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09-05 投稿


consuetudinary 发音

英:[?kɑ?nsw??tu?dn?eri; ?kɑ?nsw??tju?dn?eri]  美:[?k?nsw??tju?dn?ri]

英:  美:

consuetudinary 中文意思翻译



consuetudinary 词性/词形变化,consuetudinary变形

形容词: consuetudinary |

consuetudinary 短语词组

1、consuetudinary dictionary ─── 习惯词典

2、consuetudinary law ─── [法] 习惯法, 不成文法

3、consuetudinary meaning ─── 习俗意义

consuetudinary 相似词语短语

1、consuetude ─── n.习俗;惯例

2、consuetudes ─── n.习俗;惯例

3、valetudinary ─── 价值观

4、concretionary ─── adj.凝固的;含凝块的;凝固而成的

5、vicissitudinary ─── adj.交替的;饱经沧桑的;多变迁的

6、contact binary ─── 相接双星

7、testudinary ─── 睾丸素

8、concubinary ─── n.妾;同居者;adj.姘妇的

9、concessionary ─── adj.特许的,让步的;特惠的,减价的;n.特许权获得者,受惠人

consuetudinary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Serious person at every turn disobeys a society consuetudinary , get used to normal social life hard. ─── 严重者事事都违反社会习俗,难以适应正常的社会生活。

2、It resembles historical eyewitness, also resemble one side mirror, the appearance with consuetudinary marriage of the city in letting people see from its body. ─── 它象历史的见证人,也象一面镜子,让人们从它身上看到了中州婚姻习俗的面貌。

3、Precious jade family is valued very much those who step on winter bamboo shoots is consuetudinary, regard it as the opportunity of training volition. ─── 此时,瑶家少女个个要上山踩笋。瑶家人很看重踩冬笋的习俗,把它当作磨炼意志的机会。

4、In Korea, birthday, festival sends orchid to be congratulated in order to show, visit a patient to send an orchid to wish recover at an early date, this already became a kind consuetudinary. ─── 在韩国,生日、节日送兰花以示祝贺,探望病人送一盆兰花祝愿早日康复,这已成为一种习俗。

5、Lantern hanging lamp lights: jilin consuetudinary also has a long history. ─── 彩灯:吉林市元宵挂灯习俗也由来已久。

6、In these folk song, having one share is about marriage consuetudinary. ─── 这些民歌中,有一部分是关于婚姻习俗的。

7、According to the tradition consuetudinary, gules, aureate, pink Baotou shoe is the most welcome, because of these color, have festival idea. ─── 按照传统习俗,红色、金色、粉红色的包头鞋最受欢迎,因为这些颜色,都有喜庆之意。

8、Carry incidentally, be in a few places of China, remarrying is to have it seems that what hold wedding afternoon is consuetudinary. ─── 顺便提一下,在中国的一些地方,再婚似乎是有在下午举办婚礼的习俗。

9、The male of Jew and devotional Moslem, be delivered of be about before long according to religion consuetudinary by excision wrapping (namely circumcision) . ─── 犹太人和信仰穆斯林的男性,生下不久就要按照宗教习俗被切除包皮(即割礼)。

10、Informal system arrangement is to point to mix with convention, consuetudinary, traditional, culture ideological and the regulation of existence. ─── 非正式制度安排是指以惯例、习俗、传统、文化和意识形态而存在的规则。

11、About informal tie, north thinks to basically include behavior standard, code of conduct and consuetudinary, contraindication and tradition. ─── 关于非正式约束,诺思认为主要包括行为规范、行为准则和习俗、禁忌与传统。

12、There are many factors that influenced the cultural participation of women greatly, such as, undeveloped economy, laggard foundational education, distempered skeleton organization and traditional conception and consuetudinary restriction. ─── 民族地区经济发展不足、基础教育落后、基层组织不健全、传统观念和习俗制约等,都是影响妇女文化参与的重要因素。

13、As early as in the 21st century BC, consuetudinary law appeared in China's slave society. ─── 早在公元前21世纪,中国就已经产生了奴隶制的习惯法。

14、Mulberry bead our country has since ancient times those who feed Sang Li is consuetudinary, because its mouthfeel is acerbity sweet, have a distinctive flavour, get of consumer love. ─── 桑粒 我国自古就有食桑粒的习俗,因其口感酸甜,别有风味,深受消费者的喜爱。

15、Be in about Tang Dynasty, chinese on the ground and those who sit is consuetudinary passed Japan, gradually rice of couch of couch of type of evolution the whole day. ─── 大约在唐代,中国人席地而坐的习俗传到了日本,逐渐演化成日式榻榻米。

16、Consuetudinary character and Brahman are the same as. ─── 习俗文字与婆罗门同。

17、Press before Chinese style is consuetudinary, the child is not to go up desk those who eat. ─── 按以往中式习俗,小孩都是不上桌吃的。

18、Precious jade the laborious, brave, attentive, moral character that agrees to bear hardships is in a woman namely similar consuetudinary in form gradually. ─── 瑶家妇女勤劳、勇敢、细心、肯吃苦的品德就是在类似的习俗中渐渐形成的。

19、Those who press a country is consuetudinary, did obeisance to 8 dry dad to bless me in all. ─── 按农村的习俗,共拜了八个干爹保佑我。

20、However fan, a kind of wedding that is Chinese ancient time is consuetudinary. ─── 却扇,是中国古代的一种婚礼习俗。

21、The consuetudinary reservation that apparels anew up to now, because people thinks,new clothes is not being worn in the festival want be out of luck. ─── 穿戴一新的习俗保留至今,因为人们认为节日里不穿新衣是要倒运的。

22、Besides fokelore, what many tea grower of Anxi folk have pot of the Yu Tao that put tea every year is consuetudinary, heat of the chill that encounter wind is become with old tea medicine. ─── 除了传说外,安溪民间的不少茶农每年都有存茶于陶罐的习俗,遇风严寒热以陈茶当药。

23、Operation of the Salar's Consuetudinary Law and Social Norm of the Day ─── 撒拉族习惯法规范的当代运行

24、Serious person at every turn disobeys a society consuetudinary, get used to normal social life hard. ─── 严重者事事都违反社会习俗,难以适应正常的社会生活。

25、So big Europe, a few countries, different culture that forms thousands of years, consuetudinary can unifinication, harbor of another name for Guangdong Province why cannot? ─── 那么大的欧洲, 几十个国家、几千年形成的不同的文化、习俗都能够一体化, 粤港为什么不能?

26、Main research French-Chinese psychology of the culture tradition of two kinds of languages and characteristic, nation and consuetudinary the relation between. ─── 主要研究法汉两种语言的文化传统与特色、民族心理与习俗之间的关系。

27、Those who be like civilian dragon boat festival and embroider sachet is consuetudinary; ─── 如民间端午节与绣香袋的习俗;

28、What some places have "to stick autumn fat" is consuetudinary, one to the autumn people begins ground of big fish big meat to enter fill. ─── 有些地方有“贴秋膘”的习俗,一到秋天人们便开始大鱼大肉地进补。

29、thirdly, property management is helpful for good and consuetudinary the implementation that concerns with good relations of neighbourhood, the government will advocate; ─── 其三,物业管理有利于良好习俗和睦邻关系的实现,政府将大力倡导;

30、Lantern hanging lamp lights: jilin consuetudinary also has a long history. ─── 彩灯:吉林市元宵挂灯习俗也由来已久。

31、Exploitation Mode on Consuetudinary Tour Resources in Heilongjiang Minority ─── 黑龙江省少数民族民俗旅游资源开发模式探讨

32、In a few town of Rhine middle reaches and Hei Sendong ministry, withholding up to now " painted eggshell is cultivated " this one old and consuetudinary. ─── 在莱茵河中游和黑森东部的一些城镇,至今保留着“彩蛋树”这一古老习俗。

33、Presumably of foot-binding consuetudinary it is at the beginning of Qing Dynasty not popular, of quiet day royal the world that is Mongolia and Manchu, general emperor is Manchu, empress is Mongolia. ─── 想来裹脚的习俗在清初并不流行,清朝的皇家是蒙古和满族人的天下,一般皇帝是满族人,皇后就是蒙古人。

34、Be in about Tang Dynasty, chinese on the ground and those who sit is consuetudinary pass Japan, perform type of melt into day gradually " couch couch rice " . ─── 大约在唐代,中国人席地而坐的习俗传到日本,逐渐演化为日式的“榻榻米”。

35、The traditional idea that our country minority has environment of many protection organisms' habits and silvan resource, legal system, regulation and consuetudinary. ─── 我国少数民族有大量保护生态环境和森林资源的传统观念、法制、规定和习俗。

36、The Tibetian masses of different area, because environment, culture, life is consuetudinary the difference with means, the Tibetan shoe that wears is on style and style also each are not identical. ─── 不同地区的藏族群众,由于环境、文化、生活习俗和方式的差异,所穿的藏鞋在风格和样式上也各不相同。

37、Be in about the world the dress of a lot of places is consuetudinary in investigation, can see the disequilibrium sex of the use of dress completely. ─── 在关于世界许多地方的服饰习俗调查中,完全可以看到衣着的使用的不均衡性。

38、consuetudinary tour ─── 民俗旅游

39、Same effect also consist in is major of the society consuetudinary in, in the fokelore of consist in each country, mythological, traditional culture. ─── 同样的影响也存在于大部分社会的习俗之中,存在于各国的传说、神话、传统文化之中。

40、Hunting becomes result secret of success, change consuetudinary analysis into style or manner of writing to its, have a restricted view of sth, see one spot. ─── 探求成功秘诀,对其进行文化习俗分析,管中窥豹,可见一斑。

41、consuetudinary law ─── 习惯法

42、Village compasses civilian it is local community about those who use local knowledge and government of traditional and consuetudinary executive ego is important reflect. ─── 村规民约是当地社区利用乡土知识和传统习俗实施自我治理的重要体现。

43、According to account, far acting when Yan Zhou, live in hill of Fujian fierce exterminate what the Fujian that 9 brooks take jumps over clansman to have tea bath is consuetudinary. ─── 据记载,远在殷周时代,居住在福建武夷山九曲溪一带的闽越族人就有茶浴的习俗。

44、To deal of a country, should know place above all consuetudinary with culture formal. ─── 到一个国家做生意,首先要了解当地习俗和文化礼仪。

45、Area of our country certain minority, before still withholding a marriage up to now, live together consuetudinary, also call try marriage or go marriage. ─── 我国某些少数民族地区,至今仍保留着婚前同居习俗,也称为试婚或走婚。

46、Influence of Consuetudinary Laws of Minority Nationalities on the Government's Administrative Action ─── 论少数民族习惯法对政府行政行为的影响

47、Influence of Consuetudinary Laws of Minority Nationalities on the Government's Administrative Action ─── 论少数民族习惯法对政府行政行为的影响

48、a consuetudinary law ─── 习惯法; 不成文法

49、Be in Shandong, the handicraft that has embroider insole from of old is consuetudinary, local woman each the heart is deft, embroider art is masterly. ─── 在山西民间,“鞋垫”经常作为未婚女青年赠予未婚夫的礼物,常绣有“福海无边”“事事如意“”莲花童子”等纹样,鞋垫也是当地新娘子重要的嫁妆,其风格率真、纯朴、热烈。

50、Exploitation Mode on Consuetudinary Tour Resources in Heilongjiang Minority ─── 黑龙江省少数民族民俗旅游资源开发模式探讨

51、Carry incidentally, be in a few places of China, remarrying is to have it seems that what hold wedding afternoon is consuetudinary. ─── 顺便提一下,在中国的一些地方,再婚似乎是有在下午举办婚礼的习俗。

52、As early as in the 21st century BC, consuetudinary law appeared in China's slave society. ─── 早在公元前21世纪,中国就已经产生了奴隶制的习惯法。

53、Put next seeing to broader background, the electron is published and read regular still meeting to involve economy, law and social culture consuetudinary wait for a series of problems. ─── 放到更广阔的背景下看,电子出版和阅读还一定会涉及到经济、法律以及社会文化习俗等一系列问题。

54、The consumption that should change a tradition accordingly is consuetudinary, praise highly green is consumed, adjust industrial structure, the government should build perfect supportive system. ─── 因此要改变传统的消费习俗,推崇绿色消费,调整产业结构,政府要建立完善的支持系统。








Consumer — 使用方在 Web 部件连接中,从提供者控件接收数据并处理或显示该数据的服务器控件。





1.Consumer为消费者,people who buy or use products.消费者一共有两类:购置商品消费者(如购买婴儿奶粉的家长)and真正使用商品的消费者(食用奶粉的婴儿)。

2.Consumer — 使用方在 Web 部件连接中,从提供者控件接收数据并处理或显示该数据的服务器控件。使用者可以是任何类型的服务器控件,但是必须行使使用者的功能。使用者必须有一个特殊的回调方法,该方法在源代码中标记有 ConnectionConsumerAttribute 属性。此方法以界面实例的形式从提供者接收数据。另请参见:连接点、提供者和 Web 部件连接。

3. 在环境科学和生物中, Consumer指以别的organisms为食物的生命。Consumer分两种:Primary Consumer以organismsprimaryproducer为食,即食草动物;Secondary Consumer以Primary Consumer为食,即食肉动物。

这就构成了整个的食物链,secondary consumer→primary consumer→primary producer。


狼就是这里的secondary consumer(食肉动物),兔子是primary consumer(食草动物),而草就是其中的producer(生产者)


4、Consumer Preview —意为消费者预览版。

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