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09-13 投稿



enunciated 发音

英:[??n?nsie?t?d]  美:[??n?nsie?t?d]

英:  美:

enunciated 中文意思翻译



enunciated 词性/词形变化,enunciated变形

动词第三人称单数: enunciates |形容词: enunciable |动词过去分词: enunciated |名词: enunciation |动词现在分词: enunciating |动词过去式: enunciated |副词: enunciatively |

enunciated 相似词语短语

1、enunciator ─── n.发音者;宣布者

2、enunciate ─── vt.发音;阐明;宣布;vi.阐明;清晰地发音

3、renunciates ─── n.托钵婆罗门僧人(同sannyasi)

4、annunciated ─── vt.告示;通告

5、denunciated ─── vt.谴责;公开指责;公然抨击(等于denounce)

6、denunciate ─── vt.谴责;公开指责;公然抨击(等于denounce)

7、denunciates ─── vt.谴责;公开指责;公然抨击(等于denounce)

8、enunciates ─── vt.发音;阐明;宣布;vi.阐明;清晰地发音

9、renunciate ─── n.托钵婆罗门僧人(同sannyasi)

enunciated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In David Stannard's study American Holocaust, he writes: "had these same words been enunciated by a German leader in 1939, and directed at European Jews, they would be engraved in modern memory. ─── 在David Stannard的美国屠杀历史研究中,他写道 :“假如这些同样的词汇被德国领袖在1939年清晰地阐述并用于欧洲犹太人身上,那么它就会永远镌刻与人类的现代记忆中。

2、He enunciated, quietly, but in something like his usual modulated and faintly histrionic tone ─── 他清晰地说,虽然是轻声的,却依旧是他平时那种抑扬有致,微微带些戏剧性的声调。

3、It was one of those plays in which all the actors unfortunately enunciated very clearly. ─── 这是其中的一出舞台剧,剧中的演员不幸地把他们的角色诠译得太清楚了。

4、In David Stannard‘s study American Holocaust, he writes: had these same words been enunciated by a German leader in 1939, and directed at European Jews, they would be engraved in modern memory. ─── 但是既然他们是由一个美国国父发出的,那么,这些词汇在大部分历史学家坚持不懈地庆祝杰弗逊的智慧和人道中就很方便地失去了。”

5、This truth enunciated by Lenin remains valid today. ─── 列宁所说的这个真理,现在仍然有效。

6、She enunciated each word slowly and carefully. ─── 她每个字都念得又慢又仔细。

7、Connoisseurs know how neatly Morishima has enunciated and generalized this nice result in his non-Marxian writings. ─── 行家们知道森岛通夫在他的非马克思主义著作中多么巧妙的阐明和总结了这个令人高兴的结果。

8、On 26 June 1983 Deng Xiaoping further enunciated the concept of peaceful reunification, stressing that the crucial point was national reunification. ─── 一九八三年六月二十六日,邓小平进一步发挥了关于实现台湾与大陆和平统一的构想,指出,问题的核心是祖国统一。

9、" Queen Jamillia's regal accent of enunciated consonants points to her roots in Naboo's southeastern regions. ─── 贾米莉亚女王清晰发出子音的庄严口音,指出她来自那卜的东南方区域。

10、well articulated or enunciated,and loud enough to be heard distinctly ─── 发音或念字清晰的,并且声音足够大能清楚地听到的

11、He enunciated them clearly. ─── 他对此进行了清晰的阐述。

12、His victory had not been the triumph of policies he had enunciated in great detail. ─── 他的胜利并不是他仔细宣扬的政策的胜利。

13、The doctrine of the divine right of kings was enunciated by the stuarts in Britain in the 16th century. ─── 16世纪英国的斯图亚特王室提出了君权神授。

14、I'll ask you to look at the text of what I enunciated here, in the middle of this year, regarding the choice of love. ─── 我要求诸位参考一下,今年我在这里演说过的有关爱的选择的文本。

15、He enunciated the word and then drank gravely. ─── 他一字一顿地说,然后庄重地品酒。

16、The practices of improving sinter quality conducted by WUGANG in recent years were enunciated in this paper. ─── 阐述了近几年来武钢烧结厂提高烧结矿质量的实践。

17、Under traditional principles as enunciated by Blackstone, Zenger had a right to publish his criticism, but now had to face the consequences. ─── 按照布莱克斯通阐述的传统原则,曾格有权利发表他的批评意见,而现在必须承担其后果。

18、The basic principle on electrical current measurement by electro-thermal conversion was enunciated and a kind of sensor which was made of electric wire and resistance was introduced. ─── 摘要阐述了采用电热转换方法测量电流的基本原理,介绍了利用电热带和热电阻构成的传感器。

19、She enunciated each word slowly and carefully. ─── 她每个字都念得又慢又仔细。

20、But the startling discovery enunciated by a correspondent in the following article is certainly relevant to what should have been in it. ─── 但是本刊一位记者在下面文章中描述的这个惊人发现显然会和该报告的内容相关。

21、well articulated or enunciated, and loud enough to be heard distinctly. ─── 发音或念字清晰的,并且声音足够大能清楚地听到的。

22、voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully. ─── 刺耳的声音小心地一字一句地念着。

23、The French words were finely enunciated. ─── 她进来时正在演一个法国古装戏,

24、Mandelbrot enunciated the uncertainty of the length of a coastline in his paper"How long is the coastline of Britain? ─── 应用分形理论对中国土地空间分形结构及其机制问题进行了有益探讨。

25、"The theory was first enunciated by Pres. Harry Truman, who used it to justify sending U.S. military aid to Greece and Turkey in the late 1940s. " ─── 最早是由杜鲁门总统提出,为其在1940年代向希腊和土耳其提供军事援助辩护。

26、The research protocol should always contain a statement of the ethical considerations involved and should indicate that there is compliance with the principles enunciated in this Declaration. ─── 试验计画书需检附相关伦理考量的声明,并得符合本宣言所揭橥之原则。

27、She enunciated each word slowly for her students. ─── 她把每个字都给学生慢慢念清楚。

28、Piaget was not an educator and never enunciated rules about how to intervene in such situations. ─── 皮雅杰不是一个教育工作者,也从未发表过在这种情况下该怎样处理问题的规则。

29、The leading naturalist, Emile Zola, enunciated the philosophy of the new school ─── 法国主要的自然主义者埃米尔?左拉阐明了这种新流派的基本原理。

30、Finally,the applications of PAn under high pressure were enunciated. ─── 最后,阐述了聚苯胺在高压下的应用。

31、Carl was more than patient, but I'll never forget his slowly enunciated softly spoken mantra to these questions: "Where-is-the-evidence? " ─── 卡尔可不止是有耐心,我永远不会忘记他如念诵咒语一般缓慢而清晰地发问:“证据何在?”

32、He enunciated his theory to his colleagues. ─── 他向他的同事阐述他的理论。

33、These beliefs, first enunciated in 1953, can be traced to several independent prophets, particularly Marcus Garvey. ─── 这一信仰首先于1953年被阐明,可以追溯到数名独立的先知,尤其是贾维。

34、He enunciated his vision of the future. ─── 他阐明了自己对未来的看法。

35、The third part enunciated the meaning and unique charm of this theory from four clues: the love of experience, the attitude of criticism, the praise of life and the style of emotion. ─── 本文第三章从“钟爱体验、批评的态度、礼赞生命力、感情的型”这四条脉络出发详细地阐释了“感情的批评主义”的理论意义和独特魅力。

36、statement is proved, or, it may be, a general truth enunciated. ─── 陈述被证明,或,它可能是,一个一般的事实明确地叙述。

37、His voice, cold and perfectly enunciated, switched them like a birch branch. ─── 他的话口气冰冷,一字一板,有如给了他们劈面一鞭。

38、In so doing. it might be possible to prevent citizenship from becoming but a function of participation enunciated in terms of democratic ideals. ─── 这样做可以避免公民身份成为民主理想所阐述的仅仅起到(是)一个起参与作用(的符号).

39、Carl was more than patient, but I'll never forget his slowly enunciated softle spoken mantra to these questions: “Where-is-the-evidence? ─── 卡尔可不止是有耐心,我永远不会忘记他如念诵咒语一般缓慢而清晰地发问:“证据何在?”

40、Had these same words been enunciated by a German leader in 1939, and directed at European Jews, they would be engraved in modern memory. ─── 假如这等言论被纳粹德国领袖用与阐述他对欧洲犹太人政策的由来,那么它们就会毫无疑问地被时不时地拎出来痛批一顿。

41、The doctrines of Buddha Dhamma stand today, as unaffected by the march of time and the expansion of knowledge as when they were first enunciated. ─── 佛陀的教义,时至今日,仍然像其初时期所宣扬的那样,并没有因时光的流逝和人类知识的扩充而发生变化。

42、It was one of those plays in which all the actors unfortunately enunciated very clearly. ─── 这是其中的一出舞台剧,剧中的演员不幸地把他们的角色诠译得太清楚了。

43、"Myself, obviously. " He enunciated every syllable, as if he were talking to someone mentally handicapped. ─── “很显然,跟我。”他把每个音节都发得很清晰,就好像他在跟某个智障人士对话一样。

44、He quoted Spencer and Malthus, and enunciated the biological law of development. ─── 他引用了斯宾塞和马尔萨斯的话,阐述了生物发展的规律。

45、He enunciated the words very precisely . ─── 他吐字非常清楚.

46、poorly articulated or enunciated, or drowned by noise. ─── 发音或念字不清晰的,或声音被噪声淹没的。

47、While we have known for months that the Fed was targeting asset prices with QE, it really is shocking to hear it enunciated so clearly. ─── 虽然我们早已清楚FED的量化宽松瞄准了资产价格,但听到这点被如此明确地说出来,还是十分令人震惊。

48、You have just enunciated a fundamental financial truth. ─── 你这话真是说出了金融界的一条基本真理。

49、And the applications and prospects of PAn under applied pressure are enunciated. ─── 最后,介绍了聚苯胺在压力作用下的应用及前景。

50、But simple and glaring as it is, when enunciated in abstract expressions the enumeration of the instances in which it has been forgotten would fill a volume. ─── 尽管一旦被公布于抽象的语言,它是简单明了的,但是,一一列举被遗漏的情形或许能写一本书了。

51、3.Such compensation is owed when the application of the criteria enunciated in this Resolution gives rise to serious disequilibria in the apportionment of property and debts. ─── 3.当在这个决定里念的标准的应用在财产和债务的分摊过程中引起严肃的不平衡时,这样的补偿被欠。

52、The philosopher enunciated a new theory. ─── 这位哲学家发表了一个新的理论。

53、His speech was quiet and clearly enunciated with a trace of a southern accent. ─── 他的讲话平和、清晰,明显带着些南方的口音。

54、What, then, is progress? We have just enunciated it; the permanent life of the peoples. ─── 在秩序,即全球性的和平建立之前,在和谐统一普及大地之前,进步总是以革命为驿站的。

55、Secondly, Ricoeur enunciated the theoretical aporetics that Kant's concept of time would face. ─── 其次指出了康德的时间观所面临的理论疑难;

56、The leading naturalist, Emile Zola, enunciated the philosophy of the new school. ─── 法国主要的自然主义者埃米尔·左拉阐明了这种新流派的基本原理。

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