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09-13 投稿



inflexibility 发音

英:[?n?fleks??b?l?ti]  美:[?n?fleks??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

inflexibility 中文意思翻译



inflexibility 网络释义

n. 不屈性,缺乏弹性;顽固;不变性

inflexibility 同义词

rigour | rigidity | dogmatism | obstinacy | firmness | rigor | stiffness |formality | rigidness | inflexibleness | stability | stubbornness | tautness | intransigence | solidness | tension | hardness

inflexibility 短语词组

1、fiscal inflexibility ─── 财政收入不相应变动

inflexibility 词性/词形变化,inflexibility变形


inflexibility 反义词


inflexibility 相似词语短语

1、indelibility ─── n.不能消除;难忘

2、ineligibility ─── n.不合宜;不适任;无被选资格

3、flexibility ─── n.灵活性;弹性;适应性

4、incredibility ─── n.不能相信;不可信的事物

5、infallibility ─── n.无误;教皇永无谬误论

6、ineludibility ─── 听不见的

7、illegibility ─── n.模糊;不清不楚

8、inedibility ─── n.不适合食用

9、reflexibility ─── 可反射性

inflexibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The weak points of China's publishing sector, its small scale, inflexibility and weak competitiveness will be more prominent as competition increases ─── 中国的出版业规模较小,机制不灵活,竞争力不强的弱点将更加突出。

2、There is positive correlation between greed, hatred, inflexibility, doubt of distraction and degree of depression, but not arrogance. ─── 三、思考倾向中贪、瞋、痴、疑与忧郁程度有十分明显的关连,唯独慢念的关系不明显。

3、In the classroom, I felt their desire for knowledge and their inflexibility, which made me understand that we could lead a poor life but not in spirit. ─── 教室,在这里能让他们触摸到求知的脉搏,他们的渴求,他们的执著,让我明白“贫穷是我们的生活,而不是我们的精神”。

4、The model starts by identifying a key source of temporal inflexibility for these workers: an inability to hand clients off among one other. ─── 这个模型首先确定了这些人员的时间弹性的关键来源:彼此之间无法互相交接客户。

5、Impact: Too much process makes the project team inflexible, and their inflexibility frustrates stakeholders. ─── 影响:太多的进程,使项目团队缺乏弹性,和他们的僵化,挫折利益相关者。

6、Marvin's father was exceptional for the inflexibility of his rules. ─── 马文的父亲特别对他定的规矩不容变通。

7、Abstract: The policy of the Bush Administration to North Korea runs a adjustable and transformable course from implicitness to expliciness, from inflexibility to relative flexibility. ─── 文章摘要: 布什政府的对朝政策经历了一个由模糊到明确、由僵硬到相对灵活的调整转变过程。

8、On the same day, I was treated to a classic piece of poor service and inflexibility by British Airways, the struggling airline. ─── 就在同一天,我体验到了英国航空公司(BritishAirways)那种典型的糟糕服务和僵硬作风,该公司目前正在困境中挣扎。

9、So the inflexibility of the euro, not deficit spending, lies at the heart of the crisis. ─── 因此,欧元的僵化才是危机的核心,而并非财政赤字性支出。

10、Mr Greenspan mused on the inherent inflexibility of financial regulation. ─── 格林斯潘陷入了对固有金融规律的沉思;

11、Originated from our inflexibility and concern for human health, as our aim, we make use of natural ingredients and combine with biotechnology to promote human health and beauty life. ─── 缘自于对大众健康的执着关爱,我们运用天然素材结合生物科技,以促进人类身体健康和生活美好为目标。

12、Allenda was brought down by his own incompetence and inflexibility ─── 阿连德之所以倒台,是由于他自己的无能和固执。

13、The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously color=# cc0066> impede its economic recovery. ─── 该国劳工市场缺乏灵活性,这严重阻碍了它的经济恢复。

14、The preciou gift is not purchased but get it through hard work and inflex will. ─── 生命中的珍贵礼物不是用钱买来的,是以艰辛努力和坚毅的决心换取的。

15、inflexibility, unbending attitude, uncompromising attitude, unbendingness, obstinacy ─── 不屈曲性。顽固。不妥协。不变性。不屈不挠。

16、inflexibility of large joints ─── 大关节不利

17、Or at least He suggests that the intensity, the zeal, the inflexibility of our judgments will somehow be used against us. ─── 或者,至少我们在论断别人时那种强硬的语气、毫无转圜的态度也可能会以某种方式来对付我们。

18、Unfortunately, language translation can be hardly performed completely by a machine , due to the flexibility of the language itself and the inflexibility of the machine. ─── 但是,由于机器与语言的各种矛盾,机器实现全自动语言翻译的目的尚待时日。

19、Courtesy not bounded by the prescriptions of ritual becomes tiresome. Caution not bounded by the prescriptions of ritual becomes timidity, daring becomes turbulence, inflexibility becomes harshness. ─── (礼貌在这里变成一种调节器,变成一种自我节制的标志,有礼貌就是有分寸。)

20、No one really understands how pain is derived.It may start off as slight discomfort or lack of ease.This may accumulate, gradually resulting in inflexibility, of arms or legs. ─── 没有人理解疼痛的根源,一些轻微的不舒服,会累积致手、脚不能动弹,再严重的话会变成肌肉纤维化、坏死。

21、However, lower production costs are often outweighed by the inflexibility of corporate bureaucracy. ─── 然而,生产成本的降低,往往被企业官僚主义的顽固性抵消。

22、production inflexibility ─── 生产刚性

23、One basic advantage of organization planning is avoidance of organizational inflexibility ─── 组织规划的一个基本优点就是可避免组织缺乏弹性。

24、But operation inflexibility generated from this is an important issue for CAD system. ─── 对回转体零件中的圆柱体和槽进行语义分析,针对几何相似性,给出设计中的互换操作;

25、When confronting the objective conditions, they can't recognize its fluky nature and handle them in stiff way.Finally the inflexibility brings themselves endless confusion and pain. ─── 他们认为,客观条件是变化无常,而且也是不易掌控的,所以在日常生活上,应该随著客观条件的变化,随时调整应对之方。

26、system's inflexibility was highlighted by several recent failures. ─── 最近的几次失败突显了这项制度的刻板。

27、Inflexibility of thigh muscles that support the knee joint. ─── 僵化的大腿肌肉,支持膝关节.

28、His poems are the rubbings of his life, from which we can see his integrity, his suffering, his inflexibility and his soul. ─── 他的诗,便是他生命的拓片,可以从他的诗作品中看到他的血气、他的泪光、他的骨影、他的魂跃。

29、An added inflexibility on sentence - as with all mandatory minimums - amounts to a disincentive to accused persons to plead guilty. ─── 一级谋杀规定了最低服刑年限至少25年---这将使得被指控的人难以轻易认罪。

30、From the perspective of economics, medical services are characterized by monopolization, the dual nature of entrustment and agency and the inflexibility of demands. ─── 医疗服务具有垄断性、委托代理双重性和需求刚性。

31、See exhibitors, regardless of the quantity or quality in general is beautiful and fragrant flowers contend in beauty and appeal and inflexibility; ─── 看参展商,无论从总体数量还是质量,更是群芳争艳,互不相让了;

32、Allenda was brought down by his own incompetence and inflexibility . ─── 阿连德之所以倒台,是由于他自己的无能和固执。

33、Flexibility vs Inflexibility in Technical Translation ─── 科技翻译的灵活性与模式化

34、With mechanically scanned systems, antenna inertia and inflexibility prevent employment of optimum radar beam positioning patterns that can reduce reaction times and increase target capacity. ─── 机械扫描系统天线的惯性和刚性使之不能应用能够减少扫描时间和增加跟踪目标数量的最佳雷达波束扫描图形。

35、Yet a revaluation would not address the problem of policy inflexibility; ─── 但升值并不是一个政策不变性问题。

36、The G7 has realised that China needs to be brought into the fold of the global financial system rather than be treated as a pariah just because of CNY [yuan] inflexibility. ─── G7也已经意识到,中国需要被带入全球金融系统,这总比仅仅因为不够灵活的人民币就摒弃中国要好。”

37、Inflexibility--A Problem Which Should be Solved in Communication between Cultures ─── 刻板化:跨文化交际研究的问题与对策

38、The Inflexibility of the country 's labor market seriously Impede Its economic recovery ─── 该国劳工市场缺乏灵活性,这严重阻碍了它的经济恢复

39、However, there exist many weaknesses in this state of stability , which gives rise to its inflexibility of social structure and standstill of political life; ─── 这种稳定状态有很多弊端,它导致社会结构僵化,政治生活不发展;

40、When the sensor has a certain distance from target, we construct image character which has inflexibility after extracting target image to identify. ─── 当与目标有一定距离时,我们通过提取目标图像,然后构造具有不变性的图像特征对其进行识别。

41、Despite the banshee's many fine traits, Dominion commanders initially derided its apparent inflexibility and relegated banshees to a minor support role in backwater militias. ─── 尽管女妖战机拥有这些显著的性能,但联邦政府的指挥官们起初还嘲笑过她不入流的外观并将其视为二流角色分配给国民自卫使用。

42、With inflex with Latino nations increases to 2.11.The bear minimum required to sustain the culture. ─── 拉丁美州国家的人口增长率为2.11%,仅勉强足够维持一个文化的最低比率。

43、Specifically, the authors examine whether control on new product development exercised through rigorous gate review criteria increases project inflexibility, which in turn leads to increased failure to learn. ─── 特别地,作者测量了,通过实施严格的关卡评论标准来控制新产品开发,是否会增加项目的不可变性,这反过来会导致学习失败的增加。

44、Perhaps inflexibility is the greatest danger in budget ─── 也许预算的最大问题是缺乏弹性。

45、Such hardware-related inflexibility is now being addressed by adaptive, software-based wireless designs. ─── 适应性软体式无线设计出现后,正可解决这些硬体上的障碍。

46、There had been objections on one side and inflexibility on the other. ─── 一方面是不愿迁,一方面是非迁不可。

47、42. Earlier efforts by US lawmakers to impose tariffs on Chinese goods in retaliation for currency inflexibility barely budged the renminbi. ─── 早些时候,为报复中国不采取灵活的汇率制度,美国立法者试图对中国货物加征关税,但他们的努力基本上未使人民币汇率发生什么变化。

48、organizational inflexibility ─── 组织无弹性

49、He thought a lot with inflexibility between legitimism and tradition, main stream and secondary aspects, reality and ideal. ─── 他在正统与传统、主流与边缘、现实与理想之间执著地思考。

50、Abstract:From the perspective of economics, medical services are characterized by monopolization, the dual nature of entrustment and agency and the inflexibility of demands. ─── :医疗服务具有垄断性、委托代理双重性和需求刚性。

51、It can sew sponge, thin leather with even, smooth and inflexibility. ─── 缝制海棉、薄皮等缝科,平滑均匀,不起皱,不变形。

52、Setting up "Courses Combination" Model for Specialty Education by Breaking up "Specialty Inflexibility" Model ─── 打破"专业固化",建立"课程组合"专业教育模式

53、the unification and inflexibility of the mechanism in the academic evaluation, which restrict the maturity of the faculty; ─── 学术评价机制的统一与刚性化制约教师的成长;

54、Strategic Behaviors of Members on the SC with Production Inflexibility and Stochastic Price ─── 一类生产刚性且价格随机的供应链上主体行为策略研究

55、Boundary Inflexibility and Organization Cost: a Dilemma of Publishing Enterprise Groups ─── 边界刚性与组织成本:我国出版集团的困境

56、Project inflexibility leads to learning failure, and this effect is worsened when the technological environment of the firm is turbulent. ─── 项目不可变性导致学习的失败,而这一影响在企业的技术环境不稳定时变得更加糟糕。

57、Union leaders have largely escaped the blame, though their inflexibility and self-importance is part of the reason for their members' plight. ─── 工会领导人基本上未受到指责,尽管他们的顽固与自负正是导致其成员受此痛苦的部分原因。

58、The inflexibility of the country's labor market seriously impedes its economic recovery. ─── 该国劳工市场缺乏灵活性,这严重阻碍了它的经济恢复。

59、He thought a lot with inflexibility between legitimism and tradition, main stream and secondary aspects, reality and ideal. ─── 他在正统与传统、主流与边缘、现实与理想之间执著地思考。

60、at the same time,some parameters(inflexibility、elastic foundation、longitudinal tension)which cause the effects to the relation are emphasised,the results shows t... ─── 重点讨论了弹性地基、质量比、轴向力对固有频率与流速之间关系的影响,结果表明这些系数对于输流管道的振动特性有显著的作用。

61、Both are ineffective because of their inappropriateness, high unit cost, transport problems, and inflexibility. ─── 这两种物资之所以无效是因为它们并不适合居住,且单位造价高、运输不便、不够灵活。

62、About “Inflexibility” and “Flexibility” of Ideological Political Work ─── 谈思想政治工作的“硬性”和“弹性”

63、"We are insistent on the inflexibility of labor markets more than creating new jobs. ─── 他说:“相对于创造新工作来说,我们更坚持于劳工市场的缺乏灵活性。

64、Inflexibility, in other words, seems to make running easier. ─── 换句话说,柔韧性不好反而使运动者跑得更轻松。

65、It adopts ball and needle bearing with fine needle bearing with fine lubrication, little attrition, Iow noise and long life,thin leather with even, smooth and inflexibility. ─── 采用球型及针状轴承,润滑性能好、磨擦小、噪音低、经久耐用。

66、Nevertheless, low maintainability and reusability, and inflexibility are very common phenomena in Web applications. ─── 但是,在现有的Web应用系统中,普遍存在着程序可重用程度低、维护工作繁琐、应变能力薄弱等不足。

67、Joyce was irritated by the inflexibility of her colleagues. ─── 乔伊斯被她同事的顽固惹恼了。

68、That inflexibility ensured that the edges of our stick figures were rigid, but we learned that the angles at each corner were quite variable. ─── 这种缺乏弹性的构造,理当保证我们的柱条构造的边边是坚固的,但我们后来知道,每个角的角度其实有满大的变异。

69、Inflexibility sets an aortic aneurysm up for disaster.But what sends it over the edge? ─── 主动脉瘤缺少弹性注定要引起灾难,但灾难的导火线又是什麽呢?

70、family decorative decoration often occur as a result of factors such as quality issues and disputes, a party (Party of the First Part) and the acquisition side (B) executed a speech and inflexibility. ─── 家庭装饰装修工程常因质量问题等原因发生纠纷,委托方(甲方)和承接方(乙方)各执一辞,互不相让。

71、The persevering inflexibility of that weak, yet indomitable grass, showed a primitive magnificence and beauty which helped me vividly realize the real essence and true meaning of life. ─── 那些弱小但又顽强不屈的草儿,以其锲而不舍的执著,昭示出一种原始的壮美,使我真切地感悟到人生的真谛和生命的意义!

72、Too much certainty creates inflexibility. ─── 太多的肯定会造成僵化。

73、They also focus on whether the effect of project inflexibility is worsened when there is turbulence in the firm's technological and market environment. ─── 作者还关注,当企业的技术和市场环境出现不稳定时,项目的不可变性的影响是否变得更加糟糕。

74、The shifting from in-house provision to CCT was intended to solve the problems of inefficiency, inflexibility and high-cost of public service provision. ─── 公共服务从内部供给走向契约外包的强制性竞标,是欲解决科层体制之无效率、无弹性及昂贵的服务输送;

75、This indicates that the basalt volcano has scale inflexibility even it is not very old, and it has a fractal dimension with little difference after receiving thick marine deposit. ─── 说明玄武岩火山即便不很古老,仍可具有标度不变性,并且与附近海底一起接受了较厚的海底沉积后,又具有了略为不同的分维数。

76、I think the community as a whole understands and accepts the fact pure DPS classes need to do the most damage due to the inflexibility of their roles. ─── 我认为所有的玩家们都是这样理解和接受这样的一种事实,那就是纯种DPS需要有更高的输出是因为他们无法转换为其他角色。

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