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09-13 投稿



humidness 中文意思翻译



humidness 相似词语短语

1、humpiness ─── 驼背

2、timidness ─── n.羞怯;胆小

3、lucidness ─── n.透明;清澄;易懂;肉眼可见

4、luridness ─── 恐怖

5、tumidness ─── n.肿胀;突出

6、hurriedness ─── 匆忙

7、humanness ─── n.为人,为人的资格;人性

8、mucidness ─── 粘液性

9、horridness ─── n.怕人;讨厌

humidness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Well, spring is rainy and summer is humid and a bit hotter than here. ─── 广州吗,春天天气多雨,夏天潮湿,而且比这里要热一点。

2、In the east,the air is humid in summer. ─── 在东方,夏季空气潮湿。

3、She thought of her humid, stuffy darkroom. ─── 她想起了自己那间闷热潮湿的暗室。

4、Commonly used scramble plant has Chinese ivy, humid euphorbia, honeysuckle, grape, towel gourd to wait. ─── 常用的攀缘植物有常春藤、地锦、金银花、葡萄、丝瓜等。

5、More than 50% guest rooms'bathrooms have divided the dry and humid areas( or have independent dressing room); r. ─── 不少于50%的客房卫生间干湿区分开(或有独立的化妆间);

6、It's too humid today;it's hard to breathe! ─── 今天真闷热, 热得透不过气来!

7、The substrate consists of humid peat. ─── 地层应由湿气重的泥炭土构成。

8、More than 300 types of hydrophytes (waterweeds) grow in Taiwan due to the humid climate and sufficient rainfall. ─── 台湾由于气候潮湿,雨量丰沛,更孕育出超过300种的水生植物。

9、For a small territory, the Nepali landscape is uncommonly diverse, ranging from the humid Terai in the south to the lofty Himalayas in the north. ─── 尼泊尔的疆域虽小,但是地形却多种多样,从南部潮湿的毯帽到北部高耸的喜玛拉雅山。

10、In Calcutta's hot and humid climate,it was easy for them to get sick. ─── 在加尔各答炎热湿润的气候中,他们很容易得病。

11、As far as I know, the summer is hot and humid in Nanjing. ─── 就我所知,南京夏天是又热又闷的。

12、So what happens to the balls when you're playing on a hot, humid day, compared with an evening? What sort of difference is that? ─── 如果在一个潮湿炎热的天气比赛,球和在晚上打会有什么区别?

13、The weather in the southern part of China is wet and humid. ─── 中国南方的气候多雨、潮湿。

14、Never force your dog to run in very hot, humid weather. ─── 不要强迫你的宠物在非常热或者潮湿的天气下奔跑.

15、Keep the atmosphere moist and humid throughout the spring and summer. ─── 在春夏两季都要保持空气湿润。

16、Tuesday hot and humid and mostly sunny, highs around 90. ─── 周二天气湿热,大部分地区晴朗,最高气温90度左右。

17、The hoolock gibbon mainly distributes in the mid-mountain humid evergreen broad-leaved forest. ─── 它们主要分布在中山湿性常绿阔叶林。

18、The climate in the summer is hot and humid . ─── 夏天的天气炎热湿润。

19、Sometimes two crops a year are taken in the humid tropics. ─── 在湿润的热带地区有时一年种两季作物。

20、Taiwan's climate is hot and humid. ─── 台湾的气候又热又湿。

21、Particular oceanic climate ,humid air , put it to be the biggest green tea base of norward. ─── 孕育了北方最大的绿茶基地。

22、She rebuking him gently with reproachful but humid and happy eyes. ─── 她的眼睛喜洋洋。水灵灵的,用恨铁不成钢的眼神温柔地指责他。再次谢谢紫罗兰!

23、It was hot and humid in the Italian city of Verona. ─── 在意大利的维洛那城里,天气既炎热又潮湿。

24、The southern isthmus is always hot and humid. ─── 南部地峡总是炎热和潮湿。

25、The eastern coastal regions of China are warm and humid and have four distinct seasons. ─── 东部温暖湿润,四季分明;

26、From southeast to northwest, including the north subtropical zone to the alpine zone humid, arid climate zone. ─── 从东南到西北包括了北亚热带湿润区到高寒区、干旱区的各种气候类型。

27、More than 80 world leaders are attending today's lavish ceremony on a hot, humid night in the Chinese capital. ─── 80多个世界领导人在高温闷热的夏夜参加了这次盛况空前的开幕式。

28、For the past five days, Beijing has been a soupy caldron of humid, gray skies. ─── 再有不到两个星期,奥运会将在北京召开。但是,北京的天空仍是灰蒙蒙的。

29、Habit: habitat in large areas of paddy fields, high grass or reeds in the thorns and humid Cong. ─── 习性:栖于大面积的稻田、芦苇地或高草丛及湿润的荆棘丛。

30、Much of the planet has a fetid, humid landscape overgrown by forests of bizarre wilderness. ─── 大部分有著恶臭且潮湿的地表都布满了有著奇怪野生动植物的森林。

31、Frankly I have to say that I don't like the weather in my hometown because it's so humid. ─── 坦率的讲,应该说我不喜欢我家乡的气候,因为它太潮湿了。谈论天气。

32、The rest of the year is more humid, cloudier and has more rainstorms, but you can still enjoy a holiday. ─── 剩余之年是更加潮湿, 更加多云的和有更多暴雨, 但您能仍然享受一个假日。

33、There is a positive precipitation anomaly in East Asia due to humid air and more baroclinic disturbance. ─── 在水气多且斜压扰动加强的情况下,东亚沿岸降水的机会就会增加。

34、THE QUESTION of what drove my mother to her desperate act that humid night nearly nine years ago is the second most difficult thing I live with. ─── 将近九年前那个湿热的晚上,我母亲到底为什麽会做出那致命的举动,是另一项让我难以接受的事。

35、Tonight will be cool and humid. ─── 今晚将会凉且溼度高。

36、It's flat, hot and humid while La Paz is high in the Andes mountains, cold and the air thin. ─── 它地势平坦,气候炎热潮湿,而后者则坐落在安第斯山脉上,地势很高,气候寒冷,并且空气稀薄。

37、process for expansion of the stalk silks is the way of high temperature and high humidity by utilizing the passage type of adjusting humidness. ─── 利用调湿通道式高温高湿法对梗丝进行膨胀 ,这是我国卷烟行业中普遍采用的方法 ,但其膨胀率一般只能达到百分之二十几。

38、An unnatural wraith of steam rising to the left in the humid evening is what is making you cough. ─── 在黏糊糊的黄昏中,一缕莫名其妙的蒸汽向左上方冉冉升腾,使你咳嗽起来。

39、Direct sunlight or in humid areas, it is necessary to pay attention to whether or not faded and moldy carpet. ─── 在阳光直接照射或潮湿的地方,要注意地毯是否褪色和发霉。

40、In humid conditions, you will need to run a leaner setting. ─── 在关闭发动机后,把飞轮,以确保活塞底部下止点。

41、I have the blues sometimes when the weather is bad, particularly when it is raining and humid. ─── 尤其下雨天而湿气重的时候,我有时觉得心情不佳。

42、They can be found essentially in swampy regions and humid zones. ─── 他们基本生活在沼泽的区域和潮湿的地域中。

43、It's very hot and humid in the summer. ─── 夏天的时候又热又湿。

44、Deforestation in the humid tropics is probably the best-known current example of rapid land-use change. ─── 在湿润的热带采伐森林,是当前迅速利用土地最显著的例子。

45、The fundamental principle,structure and selection for attachment of a new spray humid tower are introduced. ─── 实践证明,这种新型喷雾增湿塔能较好地应用于水泥生产。

46、It was powerful humid. ─── 天气非常潮湿

47、The above conclusions have been drawn from temperature measurements made in central Europe, in flat areas with a humid climate. ─── 上述结论是根据地形比较平坦,气候比较潮湿的欧洲中部温度测量结果做出的。

48、But in the past two years, Xining of stormwater can have, Very humid air. ─── 可是这两年,西宁的雨水也多了起来,空气非常湿润。”

49、Look for them in the hot, humid days of summer near lakes. ─── 在夏天炎热而又潮湿的日子到湖边寻找它们。

50、The South has hot, humid summers, short winters and long growing season. ─── 南部地区夏季湿热,冬季短,生长季节长。

51、Some 22 percent of degrading land is in very arid to dry-subhumid areas, while 78 percent of it is in humid regions. ─── 从极为干旱到亚湿润的地区,正在退化的土地的比例大约为22%,而78%地处湿润地区。

52、The weather was so hot and humid that we all felt uncomfortable. ─── 天气又热又潮湿,我们都感到很不舒服。

53、Summer in south China is hot and humid. ─── 中国南部的夏天闷热潮湿。

54、The northeastern seaboard has a humid climate. ─── 东北部沿海地带气候潮湿。

55、Ridges occur in humid regions along belts of resistant rocks. ─── 在潮湿地区,山脊沿着耐蚀的石带发育。

56、Study on Health Effects and Contributing Factors of Cold and Humid Environment of Residence in Rural Areas. ─── 农村冷湿住宅的健康效应及成因研究。

57、All you need to do is ensure that you give the new cuttings a safe, moist and humid environment so the roots have time to develop. ─── 只要你是确保你给新剪报夹潮湿、潮湿环境等根部有时间发展。

58、In rain or fog ventilation is not particularly humid environment not construction. ─── 在雨天雾天或特别潮湿不通气的环境中不能施工。

59、The moisture in the air makes it humid today. ─── 今天空气中水气大, 天气很潮湿。

60、Evergreen broadleaved forest is endemic zonal vegetation in humid subtropics of East Asia with varied community types. ─── 常绿阔叶林是东亚湿润亚热带地区特有的地带性植被类型,群落类型多种多样。

61、The foambility,combing,ability of washing,softness and humidness of materials were studied respectively. ─── 对各基体原料和添加剂单独考察其泡沫性、梳理性、洁洗力、柔软性、保湿性等性能特点,筛选优良组份。

62、In humid conditions , it can survive on land for several days. ─── 在潮湿的环境中,攀鲈可于陆地上存活数天。

63、But because St Louis gets very hot and humid, Donald would be soaked with sweat. ─── 但由于圣路易的天气日渐闷热、潮湿,唐纳德总是会捂出一身汗来。

64、If the quills are not to be used immediately after winding, they are usually taken to a room to be conditioned with hot, humid air. ─── 如果卷纬完成之后,纬管纱并不马上使用,通常被送到纬纱室,纬纱室内的温湿度较高

65、Response of Rigid Cellular Plastics to Thermal and Humid Aging, Test Method for (08. ─── 刚性多孔塑料耐热、耐潮和耐老化性的试验方法(08。

66、Summer in Taipei is hot and humid. ─── 台北的夏天闷热潮湿。

67、Its so humid that first timers will feel weak when they step outside of CQ. ─── 初来乍到的外地人离开重庆时会感受有些不适。

68、The air was sticky and humid, and the rain-squalls were unrefreshing.He ached with life. ─── 于是又有了事要办,有了帐要付,有了数不清的记者采访要忍受。

69、Alfisols are mostly found in temperate humid and subhumid regions of the world. ─── 主要发现于一般湿润地区和半湿润地区。

70、He moved about restlessly.The air was sticky and humid, and the rain-squalls were unrefreshing. ─── 他不安的到处行走,空气又黏又湿,暴风雨也无法改变。

71、The hot and humid weather make me sweat. ─── 又热又湿的天气令我流汗。

72、However, because of the three Asia-Pacific and humid, like a monkey to eat fried fritters Elastic, not brittle. ─── 不过由于三亚太潮湿了,油条吃起来像猴皮筋一样,不脆。

73、Most of Germany has a temperate seasonal climate in which humid westerly winds predominate. ─── 大部分的德国有一个季节性的温带气候,以潮湿的西风为主。

74、It's hot and humid in summer. ─── 夏天又热又湿。

75、In the east, the air is humid in summer. ─── 在东方, 夏季空气潮湿。

76、It's very hot and humid in summer. ─── 夏天既热又潮湿。

77、Especially in hot and humid seasons, the wastes will make the air even fouler. ─── 在高温湿重的季节,这些废弃物会使空气变得更加浑浊。

78、However,in hot and humid regions,fears for the risk of condensation on radiant panels limit its market penetration. ─── 但在热湿地区,由于辐射板表面容易结露,使得它在市场上的应用受到极大限制。

79、The south is humid, but the north is dry. ─── 南方湿润,北方则干燥。

80、Karst rocky desertification is a unique kind of land desertification which happens in humid climate area in China. ─── 喀斯特石漠化代表了世界上一个比较独特的荒漠类型,即湿润区石质荒漠化。

81、Can you live with the humid climate here? ─── 你能忍受这潮湿的气候吗?

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