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09-16 投稿



interrogatory 发音

英:[,?nt?'r?g?t(?)r?]  美:[,?nt?'rɑɡ?tri]

英:  美:

interrogatory 中文意思翻译



interrogatory 同义词

interrogative | interrogation | examination

interrogatory 词性/词形变化,interrogatory变形

副词: interrogatorily |名词复数: interrogatories |

interrogatory 反义词


interrogatory 短语词组

1、interrogatory sentence ─── 询问性判决

interrogatory 相似词语短语

1、interrogate ─── vt.审问;质问;[计]询问;vi.审问;质问

2、interrogations ─── n.[法]审问(interrogation的复数);[计][通信]询问

3、interrogators ─── n.质问者;询问机

4、interrogator ─── n.质问者;询问机

5、interpolators ─── n.窜改者,插入器;内插程序

6、interrogatories ─── n.疑问;问题;书面质询(interrogatory的复数形式)

7、interlocutory ─── adj.中间的;对话的;对话体的

8、interrogatorily ─── 审问者

9、interpolator ─── n.窜改者,插入器;内插程序

interrogatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、55.Check the box next to each interrogatory that you want the answering party to answer. ─── 请在每一书面询问前面的方框标出要求答问方回答的问题。

2、Analysis of English General Interrogatory Sentence: From the Perspective of the Minimalist Program ─── 最简方案下的英语一般疑问句研究

3、" those who face inquisitor is interrogatory, mu Zhenwen says these " it is privacy " . ─── 面对检察官的讯问,牧振文说这些“都是隐私”。

4、Classics is interrogatory, wang Mou confesses victim of nominal website bilk more than yuan 40 thousand crime fact. ─── 经讯问,王某供认虚设网站诈骗事主4万余元的犯罪事实。

5、Kenya has two million interrogatory animals which include wildebeests, elephants and elands. ─── 肯亚有两百万头列管的动物,包括牛羚、大象和大羚羊。

6、Implementation and Instance Analysis of Interrogatory Method of XML Document ─── XML文档查询方法的实现与实例分析

7、" " dejected schoolboy " this is interrogatory, caused the same feeling of many person that have similar experience. ─── “苦闷男生”的这个质问,引发了不少有类似经历者的同感。

8、Give out of the evaluation that day, mr He received the telephone call that sells the home to be hit, "He is interrogatory why should I give him ' in judge ' , still say me so do very bad. ─── 给出评价的当天,何先生就接到了卖家打来的电话,“他质问我为什么要给他‘中评’,还说我这么做很不好。

9、Claims and Defenses: State in detail the facts upon which you base your claims that the PERSON asking this interrogatory is responsible for your damages. ─── 索赔请示及抗辩:详细说明您据以提出索赔请示要求询问人对您的损害承担责任的事实。

10、in an interrogatory tone, voice, manner, etc ─── 以疑问的口吻﹑ 声音﹑ 态度等.

11、interrogatory server ─── 质询服务器

12、Exposure saw someone last night Guan Mou discards mahjong card at the toilet, then everybody hurries to interrogatory Guan Mou. ─── 有人揭发昨晚看到管某将麻将牌丢弃于厕所,于是众人赶去质问管某。

13、N. gate, one's words gives out indignantly to U.N. headquarters interrogatory: Our national head of state dies, the old standard of U. ─── 那时,的结合国文员长瓦尔德海姆站岀去,在结合国大楼窗前的台阶上发布了一回极短的讲话,一共但是一分钟。

14、Knowing this is a new grave that just buried a servent, host goes in front of interrogatory he: "Your this person is true not reasonable, how is past other people new the piddle on grave? ─── 岂不知这是一座刚埋下人的新坟,主人走到跟前质问他:“你这人真不讲理,怎么往人家新坟上撒尿哩?”

15、Kenya has two million interrogatory animals which include wildebeests , elephants and elands. ─── 肯亚有两百万头列管的动物,包括牛羚、大象和大羚羊。

16、Firstly,it delimits the object of the study,distinguishes between numeral adjective interrogatory pronoun and numeral phrase and concludes that numeral is a type of closed word class. ─── 首先,在理论上明确了研究对象,对数词与助词、形容词、疑问代词、数词词组作了区别,得出了数词是一个封闭的词类的结论。

17、Hello, the hospital on the proposal is checked, suit the remedy to the case, interrogatory doctor! ─── 你好,建议上医院检查,对症下药,讯问医生!

18、Taliban and Korea government delegation saved metropolis to add at present Buddhist nun in Jiacini that day Korean interrogatory problem held city to negotiate face-to-face. ─── 巴希尔在会谈终结后示意,对于高丽官方已经没法辩服阿富汗官方放岀塔利班罪徒,塔利班方向永不保持用高丽人质换得塔利班罪徒的请求。

19、the interrogatory method of teaching ─── 问答式教授法

20、What resolution did he take?What was his own inward definitive response to the unbribable interrogatory of fatality? ─── 他内心对这永不变化的命运的审问,最终将如何作答?

21、Except the flesh interrogatory problem is obtained outside solving, breed catfish also because of resistance strengthen, and decrease breed a process to use drug mediumly. ─── 除肉质问题获得解决外,养殖鲶鱼也因反抗力的加强,而减少养殖过程中的用药。

22、Instructions to the Answering Party: an answer or other appropriate response must be given to each interrogatory checked by the asking party. ─── 对答问方指引;答问方须对提问方选择的每一书面询问做出回答或其他适当回复。

23、Small Wang Que is very angry, interrogatory policeman: "I look for a police to help, why should go police station? ─── 小王却十分生气,质问民警:“我是找警察帮忙的,为什么要去派出所?”

24、If you do not have enough personal knowledge to fully answer an interrogatory, say so. ─── 如果答问方凭个人认知不足以完整地回答书面询问,应明确表示。

25、Discussion on Interrogatory Mechanism in Telecom Regulation ─── 浅议电信监管问责制

26、If you do not have enough personal knowledge to fully answer an interrogatory , say so, ─── 如果答问方凭个人认知不足以完整地回答书面询问,应明确表示,

27、Analysis of English General Interrogatory Sentence: From the Perspective of the Minimalist Program ─── 最简方案下的英语一般疑问句研究

28、" prefectural officer arrests balladmonger bring to justice, yanjia is interrogatory. ─── 县官把民谣作者逮捕归案,严加讯问。

29、Ms.Lin is interrogatory the other side, the other side says this book has not appear on the market sale, so of short duration did not mail she. ─── 林女士质问对方,对方称该书尚未上市销售,所以暂未邮寄给她。

30、9 see joke: Farmer is interrogatory 6 sons: "Who chooses outdoors toilet in the brook to go? ─── 9看笑话: 农民质问六个儿子:“是谁把户外厕所推到溪里去的?”

31、A pair of slipshod feet shuffled, hastily, across the bare floor of the room, as this interrogatory was put; ─── 这一番质问刚停,一双穿拖鞋的脚慌慌张张地擦着光溜溜的房间地板走了过去。

32、State the name of each PERSON, other than the PERSON asking this interrogatory , who is responsible, in whole or in part, for damages claimed in this action. ─── 说明除询问人外,其他每应对该诉讼中主张的损害赔偿承担全部或部分责任的人的姓名。

33、If consumer discovers the area of room of floor area ratio of laid became large 5% above, with respect to manufacturer of OK and interrogatory floor, the requirement receives logical explanation. ─── 假如消费者发现铺设的地板面积比房间面积大了5%以上,就可以质问地板厂商,要求得到合理的解释。

34、The interrogatory seemed to strike the honest magistrate all of a heap. ─── 这场盘问似乎叫那正直的地方法官惊慌失措了。

35、an interrogatory tone ─── 质问的口气

36、Others were as public as possible, and the reader can judge of their boldness from these fragments of an interrogatory undergone in one of the ulterior prosecutions: "Where was this meeting held? ─── 另一些会却尽量公开,我们可以从日后审讯时的这段口供看出他们的大胆:“会议是在什么地方举行的?”

37、Schoolgirl mother is interrogatory teacher: "You, one day is a day, my daughter still can be borne; ─── 女生母亲质问老师:“你,一天就是一日,我女儿尚能忍受;

38、Such a dialogue, or rather, such an interrogatory monologue, is not in the least exceptional. ─── 这样一段对话,更为确切地说是一段询问独白,并不罕见。

39、OBJECTIVE To explore the method of expert interrogatory on clinical rational drug use. ─── 目的 探讨临床合理用药专家质询制度的方法及意义。

40、hello , the hospital on the proposal is checked , suit the remedy to the case , interrogatory doctor. ─── 你好,建议上医院检查,对症下药,讯问医生。

41、Look, pure price war cannot solve real interrogatory problem. ─── 看来,单纯的价格战解决不了实质问题。

42、" interrogatory. ─── 的质问。

43、Hello, the hospital on the proposal is checked, suit the remedy to the case, interrogatory doctor! ─── 你好,建议上医院检查,对症下药,讯问医生!

44、As an important component of our law structure,administration legislation should face with the interrogatory of legitimate too. ─── 行政立法作为一国法律体系的重要组成部分同样要面临正当性的质问。

45、To reply such interrogatory, we must detailed research the connotation oflegitimacy and administration legislation"s legitimacy. ─── 为回答这样的质问,首先必须对法的正当性的内涵与标准进行详细的考察。

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