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09-16 投稿



fictitiously 中文意思翻译



fictitiously 词性/词形变化,fictitiously变形

副词: fictitiously |名词: fictitiousness |

fictitiously 相似词语短语

1、facetiously ─── adv.爱开玩笑地;滑稽地

2、fastidiously ─── adv.非常讲究地;挑剔地

3、factiously ─── adv.组织党派地

4、flagitiously ─── 明目张胆地

5、licentiously ─── 放肆地

6、factitious ─── adj.人为的,人工的;不自然的;虚假的

7、fictitious ─── adj.虚构的;假想的;编造的;假装的

8、flirtatiously ─── 轻佻地

9、factitiously ─── adv.人为地;虚构地;捏造地

fictitiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the product design entered information age today, between designers and users of design create the artistic conception through designing faster completion fictitiously. ─── 然而今天产品设计进入了信息化时代,设计师和设计客体之间通过虚拟设计更迅速地完成共创意境。

2、fictitiously reciprocal method ofwork ─── 虚拟功的互等法

3、design fictitiously ─── 虚拟设计

4、E-learning operators provide service by way of adding fictitiously in the entity, they use to increase the value of the goods and service, and transmit the service or the products to others . ─── 数位学习经营者透过实体加虚拟的方式提供服务,藉以增加商品与服务的价值,并以最有效率之方式将服务或产品传递给消费费者。

5、Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. ─── 书中的名称,人物,地点及事件均系作者根据情节需要而虚构。

6、On the Legal Problem of Fictitiously Offering Capital--On the Responsibility and Obligation of the Medium Organization and Registration Organ ─── 虚假出资法律问题探析--兼谈中介机构和登记机关的义务与责任

7、Bad Twin is a work of fiction and all names, characters and incidents are used fictitiously; the author himself is a fictional character. ─── 是部虚构作品,所有名字、人物和事件都是杜撰,作者本人也是个虚构的人物。

8、To represent fictitiously in play; make believe: ─── 在戏剧中虚构地扮演;使相信:

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