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09-07 投稿



henbane 发音

英:[['henbe?n]]  美:[['hen?be?n]]

英:  美:

henbane 中文意思翻译



henbane 短语词组

1、black henbane ─── [医]莨菪,莨菪叶粉,菲沃斯 ─── [解痉药]

2、Egyptian henbane ─── [网络] 埃及henbane

3、henbane extract ─── [医] 莨菪浸膏

4、yellow henbane ─── [网络] 黄色鸡尾酒

5、henbane tincture ─── [医] 莨菪酊

henbane 相似词语短语

1、hexane ─── n.[有化]己烷

2、Deane ─── n.迪恩(姓氏);迪恩(男子名)

3、hennaing ─── n.指甲花;散沫花;红褐色;指甲花染料

4、Fontane ─── n.(Fontane)人名;(德)冯塔内;(法)丰坦

5、fleabane ─── n.飞蓬;紫莞科植物

6、pentane ─── n.[有化]戊烷

7、heptane ─── n.[有化]庚烷

8、membrane ─── n.膜;薄膜;羊皮纸

9、Beltane ─── n.五月一日(农历)

henbane 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Atropine: Anticholinergic drug. A poisonous, crystalline alkaloid derived from certain nightshade plants, especially Egyptian henbane." ─── 阿托品:有毒的结晶性生物碱,从茄类植物,特别是埃及天仙子提炼而得。

2、Henbane mosaic potyvirus ─── 天仙子花叶马铃薯Y病毒

3、RESULTSBorax,Alose,Pepper and Henbane were identified by TLC. ─── 结果TLC鉴别出硼砂及同板鉴别出芦荟、胡椒和天仙子。

4、Author ZHANG Fuqiang;ZHOU Wenhua;TANG Shuaien;WANG Qing;YANG Guodong ( Ningbo Institute of Microcircidation and Henbane;Ningbo;315010); ─── 作者张富强;周文华;唐甩恩;王清;杨国栋;

5、Textual research the name of Henbane seed ─── 天仙子药名考释

6、henbane poisoning ─── 莨菪中毒

7、Hog's Henbane ─── 莨菪, 菲沃斯[抗胆碱药]

8、henbane tincture ─── [医] 莨菪酊

9、Atropine: Anticholinergic drug. A poisonous, crystalline alkaloid derived from certain nightshade plants, especially Egyptian henbane . ─── 阿托品:有毒的结晶性生物碱,从茄类植物,特别是埃及天仙子提炼而得。

10、black henbane ─── 莨菪子

11、Ningbo Institute of Microcirculation and Henbane ─── 宁波市微循环与莨菪类药研究所

12、Henbane (Hyoscyamus muticus) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) each rely on a different phytoalexin to successfully defend themselves against fungi typical for their habitat. ─── 但需要强调的是由于整套评价体系的设计是基于同一时间跨度内的相对位置进行赋值,因此不同年份之间的得分并不具有可比性。

13、Botanists placed the tomato in the same family as belladonna , black henbane, and deadly nightshade. ─── 植物学家把西红柿与颠茄、黑天仙子和其他有毒的前属植物归于同一科。

14、black henbane leaf ─── 莨菪叶

15、Vegetable Poisons - Saffron, Hemlock, Henbane, Strong Scented Lettuce. ─── 蔬菜毒药-藏红花,铁杉,天仙子,强香型生菜。

16、black henbane seed ─── 天仙子

17、Author XIE Xiao Hu;LIN Jin Feng;WANG Wan Xu;et al. Ningbo Institute of Microcirculation and Henbane;Ningbo 315010;China; ─── 作者谢小虎;林锦锋;王万旭;张建兵;许卫平;周文华;杨国栋;

18、Author ZHANG Yahai;ZHOU Wenhua;YANG Guodong(Ningbo Institute of Microcirculation and Henbane;Ningbo 315010;China); ─── 作者张亚海;周文华;杨国栋;

19、Keywords Borax;Henbane;Alose;Pepper;TLC;Acid-base titration; ─── 硼砂;天仙子;芦荟;胡椒;薄层色谱法;酸碱滴定;

20、Botanists placed the tomato in the same family as belladonna, black henbane, and deadly nightshade. ─── 植物学家把西红柿与颠茄、黑天仙子和其他有毒的前属植物归于同一科。

21、" Atropine: Anticholinergic drug. A poisonous, crystalline alkaloid derived from certain nightshade plants, especially Egyptian henbane." ─── 阿托品:有毒的结晶性生物碱,从茄类植物,特别是埃及天仙子提炼而得。

22、Author ZHU Bo;CHEN Qijun;ZHANG Yaoming(Ningbo Institute of Microcirculation and Henbane;Ningbo 315010;China); ─── 作者朱波;陈琦君;张尧铭;

23、Henbane mosaic virus ─── 天仙子花叶病毒

24、black henbane root ─── 莨菪根

25、Read, when you've picked your nosegay Of henbane and poppy flowers, That I was once called Marina, And discover how old I was. ─── 你阅读,当摘下一束被母鸡啄伤的罂粟花,我曾被叫做玛丽亚,我发现我多么老。

26、Although if has the big poison, but can solve the cancer to stop pain, treats plague and east anthrax's the Himalayas the black henbane; ─── 如虽有大毒,但能解癌止痛,治疗瘟疫和炭疽病的喜马拉雅东莨菪;

27、henbane extract ─── 天仙子萃

28、henbane seed ─── 莨菪子(中药)

29、Keywords GC;henbane seed;rhizoma pinelliae;cortex eucommiae;fructus evodiae;organic chloride pesticide residue; ─── 气相色谱;天仙子;半夏;杜仲;吴茱萸;有机氯农药残留;

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