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09-11 投稿



elided 发音

英:[i?la?d?d]  美:[i?la?d?d]

英:  美:

elided 中文意思翻译




elided 词性/词形变化,elided变形

动词第三人称单数: elides |动词现在分词: eliding |动词过去分词: elided |动词过去式: elided |

elided 相似词语短语

1、elide ─── vt.省略;取消;删去;不予考虑删节;n.(Elide)人名;(意)埃利德

2、-lided ─── 遭受

3、derided ─── vt.嘲笑;嘲弄

4、glided ─── vi.滑翔;滑行;悄悄地走;消逝;vt.使滑行;使滑动;n.滑翔;滑行;滑移;滑音

5、decided ─── adj.明确的,显然的;坚决的,果断的;(案件)判决了的;v.决定(decide的过去式和过去分词)

6、plaided ─── adj.格子花呢的;有格子图案的;披彩格披肩的

7、excided ─── vt.切开;切除

8、elides ─── vt.省略;取消;删去;不予考虑删节;n.(Elide)人名;(意)埃利德

9、betided ─── 中间

elided 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The virtue of theman elided with his words. ─── 此人的美德让他的言词黯然失色。

2、Note: Some comments have been elided for brevity. ─── 注意:为了简明起见,此处省略了一些注释。

3、The 't' in 'often' may be elided. ─── often 中的 t 可以不发音。

4、In this paper, some new methods of dressing ultrahard abrasive grinding wheel and ELID dressing technology were summarized. ─── 本文简要概述了近年来超硬磨料砂轮修整的一些新方法与ELID修磨技术。

5、ELID spherical grinding ─── ELID球面磨削

6、I was expecting that at some point the locks would be elided and I'd see a boost in performance. ─── 我想看到锁最终被忽略,而性能可以获得大幅提升。

7、The nucleus of a syllable is lengthened, reduced or elided, while the consonant features adjacent to a stressed vowel can be assimilated, dissimilated, epenthesized, voiced, devoiced or elided. ─── 结果显示英语语音之演变主因系于词重音。词重音可促使其元音及其紧邻之辅音语音变化。

8、Study on the Experiment of ELID Grinding of Carbide Allay ─── ELID镜面磨削硬质合金的工艺参数实验研究

9、Electrolytic In-process Dressing (ELID) for Precision Grinding of Steel-Bonded Cemented Carbide and AFM Analysis on Its Surface ─── ELID精密磨削钢结硬质合金及其AFM表面形貌分析

10、The 't' in 'postman' may be elided. ─── postman中的t可以省略不读.

11、t' in 'often' may be elided. ─── often中的t可以不发音。

12、ELID (electrolytic in-process dressing) ─── 在线电解修锐技术(ELID)

13、7. The user wants the missing text without regard to which function elided it. ─── 用户想得到丢失的文本,而不关心哪些命令删除了它们。

14、This article introduces precision mirror surface grinding of ceramic coating using metal bond diamond grinding wheel with electrolytic in-process dressing(ELID) technology. ─── 本文引入金属基超硬磨料砂轮在线电解修整(ELID)技术,对陶瓷喷涂层进行精密镜面磨削的实验研究。

15、Research on the Forming Mechanism of Oxide Film on Grinding Wheel Used for ELID Mirror Surface Grinding ─── ELID镜面磨削砂轮氧化膜生成机理

16、A New King of Fluid for ELID Precision Mirror Grinding ─── 精密ELID镜面磨削用新磨削液的研制

17、electrolytic in-- process dressing (ELID) ─── 在线电解修锐磨削

18、This is elided in Listing 1. ─── 这在清单1中做了省略。

19、The `t' in `postman' may be elided. ─── postman中的t可以省略不读。

20、The experimental results indicate that the processes of electrolytic pre-dressing and ELID grinding can be simulat... ─── 结果表明该试验台上可以较好地模拟砂轮电解预修锐和ELID磨削过程。

21、The Application of Precision Mirror Surface Grinding Technology of External Surface with ELID ─── ELID精密镜面外圆磨削技术的应用

22、With the knowledge in hand we know that locks protecting sb can be elided. ─── 根据我们刚介绍的知识,我们知道用于保护sb的锁可以忽略掉。

23、Electrolytic In-pr0cess Dressing (ELID) grinding ─── ELID磨削

24、H.ohmori. et al. Analysis of Mirror Surface Generation of Hard and Brittle Materials by ELID Grinding with Superfine Grain Metallic Bond Wheels. Annals of the CIRP,1995,44(1 ─── 关佳亮,郭东明,袁哲俊.ELID镜面磨削中砂轮生成氧化膜特性及其作用的研究.机械工程学报,2000(5

25、This vowel is usually elided before a single consonant. ─── 这个元音在单个辅音字母前通常不发音。

26、Research on State Change of Passivation Layer in ELID Ultraprecision Mirror Grinding ─── ELID超精密镜面磨削钝化膜状态变化的研究

27、The Application of ELID Precision Mirror Surface Grinding Technology ─── ELID精密镜面磨削技术的开发应用

28、Illustrate on the blackboard the relationship between non-elided and elided forms ─── 在黑板上写出非省略形式和省略形式之间的关系

29、Domains can even be elided entirely, to produce typed topics that have only the core elements. ─── 也可以完全省略掉领域,生成只有核心元素的类型化主题。

30、Dressing the Wheel with ELID and Grinding the Cylindrical Surface of Bearing Steel ─── 在线电解修整砂轮磨轴承钢外圆表面


32、virtue of theman elided with his words. ─── 的美德让他的言词黯然失色。

33、electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID) ─── 在线电解修整

34、Consequently escape analysis will determine that its' lock cannot be safely elided. ─── 所以逸出分析会判断出StringBuffer的锁不能安全地被忽略。

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