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09-08 投稿



instillment 发音

英:[?ns?t?lm?nt]  美:[?ns?t?lm?nt]

英:  美:

instillment 中文意思翻译



instillment 词性/词形变化,instillment变形

名词: instillation |

instillment 短语词组

1、instillation instillment ─── 滴注 ─── 滴注

instillment 相似词语短语

1、installments ─── n.[会计]分期付款(installment的复数形式)

2、insoulment ─── 不溶性

3、instilment ─── n.滴注;慢慢灌输

4、distillments ─── n.蒸馏;蒸馏物;蒸馏法;精华(等于distilment或者distillation)

5、instalment ─── n.分期付款;装设;就职

6、distilment ─── n.蒸馏液;蒸馏法

7、distillment ─── n.蒸馏;蒸馏物;蒸馏法;精华(等于distilment或者distillation)

8、installment ─── n.安装;分期付款;部分;就职

9、installant ─── 任命者

instillment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But aren't we, as educators, the springboards of change - at least to inspire if not instil the values that will bring about change? ─── 身为教育工作者和促进改变的推动力,如果我们不能把求变的观念灌输给学生,至少也得发挥一点启发的作用。

2、His adroit personal diplomacy, however, will not be enough alone to instil foreign confidence in China's ability to weather the storm. ─── 然而,仅凭他熟练的个人外交不足以提振外国对中国度过难关能力的信心。

3、This will serve to provide a favourable overall business environment and help instil confidence for foreign investors coming to Hong Kong. ─── 凡此种种,皆缔造有利营商的整体环境,增强外商来港投资的信心。

4、English: Ji Kang Zi ask:"How can we instil respect, loyalty and motivation in the people? ─── 季康子问:“如何可使民众敬其上,忠其上,并肯加倍努力呀?”

5、She had managed to instil a little courage into the girl, and now her protegee was wavering again ─── 她看见自己所鼓动起来的人有点动摇了。

6、The AAUP has issued its defence of indoctrination fully cognisant of the fact that these new academic disciplines view their mission as using the classroom to instil an ideology in their students. ─── 全美大学教授联合会为其灌输教育辩护到,他们充分认识到,这些新的学科使命,是在课堂上向学生们灌输一种意识形态这一事实。

7、Raja Petra’s detention is part of a crackdown orchestrated by the government of the day to instil fear among the people, who have become highly critical of the corrupt ruling elite. ─── 现代民主制度不容无审讯扣留,我强烈谴责政府使用无审讯法律打压合法政治活动,以此掩饰执政联盟的懦弱与无能治理。

8、Pray for the ALPHA launch on April 21.Pray that God will use this to equip us for evangelism as well as instil in us a heart for reaching out.We praise God for the >100 who have registered. ─── 启发课程:感谢父神,3月28日第一次启发训练,共有卅位弟兄姊妹参与;请为其馀两次训练祷告,亦请继续为邀约未信主家人,亲友参加而祷告。

9、The second principle is to instil the right values like benevolence, righteousness and educate morals to the troops. ─── 第二,是以仁义道德观念教育部队,使官兵都能知书达理;

10、The sentiment they instil is of more value than any thought they may contain. ─── 在这种诗句中,不论其主题是什么,心灵总能听到某种告诫。

11、If you compel your body when it is weak to labours that exceed its strength, you will instil darkness upon darkness into your soul and bring greater confusion upon her. ─── 若是你在病弱的时候,强迫你的身体做它力不能及的事,你就会逐渐使幽暗笼罩你的灵魂,给她带来更大的混乱。

12、"The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge, they also instil moral values in their students." ─── 模范教师不但教华文,还负起培养学生正确的人生观。

13、In 2003, the government privatised J-Power in the hope that the rigours of the market would instil greater efficiency. ─── 2003年,政府将J-Power私有化,希望市场活力能逐渐带来更高效率。

14、Intimidation is the instillment of fear in opponents and fear is a forceful motivator. ─── 威胁就是逐渐向对手灌输忧虑,而忧虑是一种有说服力的激励因素。

15、Parliament's lower house has approved legislation which, besides stressing the importance of parental guidance, requires schools to instil “a love of one's country” in children. ─── 议会下院已经通过教改法案,除了强调父母教导的重要性,还要求学校向学生灌输“爱国之心”。

16、He could barely read but lived a life of rigid self-discipline, and tried to instil the same values in his grandsons. ─── 外祖父开辆货车四处送油,虽然不识几个大字,生活却严苛自律,并且设法把同样价值灌输给自己的外孙。

17、The HKMA pursues a policy of transparency to ensure that the financial industry and the wider public are fully informed of the currency board operations and to instil public confidence on the link. ─── 金管局的政策力求高度透明,使金融界及广大市民能充分了解货币发行局的运作情况,并加强公众对联系汇率的信心。

18、Parents try to instil into their children the Best of moral principles ─── 父母亲对孩子们灌输最好的道德准则。

19、By contrast, GM's 37-page submission seemed designed to instil fear rather than hope. ─── 与福特相比而言,通用递交的37页计划书似乎意在让国会感觉到危机而非希望。

20、The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge,they also instil moral values in their students. ─── 启蒙教师不但教授知识,还负起培养学生正确的人生观。

21、It's necessary to instil the minds of the youth with lofty ideals. ─── 把崇高理想灌输到年青人的思想中去是很必要的。

22、It's the responsibility of parents to instil a sense of discipline in their children. ─── 管教子女是父母的责任。

23、It aims to glorify and to instil pride in their ancestors and to exhort the future generations to emulate their illustrious forebears. ─── 其目的更是要褒扬祖宗,使后代引以为荣,代代效法。

24、Zai Wo replied:"The Xia used pine tree, the Yin Shang used cypress while the Zhou used chestnut tree, meaning to instil fear into people. ─── 宰我答道:“夏后氏以松树,殷人以柏树,周人以栗树,说明是要使人民战栗。”

25、To facilitate the development of electronic commerce, it is important to instil trust in the security and integrity of transactions performed electronically. ─── 为发展电子商业,我们必须建立公众对可以稳妥及完整进行电子交易的信心,尤以跨境交易为然。

26、Prudent public finance management instil investors confidence and promote economic growth. ─── 政府审慎理财可以增强投资者的信心,从而促进经济增长。

27、Home ownership may indeed instil neighbourly stability (though Germany with its high levels of stability and renting suggests the two need not go together). ─── 自置居所实际上逐步灌输了邻里稳定(虽然有着高度稳定和租赁制度的德国表示二者无需结合在一起)。

28、Day to take pictures, he would give everyone a cup of whisky rocks, to instil a major test sets drinking whisky "by liquor. ─── 那天去拍照,他给每个人倒了一杯加冰的威士忌,还给大伙儿灌输了一大套喝威士忌的“酒经”。

29、Bringing a scheme to life needs expertise and, in a second stint as Ferguson's assistant from 2004 to 2008, Carlos Queiroz slowly helped to instil a deeper appreciation of the tactics. ─── 让蓝图成为现实需要专家意见,从2004年到2008年,奎罗斯第二次担任弗格森助手,这期间他把对战术的更深刻理解慢慢地注入到球队中。

30、And by constantly advising him of his satisfactory progress toward speedy recovery she seeks to instil hope, confidence and mental effort. ─── 她们还要向病患灌输希望、信心和精神努力来使他们迅速康复,并且不断地建议病患对这种康复状态表示满意。”)

31、I know one billionaire family who have managed to instil a sense of proportion, industry and obligation into the various younger members: there are no private jets, chauffeurs or suchlike. ─── 我认识一个亿万富翁家庭,成功地将一种分寸感、勤奋和责任感逐渐灌输给了家里的年轻一代:没有私人飞机、私人司机之类的享受。

32、To obtain those three wins, though, Benitez will need to instil a bit more solidity in his backline. It needn't be too tough. ─── 要想获得这三场胜利,贝尼特斯需要加强球队的后防,当然,不用太紧张。

33、Fast food is generally not a good way to instil good eating habits in your child. ─── 对于帮助你的孩子养成好的饮食习惯,快餐绝对不是个好方法。

34、In the chemical experiment, the operation and the instillment reagent order's priority, has the very important function to experiment's success. ─── 在化学实验中,操作和滴加试剂顺序的先后,对实验的成功有着至关重要的作用。

35、Ideas on Extricating Moral Education Instillment From a difficult Position ─── 走出道德灌输教育困境的经济学思考

36、It's easy to instil the minds of young children with fixed ideas ─── 把那些固有的思想(不管正确与否)灌输给儿童是件容易的事情。

37、We must also instil in our students an understanding for the necessity of sustainable development. ─── 我们必须让学生理解包容异己的必要性。

38、Our school aims to instil in our students the values of self-discipline, courtesy, enthusiasm for learning and devotion to our community. ─── 我们致力使本校成为一所学生自律守礼、乐于学习及热爱社群的中学。

39、To instil the expectation subtly, the participants in the other groups are informally briefed by a student who has apparently just completed the task. ─── 实验中充满了巧妙的骗术,所以对它最好的理解方法就是想象自己正身临其境。

40、Pray that God will use this to equip us for evangelism as well as instil in us a heart for reaching out. ─── 请继续为扩建的模式及经济需要祷告。

41、instil new vitality into enterprises ─── 给企业注入新的活力

42、Through television, magazines, the Internet and other channels to consumers strongly instil a thought, "But expensive luxury worth having. ─── 他们通过电视、杂志、因特网等渠道极力向消费者灌输一种思想,即"奢侈品昂贵但是值得拥有的"。

43、instil into ─── 滴入

44、the way to make them unwilling to be corrupt is to instil in public servants a sense of honor in uprightness and shame in corruption; ─── 不愿贪,指的是培养公务人员以廉洁为荣、以贪渎为耻的观念;

45、Parents need to instil a sense of discipline in children from a young age if such tragedies are to be prevented, he said. ─── 家长需要灌输一种有纪律的儿童从小如果这种悲剧是被阻止,他说。

46、Instil Values into your Child that will last a lifetime! ─── 灌输您的孩子终身受用的价值观!

47、to instil confidence/discipline/fear into sb ─── 逐步使某人树立信心/守纪律/产生恐惧

48、The image has helped to instil fear in opposition ranks but some observers predicted that it might also galvanise the wavering protest movement in the weeks ahead as it mourns her death. ─── 这段影像有助于向反对者们灌输恐惧,不过,一些观察家预言,为了向她的死表示哀悼,这段录像也可能会在未来几周内引起抗议运动的动摇。

49、She instil her unique idea into her children. ─── 她把其独特的思想灌输给她的孩子。

50、Not to mention the power of the next move that will surely instil fear into your opponents melee character. ─── 更不用说接下来这个让近战对手恐惧的技能。

51、instil(l) something into ─── 使…逐渐确立某种观念,向…逐渐灌输某种观念、知识等

52、"Certainly, I might have lived happily amongst those good people, who adored me, but my perverse disposition prevailed over the virtues which my adopted mother endeavored to instil into my heart. ─── “当然罗,”贝尼代托继续说,“抚养我的那些人都很爱我,我本来可以和那些人过很快乐的生活,但我那邪恶的本性超过了我继母灌输在我心里的美德。

53、Those tiny figures moving, insect-like, between indolent river and abrupt peak were there to teach modesty, instil calm and underline impermanence, surely, rather than reflect reality. ─── 那些如同昆虫般微小的人影在水流缓慢的江河与陡峭的山峰之间移动,教育人们虚怀若谷,灌输平静的心境,强调世事无常,而不是对现实的反映。

54、What we tried to instil in the players' minds was that we had to get a good start. ─── 我们尝试给球员们灌输的是我们一定要友好的开局。

55、Indeed, these are the same qualities that we try to instil in our students. ─── 事实上,我们不但自己如此,也要求学生如此。

56、Regulatory safeguards that require a troubled bank to promptly take steps to improve its financial condition instil public confidence and trust. ─── 监督保护要求出问题的银行积极地采取措施改善金融状况来赢得公众的信任感和信心。

57、Lenin created the theory of instillment during the struggle to economism. ─── 列宁在同俄国经济主义的斗争中创立了完整系统科学的灌输理论。

58、I consider it important to instil a pride in the players. ─── 我认为使运动员逐步感到自豪是很重要的。

59、Except for bans, restrictions and fines, is there really no other way to instil public-mindedness in the population? ─── 难道除了从严、从禁、重罚之外,就不能培养人们的社会责任?

60、By contrast, Feng was as proud and fierce as ever.He tried to instil a little pride into Sir Zheng.'It was my idea to kill Chen Jinnan,' he declared, addressing Trinket. ─── 他抢到郑克塽身旁,一伸手便拉起了他,转头向韦小宝道:“当年杀陈近南,全是我的主意,跟郑公爷无关。

61、"The stories in prose and verse are well adapted to awaken a lively, interest in the minds of the pupil, and at the same time to instil principles of truthfulness and honesty, and sentiments of kindness and honour. ─── “这些以散文体和韵文体写就的故事已被精心改写,使之能在学生心中唤起强烈的兴趣,同时向学生灌输真实和正直的为人之道以及仁爱和荣誉的情操。”

62、In 1999, a series of codes of practices and other publications were published to promote the compliance standards required by safety legislation and to instil in the public an awareness of safety. ─── 一九九九年,该部编印了一系列工作守则和其他刊物,以推广职业安全法例所订定须遵守的标准,以及向公众人士灌输职业安全的意识;

63、The screams of the wounded and dying were something to instil fear into the stoutest heart. ─── 受伤者垂死者的尖叫,令最勇敢的人都胆战心惊。

64、The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge, they also instil moral values in their students. ─── 二、模范教师不但教华文,还负起培养学生正确的人生观。

65、instil(l) a balm ─── 徐徐滴入镇痛剂

66、"It is about the environment they are in at that age and how they feel, but if somebody is not motivated you cannot instil it in them later. ─── “这涉及到球员在那个年龄所处的环境和他们的感受,如果当时球员不具备被激发性,那么你也不可能在以后重新向他们灌输。”

67、instil(l) a love for literature ─── 灌输对文学的爱好

68、Any leader who could instil private-sector attitudes towards productivity growth and cost control into the management of the public sector would be hailed as the saviour of the British economy. ─── 任何一个领导人,若他能把私营企业对生产力增长和成本控制的观念渗透到公共部门的管理之中,那他就成了英国经济的救星。

69、instil patriotism into the students ─── 给学生灌输爱国思想

70、instil all idea into sb.'s mind ─── 把一种思想灌输到某人头脑中去

71、He augured that the sanctuary will daily attract the parishioners and the pilgrim Christians to prayer and to instil the will to live the grace of marriage and of family in holiness. ─── 他预言重建的圣堂每天会吸引著教区的人和基督徒朝圣来祈祷、愿意活出婚姻、圣善家庭的恩宠。

72、to strengthen failing courage, to instil faith in hours of despair. ─── 在他们勇气消退时给以力量,在绝望的时刻使他们恢复信念。

73、Ideas on Extricating Moral Education Instillment From a difficult Position ─── 走出道德灌输教育困境的经济学思考

74、I just hope that as they grow up I can instil in them the work ethic that my parents instilled in me and my younger brother, Anton.Our mum was a childminder. ─── 我只是希望能随着他们的成长把我父母灌输给我和我弟弟安顿的工作热情灌输给他们。

75、As a matter of fact, far from suspecting the truth, he was wondering how he could approach his sister-Tu Chuchai's wife-and get her to instil a little courage into her husband. ─── 但他并不想到那上头,他是在那里筹划如何在他的二姊方面进言,“出奇兵”煽起杜竹斋的胆量来。

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