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09-13 投稿



degenerated 发音

英:[d??d?en?re?t?d]  美:[d??d?en?re?t?d]

英:  美:

degenerated 中文意思翻译



degenerated 反义词

develop | evolve

degenerated 同义词

corrupt | troublemaker | deviate | deviant | sinner | drop | pervert | profligate |deteriorate | debased | riotous | ne'er-do-well | worsen | dissolute | rascal | dissipated | degraded | wrongdoer | libertine | reprobate | reduce | immoral | relapse | fast | debauched | decadent | collapse | devolve

degenerated 短语词组

1、degenerated element ─── 蜕化变质分子

2、degenerated spikelet ─── 退化小穗

3、degenerated meaning ─── 退化意义

4、degenerated branched chain reaction ─── [化] 退化支链反应

5、degenerated yeast ─── 退化酵母

6、degenerated specification part ─── [计] 退化说明部分

7、degenerated definition ─── 退化定义

8、degenerated curve ─── 退化[可约]曲线

9、degenerated protein ─── 退化蛋白质

10、degenerated system ─── 退化系

11、degenerated disc lower back ─── 退变椎间盘下背部

12、degenerated interval ─── 退化区间

13、degenerated semiconductor ─── [物]简并半导体

14、degenerated soil ─── 退化土壤

15、degenerated cyclic code ─── 退化循环码

16、degenerated form ─── 退化类型

degenerated 词性/词形变化,degenerated变形

动词过去分词: degenerated |动词现在分词: degenerating |名词: degenerateness |副词: degenerately |动词过去式: degenerated |动词第三人称单数: degenerates |

degenerated 相似词语短语

1、regenerated ─── adj.再生的;v.再生;革新(regenerate的过去式和过去分词)

2、degenerate ─── v.使退化;恶化;堕落;adj.退化的;堕落的;退化的;简并的;n.堕落的人

3、decelerated ─── vi.减速,降低速度;vt.使减速

4、degenerately ─── 退化

5、ingenerated ─── adj.天生的;非产生的;固有的

6、generated ─── v.产生;引发;生成(generate的过去式及过去分词)

7、degenerates ─── v.使退化;恶化;堕落;adj.退化的;堕落的;退化的;简并的;n.堕落的人

8、regenerate ─── vt.使再生;革新;vi.再生;革新;adj.再生的;革新的

9、regenerates ─── v.再生;恢复(regenerate的第三人称单数);更新

degenerated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Observation by paraffin section showed that Lipeng No. 2 embryo sac mother cells were almost entirely degenerated during megasporogenesis. ─── 切片观察发现,丽椪2号胚囊母细胞在四核期已完全退化。

2、He ate up Nietzsche and degenerated into a fascist. ─── 他接受了尼采的思想,堕落成法西斯分子。

3、The argument degenerated into a row. ─── 争论变成吵架。

4、Ever since, the perception goes, that keen cosmic awareness they won has degenerated into a dull stupor, often seen in front of a TV screen. ─── 自打那以后,感知逝去,人类曾有的这种敏锐的自然感知能力已经退化成迟钝麻木,就象我们常在电视机前看到的观众们呆傻的样子。

5、Liverpool today confirmed Philipp Degen will be on the sidelines for four weeks after picking up a foot injury against Tottenham in midweek. ─── 利物浦官方今天确认,菲利普.德根由于在面对热刺的比赛中脚部受伤,将缺席4周的时间。

6、And that's not forgetting Gerrard, Babel, Degen, Hyypia and Voronin, all internationals who for one reason or another were not there. ─── 也请不要忘记杰拉德,巴贝尔,德根,海皮亚和沃罗宁,这些国脚由于某些原因没有出现在阵容中。

7、"We have two more training sessions before the derby, but at this moment we're only without Degen," said Benitez today. ─── “在德比之前,我们已经上了很多训练课,但是这次训练中,我们伤号仅仅只有德根。”今天贝尼特斯表示道。

8、At the late proembryo stage, the cells in the top part of the camp column were gradually deformed and degenerated. ─── 到了原胚游离核后期,帐篷柱的顶端细胞发生变形解体。

9、In lesser hands Ms Nasar's story might have degenerated into a series of pen portraits: tittle-tattle for the middlebrow. ─── 要是写书的人水平差一点,纳萨尔女士的故事可能会退化为一系列人物特写:普通人闲聊的谈资。

10、Because of sadness, Roger degenerated deliberately.He took delight in enjoyment. ─── 因为沮丧,罗杰故意堕落了.他以享受为乐。

11、He has degenerated horribly. ─── 他堕落得可怕。

12、Additionally, Philipp Degen - red-carded at Fulham - was not named in the club's Champions League squad. ─── 另外德根的红牌对球队的冠军联赛没有影响。

13、New signings Diego Cavalieri and Philipp Degen are joined by skipper Steven Gerrard among the substitutes. ─── 刚签下的迭戈.卡瓦列里和菲利普德根与队长斯蒂芬杰拉德一起坐在替补席上。

14、The result under microscope showed that some skeletal muscle fibers degenerated together,the connective tissue proliferated. ─── 光镜下有集簇性肌纤维变性、结缔组织增生,肌梭结构尚好。

15、The results showed that some newborn axon encysted with Schwann"s cell was found besides degenerated nerve fibers in 3 days of crymo-injury. ─── 发现冷冻损伤后3天,除变性神经纤维外,尚有新生轴突,皆由雪旺细胞包裹着。

16、During the period of Beiyang Warlords, the society colluded ith the local warlords, and degenerated to be the vassal of them in general. ─── 北洋军阀时期,哥老会与地方军阀结合,在总体上开始蜕化变质,成了地方军阀的附庸。

17、Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession . ─── 她致力於一伟大事业,但其崇高的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热。

18、South family store has a 'Degen'. ─── 家乐南楼店有个‘德根’。

19、referee in Spain has issued 19 red CARDS as a regional football game degenerated into a brawl recently. ─── 近日,在西班牙卡迪斯省一场地区足球联赛中,主裁判居然出示了19张红牌。

20、He was a Six-Winged Angle. He used to be the leader of the Angles in Heaven. For many reasons he degenerated to Hell. ─── 他是一个六翼天使.他曾经是天堂的大天使长.因为种种原因他堕落冥界....

21、The Chinese soccer the group has not gone beyond a line at Beijing Olympic Games, degenerated into the object which the media denounces in word and in writing. ─── 中国足球在北京奥运会上小组都没有出线,沦为了媒体口诛笔伐的对象。

22、The man's word-blindness degenerated to a complete aphasia of both speech and writing by the time of his death four years later. ─── 四年后这个男人死的时候,他的诵读困难变成彻底的读写失语症。

23、Martin Skrtel is with the Slovakia squad for their encounter with the United States, and Philipp Degen could figure for Switzerland against Norway. ─── 尽管西班牙没有托雷斯和里埃拉,但是雷纳已经入选博斯克的西班牙球队。

24、During the age of Bronze men became further degenerated. ─── 在青铜时代,人类更加堕落。

25、However much he may have degenerated, he still knew that this is all that really matters. ─── 不管他有多堕落,他仍然知道这才是最重要的。

26、In this paper,a degenerated beam element is developed,evolving from a bilinear degenerated shell element. ─── 从双线性退化板壳单元出发,演绎推导出了一种可以应用于空间有限元分析的退化梁单元。

27、Their debate degenerated into an exchange of insults. ─── 他们的辩论竟变成了互相辱骂。

28、Nowhere and never have the elements degenerated into reformism and parliamentarism ideologically and politically, ever helped the revolutionary movement. ─── 不管在什么地方,堕落为改良主义和议会主义的因素,不论思想上的或政治上的,都不会对革命运动有所帮助。

29、Their conversation degenerated into a quarrel. ─── 他们的谈话渐渐变成一场争吵。

30、Without such solidarity at the international level our own political crisis would likely have degenerated into unmanageable levels. ─── 如果没有国际层面的团结,我们的政治危机可能会退化到不可控的局面。

31、The supporting techniques include the aspects of monitoring steppe resources, regenerating the degenerated steppes, and rationally utilizing steppes. ─── 依托的关键技术有:草地资源监测技术、退化草地治理及草地利用实用技术等。

32、The debate degenerated into farce when opposing speakers started shouting at each other. ─── 双方辩手开始朝对方大喊,辩论变成了一场闹剧。

33、Too much enjoyment will make people degenerated. ─── 享受太多,人也会退化。

34、The good mechanism of township enterprises degenerated, causing a decline in their capacity of absorbing redundant labor. ─── 乡镇企业良好机制退化使其对剩余劳动力吸纳能力减少,等等。

35、Degenerated and aginged quenching oil was reformed,its service property can be resumed and service life can be prolonged. ─── 对已发生变质和老化的淬火油进行再生,可以恢复其使用性能,延长其使用寿命。

36、Makes one even more feel what is bad, Mai Di individual ability as if also because of unceasing wounded and sick presents the degenerated tendency. ─── 令人更加感到糟糕的是,麦蒂的个人能力似乎也因为不断的伤病而呈现退化趋势。

37、A run of three straight starts prior to the Molineux stalemate saw Degen make a good impression on the right wing. ─── 在莫利纽克斯比赛前连续三场比赛都看到德根在右路发挥出色。

38、Here will discuss why trademark will be degenerated,and how to deal with the crisis that trademark transform to general name. ─── 将阐述为什么会产生商标退化以及如何应对面对自有品牌可能被转化为通用名称的危机。

39、At that juncture he turned completely away from his comrades, and degenerated into a renegade . ─── 就在那关键时刻,他完全背弃了自己的同志,终于堕落为叛徒。

40、All animals degenerated in America. ─── 一切动物到了美洲就要退化。

41、He degenerated into a common criminal. ─── 他堕落成一个臭名昭著的罪犯。

42、The micropylar cell in a dyad always degenerated quickly and only chalazal one finished meiosis II to form two unequal-sized megaspores. ─── 合点端的二分体细胞中细胞器丰富,线粒体和质体的形态正常,表明完成再分化。

43、Kalmak Kirghiz (Dorbiljin Awdan'ning Kirghiz Kurey degen Jer Bar ). ─── 塔城地区额敏县有个乡就叫柯尔克孜库热。

44、Degen becomes the first new arrival at Anfield this summer, with left back Andrea Dossena likely to follow in his footsteps over the coming days. ─── 他也是今夏加盟利物浦的第一名球员,在接下来的几天左后卫多塞纳也将来到安菲尔德。

45、Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession. ─── 她致力于一伟大事业,但其崇高的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热。

46、Such a partner cannot be a Europe that has degenerated into rival state groups. ─── 一个沦为相互对立的国家集团的欧洲,是不可能成为这种伙伴的。

47、What is the soup only now Degenerated into the entertainment world these hyping tool completely. ─── 但是经过封杀这场风波后,我看她去好莱坞的道路,将更长远了。

48、The traditional medicine gastrodia is a degenerated orchid plant which grows depending on the Armillaria symbiosis on Quercus species in wild mountain area. ─── 中药天麻是一种退化的兰科植物,生长于山区,依靠兼性寄生于栎属树种上的蜜环菌为生。

49、Old water pipes that are degenerating with age; a dispute that degenerated into a brawl. ─── 年久失修而逐渐失去功用的水管; 发展成为争吵的辩论

50、Because most of the Y chromosome does not participate in sexual recombination,it has degenerated both in size and gene content,in comparison with the X chromosome. ─── 与X染色体相比,由于Y染色体大部分不参与性染色体的重组,使它无论在大小还是基因数量上都出现了退化,未来的男性或许会面临生存的问题。

51、This game was also notable as it saw Philipp Degen play 70 minutes without picking up an injury. ─── 值得一提的是,我军著名病号德根在本场比赛中上场70分钟,截止到现在,没有任何伤病复发的征兆。

52、The meeting quickly degenerated into an argument. ─── 会议很快变成了争吵。

53、At the stage of microspore, the tapetal cells evidently degenerated, and starches in parenchyma around vascular bundle became large. ─── 在小孢子时期,药隔薄壁细胞中淀粉粒体积增大,绒毡层细胞明显退化;

54、When Cyc had not induced no significant increase in the frequency of degenerated blastocysts,the cell cycle was influenced by Cyc,but the developmental landmark was not changed. ─── Cyc 在未引起早期胚胎蜕变率显著增加时,可影响细胞周期,但不影响发育里程;

55、Her beautiful voice has degenerated into an unpleasant whisper. ─── 她那美妙的声音已交得沙哑低沉。

56、She found her former ability to have degenerated to the production of a hollow rush of wind through the lips, and no clear note at all. ─── 她发现她吹口哨的能力已经退化了,只能从撮起的嘴唇中吹出一阵阵空洞的风声,根本就吹不成清楚的音调。

57、Watching too much TV will have your head degenerated. ─── 多看电视会使你的头脑退化。

58、We are also without Lucas (suspended) and Degen is injured. ─── 同时,卢卡斯和德根也会因为停赛以及受伤的原因缺席。”

59、Andrea Dossena will wear the number two shirt at Liverpool next season, with fellow new boy Philipp Degen taking 27. ─── 下赛季多塞纳将身穿2号球衣,而另一名新人菲利普德根将身穿27号。

60、Degenerated discs identified in 1987 showed eidence of herniation at follow-up in 2003. ─── 1987年显示为变性的椎间盘在2003年的随访中发生了椎间盘突出。

61、But despite the nominal presence of the Administratum, the society soon degenerated into a seething morass of corruption. ─── 不过他们并不知道,尽管还是微不足道,但慢慢成长的堕落的火焰很快会吞食这个世界。

62、"When we played in the Cup and Philipp Degen had cramps, he said to me that if I wanted he could play at right-back. ─── “当我们杯赛中,德根抽筋了,他告诉我说是否让我给他踢右边后卫。”

63、They sought for the significance of existing in society as an individual, and at last, went degenerated during the pursuing of their identities. ─── 他们各自在探寻作为个体的人的存在意义,最后他们在身份的追寻中各自走向沉沦。

64、Talim made landfall over Fujian and moved inland that afternoon. It degenerated into an area of low pressure the next day. ─── 同日下午,泰利在福建登陆后,进一步移入内陆,翌日减弱为一低压区。

65、He wondered how his life had degenerated into this clawing miasma of raw unfulfilled need. ─── 他不知道如何生活,他已蜕变为这扣瘴原料没有兑现的需要。

66、Hundreds of years of deforestation and over-grazing, exacerbated by China's population increase, has resulted in degenerated ecosystems and poor local economies. ─── 几百年来由于森林砍伐和过度放牧以及人口的增加导致了生态环境的恶化及地方经济落后。

67、Howeer, to our knowledge, the neuropathologic changes in the degenerated disc and surrounding tissues in this model hae not been examined. ─── 但是,就我们目前所致,在这种模型里的退变椎间盘及其周围组织的神经病理改变至今尚未被研究过。

68、The gill development of the amphibians is a complicated process, it is comprised the outside gill period、inside gill period、inside gill degenerated period etc. ─── 两栖类动物鳃的发育是一个复杂的过程,包括外鳃期、内鳃期、内鳃退化等阶段。

69、The man's word-blindness degenerated to a complete aphasia of both speech and writing by the time of his death four years later. ─── 四年后这个男人死的时候,他的诵读困难变成彻底的读写失语症。

70、University of Wuppertal Mo Degen, Head of Knowledge Sharing, Deutsche Telekom;Martin Mangold, Head of Marketing, Design and Strategy, H.P. ─── Zollverein School of Management and Design Essen Germany Business and Design N Y University of Dui[过滤粗俗用语]urg-Essen;

71、Looking ahead to the move, Degen said: "When I received the offer from Liverpool, there was no doubt I would accept it. ─── 对于这次转会,德根说:“当我收到利物浦的邀请后,我没有任何理由拒绝。

72、In our study, the reference alue for each degenerated disc was the signal intensity of the healthiest disc in the same subject. ─── 在我们这项研究中,每个变性椎间盘的参考值是同一受试者的最健康椎间盘的信号强度。

73、Though the degenerated plants possess better boll bearing capacity,but owing to theirsmaller boll size and lower ginning percentage,the yield usually d... ─── 不断地加强人工选择,并改善栽培管理条件,做好棉种管理等工作,是提高棉花良种种性防止“退化”的根本措施。

74、The quality of his writing degenerated as he continued to drink. ─── 他的写作质量随着他的酗喝而变质。

75、Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusadeinto an obsession. ─── 她致力於一伟大事业,但其崇高的奋斗精神已变?食晌?吹目袢?

76、Metal minewaste tailing dumps are a typical degenerated ecosystem. ─── 尾矿废弃地是一种典型的退化生态系统。

77、His health degenerated over the years. ─── 他的健康几年来每况愈下。

78、Almost all existing sceneries have been transformed or degenerated. ─── 几乎所有现存的风景都已异化或变质。

79、FM3 mutant could not produce normal caropses, but could develop abnormal caropses with degenerated pistil and stamens. ─── FM3突变体植株在生殖生长过程中不能分化出正常小穗,其颖花内的雌蕊和雄蕊明显退化。

80、He has degenerated into an alcoholic. ─── 他堕落成酗酒者。

81、Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession. ─── 她致力于一伟大事业,但其崇高的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热。

82、Observation by paraffin section showed that Lipeng No.2 embryo sac mother cells were almost entirely degenerated during megasporogenesis. ─── 切片观察发现,丽??号胚囊母细胞在四核期已完全退化。

83、The authors even review the general theory of relativity and black holes, although by then the book has degenerated into a series of notes. ─── 作者们甚至还回顾了广义相对论和黑洞理论,尽管这样做的结果是将书退化成为一系列的笔记。

84、But replaces along with Muliniao this summer, Kruse degenerated into the borderline person immediately, Yibulaximoweiqi and has become center's main candidate. ─── 但随着穆里尼奥今夏接替,克鲁斯立即沦为边缘人物,伊布拉希莫维奇和成为了中锋的主要人选。

85、The boss has reported no fresh injury concerns after the weekend's match, with only Martin Skrtel and Philipp Degen still sidelined. ─── 周六比赛后球队没有新的伤病情况出现,现在的病号仅有斯科特尔和德根两人。

86、Fig.5 Yellow apex stage,notice that the transfer of degenerated organs between adjacent cells by means of exocytosis. ─── 图5黄梢期,示降解的原生质团以出泡形式在胞间转移和核内核(箭头)。

87、Her health degenerated quickly. ─── 她的健康状况迅速恶化。

88、Philipp Degen today insisted he will prove himself worthy of the Liverpool shirt this season. ─── 今天菲利普-德根强调他将会在这个赛季证明他在利物浦的价值。

89、The florets of mutant showed degenerated lemma and palea. ─── 小穗顶端的颖花经常不能成熟,表现为颖花始终泛白,不能转绿,因此该突变也影响花序分生组织的发育。

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