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09-05 投稿



economization 发音

英:[??k?n?m??ze???n]  美:[??k?n?ma??ze???n]

英:  美:

economization 中文意思翻译



economization 相似词语短语

1、decolonization ─── n.非殖民地化,殖民地自治化

2、enolization ─── n.[有化]烯醇化作用

3、canonization ─── n.承认为圣典;追封为圣者

4、decolorization ─── n.消色,脱色

5、economisation ─── 节约

6、envenomization ─── 使中毒

7、colorization ─── n.着彩色

8、recolonization ─── n.再度移民;开拓殖民地

9、colonization ─── n.殖民;殖民地化

economization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The experiment result shows it has good self-adaptivity in the whole scope of speed adjustment and economization on energy while it runs well in the whole speed adjustment range. ─── 实验结果表明系统在轻载和欠载时有明显的节能效果,在整个调速范围内运行性能良好。

2、The operation management level of substation is vital to the security, the economization and the reliability of the power system. ─── 变电站的运行管理水平对整个电力系统运行的安全性、经济性和可靠性至关重要。


4、The paper analyses the technical demand and noting transaction of the s tone column considering the site and class of construction, and proves the relia bility and economization of the stone column. ─── 在考虑场地条件、建筑物等级和投资意愿等前提下,分析了碎石桩的工艺要点、检测效果,从而论证选用碎石桩的可行性和实用性。

5、The Technical Modification for Energy Economization of Cooling Water Circulation System of Turbine Generator ─── 汽轮机冷却循环水系统的节能改造

6、While talking about efficiency increase,we usually mean the economization of certain cost items or greater profit brought by the same input. ─── 当我们说效率的提高时,通常指的是某项或多项费用的节约,或者是同样的投入带来了更大的收益。

7、Production of viscose fiber was a heavy water consumer.The water economization was an important matter in enterprise development and had relation to production cost and environment protection. ─── 粘胶纤维的生产是一个耗水量较大的生产过程,做好节水工作关系到生产的成本和环境的保护,是企业发展的关键问题之一。

8、The represent of the system in practice proves its economization and reliability. ─── 在实际应用中证明了该方案的经济性与可靠性。

9、It can bring economization of human resources,and take full advantage of existing space. ─── 做到取送物品无人力搬运,可最大限度的节约人力,充分利用现有空间。

10、The represent of the system in practice proves its economization and reliability. ─── 在实际应用中证明了该方案的经济性与可靠性。

11、Artificial Wetland Technology Applied to the Wastewater Treatment and the Construction of City in Economization ─── 人工湿地污水处理技术与节约型城市的建设

12、Keywords control of sewage disposal;economization of water;metallurgic enterprises; ─── 控制排污;节约用水;冶金企业;

13、Preliminary Study about Economization of Government Bulk Purchase ─── 政府采购节约率浅析

14、This paper introduced with emphases the reconstruction of temperature measure of the high pressureleachingand the significant meaningofsecurity interlockcontrol and economization energy. ─── 本文重点介绍高压溶出温度测量改造对安全联锁控制和节能降耗的意义。

15、Keywords boiloff cooling;integrative usage;economization of energy sources; ─── 汽化冷却;综合利用;节能;

16、The patent electricity heating system (patent No.: 2005100066284) can fully fulfill the goal of electricity-saving and economization. ─── 专利技术的电加热体系(专利号:2005100066284)真正达到了节电省钱的目的。

17、Due to socialization of divide-up, market requirement trends miniaturization, diversification and economization. ─── 由于社会化大分工使得客户的需求趋于小型化、多样化、经济化。

18、The American people carried out the movement of economization to support the Anti-Japanese War. ─── 美国人民开展“节省一碗饭、分钱”运动,大力支援中国抗日。

19、Improving the Structure of Box Cars;Promoting the Economization and Replacement of Wood ─── 改进棚车结构 促进木材节约代用

20、Keywords NC machine tool economization high accuracy closed loop control; ─── 数控机床;经济化;高精度;全闭环控制;

21、Establish cycling industry chain, construct environment protection economization coal and electricity group ─── 构建循环产业链建设环保节约型煤电集团

22、Base items: years of labor, type of work, labor quality, labor security, labor economization , etc. ─── 基础指标:劳动工龄、劳动工种、劳动质量、劳动安全、劳动节约等。

23、For tens of years, Wuyue Man has been in the same boat cautiously and conscientiously, and has advanced towards a developing road from the specialization to the economization. ─── 十几年来,五岳人同舟共济,兢兢业业,走向了一条由专业化向经济化的发展道路。

24、If the efficiency of pumping unit was improved to meet the foreign standard, we would save more than 300 million yuan from the economization of electric energy consumption. ─── 如果将抽油机运行效率提高到国外水平,每年可节省3亿元以上电费开支。

25、Not only such, marx also foreknew when studying labor theory of value the tide that intellectual economization and economic knowledge turn. ─── 不仅如此,马克思在研究劳动价值论时也预见了知识经济化和经济知识化的趋势。


27、econom y responsibility audit ─── 经济责任审计

28、The rational “ townization” would be beneficial to economization on land.The great potentialities of economize on land are in the rural area. ─── 合理城镇化有利于节约土地,而节约土地的巨大潜力在农村。

29、The large earthquake of MS 7.4 attacking Izm it city, Turkey, on August 17, 1999, caused heavy casualtiesand econom iclosses . ─── 1999年8 月17日土耳其伊兹米特MS 7.4 大地震造成了重大的人员伤亡与经济损失。

30、Economization of the constitutionalism ─── 立宪经济化

31、Equipments of this type would make outstanding contributions to envioronmental purification and energy economization in the fields of controlling any kinds organic waste gases. ─── 以低能耗为突出优点的本型设备,将在各种有机废气治理领域内为净化环境和节能作出卓越的贡献。

32、This article would like to provide reference for the health care system reform in our country, after the changeover from planned econom... ─── 以求对我国从计划经济向市场经济转轨后,医疗保健制度的改革提供借鉴。


34、Currently, the development of country economy is confronted with two greatness challenges, energy economization and environmental protection. ─── 当前我国国民经济面临节约能源和环境保护两大挑战,充分合理地利用能源是可持续发展的关键。

35、mine energy economization ─── 煤矿节能

36、It's an important method that improving power factor(PF) will enhance the efficiency of power-using and the economization on energy. ─── 改善工业企业用电的功率因数是提高用电效率、节约电能的重要手段。

37、At the same time, it is pointed out that the small towns should pay attention to the layout, programme, infrastructural construction, the economization of land use and environmental protection. ─── 同时指出,小城镇应合理布局,科学规划,重视基础设施建设,注意节约用地和保护环境。

38、Politics of political economization, economy changes a trend stronger and stronger. ─── 政治经济化、经济政治化趋势越来越强。

39、He praised the econom ic y stimul us ates package approved by the House of Representatives and urge d the Senate to follow suit. ─── “我认为,如果你真的想解决经济增长放缓的问题,上议院就应该接受众议院的方案,通过并尽快送交我批准。”

40、concept of global economization and at present state and mark. ─── 全球经济化的概念及目前状况与标志。

41、Search for the integration control system under the base of electronic message and mechanics of communication which can be used at energy economization and environmental management. ─── 寻求以电子信息及通讯技术为基础的集成控制系统应用在能源节能控制及环保管理。

42、This essay analyzes the solution on the technology, exploitation of new resource, energy economization and economy. ─── 文中浅析了解决这一问题在技术、开发新能源、节能和经济上的对策。

43、Keywords malleable iron;heat treatment;high temperature back up;energy economization; ─── 可锻铸铁;热处理;高温封炉;节能;

44、Buddhist pursuance for spirit transcendence, economization and the practice of life protection and vegetable diet are significant for ecological life style development. ─── 佛教对精神超越的追求、节俭惜福、慈悲利生的生活观念,以及戒杀护生、素食的生活实践,对于生态生活方式建设具有启迪意义。

45、Keywords viscose fiber;production;water economization; ─── 粘胶纤维;生产;节水途径;

46、"If we reject this opportunit y to support a friend with good econom ic policy, if we turn down this free trade agreement, it will hurt our relations in South America. ─── “如果我们拒绝这个可以和良好的经济政策建立友好关系的机会,如果我们拒绝这自由贸易的协议,这将会给我们南美带来伤害。

47、4)carrying out thoroughly the power policy of paying equal attention both to development and economization. ─── 4.切实贯彻“开发与节约并举”的能源方针。

48、But, to Chinese market the degree of economization cannot be overestimated, due one.. ─── 但是,对于中国市场经济化的程度不能估计过高,应有一...

49、Because of the low cost, starching under normal temperature and economization on steam, this paste has vast vistas oh development and application. ─── 经棉纱上浆试验证明:性能优于目前采用的淀粉/PVA浆料,且成本低、常温上浆节省蒸汽,具有广阔的推广应用前景。

50、Keywords nano-lubricant additives;tribological properties;economization;environment amity; ─── 纳米润滑添加剂;摩擦性能;经济性能;环境友好性;

51、Analysing on Moisture Index, Water Economization and Adversity Resistance of Optimum Irrigation for Winter Wheat in North china ─── 华北地区冬小麦优化灌溉的水分指标与节水性、抗逆性分析

52、So "economization" is not your friend. Cheapness can be value-less. ─── 所以“缩减开支”不是你的朋友,而同样购买廉价商品也是没有价值的。

53、To build economization society is of implicating in modernization construction process and state security, the people's welfare and basic benefit, the people's existence and long-term development. ─── 摘要建设节约型社会,事关现代化建设进程和国家安全,事关人民群众福祉和根本利益,事关中华民族生存和长远发展。

54、economization of power series ─── 幂级数的减缩

55、Keywords hydraulic hammer;hydraulic system;program control system;energy economization; ─── 液压模锻锤;液压系统;程控系统;节能;

56、Base items: years of labor, type of work, labor quality, labor security, labor economization, etc. ─── 基础指标:劳动工龄、劳动工种、劳动质量、劳动安全、劳动节约等。

57、The Application and Energy-saving Principle of Frequency Converter in the Respect of Energy- Economization ─── 变频器在节能方面的应用和节能原理

58、With the total capital of USD $ 12 million, the company invests in the fields of electronic information, biological medicine and environmental protection & economization on energy. ─── 经营主业Business Scope: 该公司资金总额为一千二百万美元, 投资于电子信息, 生物医药与环保节能领域。

59、Agricultural circulation econom ─── 农业循环经济

60、Responsible for establishing the system operating plan. Concentrate on improving the system and realize the most possible economization . ─── 负责制定系统的运行方案,不断研究改进的措施,使设备在安全运行和高水准的前提下力图节省能源。

61、Promoting the Economization on Water through Strengthening the Gauge Management for Water Intake ─── 加强取水计量管理促进节约用水

62、Financial media heat and "economization" of mass media arouse great demand for economic news talents and media talents. ─── 摘要财经传媒热及大众媒体的“经济化”,使经济新闻及传媒人才走俏。

63、World economy politics is changed increasingly as apparent as world politics economization; ─── 世界经济一体化与区域集团化趋势并存发展;世界经济政治化与世界政治经济化日益明显;

64、Two inconstant phenomena arise in the development of China: the state's politicalization and the society's economization. ─── 摘要中国国家发展过程中出现了两种非常态现象国家政治化和社会经济化。

65、Keywords natural forest protection project region;coordinate development;development model;economization of ecological resources;partnership cooperation mechanism; ─── 天保地区;协调发展;发展模式;生态资源经济化;伙伴协作机制;

66、In the context of knowledge economization, economic globalization and intellectual property internationalization, intellectual property economy is gradually becoming a new economic form. ─── 摘要在知识经济化、经济全球化和知识产权国际化的背景下,知识产权经济正逐步成为一种新的经济形态。

67、Keywords Mineral resources management Resouces taxes Resources compensation in the manner of resources economization; ─── 矿产资源管理;资源税;资源补偿费;资源节约型;

68、cuhrual economization ─── 文化经济化

69、Three models are compared with the usability of UMV, economization of traveling time, and the adaptability of the passengers need. ─── 最后从动车组利用、旅客旅行时间节省和旅客需求适应程度等方面对3种模式进行了比较。

70、The farmer income decelerates is aims at the city people income to raise fast says, the farmer income decelerated has suppressed the national econom health development. ─── 摘要农民收入减速是针对城市居民收入提速而言的,农民收入减速抑制了经济发展健康发展。

71、T he company advocates environmental protection, economization, innovation, continuous improvement, and surpassing ourselves, so as to work with customers to create a healthy and good life. ─── 公司倡导环保、优质、创新,坚持持续改进、不断超越自我,与客户共同为消费者创造健康美好的生活而努力。

72、This essay analyzes the solution on the technology,exploitation of new resource,energy economization and economy. ─── 文中浅析了解决这一问题在技术、开发新能源、节能和经济上的对策。

73、Currently, economization, socialization, humanism, and ecological trends are the main features of Russian socio-economic geography development. ─── 经济化、社会化、人文化和生态化是当前俄罗斯社会经济地理学发展的主要特征。

74、The early days research of the economization industrial robot based on modularization ─── 经济型模块化工业机器人的前期研究

75、The viewpoints of overall coordination,macroscopic view assurance are put forward to increase the economic efficiency,and improve the econom... ─── 提出了整体协调、宏观把握的观点,增加生产生物柴油的经济效益,提高其经济可行性。

76、bring economization of human resources, and take full advantage of existing space. ─── 送物品无人力搬运,可最大限度的节约人力,充分利用现有空间。

77、II , Along with development of economization , globalization , new politics and culture, the environment problems become obvious. ─── 二、随着经济化、全球化、地缘政治和文化的发展,环境问题日渐凸现。

78、heating system economization ─── 供热系统

79、Giving that energy sources supply is very limited, thus economization has very important meaning for us. ─── 而利用高炉煤气发电项目的关键设备是锅炉,其自动化控制的水平和可靠性直接关系到锅炉运行和产品质量。

80、Keywords circulation pump;energy economization;technical modification; ─── 循环水泵;节能;改造;

81、In this paper, the ways of water economization for the production of viscose fiber in practice were discussed.The measures of water economization were proposed. ─── 结合某粘胶纤维厂生产实际,对粘胶纤维生产过程中的各个环节的节约用水的方法进行了详细的探讨,并提出了具体的节水措施。

82、About energy economization, mainly introduced how new technologies and methods are used in utilizing of hydraulic head, decreasing pressure and quantity, setting of fire-fighting system, water pump, supplying of hot water etc. ─── 关于节能,主要介绍了在给水管网水头的利用方面,减压节流问题方面,生活与消防系统设置方面,水泵方面,开水供应方面的节能新方法、新技术。

83、Difference efficiency theory, strategy re-planning theory and market control can all be regarded as Forkly’s foundation.And taxes economization and managerialism can be partly its cause. ─── 差别效率理论、协同效应理论、战略重订理论以及市场控制力的观点都可用于解释福克莱的并购依据,税收节省和管理主义倾向也可部分说明福克莱并购的成因。

84、Electricity Economization for the Cycling Water Pump Motor System in Electric Power Plant ─── 浅谈火力发电厂循环水泵电机系统节电

85、So "economization" is not your friend. Cheapness can be value-less. ─── 所以“缩减开支”不是你的朋友,而同样购买廉价商品也是没有价值的。

86、Promoting Sustainable Development with Economization Taxation Policy ─── 以节约型税收政策促进可持续发展

87、Study on Diagnosis Model of Boiler Combustion Economization ─── 电站锅炉燃烧经济性诊断模型的研究

88、Convenience, Safety, Rapidness, Accurateness and Economization is the permanent pursuit of our company. ─── 方便、安全、迅捷、准确、节省是我们永远的追求。

89、Giving priority to hydro-electric power is an inevitable choice to realize the energy economization, to guarantee the sustainable development of the energy industry and to satisfy the requirement to build up the harmonious society. ─── 摘要优先发展水电能源是对能源资源最大的节约,是保证能源工业持续发展,满足构建和谐社会能源需求的必然选择。

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