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vt. 边缘重叠成瓦状vi. 边缘重叠成瓦状adj. 重叠成瓦状的

imbricate 短语词组

1、imbricate structure ─── 迭瓦构造

2、imbricate arrangement ─── 叠瓦状排列

3、imbricate leaf ─── [医]覆瓦状叶

imbricate 词性/词形变化,imbricate变形

名词: imbrication |动词过去分词: imbricated |动词现在分词: imbricating |动词过去式: imbricated |动词第三人称单数: imbricates |

imbricate 相似词语短语

1、imbricates ─── v.(使)成覆瓦状;交叠;adj.覆瓦状叠盖的

2、imbricated ─── v.使(板形器官等)覆瓦状叠盖,使成鳞状;交叠,覆盖(imbricate的过去式和过去分词);adj.(植)覆瓦状的

3、embrocate ─── vt.涂擦药液

4、imbricative ─── 叠瓦的

5、imprecate ─── v.诅咒;祈求

6、imbricately ─── 叠瓦状

7、fimbriate ─── adj.[生物]有毛缘的;有须毛为缘的;vt.使…有毛缘

8、fabricate ─── vt.制造;伪造;装配

9、implicate ─── vt.使卷入;涉及;暗指;影响

imbricate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grateloupia imbricate ─── n. 复瓦蜈蚣藻

2、distichous imbricate ─── 二列复瓦状的

3、The compressive structure mainly includes base-involved structure (back thrust pattern and thrust pattern), imbricate duplex structure and cover-slipped structure. ─── 压缩构造样式主要包括背冲式和冲断式基底卷入型构造、叠瓦状双重构造和冲隆式盖层滑脱构造;

4、Petals deciduous, imbricate, coherent at base. ─── 花瓣落叶,覆瓦状,合生在基部。

5、Sepals 5, imbricate, apex obtuse to caudate. ─── 萼片5,覆瓦状,先端钝到尾尖。

6、Petals 5, distinct, imbricate, usually with a scale on inner face at base. ─── 花瓣5,离生,覆瓦状,通常在基部的内面有一个鳞片。

7、Sepals (4 or)5, free or united at very base only, imbricate or valvate, persistent and clasping base of fruit. ─── 萼片(4或者)5,离生和仅仅在基部合生,覆瓦状或者镊合状排列,宿存,在果的基部包围。

8、Anemone imbricate ─── n. 叠裂银莲花

9、The finding out of the Yanshan imbricate thrust structure in Lenghu ─── 冷湖五号燕山期叠瓦逆冲构造的发现

10、Petals 5, 4 ascending and 1 descending, imbricate in bud. ─── 花瓣5,4上升1下垂,在芽中覆瓦状。

11、bracts densely imbricate, margin hyaline and short ciliate, usually caducous. ─── 浓密的苞片覆瓦状,边缘透明和短缘毛,通常早落。

12、spikelets sessile, imbricate, biseriate, awned. ─── 小穗无梗,覆瓦状,,具芒。

13、bracts imbricate or sometimes basal ones connate into concentric rings, sometimes triangular, appressed, obscure. ─── 苞片覆瓦状的或有时基生者合生成为同心的戒指,有时三角形,贴伏,不明显。

14、Bracts green, brown, dull purple, or rarely yellow, flat or furrowed, convolute or imbricate in bud, usually deciduous. ─── 苞片绿色的,棕色,暗紫色的,或很少黄,平或棱槽,旋卷的或覆瓦状的在芽中,通常落叶。

15、Petals 4-6, distinct, linear-oblong, imbricate to valvate in bud. ─── 花瓣4-6,离生,线状长圆形,在芽中覆瓦状到镊合状。

16、The foreland fold-and-thrust belts develop much more complex imbricate structures that continue to offer substantial and rich challenges. ─── 南天山山前发育叠瓦状断层和叠加褶皱,这类褶皱构造形态复杂,研究难度大。

17、Keywords structure dynamics,tectonic stress field,mathematic model,lithosphere,imbricate structure,Lanping-Weixi area; ─── 构造动力学;构造应力场;数学模型;岩石围;叠加构造;兰坪-维西;

18、Winter buds terminal, ovoid to ellipsoid, scales spirally imbricate. ─── 冬芽顶生,卵球形至椭圆体形,鳞片覆瓦状螺旋排列。

19、Rhizome scales imbricate, densely woolly pubescent. ─── 根状茎鳞片覆瓦状,密被绵毛短柔毛。

20、The thesis based on projects and correlative examination, made a study of hydropower and imbricate structure soleplate stabilization characteristics research of local material dam overshot spillway. ─── 本论文结合工程实例及相关试验,进行了当地材料坝坝体溢洪道水力特性及叠瓦式底板抗滑稳定性方面的研究。

21、Petals [3 or]4 or 5[or 6], free, imbricate or contorted in bud. ─── 花瓣[3-]4-5[-6],离生,在芽期覆瓦状排列或旋卷。

22、Results There is thrust, imbricate structure and tectonic wedge from north-west to south-east in the south of the center geotectogence. ─── 结果中央拗陷带南缘自北西向南东依次发育对冲、叠瓦和构造楔,其中的石板墩与黑墩构造带中二叠统烃源岩叠置,构造裂缝十分发育,油气成藏条件较为优越。

23、They separated the forearc basin into several sub-basins, which imbricate in the background of a forearc basin with sedimentary characteristics of the piggyback basin. ─── 它们将盆地分割成多个呈叠瓦状排列的次级盆地,具有背驮型增生特征。

24、Control of mineralization of imbricate structure and prospecting perspective in deep part in the Changpo deposit of Dachang ore filed ─── 大厂矿田长坡矿床深部区叠瓦状构造控矿特征及找矿前景分析

25、Petals 4 or 5, inserted near mouth of calyx tube, imbricate or valvate in bud, conspicuous or not, or absent. ─── 花瓣的4或者5,在萼筒的口部附近着生,在芽期覆瓦状或者镊合状排列,明显或不明显,或者无。

26、Leaves of fertile stems digitate, 3-9-segmented, scattered, imbricate; capsule smooth. ─── 指状的能育茎的叶,3-9裂片,星散,覆瓦状;蒴果平滑。

27、The Yanqi Basin formed in Mesozoic and Cenozoic,is a hydrocarbon bearing basin,which has not only an imbricate,back,ramp thrust structural styles,but also a wrench structural style and so on. ─── 焉耆盆地是一个中新生带含油气盆地,盆地内不仅存在叠瓦式、背冲式、对冲式等挤压构造样式,还存在扭动构造样式;

28、Winter buds large, viscid resinous or not, with several pairs of imbricate scales; ─── 冬芽大,具黏树脂的与否,具数个覆瓦状的鳞片;

29、Petals 3-5, short, concave, quincuncial or imbricate in bud, distinct or rarely basally connate and adnate to staminal tube. ─── 花瓣3-5,短,凹,在芽中覆瓦状或梅花形,离生或很少基部与雄蕊管合生和贴生。

30、Sepals 5, imbricate, persistent, unequal. ─── 萼片5,覆瓦状,宿存,不等长。

31、Petals 5, imbricate, white, oblong to broadly obovate, base attenuate into a claw. ─── 花瓣5,覆瓦状,白色,长圆形到宽倒卵形,基部渐狭成为一瓣爪。

32、Petals as many as sepals, inserted below margin of disk, free, imbricate, sometimes absent. ─── 花瓣与萼片同数,在花盘的边缘以下着生,离生,覆瓦状,有时无。

33、sepals free or barely united at base, imbricate or quincuncial, usually punctate or punctate-lineate. ─── 刚刚萼片离生或基部合生,覆瓦状或,通常具点具线纹的具点或。

34、Petals present, rarely absent, free or connate at base, imbricate, rarely valvate, apices mostly inflexed or incurved. ─── 花瓣有,很少无,离生或者在基部合生,覆瓦状,很少镊合状,先端多数内折或者弯曲。

35、imbricate aestivation ─── 复瓦状花被卷叠式

36、imbricate mosquito fern herb ─── 满江江

37、Tepals 4 or 5, persistent, free or connate at base, equal or unequal, imbricate in bud, green or sometimes other colored. ─── 花被片4或5,持久,离生或合生在基部,相等的或不等长,在芽中成鳞状,绿色或者有时其他有色。

38、sepals 5-12, imbricate, usually pinnatifid, accrescent; ─── 萼片5-12,覆瓦状,通常羽状半裂,增大;

39、Petals 4, valvate or narrowly imbricate in bud. ─── 花瓣4,在芽中的镊合状的或狭覆瓦状。

40、Petals as many as sepals, inserted below margin of disk, free, imbricate, sometimes absent. ─── 花瓣与萼片同数,在花盘的边缘以下着生,离生,覆瓦状,有时无。

41、bracts imbricate, with linear, nectariferous callus below apex, 1- or 2-flowered; ─── 苞片覆瓦状排列,具有线形,在先端下面有分泌花蜜的胼胝体,有1-2朵花;

42、Petals 4 or 5, imbricate in bud. ─── 花瓣4或5,在芽中覆瓦状。

43、The Study of the Geological-engineering Characters of the Imbricate Fault in Cangling Tunnel ─── 苍岭隧道断裂破碎带工程地质特征与围岩失稳特点

44、Sepals (4 or)5, seated on middle or upper part of ovary, imbricate, equal or unequal, accrescent and winglike in fruit. ─── 萼片(4或)5,位于子房的中间或上半部分,覆瓦状,不等长的或等长,增大和翅状和在果期。


46、Corolla lobes 5, shortly coherent at base, imbricate. ─── 花冠裂片5,短连着的在基部,覆瓦状。

47、Petals (4 or)5, distinct or slightly connate at base, imbricate, convolute, and/or intermediate in bud. ─── 花瓣(4或)5,离生或稍合生在基部,覆瓦状,旋卷,和/或在芽中中间。

48、Petals 5, differing slightly in size, imbricate, sometimes unguiculate, free, keel without apical appendages. ─── 花瓣5,在尺寸方面的不同稍,覆瓦状,有时具爪,离生,没有顶端附属物的脊。

49、Keywords Zhangdian oilfield;imbricate;reservoir;directional well;progressive development; ─── 张店油田;叠瓦状;油藏;定向井;滚动开发;

50、Leaves decussate, sessile, appressed and crowded, imbricate, usually 4-ranked. ─── 交互对生的叶,无梗,和密集,覆瓦状,通常成列的4。

51、bracts usually connate into concentric rings but apical ones imbricate, triangular, small, appressed. ─── 通常苞片同心的合生成为戒指但是顶端的覆瓦状,三角形,小,贴伏。

52、racemes imbricate or distant along the central axis, spikelets borne singly, usually imbricate in 2 neat rows, sometimes also on short basal branchlets; ─── 沿着主轴线,小穗的远的覆瓦状的总状花序或单个着生,通常覆瓦状在内整洁排,在短上也有时基部小枝;

53、Corolla urceolate to campanulate, tube as long as to longer than lobes, lobes imbricate in bud. ─── 瓶形的花冠到钟状,筒部倍于到长比裂片,覆瓦状的裂片在芽中。

54、Sepals 3--6 or more, free, petaloid or sepaloid, imbricate or sometimes valvate in bud. ─── 萼片3-6或更多,离生,花瓣覆瓦状或者覆瓦状萼片状,在芽萼片状萼片状状有时或镊合覆瓦状。

55、The structural types mainly are fault-related folds, imbricate structure and fault delta zone. ─── 其构造类型主要为断层相关褶皱、叠瓦状构造及断层三角带。

56、wedged imbricate thrust zone ─── 楔状叠凡构造

57、Petals 4 or 5, distinct, linear to spatulate, much longer than sepals, imbricate or contorted in bud. ─── 花瓣4或5,离生,线形到匙形,远长于萼片,旋转状的覆瓦状的或在芽中。

58、sepals biseriate, imbricate, sometimes thickened at fruiting; ─── 萼片2列,覆瓦状,有时在果期加厚;

59、bracts ca. 10, broadly ovate, shorter than or ca. same size as calyx, mucronate, imbricate, closely contacting calyx. ─── 苞片约10,宽卵形,短于或约等长于花萼,短尖,覆瓦状,紧密接触花萼。

60、Petals [4 or]5[-7], free, imbricate, with spreading limb, clawed at base, with a scalelike appendage or ligule present [rarely absent] on adaxial face of claw. ─── 花萼宿存,管状,具肋,具(4-)5(-7)锯齿花瓣(4-)5(-7),离生,覆瓦状排列,有平展冠檐,在基部有瓣爪,在瓣爪的正面有一鳞片状附属物或者有舌片[很少无]。

61、Racemes linear, dense, spikelets imbricate, 1 to several pairs of homogamous spikelets at base of raceme below fertile pairs, fragile between fertile pairs; ─── 线形,紧密的总状花序,覆瓦状,同性花的1到数个小穗在总状花序基部在下面能育对,在能育对之间脆;

62、Petals 5, white or yellow, imbricate. ─── 花瓣5,白色的或黄,覆瓦状。

63、Keywords highly - deviated well;exploration and development;application;imbricate structure;Zhangdian oilfield; ─── 大斜度定向井;勘探开发;应用;叠瓦构造;张店油田;

64、imbricate fault ─── 叠瓦断层叠瓦状断层

65、bracts conspicuous, spirally imbricate or decussate, persistent or sometimes caducous in fruit. ─── 苞片明显,螺旋覆瓦状或交互对生,宿存或有时在果期脱落。

66、Sepals 4 or 5, small, ovate or oblong, abaxially yellow-brown puberulent, imbricate. ─── 萼片4或5,小,卵形或长圆形,背面被黄棕色微柔毛,覆瓦状。

67、Calyx cupular or campanulate, shallowly 4- or 5-lobed, lobes imbricate in bud, recurved, persistent but not enlarged in fruit. ─── 花萼杯状或钟状,4浅裂的或5浅裂,芽中裂片覆瓦状,下弯,宿存但在果期不扩大。

68、Petals 3, concave, imbricate in bud. ─── 花瓣3,凹,在芽中覆瓦状。

69、Petals 5, differing slightly in size, imbricate, sometimes unguiculate, free, keel without apical appendages. ─── 花瓣5,在尺寸方面的不同稍,覆瓦状,有时具爪,离生,没有顶端附属物的脊。

70、Inflorescence spikelike or capitate, composed of short, erect racemes of subsessile, tightly imbricate spikelets appressed to a central axis. ─── 花序穗状或头状,由短组成,直立总状花序,紧紧覆瓦状的小穗贴伏于主轴线。

71、Petals (4 or)5, free, rarely slightly connate at middle, imbricate or valvate, rarely circinate. ─── 花瓣(4,按或)5,离生,很少,很少稍合生在中部,镊合状的覆瓦状或。

72、The rhizome is short, thick shape, cylinder, by most imbricate arrangement scaled leaf. ─── 根茎短,粗状,圆柱形,被多数覆瓦状排列的鳞片状的叶。

73、Flowers bisexual, regular, sometimes heterostylous.Sepals 5, imbricate, persistent, margin entire and sometimes with glandular trichomes. ─── 萼片5,覆瓦状,宿存,边缘全缘和有时具腺毛。

74、Petals 4 or 5, imbricate or valvate. ─── 花瓣4或5,覆瓦状或镊合状。

75、Sepals 2-5, imbricate, free or slightly united, thinly membranous or with nearly pellucid margins. ─── 萼片2-5,覆瓦状排列,离生或者稍合生,边缘薄膜质或近透明。

76、Flowers small, 4- or 5-merous, with imbricate aestivation. ─── 花小,4-或5瓣,具覆瓦状的花被卷叠式。

77、imbricate mosquito fern root ─── 满江红根

78、ovules axile, 2-6 per locule, binate or imbricate from apex to base per locule. ─── 胚珠轴,2-6每室,每室从先端到基部成对的或覆瓦状的。

79、Sepals 4 or 5, imbricate or valvate. ─── 萼片4或5,覆瓦状或镊合状。

80、Perianth lobes 4-9, imbricate or rarely valvate, persistent or caducous. ─── 花被裂片4-9,覆瓦状或者镊合状排列,宿存或者早落。

81、Sepals (2-)4 or 5(or 6), imbricate or decussate or rarely wholly united in bud, inner ones sometimes petaloid. ─── 萼片(2-)4-5(-6),在芽期覆瓦状排列或交互对生或很少完全合生,内部的萼片有时花瓣状。

82、And Qinglinkou and Zhongba shows a shallow imbricate structure of late Triassic and a blind fault-bend fold or fault-propagation fold which may be created or altered in the Cenozoic. ─── 深层是新生代形成的多个逆冲岩片叠置所构成的隐伏堆垛背斜;南部的青林口和中坝构造主体表现为叠瓦状逆冲,前锋构造是断层转折褶皱和断层传播褶皱。

83、complex imbricate structure ─── 叠加褶皱

84、Petals 5, yellow, imbricate. ─── 花瓣5,黄,覆瓦状。

85、Imbricate surface structure of cashmere, reconstructive wool, 80s fine wool, fine-drawn wool. and rabbit fiber are analyzed. ─── 摘要从山羊绒纤维和相似毛绒类纤维的鳞片结构特性出发,分析了山羊绒与改性羊毛、80支细羊毛、拉细羊毛、兔毛纤维的结构特征。

86、Female flower: sepals 5, narrowly elliptic, imbricate; ─── 花瓣、花盘及退化雌蕊均缺;

87、imbricate fan of thrusts and soft layer are main structure features distinguishing thrust-nappe structure in magma-tic body area. ─── 地区逆冲推覆构造的主要标志是逆冲叠瓦扇和软弱滑动层的存在。

88、Quilitake anticline in Kuqa thrust belt and Bapanshuime anticline in Keping thrust belt along the piedmonts of the southem Tianshan are such complex imbricate folds. ─── 应用断层相关褶皱理论,依据地表倾角产状、二维地震剖面和钻测井数据,建立了南天山山前库车秋里塔克背斜和柯坪八盘水磨背斜的构造模型。

89、Sepals 5, imbricate, adaxial 1(or 3) extended into a long slender nectariferous spur. ─── 萼片5,覆瓦状,正面的1(或者3)个延长进细长的距里。

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