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09-11 投稿



smartness 发音


英:  美:

smartness 中文意思翻译



smartness 网络释义

n. 机灵;敏捷;现代风格

smartness 短语词组

1、smartness test ─── 智能测试

smartness 相似词语短语

1、swartness ─── 草皮

2、smarminess ─── 最小值

3、saltness ─── n.含盐度;咸性

4、swarthness ─── n.草地(等于sward)(swarth的变形)

5、shortness ─── n.不足;简略

6、peartness ─── 梨性

7、apartness ─── n.冷漠;孤独

8、smallness ─── n.小;贫乏;小气

9、scantness ─── 稀疏

smartness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He shall smart for his foolishness. ─── 他这样胡来一定会自食其果。

2、You are smart to overcall with three clubs. ─── 你用三梅花争叫是明智的。

3、Accomplishing designer tasks using smart tags. ─── 使用智能标记完成设计器任务。

4、In an age of smartness and super intelligence, the most intelligent control methods will appear as un control methods. ─── 在一个具有现代风格和超级智能的时代,最智慧的控制方式看起来将会是没有控制的方式。

5、Sometimes it's smart to be scared. ─── 伪装被吓到有时候是聪明的做法。

6、You're so smart, I'm not drunk at all. ─── 你很聪明,我一点也没醉。

7、He felt the smart of their insult for many days. ─── 他受到他们的侮辱后好多天都感到难受。

8、It was smart of you to bring a map. ─── 你很聪明,能想到带张地图.

9、Wrong Version of Smart Card Library used. ─── 使用错误版本的智能卡库。

10、People always look smart in lab coat . ─── 人们穿着实验衣时,看起来好像都很聪明。

11、He did right smart of the work himself. ─── 他亲自完成了工作的一大部份

12、You look smart in the new suit. ─── 你穿这套新衣服很帅气。

13、Shanghai Smart Tech Precision Parts Co., Ltd. ─── 上海东成精密部件有限公司。

14、Joey's so smart and has such a good sense of humor. ─── 乔伊人又聪明,又有幽默感。

15、Associated with the smart tag panel. ─── 与智能标记面板相关联的。

16、His eyes smart at the smoke. ─── 他的眼睛被烟熏痛了。

17、Turn their pram into a Space Rocket! Smart Babies! ─── 他们将婴儿车改装成火箭,直奔太空!

18、He is very smart and discerns what others do not. ─── 他头脑精明,独具慧眼。

19、You do look smart in your new dress! ─── 你穿上新裙子,看上去真漂亮。

20、You look very smart in your new suit. ─── 你穿上新衣服显得很帅.

21、Shanghai Changfeng Smart Card Co., Ltd. ─── 上海长丰智能卡有限公司。

22、How much smart money are you going to wager? ─── 你投下了多少钱的赌注!

23、Where did you get the smart casual shoes? ─── 你从哪里买到那双好看的便鞋的?

24、Sara: Brother sounds like a smart man. ─── 你哥哥是一个聪明人。

25、He feared that he would smart for this foolishness. ─── 他担心为这个愚蠢举动而自食其果。

26、The suit was undeniably smart: but it was the smartness of the nightclub rather than the boardroom. ─── 红色西服无疑属于正装,但那是夜总会的正式着装,而不是会议室的。

27、You are not very smart to say that. ─── 你说那种话,太不够聪明了。

28、He is handsome and smart, not to mention being a good athlete. ─── 他长得帅,人又机灵,并且是一位运动健将。

29、He isn't particularly smart. ─── 他并不特别聪明。

30、You are not smart not to be my partner. ─── 你不做我的搭档那是不明智的。

31、He is a smart boy. ─── 他是个小机灵鬼。

32、The combat worth of a unit is inversely proportional to the smartness of its outfit and appearance. ─── 一支部队的作战能力与它外表的好看程度成反比。

33、You look smart in that new suit. ─── 你穿那套西装看起来很萧洒。

34、He was the smart one of the family. ─── 他是我们家里最有出息的。

35、Evolving drugs allows a researcher to be stupid, while evolution slowly accumulates the smartness . ─── 药物进化的过程中,进化在缓慢地积累着聪明才智的同时,也允许研究人员犯蠢。

36、You think you're smart, don't you? ─── 你自以为神气,是吗?

37、Smart Relay GENIE Series came into the market. ─── Smart Relay GENIE系列上市。

38、Eg: You look very smart in that suit. ─── 你穿上这身衣服显得很有精神。

39、He is smart to ruff a spade at trick one. ─── 他在打第一墩时用王牌压黑桃,这很聪明。

40、He used to be so smart, but since his wife's death he has run to seed. ─── 他过去一向注意穿着,但自丧妻后,就变得随随便便,不修边幅了。

41、It's a restaurant called Smart Beauty. ─── 不,那是一家叫‘俏佳人’的酒楼。

42、He could still feel the smart of being defeated. ─── 他仍然感到被击败的痛苦。

43、The smart few were pure French top to toe. ─── 为数不多的几个洒脱超群的是彻头彻尾的纯种法国人。

44、He is a smart lad, and seems to know all the answers. ─── 他是个聪明伶俐的小伙子,像是无所不知。

45、The smart of the wound kept him awake. ─── 伤口的疼痛使他不能入睡。

46、People always look smart in lab coat. ─── 人们穿着实验衣时,看起来好像都很聪明

47、He is smart enough to go into business. ─── 他有经商的才智。

48、You ought to play it smart and stop smoking. ─── 你应该学好,把烟戒掉。

49、Had you a great many smart beaux there? ─── 你们那儿有许多风流倜傥的情人吗?

50、He is too smart not to see your point. ─── 他很聪明,不会不明白你的意思。

51、Wie decries: "I respect you for your smartness , aptitude, capability, especially your honesty. " ─── 微一口气:“我欣赏你的聪明、才干、能力,更因为你的率真。”

52、He seemed impressed by her smartness. ─── 他似乎被她的不俗仪表所打动。

53、He looks quite smart in his uniform. ─── 他穿着制服显得很帅。

54、He looks very smart in his suit. ─── 他穿上他的西装看起来很帅气。

55、The specified smart card name is not recognized. ─── 不能识别指定的智能卡名称。

56、The guards had made their march as though it were a pleasure excursion, priding themselves on their smartness and discipline. ─── 在行军的全程中,近卫军犹如游园一般,炫耀着它自己的整洁和纪律。

57、He nipped in with a smart question. ─── 他突然插话,提出一个机智的问题。

58、"You're not even as smart as the office-boy". ─── 你甚至还不如一个勤杂员麻利哩。

59、He is smart and can take care of himself. ─── 他很精明可以照顾他自己。

60、He was struck with a smart crack on the head. ─── 他头上突然被猛击了一下。

61、This is a characteristic of the child, the smartness. ─── 这就是孩子的特点:机灵。

62、His decision to become a lawyer was a smart move. ─── 他做出的当律师的决定是明智的一步。

63、Don't get smart with me, young man. ─── 不要跟我耍小聪明,小伙。

64、You look really smart in that robe and hat! ─── 你戴那个帽子穿礼服看起来真精神。

65、That is a very smart blouse you are wearing. ─── 你穿的这件衬衫真时髦。

66、You look very smart in that new shirt. ─── 你穿上那件新衬衫很潇洒。

67、He is a man with an elegant and smart carriage. ─── 他还是个风度翩翩的美男子呀。

68、Smart aleck He is a smart aleck. ─── 他是一个以为自己样样都懂的人。

69、You are a very smart young man, Robbie. ─── 你是个绝顶聪明的年轻人, Robbie。

70、He really cuts a dash in his smart new uniform. ─── 他穿著漂亮的新制服真是神气十足。

71、The smart of his wound kept him awake. ─── 伤痛使他无法入睡。

72、He is not only strong and healthy but also very smart. ─── 他不仅强壮健康,而且还很聪明。

73、He's smart enough to know that if he gets involved with that crowd, he's out to lunch. ─── 他够聪明的,知道自己要是和那帮人搅和在一起,就会落伍的。

74、First his humble little shop became a smart one. ─── 先是他那寒碜的小店变得面目一新了。

75、You look smart in that new dress. ─── 你穿那件新连衣裙看上去时髦而洒脱。

76、A: Your little brother is really a smart kid! ─── 你弟弟真是个聪明的孩子!

77、He tried to catch me out with his smart questions. ─── 他以一些巧妙的问题企图使我就范。

78、Let's not have any of your smart remarks. ─── 别说俏皮话了。

79、And he was smart enough to seize the opportunity. ─── 他也够聪明,没有错失机会。

80、People always look smart in labcoat. ─── 人们穿着实验衣时,看起来好像都很聪明。

81、Choose Add Column from the control's smart tag. ─── 从控件的智能标记中选择“添加列”。

82、His eyes gleamed with a smart, evasive light. ─── 他那对眼睛闪耀着一种灵活的难以捉摸的光芒。

83、You look very smart in that suit. ─── 你穿上这套衣服显得很精神。

84、man who thinks to get on by mere smartness and by idling meets failure at last. ─── 那些仅靠小聪明和无用的空谈发迹的人最终会失败的。

85、Don't try to deceiveher; she is too smart for that. ─── 别想骗她;她精明着呢。

86、He is every bit as smart as you. ─── 他和你完全一样聪明。

87、Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women? ─── 为什么聪明的男人和聪明的女人结婚?

88、What's your favorite song, Ms Smart? ─── 你最喜欢什么歌,斯玛特女士?

89、You look smart in your new suit. ─── 你穿这套新西服看上去很帅!

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