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09-05 投稿


presages 发音

英:[?pres?d??z]  美:[?pres?d??z]

英:  美:

presages 中文意思翻译



presages 词性/词形变化,presages变形

动词过去分词: presaged |动词现在分词: presaging |形容词: presageful |动词第三人称单数: presages |动词过去式: presaged |

presages 短语词组

1、presages meaning ─── 预示意义

2、presages crossword ─── 预兆纵横字谜

3、presages def ─── 预告定义

4、presages crossword clue ─── 预兆纵横字谜线索

presages 相似词语短语

1、presides ─── vi.主持,担任会议主席;vt.管理

2、presale ─── 售前展览;预售

3、presage ─── v.预示,预兆(尤指不祥之事);预言,预感;n.预示,预兆;预感,预知

4、paysages ─── n.风景,乡村景色;风景画

5、passages ─── n.短文(passage的复数形式);通路;过客;v.通过;参加争论(passage的三单形式)

6、presaged ─── v.预示,预兆;预言(presage的过去式及过去分词)

7、presager ─── n.预感;前兆(presage的变形)

8、preshapes ─── 预成形

9、presses ─── n.压力机(press的复数);精榨机;v.按压;催逼(press的三单形式)

presages 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This sign presages rains. ─── 这种迹象是下雨的预兆。

2、The South China Sea presages a different form of conflict than the ones to which we have become accustomed. ─── 南海将预示一场不同形式的冲突,将是世人从未见过的。

3、Nevertheless, the appointment of a receiver almost invariably presages a liquidation of the debtor company, and statute has given it some of the incidents of insolvency. ─── 然而指定涉讼财产管理人几乎无例外地预示债务公司的清算,而法律对此提出一些破产的附带规定。

4、For Mr Fukuda, the gas deal presages a “sea of peace and co-operation”. ─── 对福田先生来说,天然气交易预示了一片“和平与合作之海”。

5、And each presages the bigger pivots ahead in China's course. ─── 每一件也都预示着中国今后路线的更大转机。

6、Boris Gryzlov's departure likely presages a much wider government shake-up in the Russian government in coming weeks. ─── 格雷兹洛夫(BorisGryzlov)的离任可能预示着俄罗斯政府即将在未来几周进行范围更大的改组。

7、This time around, it may be the rule that an ebb in unemployment claims presages recovery. ─── 这次,打破的规律可能是首次申请失业救济人数的下降预示着复苏。

8、The agreement presages even more dramatic changes. ─── 这份合约预示着更巨大的改变。

9、The roll of thunder presages a storm. ─── 隆隆的雷声意味着暴风雨的到来。

10、Because banks use mortgage-securities indices as an important input when valuing their holdings, the latest spiral presages further write-downs. ─── 因为银行使用不动产抵押证券指数有个重要前提,就是他们自己持有,最新价格呈螺旋式下跌,显示未来将有更多的资产减记。

11、But it would be overly confident to say terminating TARP presages a quick return to health. ─── 但如果说归还救助资金就预示着银行的状况会迅速复原,那显然是过于自信了。

12、But it would be overly confident to say terminating TARP presages a quick return to health. ─── 但如果说归还救助资金就预示着银行的状况会迅速复原,那显然是过于自信了。

13、Your dream of idiotic children presages illness and grief in you near future. ─── 您的梦想,愚蠢的儿童预示着疾病和悲痛,在不久的将来您。

14、of lighting the lamp presages an unexpected bounty or reward for you. ─── 的照明灯预示着一个意想不到的恩惠或报酬给你。

15、None of these questions necessarily presages a Chinese collapse in 2012. ─── 这些问题并不一定预示着2012年中国会硬着陆。

16、the first presages of winter ─── 第一丝冬意

17、NASA is predicting strong solar activity around 2012 and there's evidence that the magnetic poles are slowly weakening, something that reportedly presages a reversal. ─── NASA(美国航天局)正在预测2012年前后太阳强烈活动,有证据表明磁极正缓慢变弱,据传一些情况预示逆转。

18、Before we all get too excited it should be noted that it is unlikely that China's announcement presages aggressive action on the CNY. ─── 在高兴之前,我们必须明白中国的宣布并不表示当局对人民币将有更进取的行动。

19、S. treasuries. While its spread across Asia presages a wider role, the renminbis strength against the dollar and yen are far from assured. ─── 横过亚洲的它的传布成为一个较宽的角色的前兆,不过对抗元和日圆的人民币的力量从保证是远的。

20、And each presages the bigger pivots ahead in China's course. ─── 每一件也都预示着中国今后路线的更大转机。

21、1.For when Caesar would have discharged the senate, in regard of some ill presages, and specially a dream of Calpurnia; ─── 因为在恺撒为了一些不祥的预兆,尤其是克尔坡尼亚的一场噩梦的原故而想使参议院先行散会。

22、For Mr Fukuda, the gas deal presages a"sea of peace and co-operation". ─── 对于福田首相来说,此次东海协议昭示着“和平合作之海”的诞生。

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