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appraisement 中文意思翻译



appraisement 短语词组

1、appraisement meaning ─── 评价意义

2、appraisement entry ─── 考核分录

3、appraisement clause ─── 估价条款

4、writ of appraisement ─── [法] 估价令状, 鉴定令, 评价令

5、commission of appraisement ─── [法] 估价委员会

6、appraisement law ─── 鉴定法

7、appraisement def ─── 评价定义

8、technique appraisement ─── [化] 技术鉴定

9、appraisement value ─── 评价值

10、appraisement of securities ─── [财]证券估价

11、customs appraisement ─── [经] 关税评(鉴)定

12、appraisement means ─── 评价手段

13、appraisement bulleting ─── 评价项目符号

14、appraisement letter ─── 评价信

appraisement 相似词语短语

1、amortisement ─── n.摊还,分期偿还

2、reappraisements ─── 重新评估

3、appeasement ─── n.缓和,平息;姑息

4、appraisements ─── n.评价

5、appraisee ─── n.受评人;接受评核人员

6、appetisement ─── 开胃

7、appartement ─── 公寓

8、appeasements ─── n.缓和,平息;姑息

9、reappraisement ─── 重新评价

appraisement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dangerous degree appraisement ─── 危险度评价

2、Appraisement for Medical Students'Chemistry Experiments by Fuzzy Set Theory ─── 利用模糊集合论对医学生化学实验进行综合评判

3、Improvement of Domestic Manufacturing Enterprise Agility Appraisement Model ─── 国内制造企业敏捷性评价模型的改进

4、Appraisement Of Indoor Work Of Yirao Road ─── 依饶公路内业工作的自我评述

5、It is conducive to perfect analysis and appraisement of planning policy that importing economic theory and method into urban system planning. ─── 在城镇体系规划中引入经济学的理论和方法,有助于完善规划政策的分析与评价。

6、The State and Appraisement of China Distance Education Regulation ─── 我国远程教育规制的现状及其评价

7、With the appliance of appraisement of pinching depth of vein No.1 in one gold deposit, geological inferences is quantitively proved to be reasonable. ─── 应用该模型对某金矿1号脉尖灭深度进行了评价,并定量地佐证了地质推断的合理性。

8、Being unused to such appraisement, he did not know how to value it ─── 他一向不习惯这么品头论足,因此,不知道怎么对此作出评价。

9、appraisement and compensation ─── 对价补偿

10、Development plan of district and machinery circle technical consultation and appraisement about quality and duty fault of mechanical-electron equipment,possibility certification about technical plan. ─── 地区及机械行业发展服规划;机电设备质量事故,责任事故技术咨询与鉴定;技术方案可行性论证.

11、We provide The Turn Key service is to offer a package service in test, appraisement, design and construction, which becomes the new industry standard gradually. ─── 固强提出的“交钥匙”服务即“检测,鉴定,设计,施工一条龙”逐步成为行业服务标准。

12、examination and appraisement system ─── 干部考评

13、We have been provided training, consultation and tutorship service for more than 300 manufacturing enterprises. We receive high reputation and appraisement, and have been keeping good relation with the customers. ─── 我们已经成功地为300多家制造型企业进行过培训、咨询和辅导服务,获得客户高度的评价,并与客户保持良好的关系。

14、Appraisement of quality improvement of militia consists of contract nurses ─── 提高聘用护士民兵素质的效果评价

15、As for the systems of the scale widely used this paper gives a brief appraisement and points out the rationality of index number scale. ─── 对人们普遍使用的标度进行了简单的评价,说明了指数标度的合理性。

16、Secondly,make basic appraisement on local government investment during economy modle changing period. ─── 其次,对转轨时期我国地方政府投资进行基本评价。

17、earthquake-resistance appraisement ─── 抗震鉴定

18、Comprehensive appraisement for health inspection in schools ─── 学校卫生监督综合评价

19、Appraisement about Zhuangzi's Psychic Thought of Aesthetic Appreciation ─── 庄子审美心态思想述评

20、The goverenment refused to make any appraisement for the recently polity scandal. ─── 政府拒绝对最近的政治丑闻作任何评价。

21、Analysis and Appraisement of the Information Economy Estimate Method ─── 信息经济测度方法分析与评价

22、Say specificly, feelings are a kind of subjective attitude and appraisement that person concerns for self for self and around world, ideal, desire and the needs of it and person are related closely , have strong subjective tendentiousness. ─── 具体地说,情感是人对自己,对自己与周围世界关系的一种主观态度和评价,它与人的需要、欲望和理想密切相关,具有强烈的主观倾向性。

23、Appraisement of enterprise groups'competitive power in Hefei ─── 合肥市企业集团竞争力评价

24、Content: How to build a sciential schoolwork mark appraisement system in senior politic is greatly concerned by all senior politics teachers at present. ─── 如何在高中思想政治课教学中建立一个科学的学业成绩评价体系,这是当前广大高中思想政治教师极为关注的事情。

25、Green Level Appraisement of Architectural Glass ─── 建筑玻璃的绿色度评价

26、On the basis of the research of the process and characteristic of knowledge decompose and appraisement, the paper finds Work Breakdown Structure is a appropriate method to solve problems, and offers references for knowledge management. ─── 摘要通过分析知识分解和知识评价的过程和特点,发掘了工作分解结构法在知识分解和知识评价中的应用,为成功实施知识管理提供参考。

27、Personnel who has an interest in the party concerned, which may affect the impartiality of the appraisement, shall withdraw. ─── 凡与当事人有利害关系,可能影响公正鉴定的人员,应当回避。

28、The heart of education concept is to pursue the education effect, which is the question of the education effect appraisement. ─── 教育观念的核心问题,是追求教育的什么功效问题,是对教育功效的评价的标准问题。

29、Abstract: The conclusion of technical appraisement for medical malpractice has served the health administrative departments as a basis and greatly react on dealing with medical disputes. ─── 文摘:医疗事故技术鉴定结论,在处理医疗纠纷中占有很重要的地位和作用,是卫生行政部门处理医疗事故的依据。

30、Examination and appraisement is one of the important means of cadre management, a primary measures of judge people and a primary premise of selecting and employing people. ─── 干部考评是干部管理的重要方法之一,是“知人”的主要手段,是用人的重要前提。

31、It also makes overall appraisement to properties of main ventilator, finds the main existing problems, and put forward the pertinent solution. ─── 对该矿井的主通风机性能进行了全面评价,得出了其存在的主要问题,提出了解决方案。

32、At present the appraisement methods such as the check table, the marking and so on are still qualitative or half quantificational.The quantificational degree is not high. ─── 在评价方法上,目前仍停留在检查表、打分赋值等定性或半定量评价水平上,定量化的程度不高。

33、To make the safe hidden trouble in the discovery on-the-spot prompt, have recorded and carried out appraisement , give to rectify and reform measure , draw up the safely inspection table on-the-spot. ─── 为使在现场发现的安全隐患及时得以记录、进行评价、给出整改措施,编制现场安全检查表。

34、Course reform is concerned with course system and the reform of course content, course teaching method and the content such as means and course teaching quality appraisement. ─── 改革涉及到课程体系、课程内容、教学方法和手段、教学质量评价等内容的改革。

35、Deng Xiao ping's conception of history contains profound historical principles and methodology. It can be classified as the conceptions of historical process, development, value and appraisement. ─── 摘要邓小平的历史观中体现了深刻的历史主义原则和方法,它大体可分为历史过程观、历史发展观、历史价值观、历史评价观四个部分。

36、A Study of the Performance Appraisement of Entrepreneur Manpower Capital ─── 企业家人力资本绩效评价研究

37、Component members of the medical technical appraisement institutions shall be nominated by the administrative departments of public health and engaged by the peoples governments at the corresponding levels. ─── 医学技术鉴定组织的组成人员,由卫生行政部门提名,同级人民政府聘任。

38、As for the systems of the scale widely used this paper gives a brief appraisement and points out the rationality of index number scale. ─── 对人们普遍使用的标度进行了简单的评价,说明了指数标度的合理性。

39、regional industry appraisement ─── 区域产业评价

40、Color doppler echocardiography in the appraisement of neonatal cyanosis ─── 彩色多普勒超声心动图评价新生儿青紫

41、Appraisement of Coal Bed Ash during Exploration Phase ─── 勘查阶段煤层灰分的评价

42、Based on the model,the corresponding teaching implements and methods were adopted.Besides,the teaching appraisement was implemented so as to feed backing and corr... ─── 在此基础上选择恰当的教学工具,采取相应的教学方法实施教学,并进行教学评价以反馈、修正教学方案,最终建立优化的中医专业本科主干课程教学方案体系。

43、"Design appraisement" denotes the overall checking and examination of the functions of the prototype of a new measurement product. ─── 定型鉴定是指对计量器具新产品样机的计量性能进行全面审查、考核。


45、The author took Baiyun Forestry Centre as an example,studied on six specific problems of woodland appraisement,and put forward four proposals. ─── 以白云林场林地评估为例,作者研究了林地评估中的几个特殊问题,并结合当前实际,提出了相应建议。

46、The Appraisement and Analysis on Headship of State-owned Enterprises ─── 国有企业负责人素质能力评价与分析

47、city electric netucrrk appraisement ─── 城网评估

48、On Several Questions About Value, Human Value and Its Appraisement ─── 关于价值、人的价值及其评价的几个问题

49、Appraisement based on the DEA Enterprise Information Efficiency ─── 基于DEA的企业信息化的效率评价

50、Appraisement for Students'Physics Experiments by Fuzzy Set Theory ─── 利用模糊集合论对大学生普物实验进行综合评判

51、The last general appraisement had wholly analyzed harmony of population, eco-environment and society. ─── 综合性评价着眼于绿洲整体上的人口、资源环境和社会的和谐性分析。

52、The objective colour measurement of jadeite jade is required for colour appraisement of high quality jadeite jade. ─── 摘要为了满足高档优质翡翠颜色评价的需要,对翡翠的颜色进行客观测评非常必要。

53、The paper puts forward fuzzy matteri element analysis method of project environment appraisement method with binary contrast method,fuzzy concentration theory and Hamming closing degree concept. ─── 在模糊物元分析的基础上,结合二元对比法、模糊集合理论和海明贴近度的概念,提出了工程环境影响评价模糊物元分析方法。

54、appraisement for PE teaching ─── 体育教学砰价

55、decide-grade and appraisement of town land ─── 城镇土地定级估价

56、Medical malpractice techmical appraisement ─── 医疗事故技术鉴定

57、The appraisement of "the green level" for a green product is a problem that has to deal with multi-level judgement of multi-aspect and multi-stratification. ─── 摘要绿色产品的“绿色程度”的评价是涉及多个方面和层次的多级评价问题。


59、A Study of Personality Value and Its Appraisement ─── 人格价值及其评价问题研究

60、multi- grade fuzzy comprehensive appraisement ─── 多级模糊综合评价

61、Study of Appraisement Platform for the Matching of Tank Chassis With Cannon ─── 坦克底盘与火炮匹配性评价平台研究

62、Appraisement on Evaluating Standard of Hydraulic Concrete Strength Examination ─── 对水工混凝土强度检验评定标准的评价


64、In the qualitative analysis to furniture surface shape aesthitic appraisement factor,it analyses and appraises furniture surface shape from the modeling.color and decoration . ─── 在家具外观形态审美评价因素的定性分析中,分析评价了家具的造型,家具的色彩,家具的装饰。

65、The Application of AHM Method for Appraisement of Retail Market Saturation ─── 层次分析法在零售市场饱和度评价中的应用

66、city electric network power supply capacity appraisement Iystem ─── CNA3.0

67、By far,our service has a high appraisement from the customers. ─── 到目前为止,顾客对我们的服务质量评价甚高。

68、Lastly, the dynamic appraisement system of forest resource assets property tights should be set up as soon as possible. ─── 建立森林资源资产产权制度的动态评价体系。

69、Innovate the compensation mechanism for mineral resources development and synchronously reform mining rights appraisement system. ─── 创新矿产资源开发补偿机制并同步改革矿业权评估制度。

70、Due to a number of reasons, the archive appraisement always lags behind other links of archive work. ─── 由于多因素的影响,档案鉴定工作总是滞后于档案工作的其它环节。

71、Construction student achievement appraisement system is the key to the effect of clinical legal education. ─── 摘要构建学生成绩评价系统是使法律诊所式教学发挥其应有功效的关键。

72、It is analyzed that the reason of agricultural sustainable and sustainable development,and appraisement based on surveying natural,social and ecological environment of Anda City. ─── 以安达市为例,通过对该地区自然、社会、生态的调查,分析了农业持续发展因素和非持续发展因素,并作出评估。

73、performance appraisement system ─── 性能评价系统

74、Taking the view area of Panzhihua city as an example, the suitability appraisement and regionalization of vegetation rehabilitation was undertaken in the dry hot valley by using GIS technique. ─── 以攀枝花视野区为例,研究了基于GIS的干热河谷区植被恢复适宜性评价及分区方法。

75、Applied Appraisement Classroom Teaching Sportscaster Analysis ─── 主成分分析在体育课堂教学评价量表构建中的应用

76、There are a lot of malpractice in use of traditional mode of performance appraisement based on financial indicator system. ─── 传统的以财务指标为基础的业绩衡量系统在实际运用中存在许多弊端。

77、Objective To study the value of color echocardiography for appraisement of neonatal heart murmurs. ─── 目的探讨彩色多普勒超声心动图评价新生儿心脏杂音的价值。

78、method of inspection, analysis, appraisement, examination or testing of a product, engineering work or environmental protection. ─── 四产品、工程或环境保护之检验、分析、鑑定、检查或试验方法。

79、Wholesome service turns over those who undertake technical appraisement of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment, by the party that offers malpractice dispute processing beforehand pay appraisal cost. ─── 卫生行政部门移交进行医疗事故技术鉴定的,由提出医疗事故争议处理的当事人预先缴纳鉴定费。

80、The conclusion of technical appraisement for medical malpractice has served the health administrative departments as a basis and greatly react on dealing with medical disputes. ─── 医疗事故技术鉴定结论,在处理医疗纠纷中占有很重要的地位和作用,是卫生行政部门处理医疗事故的依据。

81、Its goal is to increase value and running efficiency of the organization. Its major function is economic appraisement. ─── 民营企业内部审计的目标是为组织增加价值和提高组织的运作效率;

82、earthquake safety appraisement ─── 地震安全性评价

83、Design appraisement denotes the overall checking and examination of the functions of the prototype of a new measurement product. ─── 定型鉴定是指对计量器具新产品样机的计量性能进行全面审查、考核。

84、Fuzzy Appraisement of Sealing Material Comprehensive Performance ─── 密封材料综合性能的模糊评价

85、appraisement of innovation effect ─── 创新效果评价

86、Analyses the basic requirements of technical route on each link of the energy efficiency retrofit, presents the methods of appraisement and diagnosis and concretely analyses the technical schemes. ─── 分析了节能改造各环节技术路线的基本要求,介绍了节施改造的评估与诊断方法,具体分析了节能改造的技术方案。

87、One of the key processes of the resource appraisement is to ascertain and evaluate the criterion of evaluation parameters. ─── 资源评价关键环节之一就是评价参数标准的确定和求取。

88、Color Echocardiographic Value for Appraisement of Neonatal Heart Murmur ─── 彩超对新生儿心脏杂音的评价

89、safety restoration appraisement ─── 安全恢复评价

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