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09-16 投稿



heterogenous 发音

英:[,het?'r?d??n?s]  美:[,h?t?'rɑd??n?s]

英:  美:

heterogenous 中文意思翻译



heterogenous 短语词组

1、heterogenous tumor ─── [医] 异质性瘤

2、heterogenous alloy ─── [机] 多相合金, 不匀合金

3、heterogenous liver ─── 异种肝

4、heterogenous system ─── 异质系统

5、heterogenous fuel ─── 异质燃料

6、heterogenous graft ─── [医] 异种移植物

7、heterogenous catalysis ─── 非均相催化

8、heterogenous vaccine ─── [医] 异体菌苗

9、heterogenous disorder ─── 异质性疾病

heterogenous 同义词


heterogenous 反义词


heterogenous 词性/词形变化,heterogenous变形

名词: heterogeny |异体字: heterogenic |

heterogenous 相似词语短语

1、heterogeneously ─── adv.不同类地

2、heterogamous ─── adj.世代交替的;异形配子的

3、heteropterous ─── adj.异翅的;半翅的

4、heterogenesis ─── n.异形生殖;自然发生;异型世代交替

5、heterogynous ─── adj.具异雌的;有生殖和不生殖两种雌性的

6、heterogonously ─── 异性恋

7、heterogeneous ─── adj.由很多种类组成的,混杂的;各种各样的;(化学)不均一的,多相的;(数学)不纯一的,参差的

8、heterogonous ─── adj.异型世代交替的;异型生殖的;异种的(等于heterogonic)

9、heteromerous ─── adj.异基数的;异跗节的

heterogenous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was found out that the heterogenous mixture zone is composed of little island. ─── 归纳金相观察结果,发现不均匀混合区由小岛、半岛、后续熔化滞留层、扩散过渡层四种形貌构成。

2、heterogenous PC cluster ─── 异构PC机群

3、Heterogenous network ─── 异构网络

4、However, if conducted for heterogenous groups some individuals will increase their traumatic exposure through participation. ─── 然而,如果集合不同群体中的个体,他们将会通过参与增加他们的创伤。

5、Acanthopanax senticosus; heterogenous habitats; photosynthesis;secondary metabolism; biomass allocation; life cycle; plant life cycle forms. ─── 01刺五加;异质生境;光合作用;次生代谢;生物量分配;生活史;生活史型

6、PLDs are encoded by a multiple heterogenous gene family. ─── 它们各具独特的生物化学特性。

7、Abstract: To solve the problem of internetworking on heterogen eous networks is very important, and network real-time communication is also a hotspot in network applications. ─── 摘 要: 解决异构计算机网络的互连问题至关重要,网络实时通信也是当前计算机网络应用的热点。

8、Two lesions of hepatocellular carcinomas appeared hypodense in precontrast.Then appeared heterogenous attenuation at 30 sec after injection of contrast medium. ─── 2例肝血管瘤合并肝癌,肝癌病灶共2个,平扫时为低密度灶,增强扫描30秒表现为不均匀强化。

9、Abstract: Video transcoding has realized the transmission of video data between the heterogenous networks and different clients effectively, and it also guarantees the quality of video service. ─── 摘 要: 视频转码技术有效地实现了异构网络、不同终端之间视频数据的传送,并保证了服务质量。

10、In the study of cancer genomics, a series of purification methods have been invented to collect homogenous cells from heterogenous cancerated tissue. ─── 为了获得尽可能纯净的肿瘤组织、细胞用于肿瘤基因组学研究,人们发展了一系列的肿瘤组织纯化技术。

11、Keywords CYP2D6;SNP;Drug metabolism;Heterogenous expression;Enzyme kinetics;Inhibition assay; ─── 单核苷酸多态性;药物代谢;异源表达;酶促动力学;抑制实验;

12、Heterogenous expression ─── 外源表达

13、heterogenous alloy ─── [机] 多相合金, 不匀合金

14、Comparative study on autogenous and heterogenous blood transfusion in open heart surgery ─── 心脏直视手术自体血回输和异体血输注对比研究

15、The hybrids inherited bands from both parents, indicating that the hybrids were real heterogenous. ─── 分析结果显示:杂交子代个体中具有来自父母本的扩增位点,表明杂交子代确为杂种;

16、The suspension of heterogenous dura matter- frontal muscle for the treatment of severe ptosis ─── 异体硬脑膜额肌悬吊术治疗重度上睑下垂

17、POE-g-MAH and talc were more favorable for the crystallization of PA6 than PE-g-GMA, which might be related to heterogenous nucleation or reactive compatibilization. ─── POE-g-MAH、滑石粉较PE-g-GMA更有利于PA6的结晶,这可能与其异相成核或反应增容的作用有关;

18、Keywords Catalyst;Hemogenous combustion;Heterogenous combustion;Gas chromatography. Coal; ─── 催化剂;均相燃烧;非均相燃烧;气相色谱;煤;

19、Operative Coordination in Patients Underwent Heterogenous Bone Marrow Collection ─── 异体骨髓采集的手术配合

20、Study on the complete stress-strain relation for mesoscopic heterogenous rock under triaxial compression with moderate or low lateral compressive stress ─── 中低围压下细观非均匀性岩石本构关系研究

21、In this paper, we propose a numerical method: the heterogenous multi-scale finite volume method(HMM-FVM), for solving multi-scale parabolic problem. ─── 多尺度方程在实际问题的应用中非常广泛,方程的多尺度信息一般来自于介质的多尺度特征。

22、heterogenous photocatalyst;printing and dyeing wastewater;removal efficiency;tungsten trioxide ─── 复相光催化剂,印染废水,去除率,三氧化钨

23、Heterogenous expression of active nitrile hydratase (NHase) was focused for its great potential in genetically evolution of the operational stability of NHase. ─── 为从基因水平上改造腈水合酶,进行了诺卡氏菌腈水合酶基因的外源表达研究。

24、The optic nerve of one male Formosan rock-Monkey was composed of heterogenous nervous components throughout its course form behind the eyeball to the optic chiasm. ─── 摘要一只台湾公猕猴之视神经,由眼球后方至视交叉含有非均一之神经组织成份。

25、On T 2WI, tumors had isointense or slightly hyperintense signal in 69.84%, obviously hyperintense signal in 19.05%,heterogenous texture signal in 7.94% and slightly low intense signal in 3.17%. ─── T2 加权像脑膜瘤信号主要为等和略高信号 ,占 69.84% ,明显高信号占 19.0 5% ,混杂信号占 7.94% ,略低信号占 3 .17%。

26、The etiology of congenital cataract is heterogenous and its phenotype is variable. ─── 先天性白内障种类较多,且病因不同。

27、Fe,Ni and Cu in polybasic solution were heterogenous nuclei of the growth for zinc crystals. ─── 二次浸锌得到的锌晶粒比一次浸锌更细小、均匀和致密,对基体覆盖能力好。

28、heterogenous database ─── 异构数据源

29、Ectopic osteogenetic ability of heterogenous composite fully deproteinized bone compounded by autologous red marrow in vivo ─── 异种完全脱蛋白骨复合自体红骨髓体内的异位成骨能力

30、The failure of the implantation of the heterogenous deproteinized bone is always due to the intensive immune rejection. ─── 异种骨移植常由于强烈的免疫排斥反应失败。

31、Comparison of the relative luciferase activity in secondary CEF by different heterogenous strong promoters, MDV gB promoter and the composed promoters ─── 启动子及其复合启动子的活性比较


33、heterogenous cargo ─── 异质货物

34、In the last five years, our knowledge about the heterogenous syndrome of congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) has expanded explosively. ─── 在过去的五年里,我们了解异质综合征先天性高胰岛素血症(音响)扩大了爆炸。

35、Keywords Heterogenous bone Auto-marrow Composite Anterior cervical interbody fusion; ─── 异种骨;自体骨髓;复合;颈椎前路融合术;

36、heterogenous nucleation ─── 不均质核形成

37、Biomechanical evaluation on intervertebral fusion by intervertebral heterogenous bone fusion cage with pedicular fixation ─── 异种骨椎间融合器椎弓根钉固定腰椎体间融合术的生物力学评价

38、Keywords cytotropic heterogenous molecular lipid( CHML) C6 glioma model intratumoral chemotherapy; ─── 关键词亲细胞非均质分子脂质;C6胶质细胞瘤模型;瘤内治疗;

39、Keywords heterogenous photocatalyst;printing and dyeing wastewater;removal efficiency;tungsten trioxide; ─── 复相光催化剂;印染废水;去除率;三氧化钨;

40、heterogenous community ─── 异质型社区

41、Study the effect of heterogenous bone acellular extracellular matrix (AECM) on the biological compatibility between the osteoblasts and the vascular endothelial cells ─── 2,异种骨脱细胞细胞外基质(acell公ar extlacenular matrix,AECM)对OB与VEC生物相容性研究

42、heterogenous vaccine ─── 异源疫苗

43、This is a particularly important for applications distributed over the Internet or other heterogenous networks. ─── 这一特性对于在因特网或者别的多元化的网络的应用程序来说特别重要。

44、heterogenous idiom ─── 异体成语

45、Wheat is the heterogenous polyploid plant with large chromosomes and high level of repetitive sequences.These characters have limited the progress of wheat genomics studies. ─── 摘要小麦是异源多倍体植物,具有大的染色体组,并且基因组中重复序列所占比例较高,这些特征限制了小麦基因组研究的进展。

46、heterogenous civilization ─── 异质文明

47、heterogenous antigen ─── 异源抗原

48、heterogenous fuel ─── 不匀相燃料

49、An Algorithm Based on Heterogenous Sensors for the Recognition of Moving-Targets on the Battlefield ─── 基于异类传感器的战场运动目标识别算法

50、heterogenous liver ─── 异体肝

51、conservation heterogenous gene pools ─── 异源基因库保护

52、In the Yuan Dynasty, there were a lot of heterogenous faces-mongols and Semu people, in Hainan Island. ─── 摘要元代的海南岛,出现了许多北来的异族面孔-蒙古人和色目人。

53、Compare the community structure of arthropods in heterogenous habitats with that in monotogeous ones in the two-crop paddy field area ─── 双季稻区两类生境稻田节肢动物群落结构比较

54、A Heterogenous Distributed Computing Model Based on Web Service ─── 一种基于Web Service的异构分布式计算模型

55、1 R Taha,A D Hill,K Sepehrnoori.Simulation of Sandstone Matrix Acidizing in Heterogenous Reservoirs.JPT,July1986 ─── 2赵立强,任书泉.砂岩多层油旅荃质酸化效果预测.石油钻采工艺,1991,13(2

56、Herein we present an adult with mesoblastic nephroma, which shows heterogenous echogenesity in abdominal sonography. ─── 我们报告一位成年中胚层肾瘤病例。在超音波下显示非均匀性超音波密度。

57、The results indicate that the heterogenous and fluid characters of the media have great effects on migration of contamination. ─── 结果说明,介质的非均质性和流体特性对污染物的迁移产生重大影响;

58、Study of Mechanism of Heterogenous Palladium-Catalyzed Dehalogenation-Dimerization Reaction of Aryl Halide ─── 多相钯催化芳卤的脱卤偶联反应机理研究

59、Nursing care of patients underwent heterogenous bone-tendon- bone reconstruction of posterior cruciate ligament of knee under arthroscope ─── 关节镜下异体骨-腱-骨重建后交叉韧带的护理

60、The charge transport diffusion coefficient, DC, and apparent heterogenous electrode reaction rate constant, ks, in DMF and DDAB film systems were estimated by CV respectively, and the surface coverage was evaluated. ─── 应用循环伏安法估计了DMF体系、薄膜体系中的电荷传递扩散系数Dc、表观非均相电极反应速率常数k_s及薄膜电极的表面覆盖度。

61、Because a MOM architecture decouples components and enables cross-platform communication between them, individual units can be heterogenous. ─── 由于MOM架构对组件去耦且支持它们之间的跨平台通信,单个原件可以是异构的。

62、heterogenous combustion ─── 复相燃烧

63、Catalysis may be either homogeneous or heterogenous. ─── 催化可以是均相的,也可以是多相的。

64、heterogenous immunogen ─── 异源免疫原


66、heterogenous tumor vaccine ─── 异体瘤疫苗

67、heterogenous flocking ─── 异构群集

68、heterogenous sperms ─── 异源精子

69、The etiology of congenital cataract is heterogenous and its phenotype is various. ─── 先天性白内障种类较多,具有明显的遗传异质性。

70、These questions led us to experiment with how to build a hybrid cluster, a cluster consisting of heterogenous operating systems. ─── 正是这些问题促使我们去试验如何构建混合式集群(hybrid cluster),即由异构操作系统构成的集群。

71、It maybe can provide some useful clues for heterogenous boundary layer meteorological study. ─── 希望这些讨论能为今后非均匀陆面过程研究提供有益的启示。

72、Keywords maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY);hepatic nuclear factor (HNF);glucokinase (GCK);insulin promoter factor 1 (IPF1);heterogenous; ─── 关键词青少年发病的成年型糖尿病;肝细胞核因子;葡萄糖激酶;胰岛素启动子因子1;异质性;

73、In conclusion, Chen Ran"s absorb from Woolf have clearly local and personal characteristic.She immersed herself among the oriental culture circumstance and absorbed the heterogenous thoughts. ─── 总之,陈染对伍尔夫的吸收是带有鲜明的本土化和个体化特征的,是置身于东方文化情境中对异域思潮所做出的扬弃。

74、Discussions about Study on the Boundary Layer Meteorology over Heterogenous Underlying Surface ─── 关于非均匀下垫面大气边界层研究的讨论

75、The larvae hatched from haploid embryo induced by UV-irradiated heterogenous and homogenous sperm have haploid syndrome. ─── 异源和同源精子诱导的单倍体胚胎孵出的仔鱼均表现有单倍体综合症,外形基本一致。

76、heterogenous junction ─── 异质结

77、Keywords cytotropic heterogenous molecular lipid;gliocytoma;drug sensitivity test;chemotherapy; ─── 关键词亲细胞非均质分子脂质;胶质瘤;药物敏感试验;化疗;

78、heterogenous lactic acid bacteria ─── 异源乳酸菌

79、Advanced examples: Running a heterogenous environment ─── 高级示例:运行一个异构环境

80、1994 Heterogenous Blood Pressure Response to Furosemide in Patients with Primary Aldosteronism 谢博生; 陈永铭; 吴宽墩; 张中兴; HSIEH, BOR-SHEN; CHEN, YUNG-MING; WU, KWAN-DUN; CHANG, CHUNG-HSING ─── 1993台湾的高血压曾渊如;谢博生;许宽立;陈永铭;曾渊如;谢博生;许宽立;Chen,Yung-Ming

81、Admitting of heterogenous chromosome fragment ─── 外源染色体片段导入

82、The manufacturing and clinical application of heterogenous acellular dermal matrix ─── 异种脱细胞真皮基质的制作和临床应用观察

83、Recent Advance in Psychrophilic Lipase and Its Heterogenous Expression ─── 低温脂肪酶的研究及其基因的异源表达

84、heterogenous growth ─── 变种生长

85、Effect of Heterogenous Lactic Acid Bacteria on Duckling Immunology Indexes ─── 异源乳酸菌对雏鸭免疫指标的影响

86、heterogenous products ─── 异质产品

87、Association of Cell Growth Modalities in vitro with Its Heterogenous Expression of BCL-XL in Relapsed Acute Myelogenous Leukemic Cells ─── BCL-XL异质性表达与复发急性髓性白血病细胞体外生长类型的关系

88、heterogenous tumor ─── [医] 异质性瘤

89、IBM has a heterogenous approach toward virtualization, with KVM one of several options. ─── IBM对虚拟化的推进来自于不同的途径,KVM也是其中之一。

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