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09-12 投稿



hydrogenating 发音

英:  美:

hydrogenating 中文意思翻译



hydrogenating 同义词

hydrogenating 词性/词形变化,hydrogenating变形

动词过去式: hydrogenated |动词过去分词: hydrogenated |动词现在分词: hydrogenating |动词第三人称单数: hydrogenates |

hydrogenating 短语词组

1、hydrogenating coal ─── 加氢煤

2、hydrogenating agent ─── 加氢剂

3、hydrogenating of coal ─── 煤加氢

hydrogenating 反义词


hydrogenating 相似词语短语

1、dehydrogenating ─── vt.使脱氢

2、hydrogenates ─── v.(使)氢化,(使)与氢结合

3、hydrogenizing ─── vt.使与氢化合(等于hydrogenate)

4、hydrogenated ─── adj.(油类)氢化的,加氢的;v.使氢化(hydrogenate的过去式和过去分词)

5、hydrogenate ─── v.(使)氢化,(使)与氢结合

6、hydrogenising ─── vt.使与氢化合(等于hydrogenize)

7、halogenating ─── v.使卤化

8、hydrogenator ─── n.氢化器

9、hydrogenation ─── n.加氢;[化学]氢化作用

hydrogenating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Water,you know,is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. ─── 你知道,水是由氢和氧构成的。

2、An acid containing only one replaceable hydrogen atom per molecule. ─── 每个分子仅含有一个可置换的氢原子的酸。

3、But Mittleman says hydrogen cars are worth the wait. ─── 但是米特尔曼说,氢燃料车值得等待。

4、Containing two replaceable hydrogen atoms. ─── 二元的含有两个可取代的氢原子的

5、It has studied the action of hydrogen peroxide on nitrous acid. ─── 它研究了过氧化氢对亚硝酸的作用。

6、Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, highly flammable gas. ─── 氢是无色、无嗅、无味、极易燃的气体。

7、The hydrogen is the known the lightest element. ─── 氢是已知的最轻的元素。

8、Butyl and octyl alcohol are mainly made by hydrogenating the corresponding aldehyde. ─── 丁辛醇主要由相应的醛加氢制备。

9、The invention relates to a preparation and application of a selective hydrogenating catalyst. ─── 本发明是关于一种选择性加氢催化剂的制备方法和用途。

10、So there are hydrogen and oxygen atoms in sugar. ─── 所以糖里含有氢原子和氧原子。

11、Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water. ─── 氢和氧是水的主要成分。

12、Hydrogen is the lightest chemical element of all. ─── 氢是所有化学元素中最轻的。

13、Being combined with two hydrogen atoms, one oxygen atom may form a molecule of water. ─── 一个氧原子同两个氢原子化合,可以形成一个水分子。

14、Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. ─── 两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合而成一个水分子。

15、Other men filled balloon with a gas called hydrogen. ─── 后来又有人用一种氨气球。

16、Hydride : Inorganic compound of hydrogen with another element. ─── 氢化物: 氢与另一种化学元素的无机化合物。

17、BMW - the forerunner and leader in hydrogen drive technology. ─── 宝马-先导和氢气驱动技术的领导者。

18、The hydrogenating agent and operation condition has been optimized.The matrix interference has been studied. ─── 优化了氢化条件,选择了最佳仪器参数,研究了氧化铌基体对氢化物测定的影响。

19、Hydrogen is one of the lightest elements. ─── 氢是最轻的元素之一。

20、An isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron in the nucleus having an atomic weight of2.014. ─── 氘氢的一种同位素,在其原子核内有一个质子和一个中子,其原子重量为2。014

21、Hydrogen and oxygen are gases. ─── 氢和氧是气体。

22、They react with many metals to form a salt and give off hydrogen. ─── 它们能和许多金属起反应,生成盐并放出氢。

23、Hydrogen might be depleted with some of it turning into helium. ─── 氢可能被耗尽,一部分变为氦。

24、The addition reaction with hydrogen cyanide is base-catalysed. ─── 与氰氢酸的加成是碱催化的。

25、Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water . ─── 氢和氧化合形成水。

26、Her boyfriend fed a box of oxygen and hydrogen to the ox and fox. ─── 她男朋友给牛和狐狸喂了一盒子氧和氢。

27、Critics note the high cost of producing hydrogen. ─── 批评家们强调氢生产的高昂成本。

28、An acid having one replaceable hydrogen atom. ─── 一元酸只有一个可置换氢原子的酸

29、The lightest element is hydrogen. ─── 最轻的元素是氢。

30、A molecule is a thousand times bigger than an atom of hydrogen. ─── 一个分子比一个氢原子大一千倍。

31、It gets the hydrogen and helium right. ─── 根据结果表示,氢元素和氦元素都比较正常。

32、Hydrogen is the lightest of all elements. ─── 氢是所有元素中最轻的(元素)。

33、Hydrogen is the lightest element . ─── 氢是最轻的元素。

34、Analyse water into oxygen and hydrogen. ─── 把水分解成氧和氢。

35、The elements hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. ─── 氢元素和氧元素构成了水。

36、When hydrogen is combined with oxygen it creates water. ─── 氢和氧结合形成水。

37、What symbol stands for hydrogen and what for oxygen? ─── 什么符号代表氢,什么符号代表氧?

38、Hydride : inorganic compound of hydrogen with another element. ─── 氢化物:氢与另一种化学元素的无机化合物。

39、We will consider this Zeeman effect for the hydrogen atom. ─── 我们将对氢原子考虑此塞曼效应。

40、A good general-purpose gas has about 97% nitrogen and 3% hydrogen. ─── 一种较好的通用气体含大约97%的氮气和3%的氢气。

41、Methods for Hydrogen Production at Small or Medium Scale? ─── 中小规模的制氢方法?

42、Prior work used renewable hydrogen to maximize CO2 capture. ─── 早期研究中用可再生的氢来固定二氧化碳。

43、Her boyfriend fed a box of oxygen and hydrogen to the ox andfox. ─── 她男朋友给牛与狐狸喂了一盒子氧与氢。

44、The balloon was distended because of filling of hydrogen. ─── 气球因充满了氢气而膨胀。

45、I think it impossible that hydrogen can ever be made into a metal. ─── 我认为氢气能被制成一种金属是不可能的。

46、How many hydrogen atoms are present in 16 grams of methane ? ─── 十六克甲烷中有多少氢原子?

47、Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water . ─── 氢与氧化合形成水。

48、Hydrogen is a one-valence element. ─── 氢是一价的元素。

49、The method of purifying hydrogen chloride is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种氯化氢精制技术。

50、The situation of hydrogen production from propane is summarized. ─── 摘要综述了丙烷催化转化制氢的国内外发展状况。

51、Letter "O" stands for oxygen and "H" for hydrogen. ─── 字母“O”代表氧,“H”代表氢。

52、Unlike hydrogen, carbon dioxide is non-combustible. ─── 与氢不一样,二氧化碳是不可燃的。

53、My Mercedes vehicle is the hydrogen power. ─── 我的梅塞德斯车是氢动力的。”

54、The addition of sulfur depressed the hydrogenating reaction, but greatly promoted the hydrocracking reaction of DNM. ─── 加入硫显著阻碍了加氢反应,却大大促进了加氢裂解反应。

55、P for 20 mins, and followed by DAB and hydrogen peroxide mixture. ─── 1:100S-P溶液室温孵育20分钟;

56、Yes. you guessed it right, this Beemer runs on hydrogen. ─── 是的,你猜对了,这是一款以氢为能源的宝马车。

57、He was busy filling out the balloon with hydrogen. ─── 他正忙着给汽球充氢气。

58、Other series spectra for hydrogen have since been discovered. ─── 此后又发现了氢原子的其他光谱线系。

59、Hydrogen has a reputation for being explosive and dangerous. ─── 大家知道氢气易爆,十分危险。

60、The process is suitable for hydrogenating of different types of inferior distillate oil material. ─── 本发明方法可以适用于各种劣质馏分油原料的加氢过程。

61、Like hydrogen and oxygen, for some couples, opposites attract. ─── 就像氢和氧,有些人成双成对的缘故是因为异性相吸。

62、Burns may result from unknowingly walking into a hydrogen fire. ─── 不知不觉走进氢火焰会导致烧伤。

63、The hydrogen and the oxygen react. ─── 氢和氧发生化学反应。

64、They say hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide may also help. ─── 他们还认为过氧化氢和过氧尿素也有所帮助。

65、Hydrogen and oxygen, for example, are both gases. ─── 例如,氢和氧都是气体。

66、The lightest element is hydrogen . ─── 275最轻的元素是氢。

67、The most abundant isotope of hydrogen, H1, with atomic mass1. ─── 氘氢的数量最丰富的一种同位素,H1,原子质量为1

68、The invention disclosed the preparing method of selective hydrogenating catalyst of unsaturated hydrocarbon. ─── 本发明公开了一种不饱和烃选择性加氢催化剂的制备方法。

69、The Luminol and hydrogen peroxide under go a chemical reaction. ─── 发光氨与过氧化氢进行化学反应。

70、The process is especially useful for hydrogenating aniline to cyclohexylamine. ─── 所述方法尤其可用于将苯胺氢化为环己胺。

71、Hydrogen is by far the lightest of all elements. ─── 氢是所有元素中最轻的。

72、The rings are opened with hydrogen chloride and deuterium chloride. ─── 应用氯化氢和氯化氘打开沅环。

73、By hydrogenating vegetable fats they can be used as a direct replacement for butter. ─── 通过加氢,植物脂肪可直接用于替代黄油。

74、One proton is almost as heavy as an entire atom of hydrogen. ─── 一个质子几乎与整个氢原子的重量相等。

75、Micro cells use energy sources like hydrogen and methanol. ─── 微型电池用像氢气、甲醇这样的能源。

76、Atomic hydrogen was formed as a breakup product of the ions. ─── 作为这两种离子分裂的产物,形成了原子状态的氢。

77、Yet barriers to gassing up cars with hydrogen are significant. ─── 但要真正用氢当做汽车的动力来源,还有很多障碍。

78、The easiest way to make one is to add a hydrogen ion (H+). ─── 形成阳碳的最简单的办法就是加上一个氢离子。

79、Both nebulas shine brightly in the red light of energized hydrogen. ─── 在上面这张影像中,这二个星云都发出强烈的游离化氢之特徵辐射。

80、After applying hydrogenating deoxidization device in rectifier, the corrosion of hosepipe and the degradation of water quality were solved. ─── 在整流柜中应用加氢除氧装置后,解决了水管腐蚀和水质下降问题。

81、Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen, as is known to all. ─── 众所周知,水是由氢和氧组成的。

82、Both hydrogen and oxygen are elements. ─── 氢和氧都是化学元素。

83、They could use the hydrogen for energy," said Saal. ─── 人们有可能得到水,可以把氢作为能源。”

84、A chemist can isolate the oxygen from the hydrogen in water. ─── 一个化学家能把水中的氧和氢分解。

85、Natural bugs can turn out both hydrogen and methane. ─── 天然的细菌可以生产氢气和甲烷。

86、Of all gases hydrogen is the highest. ─── 在所有的气体中氢是最轻的。

87、The most abundant isotope of hydrogen,H1,with atomic mass1. ─── 氘氢的数量最丰富的一种同位素,H1,原子质量为1。

88、The hydrogen binds the oxygen. ─── 氢与氧化合。

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