的地方,是铜矿河的一条支流,铜矿河本身则向北流去,通向加冕湾和北冰洋。

32、But I need flowers for the coronation ceremony. ─── 但是我需要为加冕典礼准备一些鲜花。

33、Ronaldo revealed that he did not know what is Coronation Street until he was told that the Brit population is absolutely obsessed with it. ─── 罗纳尔多透露,他一直不知道什么是“加冕街”,直到有人告诉他这是英国最受欢迎的一部肥皂剧,大家都着迷于它。

34、Aachen was destroyed, with the exception of the cathedral, which housed Charlemagne's coronation chair.It escaped major damage. ─── 亚琛被毁了,但举行过查理曼大帝加冕礼的大教堂幸免于难,未遭太大破坏。

35、By the time of the Middle Kingdom, each Pharaoh was given a combination of five names: the name he received when he was born, and four other names that he was given upon his coronation as Pharaoh. ─── 从中王国时期开始,每一个法老的王名都由五个名字组成,其中的一个名字是出生时就有的,而另五个则是在他成为王之后才被赋予的。

36、Stunned, The King without a throne ducked the freaky coronation. ─── 令人惊讶的是,这位无冕之王躲开了这个看似有点滑稽的加冕典礼。

37、The great Dwight L. Moody on his deathbed said: "This is my triumph; this is my coronation day! It is glorious! ─── 伟人慕迪临别世界时说:“现在是我光荣凯旋的时刻。现在是我得荣耀冠冕的日子。何等光荣!

38、DD: Thank you for noticing the symmetry between “Contest, Conquest, Coronation” on the one hand and “Disenchantment, Derailment, Disruption” on the other. ─── DD: 多谢你们留意到“挑战、征服、加冕”和“幻想破灭、脱轨、冲突”之间的对称。

39、the coronation day, robes, coach ─── 加冕日、 袍、 马车等.

40、all the pageantry of a coronation ─── 加冕盛典.

41、"A lot of the establishment wants to just say it is over, and why do we not just have a coronation? ─── 党的体制内的许多人只想说,一切都结束了,我们现在为什么不把人选确定呢?

42、Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor or Elizabeth II was the Queen and head of state of the United Kingdom since February 6, 1952. Her coronation took place in Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953. ─── 伊丽莎白二世自1953年2月6日已是英国的女王,1953年6月2日在威斯敏斯特教堂举行女王加冕礼。

43、the celebration of the queen's coronation ─── 女王加冕庆祝会

44、The coronation ceremony made him the youngest king around the world. ─── 在正式从父亲手中接过王冠之后,他成为了当今世界上最年轻的国王。

45、However Nadaer outgoing, the unobstructive his year's end world is listed first position, but cannot by a master cup champion title coronation this honor actually be somewhat regrettable. ─── 不过纳达尔的出局,无碍他年终世界排名第一的位置,但不能以一个大师杯冠军的头衔加冕这一荣誉却是有些遗憾的。

46、In 2004, Moon was the center of a coronation ceremony in Washington at which he declared himself the Messiah. ─── 2004年,文鲜明在华盛顿进行了加冕礼,也就是在那时,他称自己为弥赛亚。

47、The coronation was filmed. ─── 加冕礼被拍成了电影。

48、One of the most important cities of Roman Gaul it was long the site of the coronation of French kings. ─── 作为罗马高卢的最重要城市之一,它长期是法国国王的加冕场所。

49、May 1937: Admiral Graf Spee at the Spithead Naval Review representing Germany at the coronation of King George VI. ─── 1937年5月斯皮特黑德海湾,代表纳粹德国参加英王乔治六世加冕典礼的格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号。

50、50Th Anniversary of the Coronation of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II ─── 女王加冕50周年纪念

51、January 18, 1871, King William I of Prussia in the Palace of Versailles to accept coronation, to become Emperor of Germany. ─── 1871年1月18日,普鲁士国王威廉一世在凡尔赛宫接受加冕,成为德意志皇帝。

52、On Inauguration Day, the swearing in of (a) President will reflect the pomp and circumstance of a coronation ceremony, with dignitaries from around the world in attendance. ─── 在就职日,来自世界各地达官显要的出席,使总统的就职宣誓仪式,如同国王加冕典礼一般的华丽与隆重。

53、The fetid aroma of passivity that began to emanate from Obama-Biden, particularly after the Palin coronation, had partisan Democrats screaming for their candidates to do something. ─── 从奥巴马-拜登组合那里,已开始飘来迟钝的臭气,特别是佩琳被共和党提名后,一些民主党人开始强调自己的候选人应该做点什么。

54、She was on her way to a coronation, not a campaign. ─── 她走的是当选之路,而不是竞选。

55、a wide-sleeved garment worn by an English monarch at his or her coronation ─── 加冕服,在国王或女王加冕典礼时,英国国王穿的有宽大衣袖的衣服

56、NURSES from the Philippines about to start work in northern England are to be shown episodes of Britain's longest running soap opera,“ Coronation Street”, to familiarize them with local customs and accents. ─── 为了让她们熟悉当地风俗和语言,将要在北英格兰开始工作的来自菲律宾的护士们将要在英国最长的爱情连续剧《加冕礼街道》上上演几段情节。

57、the coronation of Elizabeth II ─── 伊丽莎白二世的加冕礼

58、A coronation was a big event, like our president's inauguration. ─── 在那个年代,加冕典礼是件大事,更甚于现在的总统就职典礼。

59、Coronation Island vole ─── n. 冕田鼠

60、She was on her way to coronation, not a campaign. ─── 她要的是加冕,而非竞选。

61、The Coronation has been declared on ─── 加冕典礼已宣布举行。

62、the silver jubilee of the Queen's coronation ─── 女王加冕25周年大庆

63、dignitaries della condizione :regina elizabeth ii (regina elizabeth ii), 6 febbraio 1952 enthronement, 2 giugno 1953 coronation; ─── 国家政要:女王伊丽莎白二世(queenelizabethii),1952年2月6日即位,1953年6月2日加冕;

64、coronation cloth ─── 加冕呢

65、But all-inclusive finals always has plants specially is mad the field, four degrees obviously were already easier excitedly at US net coronation's Feidler. ─── 但大满贯决赛总有种特殊的“气场”,已经四度在美网加冕的费德勒显然更容易兴奋。

66、"The first historic bullfight took place in Verea in 1133, in honor of the coronation of King Alfonso VIII" ─── “第一次在1133年的贝雷阿,是为庆祝国王阿方索八世加冕典礼而举行的”。

67、coronation robes ─── 加冕礼袍

68、Coronation Carpet ─── 加冕地毯

69、At the coronation,the archbishop put a crown on the Queen's head. ─── 在加冕典礼上,大主教把王冠戴在女王头上。

70、During his absence in Germany for his coronation, the smouldering discontent in Spain flared into open rebellion culminating in the demand that Charles return to Spain and make his permanent residence there. ─── 他在德国参加加冕礼期间,隐藏在西班牙的不满情绪爆发成为公开的反抗,他们要求查理返回西班牙,并且永久地定居下来。

71、Their wedding theme was a "royal wedding" with a "coronation of king and queen. ─── 他们的婚礼主题是“皇室婚礼”和“国王和王后加冕仪式。”

72、Observing his mother on her Coronation Day, Charles remarks on her "amazing poise" and "natural grace. " ─── 回顾他母亲在加冕礼那天的表现,查尔斯王子赞叹她惊人的风度和自然的优雅。

73、The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant。 ─── 新国王的加冕典礼非常壮观。

74、About five years after Esther’s coronation, King Xerxes promoted one of his cabinet to be the highest officer in the empire.His name was Haman, an Amalekite. ─── 以斯帖被立为王后之后约五年,亚哈随鲁王擢升一名内阁成员在国中位极人臣,他的名字叫哈曼,是亚玛力人;

75、the brilliant court life at Versailles; a glorious work of art; magnificent cathedrals; the splendid coronation ceremony. ─── 凡尔赛豪华的宫廷生活;伟大的艺术品;宏伟的大教堂;盛大的加冕仪式。

76、A gallant feathered hat; cut a gallant figure at the coronation. ─── 华丽时髦的带有羽毛的帽子; 加冕礼给人一种时髦的印象

77、The coronation ceremony of Her Majesty the Empress Wan will now commence. ─── 不是。文婉皇后册封大典启行。

78、The Coronation of the Virgi ─── 圣母加冕

79、hold a coronation ─── 举行加冕典礼

80、Nevertheless, thanks to the incorruptness of monarchic government, the country was still more prosperous than the time of her coronation. ─── 但由于国王政府保持廉洁,整个国家还是比她登基时繁荣昌盛。

81、At the coronation, the archbishop put a crown on the Queen's head. ─── 在加冕典礼上, 大主教把王冠戴在女王头上。

82、The pomp and circumstance of a coronation. ─── 加冕仪式的盛况和排场

83、Cyprus said on May 13 morning (Reuters May 13 morning), the much publicized 2000 Miss Universe contest finally lead the winners, 21-year-old Indian girl Lala-degree tower of the 79 candidates won the coronation of the "Miss Universe" crown. ─── 塞浦路斯当地时间5月13日早晨(北京时间5月13日上午),备受瞩目的2000环球小姐大赛终于决出了优胜者,21岁的印度小姐拉拉-度塔在79名候选人中脱颖而出,加冕“环球小姐”桂冠。

84、A wide-sleeved garment worn by an English monarch at his or her coronation. ─── 加冕服在国王或女王加冕典礼时,英国国王穿的有宽大衣袖的衣服

85、Among the pricele jewellery on di lay are private gifts to the monarch from members of her family, and famous pieces such as the Cambridge Emerald Necklace, made for Queen Mary's coronation in1911, and the Vladimir Tiara. ─── 在展出的贵重珠宝中,有一些是女王的家族成员送给她的礼物,另外还有一些著名的珠宝,如1911年玛丽女王加冕时佩戴的剑桥绿宝石项链以及符拉基米尔钻石等。

86、There's decoration outside the station to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom receiving homage from the peerage at her coronation. ─── 1953年的车站,车站内外均大肆粉饰,以庆祝英女皇伊莉莎白二世获加冕。

87、"coronation", starscream?this is bad comedy. ─── “加冕仪式”,红蜘蛛,真是一个蹩脚的喜剧。

88、Also known as the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Stanis? aw and Vaclav, Wawel Cathedral was the traditional coronation site of Polish monarchs. ─── 瓦维尔大教堂又被称为圣旺斯拉斯和圣斯坦尼斯洛斯大教堂,是波兰皇帝的传统加冕礼举行地。

89、1831 The coronation of King William IV took place. ─── 1831年的今天,威廉四世国王举行了加冕典礼。

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