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09-13 投稿



glimpsed 发音

英:[ɡl?mpst]  美:[ɡl?mpst]

英:  美:

glimpsed 中文意思翻译





glimpsed 常用词组

glimpse of ─── 瞥见;一瞥

catch a glimpse of ─── 瞥见

glimpse at ─── v. 看到;瞥见

glimpsed 短语词组

1、fleetingly glimpsed ─── 稍纵即逝

glimpsed 词性/词形变化,glimpsed变形

动词第三人称单数: glimpses |名词: glimpser |动词过去式: glimpsed |动词过去分词: glimpsed |动词现在分词: glimpsing |

glimpsed 同义词

peep at | look at | coup d'oeil | notice | hint | peep | glance at | glint | catch sight of | blink |see | indication | catch | sight | peek | pointer | glance | look | foretaste | sign | of | witness

glimpsed 反义词

stare | gaze

glimpsed 相似词语短语

1、glimpse ─── n.一瞥,一看;vi.瞥见;vt.瞥见

2、glimpses ─── n.一瞥,一看;vi.瞥见;vt.瞥见

3、glimpser ─── n.一瞥,一看(glimpse的变形)

4、glimmered ─── n.微光;闪光;少许;vi.闪烁;发微光

5、glimed ─── n.半明冰,雨雾淞

6、limpsey ─── 林普西。

7、flimped ─── 飞奔

8、glimpsing ─── n.一瞥,一看;vi.瞥见;vt.瞥见

9、limped ─── adj.柔软的,无力的;软弱的;vi.跛行,一拐一拐地走;缓慢费力地前进;n.跛行;n.(Limp)人名;(英)林普

glimpsed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a shadowy figure glimpsed in the twilight ─── 在暮色中闪现出的一个人影.

2、I glimpsed a figure at the end of the passage. ─── 我瞥见过道尽头有个人影。

3、He glimpsed that his boss came into the room. ─── 他瞥见他的老板走进了房间。

4、Turning to the left of me, I glimpsed the quays, the harbor. ─── 我把头转向左方,一眼望见了港口的码头。

5、“But glimps is the best way to save money. ─── ” (但是浮光掠影是最省钱的。)我避重就轻地说。

6、She glimpsed at the headlines. ─── 她浏览了一下标题。

7、We are indeed like ships in the night, just cathing a glimps of one another, and then disapearing from view with only whisper instead of a word. ─── 我们确像夜晚航行的船一样,互相只看到对方的掠影,然后,便从对方的视野中消失了,听到的只不过是只言片语。

8、glimpse [glimps] n. ─── 一瞥,一看;

9、A sunken ship, therefore, can be a rare window through which a moment in time is glimpsed. ─── 因此,每一只沉船便成为我们探视历史的一扇难得的窗户。

10、He only glimpsed at my new bag and said nothing. ─── 他只看了一下我的新包,什么也没说。

11、He glimpsed a gun protruding from the man's pocket. ─── 他瞥见这个人的口袋里伸出来一支枪。

12、He lit a match. The jittery flame leaped up and then died out, but he had glimpsed his watch, which read exactly twelve o'. ─── 他划根火柴,那神经的火焰一跳就熄了,但他已瞥见表上正是十二点钟。

13、I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight. ─── 我刚从人群中瞥见他,可她一下子就消失了。

14、I glimpsed her in the waiting room as I picked up her chart. ─── 在候诊室收表格是我看到了她。

15、I tried hard to be someone I glimpsed, someone who is mysterious or elegant, someone who is intelligent or pure. ─── 我努力尝试着成为我瞥见的一个人,一个神秘或优雅的人,一个聪明或单纯的人。

16、She glimpsed something of what life ought to be about. ─── 她开始领悟到人生应该是怎么回事。

17、I glimpsed her in the crowd. ─── 我在人群中瞥见了她。

18、Belle herself presented a prosperous appearance when glimpsed occasionally in her closed carriage driven by an impudent yellow negro. ─── 如果有人偶尔朝那辆由一名粗鲁的黄种黑人赶着的马车里看上一眼,便会发现贝尔本人也是很阔绰的。

19、Suddenly she glimpsed the truth about her sister. ─── 她突然开始了解到她姐姐的真实情况。

20、Nothing holy has ever been achieved through denial. Yet desires change as even larger realities are glimpsed. ─── 否认从未成就任何圣事。人的渴望随着对真相的了解而改变。

21、But Moneymaker said members of his organization have either glimpsed Bigfoot or gotten close enough to hear the creature in all but three of 30 expeditions in the United States and Canada. ─── 但Moneymaker说,他的这个30人的研究团队中,除了3个人之外,其于人在美国和加拿大各地要么看到过大足野人要么有人在足够近的距离内听到过大足野人活动。

22、He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision. ─── 他斜眼瞥见了点什么。

23、Glimps on Human- Based Management by East Japan Railway Company ─── 东日本铁路公司人本管理一瞥

24、Suddenly she glimpsed the truth about her sister. ─── 她突然开始了解到她姐姐的真实情况。

25、Every joy that you've ever glimpsed is yours to live and to express any time you choose. ─── 你曾瞥见过的每一种欢乐都是由你决定在何时去兑现和表达的。

26、I glimpsed a rat running past. ─── 我看到一只老鼠跑过去了。

27、He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision. ─── 他斜眼瞥见了点什么。

28、He glimpsed at the book. ─── 他看了书一眼。

29、As I sat there sipping my juice, I glimpsed Carlos as he left the restaurant through the side door. ─── 当我坐在那里喝果汁的时候,我瞄见他从旁门离开了饭馆。

30、He glimpsed her as the beautiful girl went by. ─── 当美丽的姑娘走过时他瞥了一眼。

31、The ship that the Jedi take to leave Toydaria is the Thief's Eye, the same vessel briefly glimpsed in "Ambush" and used by King Katuunko. ─── 绝地离开托伊达里亚时搭乘的飞船叫“贼眼号”,这艘飞船在“伏击”中曾短暂露面,由卡图恩科国王使用。

32、Have you ever glimpsed your preexistence? ─── 你是否瞥见过你的前生?

33、Every beauty you've ever imagined is real,and exists in you right now .every joy that you ‘ve ever glimpsed is yours to live and to express any time you choose. ─── 你曾想象过的每一种美都是真实的,它此刻就在你心中,你曾懵见过的每一种欢乐都是由你决定在何时去兑现和表达的.

34、She glimpsed him leaving. ─── 她瞥见他走了。

35、I glimpsed her dress as she went by . ─── 当她走过时,我瞥见了她的衣服。

36、I glimpsed Xiao Wang between the half-drawn curtains. ─── 我从半掩的窗帘缝隙中瞥见了小王。

37、The scene so briefly glimpsed any have had some significance for me that I cannot guess at now. All I know is that my memory retains it, like a fly in amber, to this day. ─── 我在匆促间看到的这一情景,可能已对我产生了某种影响,这种影响目前我还捉摸不清,我清楚的只是它直到今天仍一直留存在我的记忆之中。

38、He was looking at her with none of the concern she'd glimpsed when she opened the door to him. ─── 她给他开门的时候,瞥了他一眼,可是他没有注意到,只顾看她了。

39、I believe in a particle we can the super brilliant universe,also we can find heavenly kimdom in a piece of flower,while you can master unlimits in your hand,then you grasp a glimps of eternal; ─── 我坚信一粒沙子可见宇宙的辉煌,一枝花朵可见人间的天堂,掌握无限于手中,才能瞬间抓住永恒;

40、As the closely serried leaves bent, a tide of opaque emerald could be glimpsed. ─── 叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。

41、only those who have glimpsed the Deathless are members of the ideal Sangha. ─── 只有已瞥见不死者,才是理想僧伽的成员。

42、Every beauty you've ever imagined is real, and exits in you right now. every joy that you've ever glimpsed is yours to live and to express any time you choose. ─── 你曾想象过的每一种美都是真实的,它此刻就在你心中。你曾瞥见过的每一种快乐都是由你决定在何时去兑现和表达的。

43、Over her head, I glimpsed the weirdly unchanged face of a man I used to have nightmares about. ─── 越过她的头顶,我瞥见一个过去令我做噩梦的男人的脸,奇怪的是,这张脸几乎没有变化。

44、I just glimpsed the aeroplane between the clouds. ─── 我从云块的缝隙中瞥见了飞机。

45、He glimpsed at the headlines. ─── 他浏览了一下标题。

46、He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain ─── 他看了一眼我的新表,说买得很上算。

47、I cannot say for certain if there is such a thing as love at first sight, but I do know that the moment I first glimpsed Winnie Nomzamo I wanted her as my wife. ─── 我不敢肯定是否有一见钟情这种事,但当我第一眼瞥见温妮 - 诺姆扎蒙,我就想要她成为我的妻子。

48、He glimpsed the diplomats signing the documents . ─── 他看了一眼正在签文件的外交官们。

49、He glimpsed Sonia, resplendent in a red silk dress. ─── 他瞥了一眼穿着红丝绸礼服、显得光彩照人的索尼亚。

50、Had I been told:'Give her ten Louis and she's yours',I should have refused and wept like a child who sees the castle which he had glimpsed during the night vanish as he wakes. ─── 如果有人对我说:“花上十个路易,您就可以做她的情夫。”我会拒绝的,而且会痛哭一场,就像一个孩子在醒来时发现夜里梦见的宫殿城堡化为乌有一样。

51、I glimpsed a figure passing the window . ─── 我看见了一个人经过窗户。

52、An old man of calm, a ocean of boundless, a glimps of charm, a sanpshot of memory. ─── 一个与世无争的老人,一片无垠无际的蓝海,一个巧然而至的倩影,一个稍纵即逝的回忆。

53、Wonder fills our hearts, for what we have glimpsed, for an instant, the playfulness of life. ─── 奇迹也会因为我们一瞥那生活的美好一瞬而填满我们的心灵。

54、My girls saw firsthand the living truth of Anne of Green Gables "kindred spirits" and glimpsed their mother as a girl. ─── 我女儿们看见第一手资料,家族精神的圣母玛利亚绿色山墙,瞥了母亲一眼,想小孩子。

55、More than 200 species of birds have been sighted in this forest;I glimpsed an amazing yellow-casqued hornbill. ─── 在森林里可以看到200种鸟,我瞥见一只有黄色盔甲的犀鸟。

56、Here is sketched out the idea he returns to in Moby Dick, in the briefly glimpsed yet unforgettable figure of Bulkington. ─── 寥寥几笔,勾画了他在《白鲸》中又提到的那种人物巴金顿,惊鸿一瞥,但使人难忘。

57、I glimpsed at her among the crowd before she disappeared from sight. ─── 就在她即将消失在人群里之前,我瞥见了她。

58、We glimpsed the profile of the church steeple against the last glow of the sunset. ─── 我们瞥见在最后的晚霞的衬托下的教堂尖顶。

59、Eg: I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight. ─── 就在她消失前的一刹那,我在人群中瞥见了她。

60、He glimpsed the despair that she felt. ─── 他突然间理解了她那绝望的感觉。

61、Over the roof of one cottage he glimpsed the bright sun again, but somehow it seemed less enchanting than just a moment ago. ─── 他从一家的屋脊上看过去,又看见了那光明的太阳,可是太阳似乎不像刚才那样可爱了!

62、He glimpsed Sonia, resplendent in a red dress. ─── 他瞥了索尼亚一眼,见她一身红衣,光彩照人。

63、When I first glimpsed the snow-capped peak of Tianshan Mountain visually dominating the Lake, the entire landscape filled me with a feeling of immense awe. ─── 当时没有一个旅游指南或是网页介绍到那里旅游应该准备什么。当我首次从视觉上看见天山被雪覆盖着的山峰时,整个风景使我产生了巨大的敬畏的感觉。

64、In my eyes, the sea is like a window where I get a glimps of its truth. ─── 在我眼里,海是一个窗口,我从中瞥见了世界的本来面目。

65、He glimpsed at a replay of DirkNowitzki’s fateful free throws in the upper right corner, then at an ecstaticPaul Pierce hoisting his very own O’Brien to the far left. ─── 他看到了比赛的重放画面,诺维斯基罚中至关重要的罚球的画面出现在右上方的角落,然后在左方出现了皮尔斯举起属于他的那座沉甸甸的奥布莱恩盃的时那欣喜若狂的画面。

66、Binaadir说:I think Dong has every chance of playing this match and it would be wonderful to see him play and maybe we can see some glimps of his ability as Fergie regards his potential very high. ─── 我想董很有机会打上这场比赛,如果能看到他上场将是一件很棒的事情,那样我们可能看到他能力的一些闪光,别忘了弗格森爵士认为他有很高的潜力。

67、This brilliant, devious duo is glimpsed in a moment of gloating camaraderie, even as Watergate was bringing the presidency down around them. History, Mr. Daliek said, resides in such details. ─── 即使水门案即将搞垮总统宝座,这个场景仍让人一瞥这对聪明、狡猾的拍档自鸣得意,惺惺相惜的一刻。戴利克说,历史就在这些细节中。

68、the driving spray of spume-flakes, the dim outlines of the high bluffs on the other side, glimpsed through the drifting cloud-rack and the slanting veil of rain. ─── 大片随风飞舞的泡沫,以及河对岸高耸的悬崖峭壁的模糊轮廓,都在那飞渡的乱云和斜飘的雨幕中乍隐乍现。

69、He'd glimpsed her through the window as he passed. ─── 他路过时透过窗户瞥见了她。

70、They glimpsed a village through the trees. ─── 他们透过林隙隐约看见一个村庄。

71、I glimpsed her dress as she went by. ─── 当她走过时,我瞥见了她的衣服。

72、I got a glimps of a new map accidentally whn my fishing rod expired in the lagoon. I was kicked out and found myself here. ─── 她被带到一个新地图儅她的钓鱼竿过期的时候,她被踢出然后发现她在这里.

73、I glimpsed a figure when I passed the corridor . ─── 当我经过走廊时,我看见一个人影。

74、She glimpsed something of what life ought to be about. ─── 她开始领悟到人生应该是怎么回事。

75、I glimpsed her among the crowd. ─── 我瞥见她在人群当中。

76、Once or twice under the foothills I glimpsed the mound of a kurgan, broken open like the lips of a volcano ? the burial-place of a tribal chief, perhaps, or the milestone of some lost nomad advance. ─── 在山麓小丘之下,我瞥见了一两个坟头,坟头已经裂开,样子与火山口相仿??也许,它是部落首领的埋葬之地,或者就是某个迷失的游牧开拓者的一座里程碑。

77、Had I been told: 'Give her ten Louis and she's yours', I should have refused and wept like a child who sees the castle which he had glimpsed during the night vanish as he wakes. ─── 如果有人对我说:“花上十个路易,您就可以做她的情夫。” 我会拒绝的,而且会痛哭一场,就像一个孩子在醒来时发现夜里梦见的宫殿城堡化为乌有一样。

78、Only those who are ordained are members of the conventional Sangha; only those who have glimpsed the Deathless are members of the ideal Sangha. ─── 只有出家者,才是常规僧伽的成员;只有已瞥见不死者,才是理想僧伽的成员。

79、He glimpsed the despair that she must have felt. ─── 他无意瞥了一眼,看出了她所感受到的绝望。

80、I glimpsed her among the crowd just now. ─── 我刚才看到她在人群里。

81、Some very large matters are barely glimpsed, whizzing by at terrific speed, while sundry smaller ones are examined in exhaustive detail. ─── 一些非常重大的事件几乎都只是以迅雷不及掩耳之势一笔带过,而一些琐碎事件却以逼真细节加以认真审视。

82、Some of these shouted in languages that he did not know, unless he had glimpsed them in the doctor's ancient books. ─── 有一些声音所使用的语言,他听不懂,他只在大夫那些古老的书籍中看到过一眼。

83、I glimpsed a figure at the end of the corridor. ─── 我瞥见走廊那头有个人影。

84、Every joy that you've ever glimpsed is yours to live and express any time you choose. ─── 你带着目标和真诚生活得越久,你就越能体会到真爱和快乐。

85、He glimpsed at the letter and then threw it impatiently aside. ─── 他看了一眼那封信,不耐烦地把它丢到了一边。

86、His charisma can be glimpsed beneath his lumbering gait and straggly hair, but his delivery is a bit monotone. ─── 他迟缓的步态和凌乱的头发掩盖不了他摄人的感召力,但在他说台词的时候就显得有些黯淡了。

87、We glimpsed the queen as she got into her limousine. ─── 在女王进入她的轿车时,我们看了她一眼。

88、It is enough that they have glimpsed it, that they have been in the same room, that they have made their pilgrimage. ─── 对他们来说,只对这幅画扫过一眼,和它在同一屋子里呆过、朝拜过它,这就足够了。

89、I glimpsed a figure when I passed the corridor. ─── 当我经过走廊时,我看见一个人影。

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