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09-13 投稿



ironware 发音

英:[['a??nwe?]]  美:[['a??n?wer]]

英:  美:

ironware 中文意思翻译



ironware 短语词组

1、enamel ironware ─── [化] 搪瓷铁器

ironware 相似词语短语

1、iron ages ─── 铁器时代

2、iron ores ─── 铁矿

3、ironbark ─── n.[林]铁皮木

4、iron grey ─── 铁灰色;铁灰色的

5、iron age ─── 铁器时代

6、iron ore ─── [矿物]铁矿石;铁矿砂

7、ironwork ─── n.铁制品

8、groupware ─── n.组件,群组软体,群件(供不同用户集体工作使用的软件)

9、ironworker ─── n.钢铁工人

ironware 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Han Dynasty ironware ─── 汉代铁器

2、Chida Plastic Ironware Company Limited ─── 东莞市祺达塑料五金制品有限公司


4、enamel(l)ed ironware ─── 搪瓷器皿

5、Jingyang Ironware Plastic Ornaments Factory ─── 深圳景扬塑胶五金饰品厂

6、Production and export of all kinds of steel products, ironware, mechanism. ─── 经营产品信息:生产和出口所有种类的钢铁产品,五金制品,机械设备等。


8、Experiment of geological compass affected by ironware and cable ─── 地质罗盘受铁器电缆影响的试验研究

9、Surgical treatment of severe ocular injury in ironware manufacturer ─── 铁器制造职业工人严重眼外伤手术治疗

10、Ironware period is entered in the mankind previously, our first civilian people can apply very simple and easy tool to dig cultivation. ─── 在人类进入铁器时代以前,我们的先民们可以应用非常简易的工具挖掘耕作。

11、Our production include: mobile flash of incoming telegram, mobile flashlight, all kinds of mobile accessories and products by gum、 PVC、 ironware, mobile changer, mobile battery and more than3000 kinds production. ─── 产品系列包括:手机来电闪、手电筒、种树脂、胶、金等手机饰品配件及成品、机充电器、机电池等3000多种产品。

12、to be in a factory from the centre of the palm, the hand that contracts much sweat disease feels iron can cause ironware rustily, consequently this patient must alternate type of work. ─── 在工厂,患多汗症的手触摸铁件可造成铁器锈蚀,因而该病人必须变换工种.足的多汗症可引起鞋内布满汗水,以致步行时产生讨厌的响声。

13、FM series 2 in 1 shrink packing machine takes PVC PP POF shrink film as the packing material and is used for food , drink, medicine, sound box, ironware, cosmetic, book, plaything, plastic. ─── FM系列二合一热收缩包装机以PVC,PP,POF收缩膜为材料,适用于食品、饮料、医药、音像制品、五金、化妆品、书籍、玩具、塑胶、竹子机具等产品的外包装。

14、Jingyang Ironware Plastic Ornaments Factory ─── 深圳景扬塑胶五金饰品厂

15、enamelled ironware ─── 搪瓷铁器钢胎搪瓷制品

16、enamel ironware ─── [化] 搪瓷铁器

17、The reinforcement scheme,structure calculation,post tensioning ironware and construction essentials for the parking garage were introduced in this paper. ─── 本文介绍了该停车库的加固方案、结构计算、后张拉铁件和施工要点。

18、ironware technique ─── 铁器技术

19、Jin Da Hua Plastics &Ironware Ltd. sets up since 1995, our main business produce the high quality plastics products. ─── 金达华塑料五金制品有限公司自成立以来,致力于经营塑料制品的高质量生产业务。

20、Please refer to the attachment and help evaluate the modeling charge of gluey shell and ironware of this product. Thanks. ─── 请见附件的图纸,请帮忙评估此产品的胶壳、五金的开模费;谢谢!

21、R.S. engages mainly in both research and production of ironware,model sets,and electron. ─── 主要从事五金,模塑,电子研发及生产的企业。

22、ironware cupboard ─── 密集架

23、The iron guy that the reporter sees in constant abundant ironware, much a few minutes of tender feelings, have rose series, still have the leather belt series with bold avant-courier. ─── 记者在恒丰铁器看到的铁家伙,就多了几分柔情,有玫瑰花系列、还有前卫大胆的皮带系列。

24、Objective To investigate the occupational hazards on ironware enterprise at Baoan District of Shenzhen city and provide scientific basis for prevent occupational diseases. ─── 方法收集2007年深圳市宝安区基本职业卫生服务现场职业病危害因素监测数据并进行统计分析。

25、Surgical treatment of severe ocular injury in ironware manufacturer ─── 铁器制造职业工人严重眼外伤手术治疗

26、Production and export of all kinds of steel products, ironware, mechanism. ─── 经营产品信息:生产和出口所有种类的钢铁产品,五金制品,机械设备等。

27、a kind of ironware with stone gray enamel. ─── 一种用石头釉彩的搪瓷器。

28、Malleable cast ironware produces hysteresis and eddy current loss under alternating current in transmission!line. ─── 针对输电线路上可锻铸铁金具在交变电流的作用下产生磁滞和涡流损耗。

29、Ironware - processing technique ─── 铁器工艺

30、Product: wooden toys and furniture,outdoor equipment,galssware,photo frame,Ironware,Candle garden ,Freezing Bag ,Stationery etc ─── 产品:木制玩具。家具。相框。沙滩椅。玻璃。户外用品。铁件,文具用品等。

31、We complete other supplies-garment accessories,hag tag,lace,zipper,woven label,printed label,ironware accessories. etc. ─── 同时公司配套供应其它服装辅料、吊牌、花边、拉链、织标印标、五金铸件等。

32、Experiment of geological compass affected by ironware and cable ─── 地质罗盘受铁器电缆影响的试验研究

33、During the late Spring and Autumn Period, with the use of ironware, the foundations were laid for the development of bronze engraving techniques. ─── 春秋晚期,铁器的使用,为青铜器刻纹技术的发展奠定了物质基础。

34、valve, ironware, reamer, saw, gun, pipe, fire protection equipment and so on; ─── 阀门、五金、刀具、锯片、枪壳、烟机、油管、电机、消防器材等;

35、The reconstruction and conservation research on Han Dynasty ironware in Guangxi Museum ─── 广西博物馆汉代铁器修复保护研究

36、Chida Plastic Ironware Company Limited ─── 东莞市祺达塑料五金制品有限公司

37、(8) tetanus: After often happening at be being rusted ironware is stabbed, if be handled not in time, invade when tetanic bacili toxin reach neurological hind, can produce tic of limb rigidity sex. ─── ( 8) 破伤风:常发生于被生锈铁器刺伤后,若未及时处理,当破伤风杆菌毒素侵及神经系统后,可发生四肢强直性抽搐。

38、The revolution of ironware times formed perfect with each passing day agriculture civilization. ─── 铁器时代的革命形成了日趋完善的农业文明。

39、As a professional manufacturer, Guang Ying Metal Products Manufactory produces pet cages by ironware with epoxy coating, e-coating, chrome coating, zinc coating from 1992. ─── 作为一家专业生产厂家, 广盈金属制品厂(中盈宠物用品厂)从1992年就开始从事宠物笼的生产。


41、Shanghai KoBo is one provider focused on high grade ironware and metal products in vessels. We play important role in the supplemental service of shipbuilding industry with rich experience. ─── 上海康博五金制品有限公司,是一家生产销售高级船用五金的专业企业,长期为中外船舶行业配套服务。

42、Ornament and hardware sector is located in the west of Yunfang shopping center and near Haigeng road.It mainly manages all kinds of faucet and pipe fittings, locks, hangings, and ironware. ─── 位于云纺商业区西面临海埂路,主要经营各类水暖用品,门锁,挂件,金属配件等各品牌高中低档上万种商品。

43、The ironware produced a landmark of human history development and progress. ─── 铁器的出现使人类历史产生了划时代的进步。

44、The reconstruction and conservation research on Han Dynasty ironware in Guangxi Museum ─── 广西博物馆汉代铁器修复保护研究

45、Wholesale and retail of daily use appliance, glass products, ironware, machinery, electronic products, textile material &products, metal material &products. ─── 经营范围: Self-operating and as an agent for Import &export of all kinds of merchandise and technology (Except items that are prohibited and restricted by the Government).

46、Xinda Ironware Co., Ltd., established in 1980, is situated in the Pearl River Delta, nearby the in &out let of GuangZhao Express Way and SanShui Port. ─── 三水市信达五金制品有限公司,始创于1980年,公司总部位于美丽富饶的珠江三角洲,边靠广肇高速公路出入口,邻近三水港,水陆交通便利,地理环境优越,通讯发达。

47、pottery, bronzes, ironware and stoneware were excavated in the tombs. ─── 墓中出土随葬品有陶器、铜器、铁器和石器等。

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