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09-13 投稿


ceremoniously 发音

英:[?ser??m??ni?sli]  美:[?ser??mo?ni?sli]

英:  美:

ceremoniously 中文意思翻译



ceremoniously 反义词


ceremoniously 同义词

ritually |grandly | ceremonially | regally | solemnly | formally | imperiously | majestically

ceremoniously 词性/词形变化,ceremoniously变形

名词: ceremoniousness |副词: ceremoniously |

ceremoniously 短语词组

1、ceremoniously definition ─── 隆重的定义

2、ceremoniously define ─── 隆重地定义

3、ceremoniously antonym ─── 礼节反义词

4、ceremoniously open ─── 隆重开放

5、ceremoniously meaning ─── 礼仪意义

6、ceremoniously vs ceremonially ─── 礼节的

7、ceremoniously means ─── 隆重的手段

ceremoniously 相似词语短语

1、unceremoniously ─── adv.随便地;唐突地

2、ceremonious ─── adj.隆重的;讲究仪式的;正式的

3、harmoniously ─── adv.和谐地;调和地

4、parsimoniously ─── adv.吝啬地;极度俭省地

5、querimoniously ─── 牢骚地

6、calumniously ─── 诽谤地

7、ceremonially ─── adv.礼仪上地,仪式上地

8、ceremoniousness ─── n.礼仪;仪式

9、acrimoniously ─── adv.毒辣地;尖刻地

ceremoniously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I shall now leave ceremoniously. ─── 任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。

2、Pinyin Star ceremoniously released the latest version V6.6, a free version of the software. ─── 拼音之星最新版本V6.6隆重发布,该版本是免费软件。

3、The following day in the evening, they two people change on a few giant Chan Bing rummer comes to cafes, use their tailor-made tankard ceremoniously first. ─── 第二天晚上,他们两人换上几只巨型单柄大酒杯来到酒馆,隆重地首次使用他们的特制大啤酒杯。

4、The inauguration ceremony for the production of Sumika Polymer Compounds (Zhuhai) Ltd was ceremoniously held at the Zhuhai Ocean Spring Resort on December 7th. ─── 珠海住化复合塑料有限公司竣工投产典礼7日在海泉湾度假城隆重举行。

5、Some even brand their fur or carve runes ceremoniously into their flesh. ─── 有的甚至在自己的皮毛上烙下印记或者隆而重之地将如尼刻在自己的肉上。

6、BDC 2005 Ceremoniously Inaugurated in Qingdao ─── BDC2005借啤酒节之光 造博览会之势

7、The main ritual on this day centres around a bonfire ceremoniously kindled at the time of the rising moon. ─── 这一天的主要仪式是,在月亮升起时举行隆重的篝火点燃仪式。

8、Even if Guo Keyu nonfeasance " priority discipline " roll out ceremoniously, we also notice them can easy to doll. ─── 即使是郭柯宇不作为“重点项目”隆重推出,我们也会轻而易举地注重到它们。

9、The boat has saved March clear and bright , peach Li Fang Fei , 2004 Chinese Jiang Yan Qintong meetings opening ceremoniously . ─── 清明三月,桃李芳菲,2004中国姜堰溱潼会船节隆重开幕了。

10、He thanked her ceremoniously. ─── 他郑重其事地感谢了她。

11、place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position ─── 隆重或正式地担任职责或职位

12、When celebrating Zhu Jianguo ceremoniously 50 years around the country, we cherish glad mood, to arms industry broad worker states enthusiastic festival is congratulated! ─── 在举国上下隆重庆祝建国50周年之际,我们怀着欣喜的心情,向兵器工业广大职工表示热烈的节日祝贺!

13、In the first spring of the new century, China's National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference were held ceremoniously. ─── 新世纪第一个春天,海内外瞩目的“两会”隆重召开。

14、On January 6, 2008, "Of dragon send a person " promotion surpasses the first to be performed ceremoniously, numerous youth " Wu Lin " Cai Jun reshipment comes on stage. ─── 2008年1月6日,“龙的传人”晋级赛第一场隆重上演,众多青年“武林”才俊重装登场。

15、present oneself to sb. ceremoniously ─── 大礼参拜

16、place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position. ─── 隆重或正式地担任职责或职位。

17、ceremoniously open ─── 隆重开幕

18、Digital China Research Institute Peking University Inaugural Meeting was held ceremoniously in PKU Hall on Dec.18th and 19th,2004. ─── 2004年12月18-19日,北京大学数字中国研究院成立大会在北大百年讲堂隆重召开。

19、After the deaths of the Fallen champions Bishibosh, Rakanishu, and Colenzo, the Fallen ceremoniously removed their top knots in their honor. ─── 当沉沦魔头领毕须博须、拉卡尼休和卡兰索(注1)都战死之后,沉沦魔们为了纪念它们,都把自己的头发剃掉了。

20、CCTV ad department and federation of Beijing University MBA hold jointly " 2005 " two meetings " forum of delegate Beijing University " hold ceremoniously here. ─── 中央电视台广告部与北京大学 MBA 联合会共同举办的“2005”两会“代表北大论坛”在这里隆重举行。

21、In May 1995, it was ceremoniously blown up by a U. S. demolition firm using over a ton of dynamite. ─── 1995年5月,一家美国拆除公司用了一吨多的黄色炸药隆重地结束了它的役期。

22、Fair of wine of name of first Harbin international is held ceremoniously here. ─── 首届哈尔滨国际名酒交易会在这里隆重召开。

23、In this good time, "21 centuries forum " the conference was held ceremoniously 2005. ─── 在这美好的时节,“21世纪论坛”2005年会议隆重举行。

24、Among certain Native American peoples, to ceremoniously recount one's exploits in battle. ─── 重计战利品在印第安人中隆重地重新计数战利品

25、At glad and joyful day, we are held ceremoniously economy worked 2003 the conference, summary worked 2002, put forward the target of overall 2003 job and train of thought. ─── 值此欣喜欢庆之日,我们隆重召开2003年经济工作会议,总结2002年工作,提出2003年总体工作的目标和思路。

26、lead ceremoniously, as in a procession. ─── 隆重地引导,例如列队。

27、They entered the Palace ceremoniously and Princess rode to the city with her children. ─── 他们隆重地入主了皇宫,在两个孩子的伴随下公主骑马进入城市。

28、Can lade the boat of case of the 6th acting complete works of 8000 standards box " in far Shenzhen " annulus name and head boat ceremony is here to be held ceremoniously. ─── 一次可装载8000标准箱的第6代全集装箱船“中远深圳”轮的命名和首航仪式正在这里隆重举行。

29、Shangri-La hotel, Hangzhou ceremoniously rolled out the red carpet to welcome Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand. ─── 杭州香格里拉饭店举行了隆重的仪式,欢迎远道而来的泰国诗琳通公主。

30、The main ritual on this day centres around a bonfire ceremoniously kindled at the time of the rising moon. ─── 这一天的主要仪式是,在月亮升起时举行隆重的篝火点燃仪式。

31、today, we gather here to ceremoniously ushered in the "capture the extreme early autumn feast dong - polo will be the first member of thanks", we can work together to better tomorrow and meet! ─── 今天我们相聚于此,隆重迎来“风韵极致 初秋盛宴 董氏-欧珀莱首届会员答谢会”,大家一起为明天更美好而相聚!

32、It was ceremoniously brought to the fireplace and lit with the remnants of the log from the previous year. ─── 它被隆重地送到壁炉里,和前一年烧剩下的木料一起点燃。

33、The meeting will begin the following December in Beijing ceremoniously. ─── 大会将于今年十二月在北京隆重开幕。

34、To guide ceremoniously; conduct or usher. ─── 正式地引领;指导或引导

35、Bring out each item at a time, very ceremoniously, even if it is only an old stock cube or a rubbery carrot or such. ─── 慎重其事地一次取出一样食材,即使它只是一个不新鲜的汤块或者一颗像橡胶般的红萝卜。

36、among certain Native American peoples,to ceremoniously recount one's exploits in battle ─── 在印第安人中隆重地重新计数战利品

37、The inauguration ceremony for the new Hengqin Port Joint Inspection Complex Building was ceremoniously held on the morning of December 8th. ─── 横琴口岸新联检大楼落成典礼8日上午隆重举行。

38、This day, construction of development of town of city of this rich that it is Zi struggled the development company of 13 age was held change ceremoniously make hang out one's shingle ceremony. ─── 这天,这家为淄博市城市开发建设奋斗了13个春秋的开发公司举行了隆重的改制挂牌仪式。

39、The First Games of Beijing Archival System is Held Ceremoniously ─── 北京市档案系统第一届运动会隆重举行

40、On September 6, 2007, intel first its competitor AMD, release multichannel ceremoniously product of set of 4 nucleuses processor. ─── 2007年9月6日,英特尔当先其竞争对手AMD,盛大公布多路四核措置器系列产物。

41、Because, the State Council is during the festival, commended ceremoniously model worker of 2969 whole nations and advanced worker. ─── 因为,国务院在节日期间,隆重表彰了2969名全国劳动模范和先进工作者。

42、Even if Guo Keyu nonfeasance " priority discipline " roll out ceremoniously, we also notice them can easy to doly. ─── 即使是郭柯宇不作为“重点项目”隆重推出,我们也会轻而易举地注重到它们。

43、They entered the Palace ceremoniously and Princess rode to the city with her children. ─── 他们隆重地入主了皇宫,在两个孩子的伴随下公主骑马进入城市。

44、Software China fictitious product is developed (VPD) congress " in Beijing village of 9 Mount Hua is held ceremoniously, at the same time congratulatory MSC. ─── Software中国虚拟产品开发(VPD)大会”在北京九华山庄隆重举行,同时庆祝MSC.

45、The design and concept of Eastern Gulf Hotel shows the ocean culture with the argosy profile of the building sailing ceremoniously and the surrounding tropical garden sculpture. ─── 东方海湾大酒店设计概念以海洋文化为主题,整栋酒店像一只杨帆的巨船,配以周边的热带园林雕塑。

46、Conference of countrywide maritime job is held ceremoniously here. ─── 全国海事工作会议在这里隆重召开。

47、I was, however, taken aback when he told me that he had visited Baiyuan Guan and ceremoniously burned the diaries he had been meticulously keeping for 10 years. ─── 但当他告诉我在参观过白云观后便一把火烧了自己悉心保存了10年之久的日记时,我还是被吓了一跳。

48、The boat has saved March clear and bright , peach Li Fang Fei , 2004 Chinese Jiang Yan Qintong meetings opening ceremoniously. ─── 清明三月,桃李芳菲,2004中国姜堰溱潼会船节隆重开幕了。

49、2009 Central China (Hunan) International Agricultural Expo was ceremoniously unveiled on November 18 in the Changsha Red Star International Exhibition Center. ─── 2009中国中部(湖南)国际农博会昨日激情开幕。

50、On April 19th, 2004, Paris Tech Day was ceremoniously celebrated in PKU overseas exchange center. ─── 4月19日,北京大学巴黎高科日在北大对外交流中心隆重举行。

51、Be in this day, in far introduce to among the eddy that is guessed ceremoniously from people by TNT downstage. ─── 就在这一天,中远被TNT隆重地从人们猜测的漩涡当中推上前台。

52、Taste a news briefing newly to go up, the 5 old series of Founder computer 16 kinds of products, the course is brand-new and own development, own make, come on stage ceremoniously. ─── 新品发布会上,方正电脑的5大系列16种产品,经过全新自主开发、自主制造,隆重登场。它标志着方正电脑的产品体系建设已经进入了一个更为成熟、完善、健康的发展新阶段。

53、Today, We gather here to ceremoniously hold “the Chinese Second International Symposium on Mongolian Studies”. ─── 在举世瞩目的北京奥运会和残奥会落下帷幕之际,我们迎来了 “中国第二届蒙古学国际学术研讨会”的召开。

54、On April 25, 2008, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Sanya, Jinmao ceremoniously opens.It reveals the luxurious style to the world. ─── 2008年4月25日-位于中国热带省份海南岛的金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店隆重开幕,向全球展现奢华气派。

55、They ceremoniously cut a piece of ribbon, declaring the exhibition open. ─── 他们隆重地剪彩,宣布展会开幕。

56、CCMT 2008 presents the fifth Chinese numerical control lathe exhibition of four major characteristic CCMT 2008, holds in Beijing ceremoniously on the 21st - the 25th of April. ─── CCMT 2008呈现四大特色CCMT 2008第五届中国数控机床展览会,于4月21-25日在北京隆重召开。

57、Footmen in livery and knee-breeches drew back and replaced the guests'chairs when they sat down, while the major-domo ceremoniously ladled out steaming soup from a silver tureen. ─── 在车身和跟班膝易引起背部和更换了客人的提问时,坐在椅子、而大卫国隆重挟汤蒸出一银瘤胃。

58、Today, all walks of life in Shenyang held public assembly to ceremoniously commemorate this historic date. ─── 今天,沈阳各界人士集会隆重纪念这一历史性的日子。

59、Bring out each item at a time, very ceremoniously, even if it is only an old stock cube or a rubbery carrot or such. ─── 慎重其事地一次取出一样食材,即使它只是一个不新鲜的汤块或者一颗像橡胶般的红萝卜。

60、Place a mat on the table, secure any small children and ceremoniously bring the cauldron to the table and place it in the center.Make sure you have a big ladle. ─── 在桌上铺上垫子,确定所有年幼的小孩子都被妥善照管无虞,慎重地将大釜移到桌中间,确定你有个大汤杓。

61、On May 15th, the first cathedra of MS color series is ceremoniously debuted in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications at 19:00. ─── 5月15日晚19:00,微软色彩系列活动的首场讲座在北邮教三546隆重举办。

62、In second half night of marriage, I and husband come on stage ceremoniously. ─── 在婚姻的后半夜,我和丈夫隆重登场。

63、Ceremoniously decked with the ancient totems of their Tribes, Chiefs uphold the honor and simplicity of Tauren culture. ─── 他们充满尊敬地的背着部落的图腾,维持着牛头人文化的荣誉和淳朴。

64、Mr Quilp first stared her out of countenance and then drank her health ceremoniously ─── 奎尔普先生先是瞪着眼睛望她,使她张惶失措,然后又很礼貌地为她的健康干杯。

65、Dr North ceremoniously raised his glass to offer a toast. ─── 诺思博士彬彬有礼地举杯祝酒。

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