horsehead 中文意思翻译
horsehead 短语词组
1、horsehead nebula ─── [天]马头星云
horsehead 常用词组
horsehead nebula ─── [天文]马头星云
horsehead 相似词语短语
1、forehead ─── n.额,前额
2、hornyhead ─── 角头
3、horsebean ─── n.蚕豆
4、horseweed ─── 加拿大飞蓬;小白酒草
5、hornyheads ─── hornyheads
6、sorehead ─── n.落魄者;发怒的人;发牢骚的人;adj.落魄的;牢骚满腹的
7、hogshead ─── n.大桶;液量单位
8、horsehide ─── n.马革,马皮;棒球
9、horsemeat ─── n.马肉
horsehead 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、By variable density method, an optimal topology model is established with the help of the software ANSYS to support the optimal topology design of the horsehead pumping unit. ─── 文章应用有限元分析软件ANSYS,采用变密度法建立拓扑优化模型,对抽油机驴头进行拓扑优化设计。
2、3.This is really my first DSO image.Now I still remember how exciting I was when saw the shadow of the Horsehead Nebula. ─── 这是我第一张真正意义上的深空,我现在还记得当我看见马头星云影子时的兴奋。
3、The deep mosaic also includes( left of center), the Horsehead Nebula, the Flame Nebula, and Orion's belt stars. ─── 除此之外,在这幅深场组合影像里,还可以见到影像中右方的马头星云、焰星云和猎户座的腰带星。
4、When we reached Horsehead landing, lightning was flashing across half the sky, and thunder was drowning out the sound of the sea. ─── 当我们到达豪斯海德码头时,闪电正闪耀着横过半边天空,雷声淹没了海的声音。
5、Static horsehead load is the important basis of selecting and using correctly the water drainage and gas production equipments. ─── 悬点静载荷是选择和正确使用排采设备的重要依据。
6、M78 belongs to the larger Orion Molecular Cloud Complex that contains the Great Nebula in Orion and the Horsehead Nebula. ─── M78属于猎户座复杂大分子云的一部分,而猎户座大星云和马头星云也包含在其中。
7、a child's plaything consisting of an imitation horsehead on one end of a stick; the child straddles it an pretends to ride. ─── 一种儿童玩具,它在一根长棒的首端装有马头形物;儿童跨骑在木棒上,作出驱马前进的样子。
8、Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast Orion cloud complex. ─── 这朵星云是庞大的猎户座云气团的一部份,距离我们约有1500光年。
9、horsehead girder ─── 马头门横梁
10、The darkness of the Horsehead is caused mostly by thick dust, although the lower part of the Horsehead's neck casts a shadow to the left. ─── 黑暗的马头星云主要是由浓密的尘埃造成,马颈左侧较低位置是马头星云的投影。
11、Keywords wireline hanger;pump rod;preventing trip;horsehead;slanting wear; ─── 悬绳器;抽油杆;防脱扣;驴头;偏磨;
12、In the field use of dual horsehead pumping unit, thereexist such problems as breaking of walking beam, cracking ofreducer's case and shaking of the pumping jack. ─── 鉴于双驴头抽油机在使用中出现的游梁断裂、减速器下箱开裂和支架晃动等问题,分析了其产生上述问题的原因,给出了解决问题的方法。
13、To the left of the Horsehead Nebula, visible as a small dark indentation, is the photogenic Flame Nebula, while the textured area just below it is the Foxfur Nebula. ─── 在马头星云左侧,可以看到一个小黑斑,那就是焰火星云,而就在它下方有纹理的区域是狐皮星云。
14、Suggestions on improvement of swing horsehead beam pumping unit ─── 关于旋转驴头抽油机改进设计的建议
15、To the left of the Horsehead Nebula, visible as the small dark indentation near the image top, is the photogenic Flame Nebula. ─── 在马头星云的左部,在图片的顶部附近可以看到细小黑暗的锯齿状物,那就是上镜的火焰星云。
16、Horsehead Nebula ─── 马头星云
17、Explanation: Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, the glowing Orion Nebula and the dark Horsehead Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. ─── 说明: 离我们1,500光年远,位在夜空最易辨认星座之一内的猎户座大星云和马头星云,是一组对比鲜明的宇宙景点。
18、horsehead walls ─── 马头墙
19、The blue glow that surrounds the Blue Horsehead's eye -- and other stars around the image -- is a reflection nebula composed of fine dust. ─── 环绕着蓝色马头的眼睛部位的蓝色光芒——与周围其它恒星——是一个由细尘埃组成的反射星云。
20、The whole Orion Nebula cloud complex, which includes the Horsehead Nebula, will slowly disperse over the next 100,000 years. ─── 这个猎户座星云-包括马头星云,将在未来的十万年间渐渐地消散。
21、Explanation: One of the most identifiable nebulae in the sky, the Horsehead Nebula in Orion, is part of a large, dark, molecular cloud. ─── 解释:天空中最容易辨认的星云之一,猎户座的马头星云,是巨大而黑暗的分子云的一部分。
22、Keywords Horsehead;Tunnel support;Elastic-plasticity analysis;Stability; ─── 马头门;巷道支护;弹塑性分析;稳定性;
23、L the Horsehead nebula in Orion is the best-known dark nebula. ─── l猎户星座中的马头星云是最著名的暗星云。
24、In fact, clouds of gas and dust adrift in this region have intriguing and some surprisingly familiar shapes, including the dark Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula near Alnitak at the lower left. ─── 事实上,漂流在这个区域内的星云,具有很有趣甚至是我们很熟悉的形状,比如影像左下角黝黑马的头星云和参宿一附近的火焰星云。
25、Topological optimal design of the pumping unit horsehead ─── 抽油机驴头的拓扑优化设计
26、Near the image bottom lies IC 4592, the Blue Horsehead nebula. ─── 照片底端附近是有蓝色马头星云之称的IC 4592。
27、The deep mosaic also includes (left of center), the Horsehead Nebula, the Flame Nebula, and Orion's belt stars. ─── 除此之外,在这幅深场组合影像里,还可以见到影像中右方的马头星云、火焰星云和猎户座的腰带星。
28、The Horsehead Nebula: New stars have already formed inside part of it. ─── 马头星云:新的恒星已经在其内部形成了。
29、Preliminary Study on Fisheries Biology of Yellow Horsehead Branchiostegus argentatus on the Fishing Ground off Northeast Fujian ─── 闽东北外海渔场银方头鱼渔业生物学初步研究
30、dual horsehead pumping unit ─── 双驴头抽油机
31、a child's plaything consisting of an imitation horsehead on one end of a stick; the child straddles it an pretends to ride ─── 一种儿童玩具,它在一根长棒的首端装有马头形物;儿童跨骑在木棒上,作出驱马前进的样子
32、Like the Horsehead, the Flame, and the Orion Nebula itself, M78 is a readily visible part of the large Orion Molecular Cloud complex some 1,500 light-years distant. ─── 像马头星云、火焰星云和猎户座星云本身一样,M78是猎户座分子云复合体中比较容易观测到的一部分,距离我们大约1,500光年。
33、The Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud a small silhouette notched against the long red glow at the lower left. ─── 马头星云看上去是一团黑暗的云气,是左下角长长的红色辉光内一个较小的轮廓。
34、Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star to the left of the Horsehead. ─── 参宿一是猎户座腰带上最东侧的恒星,可以看到它也是马头星云左侧最明亮的恒星。
35、Explanation: The Horsehead Nebula is one of the most famous nebulae on the sky. ─── 马头星云是天空中最着名的星云之一。
36、Bright spots in the Horsehead Nebula's base are young stars just in the process of forming. ─── 马头星云中的那些明亮的点都是一些正在形成的明亮恒星。
37、This paper analysed the mechanical properties of horsehead structure through the mumerical simulation. ─── 本文通过数值模拟分析了马头门结构力学特性。
38、Status and Prospectives for Silver horsehead,Branchiostegus argentatus(Cuvier et Valenciennes)Resource off Sea of South-Central in East China Sea ─── 东海中南部外海银方头鱼资源状况及开发前景
39、static horsehead load ─── 悬点静载荷
40、In fact, clouds of gas and dust adrift in this region have intriguing and some surprisinglf familiar shapes, including the dark Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula near Alnitak at the lower left. ─── 事实上,漂浮在该区域内的气体尘埃云形成了有趣而又令人惊奇的熟悉形状,包括参宿一左下角的黑色马头星云和火焰星云。
41、Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and the brightest star to the left of the Horsehead. ─── 参宿一是猎户座腰带上最东端的恒星,也是马头星云左侧最亮的恒星。
42、Rising from a sea of dust and gas like a giant seahorse, the Horsehead nebula is one of the most photographed objects in the sky. ─── 马头星云像是天空中最上镜头的天体之一。它就像是一个巨大的海马头,从尘埃和气体组成的“海洋”中升出。
43、The Flame and Horsehead Nebs were imaged through my 70-300mm lens that I had attached to my Gstar camera which in turn was mounted onto the Cube. ─── 火焰和马头星云的拍摄是用70-300毫米变焦镜头配合Gstar相机架在那个CUBE上。
44、In the light of the shortcomings of the connection structure of the currently-used self-abdicating horsehead,a new connection structure is designed. ─── 针对现行自让位驴头联接结构的不足,设计了一种新型自让位驴头联接结构。
45、Keywords conventional pumping unit beam pumping unit technical reform pumping unit with rotary horsehead test; ─── 常规抽油机;游梁式抽油机;技术改造;旋转驴头抽油机;测试;
46、Below the frame center and just to the right of Alnitak lies the Horsehead Nebula, a dark indentation of dense dust that has perhaps the most recognized nebular shapes on the sky. ─── 画面中央偏下,也就是位在参宿一右方的马头星云,由致密的黑暗尘埃组成,应当是天空中最被认可的形状。
47、One of the most identifiable nebulae in the sky, the Horsehead Nebula in Orion, is part of a large, dark, molecular cloud. ─── 说明:猎户座内的马头星云是天空中最易辨认的星云之一,它是巨大黑暗分子云的一部分。
48、Explanation: Adrift 1500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations the glowing Orion Nebula and the dark Horsehead Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. ─── 说明:距离我们大约1500光年远,夜空中最易辨别的星座之一,就是发光的猎户座星云与黑暗的马头星云,二者相互衬托显示了美丽的宇宙景色。
49、Solution to the problems in field use of dual horsehead pumping unit ─── 双驴头抽油机现场使用中存在问题的改进
50、polished rod is attached to the horsehead by the bridle. ─── 光杆用一段钢丝绳固定于驴头。
51、To the left of the Horsehead Nebula, visible as the small dark indentation near the image top, is the photogenic Flame Nebula. ─── 在左侧的马头星云,靠近图像的顶部,可见小而黑暗的锯齿状物,那便是上镜的火焰星云。
52、Today's also presents the easternmost belt star, Alnitak, at the bottom right of the field, surrounded by the well-known Horsehead and Flame nebulae. ─── 今天还将会展现腰带恒星最东侧的恒星参宿一,其位于影像的右侧底部,由著名的马头星云和焰火星云围绕。
53、This paper analysed the mechanical properties of horsehead structure through the numerical simulation. ─── 本文通过数值模拟分析了马头门结构力学特性。
54、The horsehead load of water drainage and gas production equipment about beam pump is one of the important parameters which mark its work ability. ─── 摘要有杆泵排采设备悬点载荷是标志其工作能力的重要参数之一。
55、Failure Analysis of Walking Beam of Dual Horsehead Pumping Unit Based on Stress Measurement ─── 基于应力测试的双驴头抽油机游梁失效研究
56、The Horsehead Nebula: New stars have already formed inside part of it. ─── 马头星云:新的恒星已经在其内部形成了。
57、Explanation: One of the most identifiable nebulae in the sky, the Horsehead Nebula in Orion, is part of a large, dark, molecular cloud. ─── 解说:这是天空中最易辨认的星云之一。猎户中的马头星云是一个巨大的黑暗分子云的一部分。
58、Light takes about 1500 years to reach us from the Horsehead Nebula. ─── 从马头星云发出的光需要经过1500光年才能到达我们这里。
59、Then the dynamic stress testing of newly designed girder and rear horsehead is carried out, the stress status investigated, and the rationality of the structure design evaluated. ─── 本文对重新改造设计后的游梁、后驴头进行了动态应力测试,研究其受力状况,评价结构设计的合理性。
60、Keywords stress measurement;dual horsehead pumping unit;walking beam;failure;fatigue; ─── 应力测试;双驴头抽油机;游梁;失效;疲劳;
horse head string instrument:马头琴
xylophone 木琴
kettle drums或timpani 定音鼓
compane 排钟
glockenspiel 钟琴
美国著名emo rap厂牌Gothboiclique(哥特男孩俱乐部)现成员包括Coldhart,Foxwedding,Horse Head等,lil Tracy已退出但保持良好关系,以及著名已逝世成员lil peep。
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