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09-16 投稿



hordein 发音

英:[['h?:di:?n]]  美:[['h?:di:?n]]

英:  美:

hordein 中文意思翻译



hordein 相似词语短语

1、hordes ─── n.游牧部落;一大群(horde的复数);v.成群结队(horde的第三人称单数)

2、horned in ─── 闯入;侵入

3、hordeola ─── n.麦粒肿,睑腺炎(hordeolum的变形)

4、codein ─── n.可待因(自鸦片中提取的碱质,用以镇痛,镇咳,催眠等)

5、horded ─── n.一大群,群;游牧部落

6、horn in ─── 闯入;侵入

7、horde ─── n.一大群,群;游牧部落

8、hording ─── n.一大群,群;游牧部落

9、horsemint ─── n.香蜂草属植物

hordein 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Genetic Polymorphism of Hordein in Wild Relatives of Barley from China ─── 中国近缘野生大麦醇溶蛋白的遗传多态性研究

2、The hordein polymorphism in 487 indigenous varieties and 10 wild close relatives of culti-vated barley from 22 provinces In China were analysed by SDS-PAGE, IEF and wo-dimen-sional (IEF followed by SDS-PAGE) electrophoresis. ─── 对22个省的大麦农家品种487份和3个近缘野生种的10份材料,应用SDS-PAGE、IEF及双向电泳(IEF、SDS-PAGE)进行了醇溶蛋白多肽多态性的研究,主要结果如下:(1)B醇溶蛋白多肽多态性十分显著。

3、hordein germinatus, fructus ─── 麦芽

4、The findings suggested that the hordein patterns in beer barley were greatly various. ─── 聚类分析结果与醇溶蛋白多态性分析结果相一致。

5、The percentage content o f albumins, hordein and glutelins in total protein amount were 30.96%、36.76%、3 2.28%. ─── 大麦盐溶蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白分别占蛋白质总量的30.96%、36.76%、32.28%。

6、Advance on the Relationship between Barley Hordein and Malting Quality ─── 大麦醇溶蛋白与麦芽品质关系的研究进展

7、Keywords Malting barley;variety identification;electrophoresis;PAGE;hordein; ─── 制麦大麦;品种鉴定;电冰;图谱;聚丙烯凝胶;醇溶蛋白;

8、Genetic Diversity of Hordein in Beer Barley ─── 啤酒大麦醇溶蛋白的遗传多样性分析

9、Changes in Endopeptidase Activity, Content of Hordein and Free Amino Acids in Barley Seeds during Germination ─── 萌发大麦种子内肽酶活力、醇溶蛋白及氨基酸含量变化

10、Keywords naked barley;Qinqhai-Tibet Plateau;genetic diversity;SSR;starch granule protein(SGP);Hordein; ─── 青稞;青藏高原;遗传多样性;SSR;淀粉颗粒蛋白;醇溶蛋白;

11、Analysis of genetic diversity of hordein in wild relatives of barley from Qing zang plateau ─── 青藏高原近缘野生大麦醇溶蛋白遗传多样性分析

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