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09-13 投稿



helmed 发音

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英:  美:

helmed 中文意思翻译



helmed 词性/词形变化,helmed变形

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helmed 常用词组

at the helm ─── 掌舵;掌权

helmed 相似词语短语

1、helmet ─── n.钢盔,头盔;n.(Helmet)人名;(德)黑尔梅特

2、whelmed ─── v.淹没;覆盖;压倒;泛滥;n.泛滥;溢出;汹涌起伏

3、heled ─── n.(Hele)(英、美、加)海莱(人名)

4、helmer ─── n.赫尔默(姓氏)

5、helved ─── n.柄;vt.装柄于

6、unhelmed ─── 无榆

7、heliced ─── adj.螺旋装饰的

8、helmeted ─── adj.佩戴头盔的;v.给…戴上(helmet的过去式)

9、helped ─── v.帮助(help的过去分词)

helmed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gandalf: Helm's Deep! They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their King? ─── 圣盔谷!他应该一决死战,而不是逃之夭夭。如果他们的国王不保护他们,谁来保护?

2、Shuttle Discovery is preparing to blast off with a woman at the helm. ─── 发现号航天飞机准备由一名女性指挥升空。

3、Sy Sternberg, who first joine Marketing d New York Life the helm as chairman, president and CEO following the retirement of Harry Hohn. ─── 史端博在霍恩退休之后接掌董事长、总裁兼执行长,他1989年加入纽约人寿,担任负责团体保险部门的高级副总裁。

4、As with the Harry Potter movies, Johnson believes each picture could be helmed by a different filmmaker. ─── 作为与哈利·波特的电影,约翰逊认为,每张图片可以带领由不同的电影制片人。

5、But instead of taking over from Saunders, Porter will replace D'Antoni, who left the Suns in May to take the helm of the New York Knicks. ─── 但是波特没有取代桑德斯,而是取代了德安东尼。他的前任在五月份离开了太阳队,执教尼克斯。

6、Whitacre is a former chairman and CEO of AT&T, and will join Fritz Henderson and a number of other current board members at the helm of the New GM. ─── 惠是前董事长兼首席执行官的AT&T,并将加入弗里茨亨德森和其他一些当前的董事会成员在领导的新的转基因。

7、Franz waited until all was in order, and when the sail was filled, and the four sailors had taken their places--three forward, and one at the helm--he resumed the conversation. ─── 弗兰兹等船一切都调整好,船帆鼓起了风,四个水手站定了位置,三个在船头,一个在船尾,然后又重新接上话头。

8、So I trust Berkshire Hathaway while 78-year-old Mr Buffett remains at the helm. ─── 因此,只要现年78岁的巴菲特仍然执掌,我信任伯克希尔哈撒韦。

9、Au to lead the Bohai Fund project and he jumped from TPG (the former Texas Pacific Group) to take the helm. ─── 大约一年前,中国银行的投资银行子公司要求欧巍领导渤海基金项目,于是他辞去了TPG的职务。

10、In the center position. Used of the helm. ─── 在中部在中间部位。用于指舵的中部

11、One concerns the future of the PPP, which may not survive without a Bhutto at the helm. ─── 其一就是担心人民力量党的前途,没有布托的掌舵,它可能无法存活下来。

12、In 2003 Samsung launched Derercuny, a highly sophisticated line of women's wear helmed by Korean designer Mina Lee and shown in Milan. ─── 2003年,三星将Derercuny品牌投放市场。Derercuny是一个非常成熟的女装品牌,发布会现场在米兰,设计师是韩国人MinaLee。

13、Both laugh. A small crew of Helm's Deep survivors arrive. Pippin chortles like a loon. ─── 大家都笑了。一小队海尔姆深谷的幸存者抵达。皮平咯咯笑得像个傻瓜。

14、Who was at the helm when the collision occurred? ─── 当碰撞发生时,谁在掌舵?

15、He enjoyed being President and delighted in the thought of another four year at the helm. ─── 他做总统做得津津有味,并乐于再做四年。

16、In some cases returning chief executives remain so close to the helm of the firm that dismissing their successors and making a comeback is largely scapegoating. ─── 在某些事例中,重新就任的行政总裁与公司的领导权一直保持的密切的距离,以至于开除继任者和重新就职在很大程度上是找了个替罪羊。

17、In just his second season at the basketball operations helm, Petrie's 1995-96 squad qualified for the NBA Playoffs. ─── 但就在他加盟篮球事务部后的第二个赛季,即1995-1996赛季,国王队成功打入季后赛。

18、I was excited for Jeff as he earned the right to helm his own operation. ─── 我为杰夫感到高兴,他投入那么多,有权成为公司的掌门人。

19、We put the helm hard over in an attempt to swerve. ─── 我们把船尽量往一边靠以便转向。

20、Grima: (voiceover) Helm's Deep has but one weakness. It's outer wall is solid rock, but for a small culvert at it's base which is little more than a drain. ─── 圣盔谷只有一个弱点。它的外墙是巨石砌成,但是它的基座有一条渠道,只比排水管大一点。

21、she helmed a film called ‘Filth and Wisdom’ in 2008. ─── 她执导了一部名为《下流与智慧》的电影。

22、Since taking the helm at Temasek in 2002, Ho has stepped up the diversification of the fund beyond its small home market. ─── 主政以来,淡马锡在2002年泰已加强多样化的基金超越其小型家用市场。

23、McAteer believes having an Anfield legend at the helm will help Tranmere in their recruitment of new players. ─── 38岁的麦卡蒂尔将会作为前球星巴恩斯的左右手,而上赛季巴恩斯本人离开牙买加到普雷顿公园就职主教练。

24、Shareholders, though they staged a revolt against his leadership in 2006, ended up benefiting from Mr. Sarin's time at the helm as well. ─── 尽管沃达丰的股东曾在2006年挑战萨林的领导权,但他们也在萨林任职期间得到了益处。

25、We should neither McGovern our foreign policy nor have Jesse at the helm. ─── 我们既不能让麦戈文左右我们的对外政策,也不能叫杰西掌舵。

26、At first, Burns method, Citrate method, modification of ASBC method,modification of Helm method, and modification of light density method were studied systemically. ─── 因此本课题首先对各种絮凝性的测量方法(本斯法、柠檬酸盐法、修正ASBC法、改良光密度法、修正Helm法)进行了系统地评价,结果表明以改良光密度法的测定效果为好。

27、At the helm of the government. ─── 在政府里处于领导地位

28、Nelson Piquet Jr made his debut alongside Alonso, and with the unforgiving Flavio Briatore at the helm of the Enstone based team, in 2008. ─── 小尼尔森皮奎特首次亮相的同时,阿隆索和无情布里亚托雷掌舵雷诺车队,在2008年.

29、Every woman would like to be able to control their own life, do the masters of their own life, so those at the helm of their own destiny. ─── 愿每个女人都能掌控好自己的人生,做好自己人生的主人,做自己命运的掌舵者。

30、The vice president will take the helm while I'm away at the summit meeting in Geneva. ─── 我外出参加日内瓦最高级会议期间,副总统将承担领导责任。

31、Talks between Microsoft and Yahoo!were rekindled after Ms Bartz took the helm at Yahoo! ─── 今年一月份卡罗尔担任雅虎总裁后,微软和雅虎的会谈重新开始。

32、Some pundits predicted that the Pistons would slip a bit this season without Hall of Fame coach Larry Brown at the helm. ─── 一些所谓专家预测活塞这个赛季在没有名人堂教练拉里.布朗的教导下会滑下几位。

33、She dabbed at it with the snow-white headband she had worn under her metal war helm. ─── 她用一块雪白的头巾轻轻的擦拭着,头巾是她戴在金属战斗盔之内的。

34、And I put the helm hard up, and the Hispaniola swung round rapidly, and ran stem on for the low wooded shore. ─── 我使劲转动舵柄,西斯潘尼奥拉号迅速调转方向,冲上了长着矮树的浅滩。

35、Announced that she plans on marrying Zach Helm , her boyfriend of one year. ─── 她宣布结婚计划扎克掌舵,男朋友一年.

36、"It was the legislative equivalent of a perfect storm," LaRocco said, "and we should thank those at the helm for their calm heads and steady hands. ─── “这相当于司法领域的一场风暴。”拉卢科说,“我们应当感谢那些处于舵手位置上的人们所表现出来的冷静的思维和稳健的处理手法。

37、A company is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. ─── 一个公司、组织就像是一艘航行在大海上的船。每一位船上的成员,都应该为将来可能掌舵的那一天而准备。

38、"They are stodgy, slow-moving players who are asleep at the helm. ─── “这些都是体型笨重、行动迟缓的对手,他们还在睡梦中呢。

39、It once united us under one helm, only to divide us in the end. ─── 它曾经将我们聚在一面旗帜下,却终将我们分离两地。

40、When he took over the helm in September 2008, the NAACP had been in turmoil for several years. ─── 当他2008年9月接手舵盘之时,协进会已飘摇动荡了多年。

41、Upon the President's death, the Vice-President took the state's helm. ─── 总统去世,副总统执掌了国家权力。

42、Acommunity is like a ship;everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. ─── 一个社区就像一艘船,每个人都应准备着掌舵。

43、Edith Helm spent a small fortune on her more feminine clothes. ─── 伊迪丝·赫尔姆花不少钱购买更能显示女性特点的衣服。

44、That comment came from a board director of a company helmed by Carol Bartz. ─── 上述评价出自卡罗尔?巴茨昔日执掌的一家公司的董事会成员之口。

45、I know that with you at the helm, I wont need to worry about returning to a derelict business. ─── 我确信由你在这里掌舵,我就不用担心在此期间业务被荒废。

46、The News Corp. media empire is no stranger to seeing Murdoch children at the helm. ─── 对新闻集团这个媒体帝国来说,由默多克的子女来掌舵并不是什么新鲜事。

47、Visiting priests of Helm scoffed at Edan's blind devotion to the blade. ─── 前来拜访的海姆牧师嘲笑伊丹盲目地信仰著这把剑。

48、When Deng Xiaoping took over the helm of the ship of the state, it had been wrecked by the "cultural revolution" and was all but sinking. ─── 在邓小平接掌中国这艘巨轮之际,中国这只大船已被折腾得支离破碎,千疮百孔,正濒于沉没。

49、And he cheerfully acknowledges that some observers initially questioned the wisdom of reviving the Terminator franchise with him at the helm. ─── 他愉快地承认,一些观察家质疑最初的智慧恢复终结者专营权与他的领导。

50、Microsoft, he noted, has doubled its revenue and almost doubled its profits in the half decade that he has been at the helm. ─── 微软时,他指出,增加了一倍,年收入几乎翻了一番,其利润中有一半的十年中,他一直在掌舵。

51、she helmed a film called 'Filth and Wisdom' in 2008. ─── 08年她执导了一部名为《下流与智慧》的电影。

52、Mr Jones is at the helm in our London office, if you'd like to contact him I'm sure he can help. ─── 我们的伦敦办事处由琼斯先生领导,如果你想同他联系的话,我敢肯定他会鼎力相助的。

53、Lin Jian Dong, the star in a new musical helmed by renowned director, Nie Wen. ─── 中国大腕导演聂文(张学友饰)执导的音乐剧邀请到香港大明星林见东(金城武饰)来上海演出。

54、In 2001 he did a deal that put him at the helm of a business that refit pharmaceutical factories. ─── 2001年他做成一笔交易,掌管了一家为制药厂实施改装的企业。

55、But after 15 years at the helm, he had now decided to lower the curtain on what had been an incredible footballing journey. ─── 他执教利物浦15年之后,决定退休,这是足球界史册上不可思议的一笔。

56、They recovered from their poor start to finish third, with Mourinho putting in place the ingredients for what would be a phenomenal first full season at the helm. ─── 他们从不利的开局中恢复过来,并且最终获得了联赛第三,这个排名可以使他能在未来第一次执掌完整一个赛季。

57、Bruce has helmed the company since it was founded. ─── 这间公司自成立以来一直由布鲁斯掌管。

58、Edith Helm was not invited to these intimate luncheons. ─── 伊迪丝·赫尔姆没有被邀请出度反映亲密关系的午餐会。

59、Mr. Toyoda is the first member of Toyota's founding family to take the helm in 14 years. ─── 丰田章男是14年来首位执掌公司的丰田家族成员。

60、When Mr Gerstner took the helm in 1993, IBM was in deep trouble, on the verge of selling itself off in pieces. ─── 当郭士纳在1993年接掌公司时,IBM正深陷泥潭,处于将自己拆分出售的绝境边缘。

61、"Accelerating to warp one, sir." As Sulu began moving the helm controls, Kirk could feel the slight reverb of increasing power. ─── 加速到牵引力飞行一,长官”当萨卢开始转动了轮船控制器,柯克可以感到有一阵轻微的加速后的回力。

62、He was determined to helm the exhibition. ─── 他决定负责此次展览会的领导工作。

63、Would she suddenly take to buccaneer boots, some totem-crested helm, long-bladed dirks and throwing knives? ─── 她会不会突然喜欢上海盗靴、带图腾顶饰的帽子、带长刃的匕首和扔飞刀?

64、Former head coach Don Nelson stepped away from the team, saying they could never get past the first round with Terry at the helm. ─── 前主教练老尼尔森离队的时候说,小牛队由特里来掌舵,永远不会闯过季后赛首轮。

65、Petr Cech has revealed his desire to see Jose Mourinho remain at the helm of Chelsea. ─── 切赫表达了自己希望穆里尼奥留下来继续执教切尔西的愿望。

66、He drew his sword, held it to his helm, blade upward, in gesture of salute and peace. ─── 他抽出佩剑,举至盔前,剑刃向上,摆出一个表示敬意与和平的手势。

67、In 2000 therefore, as they were leading 4-0 in the final match against the Italians on Prada, the teacher gave the helm to his student for the 5th race. ─── 在2000年,Coutts在美洲杯决赛中4-0领先对手Prada意大利挑战者队,老师在第5场把舵盘交给了学生。

68、But standing in his way next is wily countryman Hiddink, who guided the Dutch to the semi-finals of the 1998 World Cup and has already exceeded expectations at the Russia helm. ─── 在荷兰队中,范德萨和范布隆克霍斯特是仅有的两名跟随希丁克征战过1998年世界杯的球员。队长范德萨说:“我们的对手是俄罗斯队,不是希丁克,这将是一场很有意思的比赛。

69、Is it any wonder that Damon is such a safe Oscar pick when he'll be starring in yet another Clint Eastwood-helmed movie, Hereafter? ─── 随后,他将会在科林斯特伊斯特伍德掌舵的另一部影片中担纲主角,这是否为达蒙获得提名加上了一层保险?

70、He recalls being at home watching American football when the Lehman board asked him to take the helm. ─── 他记得自己当时正在家中收看橄榄球比赛,雷曼董事会打电话来请求他接掌雷曼。

71、He became the nation's largest home appliance enterprises at the helm. ─── 中英文对照:他成为国内最大的家电企业的掌舵人。

72、At the helm e. G. A new dean is at the helm of the management school this year. ─── 今年一位新校长上任领导这个管理学院。

73、At Northwestern Mason helmed a rock band that he describes as equal parts punk , the Beatles and Cat Stevens . ─── 在西北大学,梅森掌舵着一支摇滚乐队,他把这支乐队描述为朋克、甲壳虫和凯特·史蒂文斯各占其一。

74、You only need to look at what Fiat has achieved in the past few years with Sergio Marchionne at the helm to understand the benefit of appointing a turnaround expert. ─── 你只需要看看菲亚特已经取得了在过去几年里,与塞尔吉奥马尔奇奥尼掌舵理解的利益,任命一名好转专家。

75、You could feel it with every eddy swirling against the helm of the boat. ─── 你可以从每一次涡流装机船舷的回荡中感觉到它;

76、When I give up the helm I know that the time has come for thee to take it. ─── 当我放下舵盘,我知道你来接收的时候到了。

77、Shoes seem forbidden here: Papoose and his three sons are barefoot, and Papoose actually steers the boat wheel with his toes, sitting on a tall stool at the helm. ─── 在这里,好像是禁止穿鞋子似的:小娃和他的三个儿子都是打赤脚,小娃还坐在船舵前凳子上,用脚趾掌舵呢。

78、Her helm was crested with a long-necked reptilian image that had a head like a horned lizard. ─── 妮雅战斗服的设计式样不同于贝拉,但同样有着异国情调的优雅。

79、But when there is not a strong hand at the helm , clannishness tends to overcome discipline. ─── 但是如果掌舵的人不强,派系之争就会破坏纪律。

80、With former Reds skipper Steve Bruce at the Latics' helm, O'Shea and his colleagues knew they would have to weather a storm at the JJB, before a patient plan paid dividends. ─── “现在有些人在怀疑布鲁斯是在对弗格森的球队放水,他们打得不错,甚至有机会领先我们两个球。”奥谢说。

81、Replacing Laurens van den Acker, Ikuo Maeda takes the helm of Mazda's design department starting April 10. ─── 取代劳伦斯范登贝安克尔,前田郁夫需要领导马自达设计部门从4月10日.

82、Also, despite reputedly being a free-scoring, attractive, flowing side, Manchester United have never scored more than once against a Chelsea side with Jose Mourinho at the helm. ─── 同样,虽然被称为轻松得分,风格漂亮,传球流畅的曼联队却从来没有在穆里尼奥手下的切尔西打进过2个球或更多。

83、He took the helm of the investment bank in June. ─── 他于今年6月开始掌管高盛投资银行。

84、It's odd. The frieze on Akkad's tomb shows Iris at the helm of a solar barque headed for the Kingdom of the Dead... ─── 奇怪。在阿卡德墓的雕刻中,一艘三枙太阳船正驶向死亡之国,而艾里斯在船舵那儿。

85、Download As Ever, Am Rande der Arena, Evi Oberkofler Am Rande der Arena.Jimmy Lygelt Abwege, Abwege, Brigitte Helm Abwege. ─── Marthus Mathias Banho de L铆ngua, movie Banho de L铆ngua, Cust贸dio Gomes Banho de L铆ngua.

86、Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth. ─── 4看哪,船只虽然甚大,又被大风催逼,只用小小的舵,就随着掌舵的意思转动。

87、Berkshire is at the helm since Buffett's. ─── 伯克希尔是由自巴菲特掌舵的。

88、WAR Community Team: Yes, all of the major armor slots are visible onthe character: torso, pants, gloves, cloak, helm, even the belt! ─── WAR公关团队:是的,所有的主要装备槽都能在角色身上被看到,上衣,裤子,手套,斗篷,法杖,甚至是腰带

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