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thoughtlessness 发音


英:  美:

thoughtlessness 中文意思翻译



thoughtlessness 网络释义

n. 欠考虑;不体贴

thoughtlessness 词性/词形变化,thoughtlessness变形

副词: thoughtlessly |名词: thoughtlessness |

thoughtlessness 反义词


thoughtlessness 同义词

negligence | absent-mindedness | haste | carelessness | insensitivity | tactlessness | foolishness | selfishness | stupidity | recklessness | heedlessness | unthoughtfulness | inconsiderateness | rudeness | unkindness |inconsideration | inattention | impoliteness

thoughtlessness 相似词语短语

1、trustlessness ─── 不信任

2、thriftlessness ─── 节俭

3、houselessness ─── 无家可归

4、thoughtfulness ─── n.体贴;思虑

5、doubtlessness ─── 毫无疑问

6、thoughtless ─── adj.轻率的;欠考虑的;考虑不周的;不顾及他人的

7、hurtlessness ─── 无伤大雅

8、thoughtlessly ─── adv.草率地,轻率的

9、sightlessness ─── 失明

thoughtlessness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thoughtless, prolonged talk; chatter. ─── 喋喋不休愚蠢的、冗长的谈话;唠叨

2、You are thoughtless of your health. ─── 你没有注意自己身体的健康。

3、I hope not so. Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me. ─── 但愿不会如此。我要是在银钱问题上粗心大意,那是不可原谅的。

4、Your father was so thoughtless. ─── 你父亲是那么没有脑筋。

5、He was as thoughtless as he was unkind .A son of Poseidon's,attempting to kidnap his daughter,made the war-god unhappy,so that he killed the youth Without he sitation. ─── 他做事不加思考,就像他的残暴一样典型。波塞冬的一个儿子企图诱拐他的女儿,弄得战神非常不悦。于是,他毫不留情地把他干掉了。

6、Being closer had grown more intimate; but precisely.because of this he sometimes offended her by being too demanding and thoughtless. ─── "既熟惯,则更觉亲密,既亲密,则不免一时有求全之毁,不虞之隙."

7、"I recognise my action was a thoughtless one," he said."But I also have to say I was provoked and attacked. ─── “我认识到了自己的行为是欠考虑的,”他说,“但是我必须要说我是先受到了挑衅和攻击。"

8、"At length I recollected the thoughtless saying of a great princess, who, on being informed that the country people had no bread, replied, ‘Let them eat cake’" (Jean Jacques Rousseau). ─── “终于,我回忆起一位伟大的王后发表的轻率议论,她在被告知乡下人没有面包吃时回答说,‘让他们吃蛋糕吧’” (让·雅克·卢梭)。

9、thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me. ─── 我要是在银钱问题上粗心大意,那是不可原谅的。

10、It is thoughtless of you to do so. ─── 你这样做, 太不懂事。

11、Thoughtless speeches may work great mischief. ─── 不加考虑的言论可能严重时危害人心。

12、The teaching of Christ is all about refusing to accept conventional religious wisdom, which would be easy but thoughtless, and instead steadfastly making one's own moral choices. ─── 基督教义的重要内容是拒绝接受简单而轻率的世俗宗教智慧,相反,应该坚定不移地作出自己的道德选择。

13、He repented his thoughtlessness. ─── 他後悔自己的轻率。

14、Carol: Mike, sometimes you can be so thoughtless in what you say. ─── 卡罗尔:迈克,你说话的时候,请你用用脑子好吗?

15、Do not take his thoughtless idea. ─── 不要听他那考虑不周全(详)的主意!

16、You are thoughtless in speech and always make trouble. ─── 你就是太口快了!总是容易惹事!

17、Every man, even the best, has within him a thoughtless harshness which he reserves for animals. ─── 任何人,即使是最善良的人,对待动物,无意中总还保留一种暴戾之气。

18、The loss of the vase pained the man greatly and he deeply regretted his own thoughtlessness, which brought him this unrecoverable loss. ─── 这件事使富人非常难过,他深深后悔因自己的鲁莽带来的不可挽回的损失。

19、He was indeed a thoughtless, giddy youth, with little sobriety in his manners, and less in his countenance. ─── 他确实是个轻率、浮躁的少年,举止随便,嬉皮笑脸。

20、It's thoughtless of him to say such things. ─── 他说这种话,真是不体谅人。

21、In the sex-war thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male, vindictiveness of the female. ─── 在两性战争中,男人的武器是鲁莽,女人的武器是报复。

22、He can see that I am a touchy, insecure woman and I can see that he is sometimes thoughtless. ─── 在他眼中,我是一个难对付,又没有安全感的女人;有时,在我看来,他又是那么的轻率。

23、How can you be so thoughtless? ─── 你怎么这样不懂事?

24、Call it tacky, rude, maybe even thoughtless, but "regifting" is about as ritualistic as giving away that lump of jellied fruit every year. ─── 到了年底,各类节日接踵而至,办喜事的人也络绎不绝。

25、It was very thoughtless of you to do so. ─── 你这麽做真是非常轻率。

26、But I think Kounan Country in the story has become strange due to being damaged so much by thoughtless people's hands after being taken from the library. ─── 但我认为在这个故事里,红南国会变成这个样子,完全是因为这本书被人从图书馆拿走后,又被没脑子的人严重污损了的缘故。

27、"At length I recollected the thoughtless saying of a great princess, who, on being informed that the country people had no bread, replied, 'Let them eat cake'" (Jean Jacques Rousseau). ─── “终于,我回忆起一位伟大的王后发表的轻率议论,她在被告知乡下人没有面包吃时回答说,‘让他们吃蛋糕吧’”(让·雅克·卢梭)。

28、Her conduct is perfectly scandalous. She makes herself the talk of every place she goes to by her thoughtlessness. ─── 她的行为太不成体统。由于不检点她每到一处都成为众矢之的。

29、Ouch. -See, a lot of guys end up in here during the holidays because they give their wives thoughtless gifts. Like a vacuum cleaner. ─── 哎呀。-你看,很多人在节日期间到这里是因为他们给自己的妻子不体贴的礼物。就像是真空吸尘器。

30、She's more thoughtless than stupid. ─── 与其说她是愚蠢,倒不如说她没有头脑。

31、It is so easy to find suitable emblems that we must wonder at the thoughtlessness that occasionally prevails in our industrial arts with the very extravagant use of expressive decoration. ─── 在充斥着过多表达性修饰的工艺品中,不加思考的现象偶尔会占据主导地位,这样的符号也随处可见,这令我们感到奇怪。

32、He was as thoughtless as he was unkind. ─── 他做事不加思考,就像他的残暴一样典型。

33、At a distance of decades I am staggered by our thoughtlessness in those years. ─── 事隔几十年后,回顾那些年头醉生梦死的状况,着实使我惊愕不已。

34、One who expresses or promotes thoughtless praise; an adulator. ─── 奉承者表示赞扬或不加思索地夸大别人的人;谄媚的人

35、To fill the beautiful peace and quiet of the seaside and lakeshore with the ugly shriek of motor vehicles driven by thoughtless yahoos. ─── 为了填补美丽的和平与宁静的海滨和湖滨的丑恶尖叫的机动车辆驾驶粗心雅虎。

36、He lamented his thoughtless acts. ─── 他非常懊悔自己轻率的举动

37、Yet, as I began to thread the grove that lies before it, I was not so thoughtless but that I slacked my pace and went a trifle warily. ─── 但是,当我走到木寨外的树林里时,我不再那么冒失,而是放慢了脚步,稍微留了点心。

38、She forgave him his thoughtless remark. ─── 她原谅了他说的轻率的话。

39、"Who is that old fool?" asks a thoughtless young man who chances to be passing. ─── “那个老傻瓜是谁?”一个冒失的年轻人偶然从这里经过,这样问道。

40、Often, a large group of people against her thoughtlessness. ─── 往往会得罪一大帮的人,成为众矢之的。

41、It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long. ─── 你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。

42、Popularly, and amongst the thoughtless, it is held to include everything that is printed in a book. ─── 多数人不暇思索便认定,文学涵盖所有印在书中的内容。

43、Thoughtless of others; displaying a lack of consideration. ─── 不考虑别人的不考虑别人的;表现得缺乏体谅的

44、Downy lips make thoughtless slips. ─── 嘴上没毛,办事不牢。

45、Much of what we suffer we have brought on ourselves, if not by actual fault, at least by ignorance or thoughtlessness . ─── 我们的痛苦有许多是自己招惹来的,其原因如果不是出于实际的错误,至少是由于无知或粗心。

46、Strive to seize the initiative in all things, all the time guarding against actions stemming from selfish animosity or thoughtlessness. ─── 三、在任何事中应争取主动。经赏严防受私欲及鲁莽之左右而行事。

47、One of the reasons for this thoughtlessness is the antiquated water distribution scheme introduced by the Communists, which makes water extremely cheap. ─── 其中的原因之一是因为陈旧的水分部方案,使得水费非常便宜。

48、"I hope not so.Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me. ─── “在楼上我妈那儿,马上就会下来。”

49、How could she have been so thoughtless? ─── 她怎么会粗心到这个地步,居然说出那样的话来呢?

50、Prisoner 6. Naked Thoughtfu ulmen ought not to be thoughtless about Naked he drought. ─── 体贴的人不应该对干旱考虑不周。

51、Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark. ─── 只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来。

52、It has happened time and again that such efforts of a great artist to read the old text with entirely fresh eyes have shocked and outraged thoughtless people. ─── 一个伟大的艺术家总是竭力用崭新的眼光来重新解读古老的经文,而这样的事,却一次又一次使那些无知之辈感到震动与愤怒。

53、Don't be so thoughtless of other people. ─── 不要封别人这样不亲切。

54、She didn't agree that she was thoughtless. ─── 她不承认她的轻率。

55、It is thoughtless of her to keep us waiting for so long. ─── 她让我们等这么久,真是太不为别人着想了。

56、Woman, I can hardly express my mixed emotions at my thoughtlessness . After all, I'm forever in your debt. ─── 女人,我很难笼统地表达我复杂的感情。毕竟,我永远都属于你。

57、His heartbroken father wrote,"If only I could tell him how much I regret my thoughtless words, and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is aching. ─── 伤心欲绝的爸爸写道:如果我早告诉他,对于那些无心的话我是多么后悔,他一定会明白我的心有多么痛。

58、Your thoughtless behaviour has caused us all a great deal of distress. ─── 你的轻率行为给我譬大家带来了极大的苦难。

59、the debate turned into thoughtless bickering. ─── 争论变成了欠考虑的争吵。

60、How thoughtless of you! ─── 你多么粗心大意!

61、Maybe it's thoughtless of me. ─── 也许是我粗心了。

62、He is a thoughtless boy and is always making mistakes. ─── 他是个粗心大意的孩子,常常犯错。

63、I have often wondered at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early settlers approached this rich continent . ─── 进入这片富饶大陆的早期定居者野蛮成行,不假思索,时常令我诧异万分。

64、It's quite natural that a boy of nine is thoughtless of future . ─── 九岁的小孩子当然不会考虑到将来的事。

65、It was thoughtless of you to forget your mother's birthday. ─── 你太粗心了,居然连你妈妈的生日也忘了。

66、It was thoughtless of you to eat all the cake and leave none for me. ─── 你把蛋糕都吃了, 一点也不留给我, 这太自私了。

67、With her sister she was much alone, a lone figure in a tossing, thoughtless sea. ─── 和她姐姐在一起,她感到自己就像无情的汹涌大海里的一叶孤舟,孤苦无依。

68、Very often a thoughtless remark may hurt other's feelings or cause a misunderstanding or an embarrassment. ─── 一段欠缺考虑的话往往会伤害到别人的感情,或造成误会甚至尴尬的情况。

69、Was thoughtless of you to forget your mother's birthday. ─── 你太粗心了,居然连你妈妈的生日也忘了。

70、A. Your thoughtlessness has cost your poor mother many sleepless nights. B. Your poor mother has spent many sleep- less nights because of your thoughtlessness. ─── 你的考虑不周使你可怜的母亲许多夜晚都不能成眠。

71、Marked by or paying little heed; unmindful or thoughtless. ─── 不加注意的,掉以轻心的;缺少考虑的,不留神的

72、She didn't dare to do anything thoughtless, otherwise she would lose her second son. ─── 她不敢做任何轻率的事情,否则她将失去第二个儿子。

73、A morning came, and he was missing from work: a few thoughtless people commented on his absence. ─── 一天早晨他旷了工; 几个糊涂蛋还说,他怎么没上班。

74、Rita was casting me as the thoughtless, uncaring philander . ─── 丽塔把我编造成一个做事鲁莽,没同情心的玩女人的男人。

75、Once one accepts the Americans'basically adolescent nature, the rest of their culture falls into place, and what at first seemed thoughtless and silly appears charming and energetic. ─── 一旦你接受了美国人这种基本的青少年天性,对他们的其他文化也就一目了然了。 那些当初看上去欠考虑或者愚蠢的事,现在却变得迷人,而且充满活力。

76、"The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise," says management consultant Marilyn Machlowitz. ─── “最好的领导者都知道冒风险并不是一种鲁莽的行为。”

77、How thoughtless of you to forget my birthday. ─── 你真粗心,连我的生日都忘了。

78、She was just thoughtless,but no mischief. ─── 她只是一根筋,但并无恶意。

79、You are thoughtless of your own safety. ─── 你轻忽你自己的安全。

80、I hope not so. Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me. ─── 但愿不会如此。我要是在银钱问题上粗心大意,那是不可原谅的。

81、In the sex war,thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male,vindictiveness of the female. ─── 在两性战争中,男性的武器是自私,女性的武器则是报复.

82、He accused the child of being thoughtless. ─── 他责怪孩子太粗心。

83、It was thoughtless of you to forget your sister's birthday. ─── 你真粗心, 把你姐姐的生日都给忘了。

84、Very often a thoughtless remark may hurt others' feelings or cause a misunderstanding or an embarrassment. ─── 一次欠缺考虑的话往往会伤害到别人的感情,或造成误会甚至尴尬的情况。

85、But, unfortunately, he marred the good impression by wiping his nose in his gloved hand once or twice out of thoughtlessness. ─── 但遗憾的是,他粗心大意地用戴手套的手擦了一两下鼻子,玷污了自己留下的好印象。

86、Woman I can hardly express My mixed emotions at my thoughtlessness After all I’m forever in your debt And...Power To T... ─── 在线试听推荐添加到下载 Cold Turke... 在线试听推荐添加到下载 Love 在线试听推荐添加到下载 Mind...

87、Once one accepts the Americans'basically adolescent nature,the rest of their culture falls into place,and what at first seemed thoughtless and silly appears charming and energetic. ─── 一旦你接受了美国人这种基本的青少年天性,对他们的其他文化也就一目了然了。那些当初看上去欠考虑或者愚蠢的事,现在却变得迷人,而且充满活力。

88、It was thoughtless of me to do such a thing. It was hasty of me to do so. ─── 做那种事,我也太不小心了。

89、But, unfortunately , he marred the good impression by wiping his nose in his gloved hand once or twice out of thoughtlessness . ─── 但遗憾的是,他粗心大意地用戴手套的手擦了一两下鼻子,玷污了自己留下的好印象。

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