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09-16 投稿



hingeless 发音


英:  美:

hingeless 中文意思翻译



hingeless 短语词组

1、hingeless frame ─── 无铰框架

2、hingeless arch ─── 刚拱

hingeless 相似词语短语

1、hideless ─── 无影无踪

2、fingerless ─── adj.无指的;失去指的

3、lineless ─── 无线条

4、hiveless ─── 无蜂巢

5、liegeless ─── 不可读

6、changeless ─── adj.不变的;稳定的;单调的

7、kingless ─── adj.无君主的;无国王的

8、fringeless ─── 无边的

9、fineless ─── 决赛

hingeless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dynamic stability and control laws of a hingeless rotor helicopter were studied. ─── 研究了无铰直升机动稳定性、操纵性和控制问题。

2、hingeless frame ─── 无铰框架

3、A hingeless arch example was analyzed with the structural mechanics Solver and traditional method,indicating the high efficiency and accuracy of computer method. ─── 通过用结构力学求解器分析无铰拱实例与常规方法比较,显示了计算机方法的高效性和准确性,指出求解器水平分布荷载功能可能存在的问题。

4、Computation Example for Hingeless Arch ─── 无铰拱计算之实例

5、single rib hingeless arch ─── 单肋无铰拱

6、Based on the summary of the others researches,the applied calculation methods of the lateral stability of catenary single rib hingeless arch that carried the vertical loadings were analyzed. ─── 在总结前人研究成果的基础上,重点探讨了悬链线单肋无铰拱在竖向荷载作用下,横向稳定影响的实用计算方法。

7、The experimental results verify that the feasible theory can be used to investigate the effects of structural parameters of hingeless rotor on aeroelastic stability. ─── 试验证明该理论可行并能用于研究无铰旋翼结构参数对桨叶气弹稳定性的影响,也能用于直升机旋翼的型号设计。

8、Optimal Section Design of Stability for the Circular Hingeless Arch with Fixed Supports under Hydraulic Pressure ─── 静水压力下无铰圆拱稳定的截面优化设计

9、hingeless arch ─── 刚拱

10、In this paper,the stability and control of a hingeless helicopter in wind shear were investigated. ─── 研究了无铰直升机在风切变场中的稳定性和操纵性。

11、Analytical model of aeroelastic stability of hingeless rotor blade with composite flexures ─── 桨根柔性无铰旋翼桨叶气弹稳定性建模分析

12、hingeless rotor ─── 无铰链旋翼

13、Numerical results show that significant reductions of vibratory vertical shears and hub moments in the fixed frame can be obtained for a four-bladed soft-inplane hingeless rotor. ─── 数值结果表明振荡附翼的引入能有效地降低旋翼桨毂的振动载荷。为振荡附翼的振动自适应控制律设计提供了有效的旋翼气动弹性分析方法。

14、The Research of The Lateral Stability of Caternary Single Rib Hingeless Arch ─── 悬链线单肋无铰拱横向稳定性研究

15、Through comparative study of hingeless arch bridge , two-hinged arch bridge and three-hinged arch bridge, the influence of connection condition of arch on mechanical condition is discussed. ─── 通过无铰拱、双铰拱、三铰拱的体系对比分析,讨论分析了拱自身连接条件对结构受力形态的影响;

16、A theory of aeroelastic stability of hingeless rotor blade in hover by using the Galerkin weighted residual finite element method is developed in this paper. ─── 采用伽辽金加权余数有限元素法发展了一种悬停状态下无铰旋翼桨叶气弹稳定性的分析方法。


18、hingeless mast ─── 无铰伸展臂

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