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interstitial 发音

英:[,?nt?'st??(?)l]  美:[,?nt?'st??l]

英:  美:

interstitial 中文意思翻译




interstitial 词性/词形变化,interstitial变形

副词: interstitially |

interstitial 短语词组

1、interstitial gastritis ─── [医] 间质性胃炎, 皮革状胃, 布林顿氏病

2、interstitial disease ─── [医] 间质病

3、interstitial disc ─── [医] 间板

4、acute interstitial pneumonia ─── [医] 急性间质性肺炎, 非典型性肺炎

5、acute interstitial nephritis ─── [医] 急性间质性肾炎

6、interstitial cataract ─── [医] 间质性内障

7、interstitial fluid ─── 细胞间液

8、interstitial atom ─── [化] 填隙原子

9、interstitial cystitis ─── [医] 间质性膀胱炎, 杭纳氏溃疡

10、chronic interstitial hepatitis ─── [医] 慢性间质性肝炎(肝硬变)

11、interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) ─── [化] 促间质细胞激素

12、interstitial compound ─── [化] 填隙化合物

13、interstitial atrophy ─── [医] 间质性萎缩

14、interstitial defect ─── [化] 间隙缺陷

15、interstitial absorption ─── [医] 组织间吸收

16、interstitial emphysema ─── [医] 间质性气肿

17、interstitial cell-stimulating hormone ─── [医] 黄体化激素, 促间介细胞激素

18、interstitial cusp ─── [医] 间质尖

19、acute interstitial pneumonitis ─── [医] 急性间质性肺炎, 非典型性肺炎

interstitial 相似词语短语

1、interseptal ─── adj.间隔的

2、interspinal ─── adj.椎间的;[解剖]棘突间的

3、interstation ─── adj.台际的;电台间的

4、intersertal ─── adj.填隙的;间片的

5、interspatial ─── adj.层际空间的

6、interstitially ─── 间隙

7、interstitials ─── n.插页式广告(interstitial的复数)

8、interstadial ─── adj.间冰段的;n.间冰段

9、intertrial ─── 庭间

interstitial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract: A two-layer model with a single blood vessel was developed to investigate the cooling effect for blood flow during laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy (LITT). ─── 文章摘要: 为研究激光诱导间质热疗过程中血管冷却对于生物组织内温度场和损伤度的影响,建立了包含单根血管的双层模型。

2、The banner ad and interstitial ad are the two uppermost forms of the web ad. ─── 旗帜广告和弹出广告是当前网络广告最主要的两种形式。

3、Furthermore, the tubular interstitial lesions were more seere in these patients. Of the 95 disease-control patients, four with ORG were positie for renal amylin deposits. ─── 另外,这些患者的肾小管慢性间质肾炎损伤也更严重。95名疾病对照患者中有4名ORG患者出现正性肾脏胰淀素沉积。

4、Chest radiography showed mottling in 105 cases (53.57%),interstitial lung lesions in 35 cases (17.86%), and large plaque-like shadows in 46 cases (11.73%). ─── 多数肺部可闻及湿啰音,两肺呈斑片状阴影105例(53.57%),呈间质性损害35例(17.86%),大片状阴影23例(11.73%)。

5、CONCLUSION : CT Guided Radioactive 125I seeds Interstitial Implantation is a safe ,effective method with little side effects and worth spread . ─── 复查病例均未发现放射性肺炎及骨髓抑制等严重并发症。 结论CT导向下放射性125I粒子组织间植入治疗肺癌安全有效,并发症少,值得推广。

6、Interstitial Si atoms filling vacancies or recombination centers increases lifetime. ─── 另外,间隙矽原子填充了空位或复合中心从而导致寿命提高。

7、Also considers structural features: grain size, interstitial and substitutional solutes, precipitates, second-phase particles, and eutectoids. ─── 亦考量结构特征如:晶粒、有格隙型固溶体和置换型固溶体、析出物、第二相颗粒和共晶。

8、Some benign infiltratie lymphocytic diseases, such as lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis (LIP) can also show these findings. ─── 某些良性的淋巴细胞浸润性病变,如淋巴细胞性间质性肺炎(LIP),亦可出现这些表现。

9、Interstitial heterochromatin has been observed on the blarm of X chromosome. Y chromosome is completely C-band positive. ─── X染色体两臂有端位C带,Y染色体是C带阳性和晚复制的。

10、Applicator types and emitting characters significantly affected the thermal damage regions during laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy. ─── 可见激光光纤加入头形式和发光特性对激光诱导肿瘤间质热疗具有重要的影响。

11、Photothermal damage prediction of laser interstitial thermotherapy[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李小霞,范世福,赵友全.

12、The interstitial(Leydig)cells which lie between the tubules are the source of the male hormone. ─── 位于精细管之间的同质细胞(莱代细胞)产生雄激素。

13、In advanced stage in 15 cases,chronic bronchitis,pulmonary interstitial fibrosis and pulmonary bullae. ─── 15例晚期出现慢性支气管炎、肺间质纤维化及肺大泡等改变。

14、Overcame real wood floor to become warped because of rising monomer systole, easily again interstitial inadequacy. ─── 又克服了实木地板因单体收缩、轻易起翘裂缝的不足。

15、Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of laparoscopic in the treatment for interstitial pregnancy. ─── 目的:探讨腹腔镜手术治疗输卵管间质部妊娠的临床价值。

16、Aspiration specimen of the bone marrow revealed diffuse infiltration ofCD56+ lymphoid cells in interstitial spaces.The diagnosis of a blastic NK-cell lymphoma/leukemia was made. ─── 另在其骨髓检查亦可发现很多与皮肤一样的CD56阳性淋巴细胞,所以这是一例典型胚母自然杀手细胞淋巴瘤的病例。

17、In all, dRTA SF hae a more diffuse papillary renal disease than other SF thus studied, and are also unusual for the degree of interstitial fibrosis. ─── 总之,伴有远端肾小管酸中毒的结石患者与其他已研究过的结石患者相比,乳头的肾脏病变更加弥散,间质性纤维化的程度也是异乎寻常的。

18、This review presents advances in the research of antibiotics-impregnated interstitial implant in orthopedic practice. ─── 本文对载抗生素内植入物的研究进展作一综述。

19、Methods: The clinical data of 42 cases with salpinx interstitial pregnancy were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:采用回顾性分析方法对输卵管间质部妊娠的发生因素及临床特征进行分析。

20、A two-layer model with a single blood vessel was developed to investigate the cooling effect for blood flow during laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy(LITT). ─── 为研究激光诱导间质热疗过程中血管冷却对于生物组织内温度场和损伤度的影响,建立了包含单根血管的双层模型。

21、Twenty-eight cases had pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, such as honeycomb lung, reticular and cordal shadows. ─── 临床症状与影像学表现不一致21例;

22、A thickening or hardening of a body part , as of an artery, especially from excessive formation of fibrous interstitial tissue . ─── 身体部位的增厚或发硬,如血管硬化,尤指过多的纤维间隙组织。

23、Some impurities are entirely substitutional or interstitial in behavior, but others can exist in either lattice position. ─── 有些杂质是单纯的替代位或单纯的间隙位杂质,但也有的可以在任一晶格位置存在。

24、Cogan's syndrome consists of an interstitial keratitis. ─── 柯根化综合症包括间质性角膜炎。

25、The interstitial nucleus was also the terminating area of the primary afferent fibers of lingual and inferior orbital nerves. ─── 同时,此核又是TGN的舌神经和眶下神经初级传入的投射部位。

26、Use standard XML formats such as SMIL or ASX for delivering client-side or server-side playlists and monetizing your content with in-stream pre-roll and interstitial ads. ─── 使用标准XML如SMIL或ASX来传送用户端或服务器端的播放队列,并见缝加播广告,增加收入。

27、The concept of interstitial chemotherapy, animal experiment, sustained-release agents and the clinical application are reviewed. ─── 文章就间质化疗的概念、动物试验、常用缓释制剂及国内外临床应用作一综述。

28、Methods:Forty-two cases of gliomas in cerebral main functional areas were treated by interstitial brachytherapy after operation. ─── 方法:手术中尽可能多切除肿瘤,并在瘤床及残瘤腔内放置后装管,术后行间质内高剂量率放射治疗。

29、"Classical" biomarkers of CKD progression include quantitatie proteinuria, the percentage of sclerotic glomeruli or fractional interstitial fibrosis. ─── 显示慢性肾病进展的典型生物标记物包括定量蛋白尿,肾小球硬化比例,局灶性间质纤维化比例.

30、A host atom or ion that is positioned on an interstitial lattice site. ─── 处于自身晶格间隙中的原子或离子。

31、Intersperse advertisements throughout your content by using the playlist editor to insert interstitial advertisement to the server side playlist. ─── 在您的内容中散布广告,方法是利用播放列表编辑器,将间隙广告插入服务器端的播放列表。

32、A semi-empiric expression of filter coefficient was establishing under the assumption that filter coefficient is the function of the specific area and the interstitial velocity. ─── 假设过滤系数是滤床比表面积和空隙流速的函数,推得过滤系数的半经验公式,进而得到了过滤动力学模型。

33、The recent advances about the action of polypeptide growth factors on apoptosis and interstitial fibrosis in obstructive nephropathy are reviewed. ─── 就近年来多肽生长因子在梗阻肾细胞凋亡、间质纤维化中起作用的研究进展作一综述.

34、Tao He Cheng Qi Tang can restain RIF, which mechanism related to restrain the growth factor of renal interstitial fibroblasts in RIF and decrease extracellular matrix. ─── 桃核承气汤抗肾间质纤维化的作用是通过抑制促纤维生长因子的生成和减少细胞外基质而实现的。

35、MAPK expressed abundantly in hypertrophic myocardium, mainly localized in interstitial cells. ─── 免疫组化研究显示高血压大鼠心肌内有丰富的MAPK表达,且主要分布于心肌间质细胞。

36、Abstract: Objective To study the mechanism of renal interstitial fibrosis after unilateral ureteral Obstruction and effects of enalapril on the process of the fibrosis. ─── 摘 要: 目的 研究单侧输尿管梗阻后肾间质纤维化发生机理及血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂依那普利对其的调节作用。

37、Methods: Endothelial cell(EC) and interstitial cell(ISC) of aortic valve and bone marrow stem cell(BMSC) in dogs were isolated and cultured in vitro. ─── 方法:体外分离及培养犬主动脉瓣内皮细胞(EC)、主动脉瓣间质细胞(ISC)、骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSC)。

38、Interstitial Via Hole: An embedded through-hole with connection of two or more conductor layers in a multilayer PCB. ─── 内的连接两个或以上导体层的镀通孔。

39、Now many stata showed that endothelin had powerful effect on renal of physiology or pathology,which took part in the occurrence and development of renal interstitial fibrosis. ─── 有研究表明,内皮素作为细胞因子之一参与了肾间质纤维化的发生和发展,而内皮素受体拮抗剂通过拮抗内皮素的作用,而发挥肾保护作用。

40、The concentration of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) in the interstitial water of sediments was low, being 0.113 mg/l, of which 55.8% was orthophosphate. ─── 总溶解磷的浓度较低,平均为0.113毫克/升,其中正磷酸盐占55.8%。

41、Methods: Five patients with primary and metastatic liver cancer received 125I seeds interstitial brachytherapy under CT. ─── 方法:原发性和转移性肝癌5例,在CT引导下组织间植入125I粒子;

42、When honeycombing such as this is isible, lung biopsy will usually show usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) or "end-stage lung". ─── 出现蜂窝样改变时,肺组织活检常为间质性炎症或终末期肺。

43、One or more of these factors can act to increase interstitial fluid volume. ─── 上述一个或几个因素可使间质液容量增加。

44、Cell adhesion has a vital effect on renal inflammatory injury, renal tubular lesions and interstitial fibrosis. ─── 其在肾脏炎性病变、肾小管损伤、肾间质纤维化等发生发展中起重要作用。

45、Pulmonary histiocytosis X is an uncommon interstitial lung disease that primarily affects young adults. ─── 摘要肺组织细胞症X是一种罕见的间质性肺病,常影响年轻成人病患。

46、A diffusion mechanism whereby atomic motion is from interstitial site to interstitial site. ─── 晶体扩散机制的一种。间隙原子由一个间隙位置迁移至邻近的间隙位置所构成的扩散。

47、Results: Under the microscope, the basement membrane had been destroyed by cancer cell, which continued to infiltrate interstitial tissue. ─── 结果:光镜下可见癌细胞已突破基底膜并向间质浸润。

48、The layer will finally disappear when the slope of the geotherm is too low to produce interstitial fluid at any depth. ─── 当地热斜率太低,以至任何深度上都不能产生空隙流体时,低速层将最后消失。

49、The interstitial space is filled with hemoblasts.Under the microscop,the endothelial cells,at their non -nucleus sections,have processes extending to caecums. ─── 光学显微镜下,淋巴器官由许多封闭的盲管构成,盲管腔主要是内皮细胞和基质细胞,胞间隙充满大量血细胞;

50、Objective To better understand the characteristics of airway-centered pulmonary interstitial fibrosis (ACIF). ─── 摘要目的提高对气道中心性肺间质纤维化(ACIF)的认识。

51、Of false wall above can make shelf, interstitial place still can do some of illuminative little niche inside false wall. ─── 假墙的上面可以做搁板,假墙内空隙处还能做些装饰的小壁橱。

52、We report a young man who was a dental technician with pneumoconiosis, manifesting initially with interstitial pneumonitis of unknown origin. ─── 我们报告一个病例以不明原因间质性肺炎为表现,经诊断为牙体技术员尘肺症。

53、Indeed, an older study in baboons found that interstitial pulmonary oedema deelops after albumin infusion in haemorrhagic shock. ─── 实际上,早前在狒狒模型的研究提示,在失血性休克状态下,应用白蛋白会使肺泡间隙水肿加重。

54、A homogeneous crystalline phase that contains two or more chemical species.Both substitutional and interstitial solid solutions are possible. ─── 包含两种或两种以上元素的均匀单相,固溶体可以以置换固溶体或间隙固溶体的形式存在。

55、Subpleural interstitial thickening is present and is recognized as thickening of the major fissures. ─── 可见胸膜下间质增厚,可形似斜裂改变。

56、Smooth peribronchoascular interstitial thickening is most common in patients with lymphangitic spread of carcinoma and interstitial pulmonary edema. ─── 平滑的支气管血管周围间质增厚最常见于癌性淋巴管炎和间质性肺水肿。

57、In vitro simulated experiment on laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy[J]. ─── 引用该论文 江世臣,马宁,张学学.

58、Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), also known as Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, is a chronic progressive interstitial lung disease of unknown cause. ─── 什么是'特发性肺纤维化-慢性间质性肺疾病没有明显原因'?

59、A fine but irregular reticular pattern is present in the lung periphery, representing intralobular interstitial thickening. ─── 肺外带可见明显的不规则网状影,提示小叶间质增厚。

60、At 12,36,72 hours following CLP,interstitial edema occurred with massive infiltration of the inflammatory cell,and the pulmonary architecture was damaged. ─── HE染色可见,CLP后12、36、72h肺泡间隔增宽,间质充血水肿,肺泡腔变窄,炎症细胞渗出。

61、It creates an interstitial space covered by a flat transparent roof and full size Windows. ─── 住宅创造了一个覆盖着平坦的透明屋顶和全尺寸窗户的空间间隙。

62、The LV zone is due to interstitial free volatiles and incipient melting . ─── 低速层是由于空隙自由挥发和初期的熔融作用造成的。

63、Slight displacements of atoms relative to their normal lattice positions, normally imposed by crystalline defects such as dislocations, and interstitial and impurity atoms. ─── 原子相对于它们正常点阵位置的轻微位移,通常是由晶体的缺陷,如位错、间隙原子、杂质原子存在引起的。

64、Compared to control group, ovaries from chemical treatment and radiotreatment groups showed ovarian atrophy and interstitial fibrosis. ─── 两个处理组小鼠均可见卵巢萎缩、生长卵泡数明显减少、间质纤维化;

65、The expression of ICAM 1 was observed in interstitial and perimysial connective tissue surrounding EOM fibers, mononuclear cells, fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells. ─── ICAM 1在眼外肌束膜结缔组织、单核细胞、成纤维细胞和血管内皮细胞中表达 ;

66、Studies on Relation Between Cerebral Edema and Semiconductor Laser Dosage Affer Interstitial Heat Therapy[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张丙杰,张健,焦力群,滕良珠,王丽梅,王吉华.

67、To study the clinical feature and significance of progressed systemic scleroderma(PSS)associated with interstitial lung disease(ILD). ─── 探讨进行性系统性硬皮病(PSS)并发间质性肺病(ILD)的临床特点和意义。

68、When seen on chest radiograph, this appearance is sometimes called "aleolar sarcoid," although the nodules are discrete and interstitial. ─── 在胸片上这种表现称为“肺泡型结节病”,虽然结节其实散布于间质内。

69、In sarcoidosis, nodular interlobular septal thickening reflects the presence of interstitial granulomas. ─── 在结节病,结节样的小叶间隔增厚反映的是间质的小肉芽肿。

70、Thus, polar compounds cannot enter the brain but can enter the interstitial fluids of most other tissues. ─── 这样,极性物质就不能进入脑组织,但可以进入其他多数组织间液。

71、Ma ZG, Wei LB, Lv RH, et al.Effect of Dahuangzhechongwan on kidney interstitial fibrosis [J].Chin J Integrated Tradit Western Nephrol, 2001, 2(12): 689-91. ─── [9]马志刚,魏连波,吕瑞和,等.大黄庶虫丸对肾间质纤维化影响的实验研究[J].中国中西医结合肾病杂志,2001,2(12):689-91.

72、The CD(superscript 31+) -positive cells were distributed in corpuscles' capillary endothelium and the interstitial cells in cortex. ─── CD(上标31+)令阳性细胞分布在肾小体毛细血管内皮及部分皮质中的间质细胞。

73、Objective: To assess the clinical observation of radioactive 125I seeds interstitial brachytherapy for abdominal malignant tumors. ─── 摘要目的:探讨放射性125I粒子组织间植入治疗腹腔实质性脏器恶性肿瘤的应用价值。

74、One of the earliest responses of the lung is accumulation of water in its interstitial spaces and within the pulmonary cells. ─── 肺的最早的反应之一是在空隙和肺细胞内的积水。

75、Abstract: objective Fine ultrastructure of interstitial cell and lymphatics in the testis. ─── 摘 要: 目的 探明睾丸间质细胞及淋巴管的超微结构。

76、Objective: To analyz the correlation between the traditional Chinese medical pattern differentiation and pulmonary diffusion function in Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). ─── 摘要目的:比较145例间质性肺疾病(ILD)患者临床常见中医证候之间肺弥散功能的差异,试图寻找一些中医证候分类规律。

77、The HRCT finding of honeycombing indicates the presence of marked interstitial fibrosis. ─── HRCT上的蜂窝样改变是显著肺纤维化的表现。

78、Congestie heart failure produces atrial interstitial fibrosis, which promotes arrhythmogenesis by interfering with atrial conduction properties. ─── 充血性心力衰竭所致的心房间质纤维化,通过影响心房传导来促进心律失常的发生.

79、Histological examination of the base of the hearts from the probucol treated mice revealed lipid droplets within the reticuloendothelial and other interstitial cells. ─── 对普罗布考治疗的小鼠心脏基部进行组织学检验发现其网状内皮细胞和间质细胞中有脂滴存在。

80、EDXA result shows that chrome in belite is most concentrated, in interstitial phase less concentrated, and in alite least concentrated. ─── EDXA结果表明,铬在B矿中固溶浓度最高,中间相中次之,在A矿中较低。

81、In the late phase of AIP, the pulmonary interstitial fibrosis and the pulmonary architectural injury progressed rapidly. ─── 晚期肺的间质纤维化呈急速发展并伴有进行性肺组织及肺结构的破坏。

82、Methods Systematic data analysis and experimental study on academic evidence of BAL therapy of pneumoconiosis, and main factors affecting pulmonary interstitial dust removal. ─── 方法对BAL治疗尘肺理论依据、肺间质排尘以及影响排尘的主要因素,进行了资料分析和实验研究。

83、Objective To study the effect of anisotropic hydraulic conductivity coefficient on interstitial fluid flow in solid tumor. ─── 摘要目的研究实体肿瘤组织间质各向异性传导系数对流体流动的影响。

84、No significant differences of histological structures were found among lesions with different echoes,except obvious interstitial fibrosis in hyperechoic adenocarcinoma. ─── 作者发现前列腺癌回声不同,但在组织构型上没有明显差别,只是强回声癌改变有明显的间质纤维化。

85、Results The most significant characteristic of UIP is that the interstitial changes show temporal heterogeneity and variable distribution. ─── 方法 UIP的尸检病例4例,复习其常规染色及组化染色切片。

86、Low transmittance of the interstitial water at low centrifugalforce resulted in high nitrite measurement. ─── 在低离心力下,间隙水的低透光性造成亚硝酸的分析较高。

87、Part of the boundary P within the sediments can be released to the sediment interstitial water by decomposing or dissolving. ─── 沉积物中部分固定的磷可通过分解或溶解作用而释放磷酸盐到沉积物间隙水中;

88、The salpinx interstitial pegnancy without rupture was hard to definitely diagnsoe. ─── 临床特征为孕8周前易误诊为宫内早孕,破裂前不易确诊。

89、Most collagen-ascular diseases can cause chronic interstitial pneumonia with clinical, radiologic, HRCT, and pathologic features indistinguishable from those of IPF. ─── 大部分胶原血管病在临床上会出现慢性间质性肺炎,无论平片、HRCT还是病理均无法于IPF鉴别。

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