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hydrothorax 发音

英:[?ha?dr??θo?r?ks]  美:[?ha?dr???θ??r?ks]

英:  美:

hydrothorax 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 胸膜积水


hydrothorax 短语词组

1、chylous hydrothorax ─── [医] 乳糜胸

hydrothorax 相似词语短语

1、hydrothoraces ─── 胸腔积液

2、hydrotherapy ─── n.水治疗法

3、hydrotheca ─── n.螅鞘,水螅鞘

4、hydrothermal ─── adj.[地质]热液的;热水的

5、hydrochoric ─── [植]水播的

6、hydrochores ─── 水道

7、hydrocoral ─── n.水螅珊瑚类

8、hydrochore ─── n.[植]水布植物;水播植物

9、hydrothoracic ─── 胸腔积液

hydrothorax 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、?Injection of IL-2 with LAK cells (IL?2/LAK) into abdomen or thorax was used to treat ascites or hydrothorax caused by carcinomas in 14 patients and the total efficiency (CR plus PR) was 71?42%. ─── 白细胞介素2(IL-2)联合淋巴因子活化的杀伤细胞(LAK细胞)胸腹腔内注入治疗癌性胸腹水14例,总有效率71.42%。

2、Methods It was measured the ET,FN and CEA in hydrothorax and serum by radiation immunity,ELISA and immunity radiation method respectively. ─── 方法应用放免法、ELISA、免放法分别检测胸水及血清中的ET,FN,CEA。

3、Keywords Hydrothorax: The dehydrogenation enzyme of lactic acid;Gerontal; ─── 关键词胸腔积液;乳酸脱氢酶;老年性;

4、Acute, massive, unilateral hydrothorax is an uncommon but easily recognized complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). ─── 摘要急性、大量且单侧性水胸是连续性腹膜透析一个不常见但容易辨别的并发症。

5、Keywords Carcinomatous hydrothorax;Heated hypotonic fluid;Thoracic perfusion; ─── 癌性胸水;高温低渗液;胸腔灌注;

6、Objective To probe the differentiation diagnosis value for combined measuring of serum and hydrotho-rax ET,FN,CEA in benign and malignant hydrothorax. ─── 目的探讨胸水及血清ET(内皮素)、FN(纤维连接蛋白)、CEA(癌胚抗原)ET,FN,CEA联合检测对良恶性胸水的鉴别诊断价值。

7、Tuberculous hydrothorax ─── 结核性胸腔积液

8、Keywords Hydrothorax;hydroperitoneum;Thermochemotherapy;T cell subset;Vascular endothelial growth factor; ─── 恶性胸腹腔积液;热化疗;T细胞亚群;血管内皮生长因子;

9、Comparison of results of TCT cytological test and conventional examination in detection of hydrothorax and hydroperitoneum ─── TCT与传统涂片法作胸腹水细胞学检查的对比分析

10、The influence of isolated hydrothorax examined at different time on the exfoliative cytology ─── 离体胸水不同时间送检对脱落细胞形态的影响

11、This article gives a general account of recent years clinical situation of treating lung-cancer-caused cancerous hydrothorax by Chinese, Western and combined Chinese and Western medicines. ─── 作者综述了近年来西医、中医、中西医结合治疗肺癌癌性胸水的临床治疗状况。

12、Conclusion The detection of multiple tumor markers in diagnosis of the benign and malignant hydrothorax and ascites was helpful. ─── 结论 检测胸腹水多肿瘤标志物有助于良恶性胸腹水鉴别诊断。

13、We obtained the hydrothorax specimens and the pleural membrane specimens by puncture. ─── 穿刺取得胸水标本和胸膜标本。

14、In the remaining patients, the perioperative complications included lung infection (7 cases), pulmonary atelectasis (5 cases), hydrothorax (1 case), and pulmonary hypertension crisis (2 cases); ─── 其余患者并发肺部感染7例,肺不张5例,胸腔积液1例,肺高压危象2例。

15、Clinical research of malignant hydrothorax or hydroperitoneum treated with intracavitary chemotherapy and local endogenetic thermotherapy ─── 内生场热疗联合腔内化疗治疗恶性胸腹腔积液的临床研究

16、1 patient with 10(superscript th) subocostal and upper calyx nephrostomy, suffered from light hydrothorax after the nephrostomy tube was pulled out on 6(superscript th) day postoperation. ─── 1例第10肋间上盏穿刺入路患者,术后第6天拔除肾造瘘管后出现轻度液胸。

17、tuberculous encapsulated hydrothorax ─── 结核性包裹性胸腔积液

18、Objective To evaluate the effect of CCE chemotherapy combined PYM and AT 1258 intrathoracic instillation on lung cancer accompanied hydrothorax. ─── 目的 观察CCE化疗联合胸腔内灌注平阳霉素、消瘤芥治疗肺癌伴胸腔积液疗效。

19、Objective To observe the value of ADA in differential diagnosis of hydrothorax. ─── 目的观察胸水ADA对胸腔积液鉴别诊断的价值。

20、There was significant difference in upper digestive tract hemorrhage(4/11 vs 1/24;P0.05)between these two groups; ─── 二组间在上消化道出血发生率(4/11 vs 1/24)差异有统计学意义(P0.05);

21、The diagnosis of hepatic hydrothorax should be suspected in a patient with established cirrhosis and portal hypertension, presenting with a unilateral pleural effusion, most commonly right-sided. ─── 病人患有肝硬化和门脉高压症,很可能会发生肝性胸水,最常见的是右侧单侧胸腔积液。

22、Methods Two cases of fetal disorder (one case of giang fetal urinary bladder and one case of fetal hydrothorax) were treated by fetal thoracentesis, punctio vesicae and treatment after birth. ─── 方法对2例先天疾病胎儿(1例胸腔积液,1例胎儿巨大膀胱)采用超声波引导下的穿刺治疗。

23、Objectier:To study the clinical features,mechanism and treatment of hepatic hydrothorax. ─── 目的:探讨肝硬化并发肝性胸水的临床表现、发生机理及治疗。

24、TCM Interpretation of Cancerous Hydrothorax Pathogenesis and Its Treatment ─── 癌性胸水的中医病机认识与治疗

25、Results The positive rate of serum and hydrothorax CEA in malignant group were significantly higher than that in benign pleural effusion(P

26、Objective To determine the causes and differential diagnosis of effusion hydrothorax(PEE). ─── 目的探讨渗出性胸腔积液(PEE)的病因及鉴别诊断。

27、6. 1 case was combined with stress ulcer with conservation therapy. 1 case had hydrothorax and healed after anti-infection. ─── 1例合并应激性溃疡,经保守治疗痊愈,1例发生胸腔积液,抗感染治疗后痊愈;收藏指正

28、After the operation, the patient had no recurrence of hydrothorax and underwent CAPD safely. ─── 术后,病人无水胸复委且可安全地进行连续性腹膜透析。

29、Keywords Selfheal spike injection Bronchopulmonary carcinoma Hydrothorax Animal experime; ─── 夏枯草注射液;支气管肺癌;胸水;动物实验;

30、The efficacy of bronchial artery infusion chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy for lung cancer with malignant hydrothorax ─── 支气管动脉灌注化疗加免疫治疗肺癌伴恶性胸水的临床研究

31、Keywords X-ray chest film;Cholesterin;Hydrothorax;Calcification; ─── 线胸片;胆固醇;胸腔积液;钙化;

32、Methods The clinical data of 69 cases with senile hydrothorax was analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法对69例老年胸腔积液的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

33、1 case was combined with stress ulcer with conservation therapy. 1 case had hydrothorax and healed after anti-infection. ─── 1例合并应激性溃疡,经保守治疗痊愈,1例发生胸腔积液,抗感染治疗后痊愈;

34、Objective to Analyse the age, causes, treatment and recovery of hydrothorax patients. ─── 目的:分析胸腔积液的年龄、病因、治疗、转归情况。

35、Objective: To analyse the cause of hydrothorax in the process of hemodialysis and treatment. ─── 目的:探讨观察维持性血液透析患者发生胸腔积液的病因,并总结治疗体会。

36、Treatment of patients with malignant hydrothorax and ascitic fluid by central venous draining and irrigation of drug ─── 中心静脉导管引流及注药治疗恶性胸腹水的疗效观察

37、Clinical Observation on Treatment of Malignant Hydrothorax with Ribonucleic Acid Intrapleural Injection ─── 核糖核酸局部胸腔灌注治疗恶性胸水的临床观察

38、Cancerous Hydrothorax ─── 癌性胸水

39、Method Make an analysis on the causes, treatment and recovery of the hydrothorax patients, especially the young group and the quinquagenarian group. ─── 方法:对73例胸腔积液病例特别是青年组和中老年组的病因、治疗、转归进行分析。

40、Methods Thirty cases in treatment group were treated by oral administration of herbs and intrathoracic perfusion of herbal injection after hydrothorax drainage; ─── 方法设治疗组30例采用中药内服,胸水引流后针剂榄香烯腔内灌注;

41、The clinical effect of intrathoracic instillation of chemotherapy combined group A streptococcus injection in 40 patients with lung cancer accompanied severe hydrothorax ─── 化疗联合胸腔内注射沙培林治疗肺癌伴大量胸腔积液40例临床观察

42、transudatory hydrothorax ─── 漏出性胸腔积液

43、In this case, blood filled the pleural cavity (hemothorax), but atelectasis could also result from filling the chest with air (pneumothorax), transudate (hydrothorax), lymph (chylothorax), or purulent exudate (empyema). ─── 但是肺不张也可由胸腔内充满气体(气胸)、漏出液(胸水)、淋巴(乳糜胸),或者脓性渗出物(脓胸)引起。

44、Artificial Hydrothorax in Aid of Sonographically Guided Local Therapy for Liver Tumors in the Hepatic Dome ─── 人工胸水协助超声引导肝穹窿部肿瘤治疗

45、After thermochemotherapy,the ratio of CD4/CD8 was increased significantly(P

46、Conclusion The accurate diagnosis was made by detecting mesothelima cell in hydrothorax and hydroperitoneum ... ─── 本病例从胸水及腹水中查见恶性间皮瘤细胞而得以确诊。

47、Acute, massive, unilateral hydrothorax is an uncommon but easily recognized complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis( CAPD). ─── 摘要急性、量且单侧性水胸是连续性腹膜透析一个不常见但容易辨别的并发症。

48、Determination of SIL-2R in Tuberculous and Cancerous Hydrothorax and Its Significance ─── 结核、癌性胸水中可溶性白细胞介素2受体的测定及其意义

49、Keywords Zadaxin;biological and chemical therapeutics;lung cancer with hydrothorax; ─── 关键词日达仙;生物治疗联合化疗;肺癌并胸腔积液;

50、We herein present a patient with CAPD-related massive hydrothorax who was diagnosed as having a diaphragmatic defect. ─── 在此我们介绍了一位与连续性腹膜透析相关的大量水胸且诊断为横膈缺损的病例。

51、513 cells of adenocarcinoma from hydrothorax and ascitic fluid dyed in EMA were measured. The results showed that the sensitivity is 94.2%, the specificity 100% and the accuracy 95.6%. ─── 对513个EMA染色的胸腹水腺癌细胞进行了测试,结果表明该法对EMA染色定量判断的灵敏度为94.2%,特异度为100%,准确度为95.6%。

52、another 20 cases in control group were treated by intrathoracic perfusion of cisplatin and Mutamycin after hydrothorax drainage, both with a course of one month. ─── 对照组20例,胸水引流后,采用顺铂、丝裂霉素腔内灌注,两组1个月后观察疗效。

53、Keywords Experimental hydrothorax;rabbit model;"Prunella Injection"pleural fibrosis; ─── 实验性胸腔积液;家兔模型;夏枯草注射液;胸膜纤维化;

54、Observation of united assay result of CEA in bronchovesicular perfusate, hydrothorax and serum of patients with and without pulmonary cancer ─── 对肺癌及非肺癌患者进行支气管肺泡灌洗液、胸水、血清的癌胚抗原联合测定结果的观察

55、A right-sided hydrothorax in association with this tumor is known as Meig's syndrome. ─── 此肿瘤伴发右侧胸水被称为Meig氏综合症。

56、Main body signs:enlargement of supraclavicular lymph nodes, metastatic carcinoma of bone and hydrothorax. ─── 在镜下按两种肿瘤的任何一种必须占全部肿瘤的20%以上的标准诊断。

57、The major manifestations of OHSS included abdominal distension, nausea, ascites, hydrothorax, oliguria, concentrated blood, acid-base and electrolytea,disturbance, azotemia, thrombosis etc. ─── 经白蛋白、低分子右旋糖酐、6%贺斯等扩容治疗,腹腔、胸腔穿刺放液,甚至终止妊娠等措施治疗后痊愈。

58、Exploration of clinical diagnostic value of measuring sulfate glycosaminoglycan segment and antibody to tuberculosis in patients with hydrothorax ─── 硫酸氨基葡糖多聚糖片段与结核抗体检测对胸腔积液诊断价值的探讨

59、Methods X-ray chest films of 6 patients with cholesterin-contained hydrothorax provn by pleural fluid examination were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析经检查胸水证实为胆固醇性胸腔积液6例患者的X线胸片。

60、Keywords cytology;cytokeraetin 19 fragment;hydrothorax; ─── 关键词细胞学;细胞角蛋白19片段;胸水;

61、Methods Serum and hydrothorax fluid levels of CEA, CA125, NSE were determined with RIA in 88 patients with lung cancers, 100 patients with inflammatory hydrothorax, and 50 controls. ─── 方法:用放射免疫分析检测88例肺癌和100例炎性胸腔积液患者血清、胸腔积液以及50例健康对照组人员血清CEA、CA125和NSE含量。

62、Method: Carcinoembryonic Antigen(CEA) and Carbohydrate Antigen(CA153,CA199,CA125) in serum and hydrothorax of both benign and malignant cases were measured. ─── 方法:采用放射免疫分析法,测定良恶性胸水患者的血清和胸水CA153、CA199、CA125、CEA进行比较。

63、Malignant hydrothorax ─── 恶性胸水

64、Objective To observe the value of ADA in differential diagnosis of hydrothorax. ─── 目的观察胸水ADA对胸腔积液鉴别诊断的价值。

65、Exploration on the Function of Traditional Routine Examination of Ascites of Hydrothorax Replaced by UF-100 Flow Vrine Analyzer ─── UF-100型流式尿液分析仪代替传统胸腹水细胞常规检查的探讨

66、Objective:To observe the effect of malignant hydrothorax treatd with Juanyin Decoctionand intrathoracic chemotherapy. ─── 目的观察蠲饮汤配合腔内化疗治疗恶性胸腔积液的临床疗效。

67、Keywords Survivin mRNA;Hydrothorax;Lung cancer; ─── 生成素基因;胸腔积液;肺癌;

68、Objective:To analyse the cause of hydrothorax in the process of hemodialysis and treatment. ─── 目的:探讨观察维持性血液透析患者发生胸腔积液的病因,并总结治疗体会。

69、Methods We detected ADA pleural fluid in 188 patients with pleural effusion.The patients were divided into three groups of malignant hydrothorax, tuberculous hydrothorax and transudative hydrothorax. ─── 方法测定本院188例胸腔积液病人的胸水ADA,分别按恶性胸腔积液、结核性胸腔积液、漏出性胸腔积液三组比较。

70、Hydragogue diuretic repercusion capsules and Haibaidonghe soup's therapy observation on 22 patients with malignant hydrothorax ─── 利水消肿胶囊与海白冬合汤治疗恶性胸水22例近期疗效观察

71、Keywords C-reactive protein;Adenosine deaminase;Senile hydrothorax; ─── 关键词C反应蛋白;腺苷脱氨酶;胸腔积液;老年人;

72、Was it really hepatic hydrothorax? ─── 肝性胸水是真的吗?

73、Malignancy hydrothorax ─── 恶性胸腔积液

74、Keywords tuberculous pleuritis;hydrothorax;encysted pleuritis tubercle; ─── 结核性胸膜炎;胸腔积液;包裹性胸膜炎;

75、The operative diseases include sponlanevus pneumothorax, pulmonary bulla, trauma hemothorax, empyema, pernicious hydrothorax, mediastina tumor, esophageal diseases and lung diseases, etc. ─── 手术疾病包括自发性气胸、肺大疱、外伤性血胸、脓胸、恶性胸水、纵隔肿瘤、食管和肺疾病等。

76、Clinical Analysis of Combinative Treatment of IL-2 and LAK cells to Ascites and Hydrothorax Caused by Carcinomas ─── IL-2联合LAK细胞治疗癌性胸腹水临床分析

77、Objective: To explore the diagnostic significance and application value of determination of hydrothorax ADA for tuberculous pleurisy. ─── 目的:探讨胸水腺苷脱氨酶测定对结核性胸膜炎的诊断意义和应用价值。

78、Methods Clinical data of 207 cases with effusion hydrothorax were retrospectively analyzed according to groups of different ages. ─── 方法回顾性分析了207例胸腔积液患者各年龄组的临床表现资料。

79、Observention and nursing of therapy patients with malignant hydrothorax and ascetic fluid by central venous draining ─── 应用中心静脉导管引流恶性胸腹水的观察与护理

80、Methods: 74 patients with severe hydrothorax of cancer cure in our department were observed.The clinical effects of streptococcus and cisplatin on these patients were evaluated. ─── 方法将收治的74例患者随机分为三组:治疗组采用沙培林加顺铂治疗,对照组分别单用顺铂治疗或单用沙培林治疗。

81、Application of immunocytochemistry to cytological diagnosis in hydrothorax and ascites ─── 免疫细胞化学技术在胸腹水脱落细胞学诊断中的应用

82、Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of "Fuzhen Tuodu Xiefei Zhuyin Decoction" in the treatment of malignant hydrothorax. ─── 摘要目的观察扶正托毒、泻肺逐饮配合腔内灌注治疗对恶性胸腔积液的治疗效果。

83、Objective to Analyse the age, causes, treatment and recovery of hydrothorax patients. ─── 目的:分析胸腔积液的年龄、病因、治疗、转归情况。

84、It was initially used for treating recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, and then extended to treatment of refractory pneumothorax, malignant pleural effusion and benign hydrothorax. ─── 目前的趋势是胸内科逐渐以纤支镜替代胸腔镜,所用药物以四环素或滑石粉为主,治疗范围从气胸扩展到胸水,气胸从复发性扩展到难治性,胸水从恶性扩展到良性。

85、Objective: To assess the diagnostic value of immunocytochemistry in exfoliated cell of hydrothorax and ascites. ─── 摘要目的:探讨免疫细胞化学技术在胸腹水脱落细胞学诊断中的应用及其临床意义。

86、The Analysis of 98 Cases Of Encysted Hydrothorax Developed from Tubercular Hydrothorax ─── 结核性胸腔积液形成纤维包裹性积液98例分析

87、chylous hydrothorax ─── [医] 乳糜胸

88、In the vast majority of cases, patients with hepatic hydrothorax have end-stage liver disease. ─── 在绝大多数情况下,终末期肝病病人有肝性胸水。

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