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09-08 投稿



hegemonical 发音


英:  美:

hegemonical 中文意思翻译



hegemonical 相似词语短语

1、hegemonic ─── adj.霸权的;支配的

2、hegemonists ─── n.霸权主义者;鼓吹霸权者

3、mnemonical ─── adj.记忆术的;记忆的

4、hegemonism ─── n.霸权主义

5、demonical ─── 恶魔的

6、hegemonial ─── 霸权的

7、harmonical ─── adj.调和的(等于harmonic);合谐的;音乐般的

8、hegemonist ─── n.霸权主义者;鼓吹霸权者

9、hegemonies ─── n.霸权;领导权;盟主权

hegemonical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"'Apollo 11', period, we have invested tens of billions of dollars developing space industry, so that the United States as the hegemon in space," Griffin recalled while complaining edge. ─── “‘阿波罗11’号时期,我们投入了数百亿美元发展航天业,令美国成为太空霸主”,格里芬边回忆边抱怨。

2、Different ocean strategy in oriental and western societies makes the legendary "ZhengHe Ocean Expedition"silent but western powers the hegemon over the world. ─── 东西方在经略海洋方面的不同,使得郑和下西洋默默无闻,而西方却由此而称霸于全世界。

3、Song Qiang, one of the book's five authors, says that for a rising power such as China, there are only two choices open to it: to become a hegemon or to get cast aside. ─── 在中国活跃的网上博客领域,这本书引起了某种轰动。

5、Qi later replaced Wei as the hegemon of the Central Plains. ─── 战国后期,秦国越来越强盛,其它6个国家都不能单独抵抗秦国,于是就想联合起来,共同抵抗秦国。

6、 双语使用场景

7、An altruistic hegemon would not be playing these games; a selfish hegemon will do little else. ─── 利他的霸权主义不会玩此类把戏;而利己的霸权主义几乎专干此事。

8、The Shen Yumen handles affairs fast fierce, antagonizes people innumerably, is the now martial arts world hegemon; ─── 短刀行:沈玉门行事骠悍,树敌无数,是当今的武林盟主;

9、benevolent hegemon ─── 仁慈霸权

10、Instead of butting heads with some existing hegemon, China will make its rise a "win-win" for everyone, with its economy promoting prosperity at home and abroad. ─── 取代与现有霸主争破头的做法是,中国将使它的崛起对每个人来讲都是一种“双赢”结果,将会在海内外促进彼此的经济繁荣。

11、hegemon in swimming pools ─── 泳池霸主

12、An altruistic hegemon would not be playing these games; ─── 利他的霸权主义不会玩此类把戏;

13、Or was he somehow Ender's brother, not just named for but actually embodying the Hegemon who had died three thousand years before? ─── 或者从某种角度说他是安德的兄弟?难道不仅只是起了个相同的名字,安德又让三千年前死去的霸主复活了?

14、Make no mistake: the US is indeed a global hegemon because of its overwhelming economic and military dominance. ─── 毫无疑问,由于在经济和军事方面处于势不可挡的支配地位,美国确实是全球霸主。

15、Hardliners, some of whom hold powerful positions in the current administration, see a hegemon on the horizon. ─── 而那些大权在握的强硬派则在地平线上看到了凸起的霸权(中国)。

16、China has formidable neighbors in Russia, India, and Japan that will fiercely resist any Chinese attempts to become the regional hegemon. ─── 中国有着许多可怕的邻居,像俄罗斯、印度还有日本,它们将会对中国成为区域霸主展开激烈反抗。

17、However, both agriculture civilization and hegemon are not the unique features of China. ─── 然而,这两种物质条件却不是中国所独有。

18、Wang-mu had read the Hegemon. ─── 难道他真像老虎一样野心勃勃?

19、The weaponry, organization, logistics, and commanding factors in agriculture civilization make the combat not a decisive tool. "Culture moralism" is a strategic culture of hegemon. ─── 在农业文明之下,因为军队武器、编组、后勤、指挥等因素,使得武力无法成为一种有效的工具。

20、Soon, the four remaining palace castle Castellan Nan Gongyi City, was heaven and earth defeated hegemon. ─── 不久,四大城堡中仅存的南宫城城主南宫逸也被天地盟主打败。

21、Back in 2000 the United States, the undisputed hegemon, was mainly at peace with the world. ─── 2000年美国在世界上有着无可争议的霸主地位,与世界其他国家大部分保持着和平的外交关系。

22、Lal even offers a name for his proposed American hegemon: the Liberal International Economic Order. ─── 拉尔甚至为其所拟议的美国霸权命名为:“自由主义国际经济秩序”。

23、The impact of this information, water supply plate went into Monday, and Zhangzhou, the development of water services as a regional hegemon, there is a natural performance. ─── 受此消息影响,水务板块周一应声而起,而漳州发展作为区域水务的霸主,自然是有所表现。

24、In the just-completed summer Olympics, America's status as the globe's athletic hegemon was clearly under attack. ─── 在刚刚结束的夏季奥运会中,美国作为全球运动霸王的地位显然受到了威胁。

25、He is the author of numerous non-fiction books such as "Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese" also A Mother's Ordeal and Hegemon, as well as being the co-author of China Attacks. ─── 史蒂芬瓦特毛思迪是许多非小说类书籍,如“破碎的地球:中国农民”和"一个母亲的磨难","霸主:中国称霸亚洲和世界的计划"的作者,以及"中国攻击"一书的作者之一。

26、Song Qiang, one of the book's five authors, says that for a rising power like China, there are only two choices open to it: to become a hegemon or to get cast aside. ─── 本书五位联合作者之一的宋强说,对于像中国这样一个崛起中的大国,面前只有两种抉择:要么独领风骚,傲视群雄;要么沉沦于世,泯然诸国。

27、The predominantly Sunni Arab states fear that the United States may abandon Arab concerns to gain assistance from Iran, which could confirm Iran as the regional hegemon. ─── 有影响的逊尼派阿拉伯国家担心美国会放弃阿拉伯的利益而得到伊朗的帮助,这会让伊朗确立为地区霸权。

28、Huashan discusses the sword is in the Jin Yong novel struggle of martial arts world hegemon. ─── “华山论剑”是金庸小说中的武林盟主之争。

29、Brazil evidently sees it as an extension of Nafta, with the US playing the hegemon. ─── 显然,巴西将美洲自由贸易区视为北美自由贸易协定的延伸,美国仍在其中扮演霸主角色。

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