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09-12 投稿



shelterless 发音

英:[['?elt?l?s]]  美:[['?elt?l?s]]

英:  美:

shelterless 中文意思翻译



shelterless 相似词语短语

1、centerless ─── adj.无中心的

2、shutterless ─── 无百叶窗

3、sewerless ─── 无下水道

4、scepterless ─── 无权杖

5、letterless ─── adj.文盲的;没有信件的;无文字的

6、cheerless ─── adj.阴郁的;惨淡的,无精打采的

7、shepherdless ─── adj.无牧羊人的;缺乏指导的

8、fetterless ─── 无羁绊

9、shelterbelts ─── n.防风林;防护林带

shelterless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When we need shelter, we build skyscrapers. ─── 冷了下雨了需要遮蔽,我们就造起了摩天大楼。

2、He was accused of giving shelter to a hunted outlaw. ─── 他被指控窝藏逃犯。

3、They sought shelter at my house. ─── 他们在我家避难。

4、All sorts of people found shelter under his roof. ─── 各式各样的人在他的家找到栖息之所。

5、A cold frame provides shelter for the seedlings. ─── 为幼苗提供保护冷床。

6、Let s shelter under this tree until the rain stops. ─── 咱们在这棵树底下躲到雨停了再走。

7、He sought shelter from the rain. ─── 他找避雨的地方。

8、Provide food and shelter for a family. ─── 为家庭提供食物和住宿

9、They were trying to seek shelter from the rain. ─── 他们在寻找避雨的地方。

10、Shelter is not only a dwelling place. ─── “避难所”并不是单纯的居住场所。

11、The wagons also provided shelter from the weather. ─── 另外,蓬车也提供了遮风躲雨的避难所。

12、He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism. ─── 他极力为老板顶住外界的批评.

13、Provision of shelter was their main concern. ─── 为灾民提供避难处是他们主要关心的事。

14、As soon as it started to rain, we cut in for shelter to the right. ─── 天一下雨,我们就急忙转到右边去躲雨。

15、He stood in the shelter at the bus stop. ─── 他站在公共汽车站的候车亭里。

16、Shelter for six sick scenic sightseers. ─── 六位生病游客的避难所。

17、To deprive of shelter or protection. ─── 使暴露使失去掩蔽或保护

18、He could get shelter, food, loans, and legal help. ─── 他能得到住处,食物,贷款和法律帮助。

19、They befriended the young girl, providing her with food and shelter. ─── 他们热心照顾这个年轻的姑娘,给她吃的,给她住处。

20、You can't shelter the children from the real life forever. ─── 你不能永远保护孩子们使他们免受现实生活的考验。

21、To put, shelter, or detain in a bay. ─── 使入海湾放在、庇护或扣留在港湾

22、He was suspected of giving shelter to a hunted outlaw. ─── 他被怀疑窝藏逃犯。

23、What if it rains when we can't get under shelter? ─── 假若下起雨来,我们又没处避雨可怎么办?

24、It began to rain and we scurried for shelter. ─── 下起雨来, 我们急忙找地方躲避。

25、They sought shelter from the rain. ─── 他们找寻避雨的地方。

26、They found a shelter from the storm in a barn. ─── 他们在谷仓里躲避暴风雨。

27、He sought shelter at his friend's house. ─── 他在朋友家避难。

28、They decided to turn the shelter into storeroom. ─── 他们决定把防空洞改造成储藏室。

29、The spectators scurried for shelter as soon as it began to rain. ─── 一下起雨来,观众就纷纷找地方躲避。

30、They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter. ─── 他们怎么也找不到一个藏身的地方。

31、Oh, he is their shelter when it rains. ─── 哦,他是孩子们下雨时的避风港。

32、They were anxious to find shelter for the night. ─── 他们急于找个过夜的地方。

33、To shelter or take shelter in a hut. ─── 在棚屋中隐蔽

34、Take shelter in a building whenever possible. ─── 在可能情况下,躲入建筑物内。

35、They persuaded me in to shelter from the rain. ─── 他们说服我进去躲了一会儿雨。

36、Parents always shelter their children from danger. ─── 20父母亲总是保护他们的小孩使他们远离危险。

37、The shelter of a hibernating animal. ─── 冬伏处冬季休眠动物的隐蔽场所

38、There was no shelter within view anywhere. ─── 一眼望去没有一个可以藏身之处。

39、She would like to volunteer at a homeless shelter. ─── 她说。她希望能在一个收留无家可归者的收容所做一名志愿者。

40、As many as came found shelter under his roof. ─── 凡是来到的人都被他收留。

41、They made a shelter for him. ─── 他们给他搞了一间窝棚。

42、They laboured for two days to build a shelter. ─── 为了造一个掩蔽所,他们苦干了两天。

43、They were digging trenches to shelter the men from gunfire . ─── 他们在挖战壕以免受炮火的袭击。

44、There is no shelter from the sun's rays. ─── 也没有什么地方可以让你躲避太阳光。

45、Just for a while Won't you let me shelter you? ─── 仅仅是一会而已,难道你不想让我保护你吗?

46、Her habitation was swept away, and herself and child left shelterless. ─── 她的住处被风刮跑了,她和孩子也没有了栖身之处。

47、"And the dead tree gives no shelter" (T.S. Eliot). ─── “死树不能提供保护” (T·S·爱略特)。

48、"We'd better take shelter," she said. ─── “咱们最好避一下雨,”她说。

49、They provided food and shelter for the poor. ─── 他们为贫困者提供食物和住所。

50、lord , o friend of the shelterless , o effulgent moon of mercy , please , just this one time , quickly extend your hand to save me ! ─── 主啊,无家可归者之友,哦,光辉的仁慈之月,请求祢,就这一次,快伸出祢的手拯救我!

51、In the storm I took shelter under a tree. ─── 在那次暴风雨中,我躲在一棵树下。

52、People were scrambling madly for shelter. ─── 人们疯了似的抢着往隐蔽处跑。

53、When it started to rain we took shelter under a tree. ─── 天下起雨来,我们在树下躲雨。

54、They found shelter from the storm in a barn. ─── 他们在谷仓里躲避暴风雨.

55、It started raining, so she made for shelter. ─── 天开始下雨了,所以她迅速向避雨处走去。

56、He afforded a temporary shelter for the needy. ─── 他为穷人提供暂时的安身之处。

57、Their immediate need is for food, clothing and shelter. ─── 他们所急需的是吃的,穿的和住的。

58、I hope my love would be saved from the shivering shame of the shelterless, but you turn your face away. ─── 我期望我的爱情可以从无处容身的颤羞中被拯救,但是你扭头便走。

59、Provision of shelter is their main concern for the disaster victim. ─── 为灾民提供避难处是他们最关切的事。

60、He crouched down for shelter. ─── 他蹲下把身子藏起来。

61、It started raining,sho she made for shelter. ─── 天开始下雨了,所以她快速向避雨处走去。

62、We took shelter in the hotel cellar when the civil war started. ─── 内战开始时,我们躲到了饭店的地下室里。

63、One hill cannot shelter two tigers. ─── 一座山不能藏两只老虎。

64、They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. ─── 他们用败落下的枯树枝搭了个窝棚。

65、They were seeking shelter from the rain . ─── 他们在寻找避雨之处。

66、Let's shelter under the trees. ─── 咱们在树下避一避吧。

67、A sudden rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter. ─── 一阵突如其来的雨使大家急忙找地方躲避。

68、They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks. ─── 他们用一些树干建造了一个简陋的棚子。

69、Human beings need food, clothing and shelter. ─── 人类有衣、食、住的需求。

70、It began to rain suddenly, and the children all ran to seek shelter from the rain. ─── 天突然下起雨来,孩子们全都跑着去寻找避雨之所。

71、He built his shelter from what he garbage picked. ─── 他用捡来的垃圾做了自己的房子

72、I hoped my love would be saved from the shivering shame of the shelterless, but you turn your face away. ─── 我希望能从无遮拦的颤羞中把我的爱情救出,但是你掉头不顾。

73、She had abandoned the safe shelter of her husband's protection. ─── 她抛弃了自己丈夫庇护下的安乐窝。

74、At last she gained the shelter of the forest. ─── 她终于到达了森林中的隐蔽处。

75、Any agency that works with the shelter would have to provide cots. ─── 与该收容所合作的机构必须提供行军床。

76、A tree gave us shelter from the rain. ─── 一棵树为我们把雨挡住。

77、He took shelter in a house near by. ─── 他在附近房子避难。

78、In Findlay, Ohio, hundreds remain in a shelter. ─── 在俄亥俄州芬德雷,几百人留在庇护所。

79、He is trying to shelter her from criticism. ─── 他竭力使她不受批评。

80、They built a bomb shelter below ground. ─── 他们在地下修建了一个防空洞。

81、You're my shelter from the troubled winds. ─── 你是我那躲避忧伤的港湾。

82、The shelter or retreat of a wild animal. ─── 兽穴野生动物躲避或撤退的地方。

83、People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire. ─── 人们拼命地找地方躲避炮火。

84、The shelter or retreat of a wild animal; a lair. ─── 兽穴野生动物躲避或撤退的地方;兽穴

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