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09-13 投稿



henceforward 发音

英:[?hens?f??rw?rd]  美:[?hens?f??w?d]

英:  美:

henceforward 中文意思翻译



henceforward 网络释义

adv. 今后;从今以后;自此以后

henceforward 反义词


henceforward 同义词

and so | thus | henceforward | forwards |therefore | later | because | from | for this reason | future | on | thence | of | forward | then | or | away | in the future | now | hereafter | this | accordingly | elsewhere | consequently | the | so | from now on | in | henceforth

henceforward 短语词组

1、henceforward the ashes ─── 从此灰烬

2、henceforward rwby ─── 此后rwby

3、henceforward ongoing ─── 从今以后继续

4、henceforward au by kuma ─── 从此,kuma的au

henceforward 相似词语短语

1、thenceforward ─── adv.从那时;此后(等于thenceforwards)

2、henceforwards ─── 从今以后

3、centre-forwards ─── 中锋;中锋区域

4、center forward ─── n.排球,足球,水球,曲棍球队的中前锋

5、thenceforwards ─── 从此以后

6、center forwards ─── n.排球,足球,水球,曲棍球队的中前锋

7、centre forward ─── 中锋;中锋区域

8、centre-forward ─── 中锋;中锋区域

9、centre forwards ─── 中锋;中锋区域

henceforward 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grasp this form and henceforward you will find things much easier to manage ─── 抓住了这个形式,今后的事情好办得多了。

2、"Thou wilt have twice as much love, henceforward, as thy mother alone could give thee! Leap across the brook, and come to us. Thou canst leap like a young deer!" ─── 从今以后,你就不只有你妈妈一个人的爱了,你要得到双倍的爱的!跳过小溪,到我们这儿来。你不是可以象一头小鹿一样地跳嘛!"

3、Henceforward,your life will be changed. ─── 你的人生将会从此改变.

4、Chinese forest products industry developing about henceforward resources, constructions, markets and environment daytime, unfit the demand of future economic construction. ─── 我国的林产工业发展已面临着资源、结构、市场和环境等日趋严峻的挑战,难以适应未来经济建设发展要求。

5、Henceforward, dogs ran right away at the sight of my stone. ─── 从此狗碰到我的石子就逃。

6、Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow. ─── 可是我觉得,从此我就一直徘徊在你的身影里。

7、Their thinking has to shift from experiential pattern to retrospective thinking and,henceforward,the daily " teaching with retrospective thinking". ─── 教会学生思维的前提是教师的思维需要发生改变,从经验性思维走向反思性思维并转化为日常的“反思性教学”。

8、2)I hope in these days we have heard the last of conformity and consistency. Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward. ─── 我希望这些天是我们最后一次听到屈服和顺从。从今以后,这两个词将被历史遗忘,再提到也是荒谬可笑。

9、from now on; henceforward ─── 从此以后

10、henceforward he was more or less a husk. And he half acquiesced, as so many men do, yielding their place to their children ─── 从此他多少成了个没用的空壳,他只得象好多男人一样有点儿认命了,让位给了孩子们。

11、Henceforward, the la-ter generations can gain courage and strength from it for further advancement. ─── 于是你便将它挂于山头,让他们抬头就能看清你的遗愿,继续前进。

12、And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. ─── 太21:111看见路旁有一棵无花果树、就走到跟前、在树上找不着甚么、不过有叶子.就对树说、从今以后、你永不结果子。

13、Henceforward he was more or less a husk . And he half acquiesced , as so many men do , yielding their place to their children . ─── 从此他多少成了个没用的空壳,他只得象好多男人一样有点儿认命了,让位给了孩子们。

14、However, after some intense discussions, the International Astronomical Union held a vote demoting Pluto, which will henceforward be one of three dwarf planets. ─── 不过天文学家联合会经过激烈讨论,二十四日却投票认定,冥王星未达行星标准、应该被降级。

15、henceforward we must march forward as comrades in the great struggle for human freedom ─── 从今以后我们必须在人类争取大自由的斗争中像同志一样一起前进。

16、Illegal Activities of Secondary School Students in Wenzhou, Causes and henceforward Precaution ─── 温州市中专生违法犯罪的成因与预防

17、Henceforward, should any lawless person dare to plot disruption, the Border Region Government and the Rear Headquarters will enforce these regulations to the letter and will accept no plea of ignorance. ─── 倘有不法之徒,胆敢阴谋捣乱,本府本处言出法随,勿谓言之不预。切切。

18、The reason MPs are likely to stay on the straight and narrow is the fact that their claims will henceforward be published online. ─── 议员们可能安分守纪的原因只在于他们的报销申请从此以后要上网公布。

19、I remember that when I left school I said to myself: “Henceforward I can get up when I like and go to bed when I like. ─── 记得离开中学时我曾对自己说:“从今往后,我高兴什么时候起床就什么时候起床,高兴什么时候睡觉就什么时候睡觉。”

20、Henceforward the farm was to be known as "The Manor Farm"-which, he believed, was its correct and original name. ─── 果然如此的话,他们或许已经注意到,过去旗面上画着的白色蹄掌和犄角现在没有了。从今以后那面旗将是全绿的旗。

21、For companies and individuals as much as for governments, deeds will henceforward have to match words. ─── 不论对企业,个人还是政府,从今以后都得言行一致。

22、Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow. ─── 可是我觉得,从此我就一直徘徊在你的身影里。

23、I acquaint you that in co equence of my having taken into partnership with my nephew, C.H., the busine of my establishment will henceforward be conducted under the firm of T.H. &am Nephew. ─── 我已邀内侄C.H.加入我公司为合伙关系,公司业务今后将以T.H.与内侄公司名义进行营业。特此奉告。

24、Minkowski (1908): Henceforward, space on its own and time on its own will decline into mere shadows, and only a kind of union between the two will preserve its independence. ─── 爱恩斯坦于1905年提出狭义相对论.其中一个重要的环节乃是:空间和时间藉着罗伦兹变换融合起来了.

25、19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. ─── 19看见路旁有一棵无花果树、就走到跟前、在树上找不著甚麽、不过有叶子.就对树说、从今以后、你永不结果子。

26、2. Henceforward he was rich and independent and spred the temptation of playing the political game for an office of the loaves and fishes. ─── 此后,他成为富翁并毅然独立,而且摆脱了为谋求肥缺而玩弄政治游戏的诱惑。

27、God's lady dear! Are you so hot? Marry, come up, I trow; is this the poultice for my aching bones? Henceforward do your messages yourself. ─── 嗳哟,圣母娘娘!你这样性急吗?哼!反了反了,这就是你瞧着我筋骨酸痛而替我涂上的药膏吗?以后还是你自己去送信吧。

28、Thou wilt have twice as much love henceforward as thy mother alone could give thee! ─── 从今以后,你就不只有你妈妈一个人的爱了,你要得到双倍的爱的!

29、Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow. ─── 走吧。从此我就觉得一直徘徊在你的身影里。

30、henceforward nothing they have a mind to do will be beyond their reach. ─── 如今他们开始建造城阁,从此他们只要下了决心,就什么事都难不倒他们了。”

31、3 I hope in these days we have heard the last of conformity and consistency. Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward. ─── 我希望现在我们已经是最后一次听到屈服和顺从。从此,这两个词将被扔进历史的垃圾堆,人们再次听说将觉得是无稽之谈。

32、Henceforward in thy shadow. ─── Nevermore 一直在你的身影里。

33、Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward. ─── 从今以后,这两个词将被历史遗忘,再提到也是荒谬可笑。

34、You are shit henceforward in my mind. ─── “从今以后,你什么都不是了,在我心里。”

35、It was not a cheerful feeling to remember that henceforward he was to be severed from all these familiar places ─── 想到他从此和那些熟悉的所在永远分离,心里真是难受。

36、For the manufacturing enterprises developing innovation,NFJDPDM can support with information-integrated technique and probing a way henceforward. ─── 探索中小型制造企业信息化集成的路子,为企业今后的发展、改造提供技术支持。

37、henceforward the task of the world anti-fascist front is to take the offensive against the fascist front and inflict final defeat on fascism ─── 从此以后,世界反法西斯阵线的任务,就是发动对法西斯阵线的进攻,最后地打败法西斯。

38、Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand Henceforward in thy shadow. ─── 走吧。从此我就觉得一直徘徊在你的身影里。

39、Already had I made sure that a rooted and anchored affection had come to me from out the emptiness and nothingness of the world and was to feed my soul henceforward; ─── 我早就确信,从那空虚无聊的人世,我已得到根深蒂固的爱心,并将从此安慰我的心;

40、And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are, and henceforward shall be, free; ─── 为着上述的目的,我利用我的职权,正式命令并宣告在上述诸州以及某些州的上述地区以内所有作为奴录的人现在和今后永远获得自由;

41、"And, since Satan saw fit to steal it, your reverence must needs handle him without gloves henceforward," remarked the old sexton, grimly smiling. ─── “那么,既然撒旦瞅机会偷了它去,阁下您以后就应该不戴手套去对付他了,”那老司役狞笑着说。

42、23 Even all that the LORD hath commanded you by the hand of Moses, from the day that the LORD commanded Moses, and henceforward among your generations; ─── 23就是耶和华藉摩西一切所吩咐你们的,自那日以至你们的世世代代,

43、67. and henceforward by other common institutions of a social and religious character it increasingly consolidated and differentiated itself from the other gentes of the same tribe. ─── 从这时起,这种集团就由于其它共同的社会的和宗教的设施而日益巩固起来,并且与同一部落内的其它氏族区别开来了。

44、Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest. ─── 自此法国和英国有了共同的利益。

45、Even all that the LORD hath commanded you by the hand of Moses, from the day that the LORD commanded Moses, and henceforward among your generations; ─── 就是耶和华藉摩西一切所吩咐你们的,自那日以至你们的世世代代

46、I acquaint you that in consequence of my having taken into partnership with my nephew, C.H., the business of my establishment will henceforward be conducted under the firm of T. ─── 我已邀内侄C.H.加入我公司为合伙关系,公司业务今后将以T.H与内侄公司名义进行营业。

47、I hope in these days we have heard the last of conformity and consistency. Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward. ─── 我希望现在我们已经是最后一次听到屈服和顺从。从此,这两个词将被扔进历史的垃圾堆,人们再次听说将觉得是无稽之谈。

48、Henceforward, the selection of financing method and financing strategy is of crucial importance to solve the problem mentioned above. ─── 因此,融资方式的选择以及融资策略的确定对解决上述问题起到了十分重要的作用。

49、Henceforward Utah and Idaho had a common interest. ─── 此后犹他州和爱达荷州有了一项共同利益。

50、The reason MPs are likely to stay on the straight and narrow is the fact that their claims will henceforward be published online. ─── 议员们可能安分守纪的原因只在于他们的报销申请从此以后要上网公布。

51、Henceforward the historians have many different opinions to its explanation. ─── 自此以后历史学家们就对它的解释有很多不同意见。

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