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09-05 投稿



demoniacal 发音

英:[?di?m??na??k?l]  美:[?di?m???na??k?l]

英:  美:

demoniacal 中文意思翻译




demoniacal 同义词


demoniacal 短语词组

1、demoniacal means ─── 邪恶的手段

2、demoniacal dispel ─── 驱魔

3、demoniacal fit ─── 魔鬼般的适合

4、demoniacal define ─── 恶魔定义

5、demoniacal cult ─── 邪教

6、demoniacal def ─── 恶魔的定义

7、demoniacal fit gohan ─── 恶魔般的适合戈汉

demoniacal 词性/词形变化,demoniacal变形

副词: demoniacally |异体字: demoniacal |

demoniacal 反义词


demoniacal 相似词语短语

1、ammoniacal ─── adj.[无化]氨的;含氨的

2、demonical ─── 恶魔的

3、demonically ─── 魔鬼似地,恶魔似地,凶残地

4、simoniacal ─── adj.圣职买卖的;买卖僧职的

5、demoniac ─── adj.魔鬼的;魔鬼似的;n.恶魔缠身者

6、pandemoniacal ─── 混乱的

7、demoniacism ─── 恶魔

8、demoniacs ─── adj.魔鬼的;魔鬼似的;n.恶魔缠身者

9、demoniacally ─── adv.魔鬼地;魔鬼似地

demoniacal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This was a demoniac laugh-low, suppressed, and deep-uttered, as it seemed, at the very keyhole of my chamber door. ─── 这是一阵魔鬼的笑声--低沉,压抑--似乎就从我房门的钥匙孔那儿发出来的。

2、19) Those envious, cruel, evil, lowest of mankind; verily I hurl perpetually into the cycle of birth and death into the wombs of the demoniac. ─── 那些妒忌的,狠毒的,邪恶的,最下贱的人中败类,毫无疑问地,“我”会把他们永远地投入到恶魔的子胞中,不停地进行生死轮回。

3、demoniac energy; a demoniacal fit. ─── 魔鬼般的力量;极其合身

4、And before this, the from mouth to mouth inside course of study is demoniac animal general by Netease, blizzard the view of joint-stock company operation. ─── 而此前,业内广泛流传着魔兽将由网易、暴雪合资公司运营的说法。

5、7) Persons of demoniac nature cannot understand actions in their best spiritual interests and actions in their worst spiritual interests; ─── 具有魔性品质的人,不懂得什么样的行为,最有利于或最不利于他们的精神利益。

6、The divine has been described extensively, now hear from Me O Arjuna, of the demoniac. ─── 我们已经详述了神性的品质,阿诸那啊,现在听我讲讲魔性的品质。

7、and then let us imagine how the Apollonian artist with his thin, monotonous harp music have sounded beside the demoniac chant of the multitude! ─── 那么,让我们想象一下:同这着了魔似的民歌相比,拨响着幽灵似的竖琴、唱着赞美诗的日神艺术家能有什么意义!

8、12) These bewildered fools of futile desires, futile endeavors, futile knowledge and futile understanding; certainly assume the nature of the atheistic and demoniac. ─── 被迷惑了的愚人们,其求解脱的愿望,努力,求知和理解都是徒劳的,他们当然就会呈现无神论者和恶魔的本性。

9、But Jesus passed that way, and unsought, and probably even resisted by the poor demoniac, he uttered the word of power, and Mary of Magdala became a trophy of the healing power of Jesus. ─── 但是耶稣解救了她。虽然她没有去找寻耶稣;这个可怜被鬼附的人甚至可能抗拒耶稣。

10、4) Pseudo-religiosity, pretentious pride, conceit,arrogance, anger, harshness and ignorance arise in one born of the demoniac nature, O Arjuna. ─── 虚假的虔诚,自命不凡的傲慢,狂妄自负,愤怒,苛刻及愚昧-这些不良品性,会从天生俱有魔性品质的人身上体现出来,阿诸那啊。

11、This was a demoniac laugh-low, suppressed, and deep-uttered, as it seemed, at the very keyhole of my chamber door ─── 这是一阵魔鬼的笑声--低沉,压抑--似乎就从我房门的钥匙孔那儿发出来的。

12、Thus the demoniac are deluded by ignorance. ─── 就这样,魔性的人被愚昧无知迷惑了。

13、15) The depraved, the foolish, the lower levels of humanity, do not surrender unto Me;their discrimination degraded by the illusory energy they betake to the nature of the demoniac. ─── 人类中愚蠢的,低等的堕落之流不皈依于“我”,他们由于恶魔的本性,被幻象能量所迷惑而落入了邪见。

14、This is the apartman, the demoniac dreamer. ─── 这是一个离群索居的人,被魔鬼迷住的梦想者。

15、2.The Inquisition of the Medieval Ages devised many demoniac means of torture. ─── 中世纪的宗教法庭创造了许多骇人听闻的酷刑。

16、22 14 Then they brought to him a demoniac who was blind and mute. He cured the mute person so that he could speak and see. ─── 那时,有人给他领来一个又瞎又哑的附魔人,耶稣治好了他,以致这哑吧能说话,也能看见。

17、Self-complacent, impudent, deluded by vanity and haughtiness due to wealth, the demoniac perform sacrifices out of pride, in name only, such sacrifices are performed without any regard for scriptural injunctions. ─── 洋洋自得,放肆无礼,由于富有而被空虚和傲慢所迷惑,着了魔的人是出于自尊才供奉祭祀,仅仅是名义上的,这样的供奉祭祀与经中规定的指令毫不相干。

18、Pseudo-religiosity, pretentious pride, conceit, arrogance, anger, harshness and ignorance arise in one born of the demoniac nature, O Arjuna. ─── 虚假的虔诚,自命不凡的傲慢,狂妄自负,愤怒,苛刻及愚昧-这些不良品性,会从天生俱有魔性品质的人身上体现出来,阿诸那啊。

19、and the soldiers sought for her,and if they found her, it was new food for their demoniac fury: evil spirits could not have raged worse than did these soldiers; ─── 恶魔都做不出像他们那样坏的事情,但是这位王子却认为他们的行为很好。他的威力一天一天地增大;

20、Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, ─── 对于她的干涉我极为恼怒,我怒气冲天

21、and a frightful, demoniac laugh finished the sentence, which was lost in a hoarse rattle. ─── 他用了一个新仆人班,诺瓦蒂埃也换了一个新的仆人。

22、He allowed Mahabali to return to the spiritual sky to associate with Prahalada (the demoniac Hiranyashipu's pious son, also a descendant of the demon race) and other divine beings. ─── 他允许大巴力回归到灵性的天空,与帕拉哈拉达联结(魔鬼哈拉雅斯普的虔诚儿子,也是一个魔鬼族类的下降)和其他的神人。

23、Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. ─── 对于她的干涉我极为恼怒,我怒气冲天,挣脱了她的手,斧子一下子就砍在了她头上。

24、20) O Arjuna, entering demoniac wombs birth after birth, these fools receive an even more abominable destination unable to achieve me. ─── 阿诸那啊,一世又一世地投生于魔性的胎中,这些蠢人就陷入了更令人憎恶的厄运,而无法达到“我”的灵地。

25、Suggest you use capture of " of " Mo Siji Nuo his heart, the aroma with exotic coquettish and mysterious amorous feelings, make he is like to you demoniac kind without can defy. ─── 建议你使用"莫斯奇诺"虏获他的心,异国风情妖艳神秘的香气,使他对你有如着魔般无可抗拒。

26、Zhang is demoniac general, to Chen Mou remit 4000 yuan. such, two days in, ms. ─── 张女士如着魔一般,又向陈某汇出了4000元。

27、"I?--I kill my boy?" cried the distracted mother, rushing toward Villefort;"I kill my son?Ha, ha, ha!"and a frightful, demoniac laugh finished the sentence, which was lost in a hoarse rattle. ─── 维尔福希望把这件谋杀案排为大审中的第一件案子,他不断地工作,一切都已准备就绪。

28、The divine nature is considered the cause of liberation and the demoniac nature the cause of bondage; do not worry, O Arjuna, you are born of the divine nature. ─── 神性品质是走向解脱的缘因,邪恶品质是遭受束缚障碍的缘因。不要担心,阿诸那啊,你是天生俱有神性品质的人。

29、I had them both on their feet with the desperate suggestion that they help me make tea in the kitchen when the demoniac Finn brought it in on a tray. ─── 我急中生智,建议他们帮我到厨房里去预备茶,他们俩立刻站了起来,正在这时那魔鬼般的芬兰女佣人用托盘把茶端了进来。

30、A second idea is that Matthew, copying Mark, has followed a normal literary procedure for the day, in that he has left out other accounts by Mark (1:23-6 of the demoniac; ─── 第二个观点是,马太在模仿马可用正常的文学方法记叙一天发生的事件,在这过程中,他把其他的责任给了马可(1:23-6被鬼俯身的人;

31、demoniac energy, fury, etc ─── 逾常的精力、 狂怒等.

32、demoniac creatures. ─── 受魔鬼控制的生物

33、4) Those in goodness worship the demigods, those in passion worship the demoniac, other personas in nescience the spirits of the dead and ghosts. ─── 在善性中的人崇拜半人神,在欲望情感中的人崇拜魔鬼,其他无知的人崇拜鬼魂和幽灵。

34、Still on they came, and now the near woods resounded through all their aisles with their demoniac cry. ─── 它们还在追赶,现在附近森林中的所有的小径上全部都是它们的恶魔似的嚎叫。

35、This sentence was spoken with the bitterness of self-upbraiding, and a contortion of visage absolutely demoniacal ─── 这话是用辛辣的自我谴责的口吻说出来的,说话时他的面孔也歪扭得象个地道的魔鬼。

36、demoniacal cruelty ─── 狂暴

37、the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. ─── 她的干涉我极为恼怒,我怒气冲天,挣脱了她的手,斧子一下子就砍在了她头上。

38、Ha, ha, ha!"and a frightful, demoniac laugh finished the sentence, which was lost in a hoarse rattle.Madame de Villefort fell at her husband's feet.He approached her. " ─── 他看见:在一大丛几乎落光了叶子的菩提树下,维尔福夫人坐在那儿,手里拿着一本书,她不时停止阅读,向她的儿子微笑一下,或是把他顽皮地从客厅里抛出来的皮球投回去。

39、5. Pseudo-religiosity, pretentious pride, conceit,arrogance, anger, harshness and ignorance arise in one born of the demoniac nature, O Arjuna. ─── 虚假的虔诚,自命不凡的傲慢,狂妄自负,愤怒,苛刻及愚昧-这些不良品性,会从天生俱有魔性品质的人身上体现出来,阿诸那啊。收藏指正

40、Accepting this vision the demoniac being deficient in spiritual intelligence having lost contact with their soul; degradedly engage in abominable activities to influence the destruction of the universe. ─── 接受了这样邪见的人,灵性智能不足,失去了和他们真心自性的联系,堕落到令人厌恶的行为中,而引起宇宙的毁灭。



发音:英 [?di:m?n] 美 [?dim?n]


n.魔鬼; 恶魔; 精力过人的人; 邪念

复数: demons


1、For all one knows that demon is the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.


2、Now all is dashed wrong by the fool's craving to hear evil of self, that haunts some people like a demon!


3、There's a touch of demon in his stealthy menace.




词根: demon


demonic 有魔力的,恶魔的

demoniacal 恶魔的


demoniacally 魔鬼地;魔鬼似地


demoniacal 着魔之人;狂暴者

demonism 信仰魔鬼;对鬼怪的崇拜(等于demonolatry);魔鬼学

demonization 妖魔化


demonize 妖魔化;使…成为魔鬼

demonise 使成为魔鬼(等于demonize)

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