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09-16 投稿



hematin 发音

英:[['hem?t?n]]  美:[['hem?t?n]]

英:  美:

hematin 中文意思翻译



hematin 短语词组

1、actinio hematin ─── [化] 海葵血红蛋白

2、hematin albumin ─── [医] 高铁血红素白蛋白

3、hematin crystal csf ─── 血红素结晶脑脊液

4、acid hematin method ─── [医] 酸性正铁血红素测定法(检血红蛋白)

5、reduced hematin ─── [医] 血红素

hematin 相似词语短语

1、hematein ─── n.苏木因;[生化]氧化苏木精

2、haematic ─── n.补血药,清血药(作用于血的药物);adj.血的,血液的

3、hematics ─── adj.[生物]血的;血液的;n.净血剂

4、haematin ─── n.羟高铁;正铁血红素

5、hematoid ─── adj.血样的

6、hematine ─── 苏木精

7、hematinic ─── adj.补血的;n.补血药

8、hematite ─── n.[矿物]赤铁矿

9、hematic ─── adj.[生物]血的;血液的;n.净血剂

hematin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of, relating to, or derived from hematin. ─── 补血的血红素的,与血红素有关的,来源于血红素的

2、Keywords hog blood;superoxide dismutase;hematin;peptone; ─── 猪血;超氧化物歧化酶;血红素;蛋白胨;

3、actinio hematin ─── 海葵血红蛋白

4、ammonium hematin ─── 铵苏木精

5、acid hematin ─── 酸性[羟]高铁血红素, 酸性正铁血红素

6、9.Our bodies derive an abundance of hematin from food. ─── 人体从食物中取得大量的正铁血红素。

7、Result The result analyzed by single logistic regression shows that age, hematin, congenital heart disease, evaluation severity score are the risk factors related with severe pneumonia and heart failure. ─── 结果单因素分析显示:年龄、色素、天性心脏病、重病儿评分与婴幼儿重症肺炎并发心力衰竭有关。

8、alkaline hematin ─── 碱性血红素

9、Increase for blood, can increase red blood cell and hematin especially. ─── 增加供血,尤其能增加红细胞和血色素。

10、Keywords Hematin;Electrochemistry;Peroxidase-like activity;Peroxides; ─── 血红素;电化学;过氧化物;模拟酶;

11、What thing is hematin? Had been jumped over higher? ─── 血色素是什么东西啊?越高越好吗?

12、reduced hematin ─── [医] 血红素

13、Adopt the doctor's cure and change diet structure later, the hematin level of Miss Feng restores slowly. ─── 李逢提示说,尽管在目前炎热的初夏许多女性因“苦夏”不想进食,但无论如何主食的摄入还是必需的。

14、Each light wavelength activated protoporphyrin IX and the light wavelength under 550nm activated hematin under the same light intensity.And the shorter the wavelength,the stronger the ac... ─── 在光照强度相同、波长不同的光的照射下血红素和原卟啉均会加快猪肉脂肪氧化的速度,且随着光波长的减小,这种影响越大。

15、The blood test when donating blood when say my hematin is little, what meaning be excuse me? ─── 献血时验血的时候说我血色素少,请问是什么意思?

16、hematin albumin ─── 高铁血红素白蛋白

17、alkali hematin ─── 碱性羟高铁血红素, 碱性正铁血红素

18、hematin extract ─── 苏木浸膏

19、Keywords hematin;protoporphyrin IX;photosensitive ability;singlet oxygen;lipid oxidation; ─── 血红素;原卟啉;光敏能力;单线态氧;脂肪氧化;

20、Analyse and optimization of mordanting methods used in deep dyeing of sik with natural Hematin ─── 天然染料苏木精用于真丝绸染深色媒染工艺的分析与优化

21、Conclusion: Purified SOD, hematin and nourishing peptone were successfully extracted and prepared from hog blood. ─── 结论:从猪血中成功制备了产率与纯度较高的SOD、血红素以及营养价值较高的蛋白胨。

22、acid hematin method ─── [医] 酸性正铁血红素测定法(检血红蛋白)

23、Hematin pigmentation ─── 正铁血红素沉着

24、Hematin Protein ─── Cytochrome C

25、The heart offers hematic inadequacy, all of hematin of plaque of blood pressure blood sugar is low, at ordinary times what does food need to notice? ─── 心脏供血不足,血压血糖血小板血色素通通都低,平时饮食需要注意什么?

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