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gibbon 发音

英:['g?b(?)n]  美:['ɡ?b?n]

英:  美:

gibbon 中文意思翻译



gibbon 网络释义

n. [脊椎] 长臂猿n. (Gibbon)人名;(英、葡、匈、塞、巴基)吉本

gibbon 词性/词形变化,gibbon变形


gibbon 短语词组

1、Gibbon's hydrocele ─── [医] 带疝水囊肿

2、Gibbon's hernia ─── [医] 吉本氏疝(全疝水囊肿)

3、Gibbon-Landis tests ─── [医] 吉-兰二氏试验(检外周循环)

4、silvery gibbon ─── 银色长臂猿

5、Edward Gibbon ─── 爱德华·吉本

gibbon 相似词语短语

1、gibbose ─── adj.凸状的;拱起的(等于gibbous)

2、ribbons ─── n.绶带,丝带;带状物(ribbon的复数);v.用缎带装饰;把…撕成碎条(ribbon的第三人称单数)

3、gibbons ─── 吉本斯(Gibbons姓氏);[脊椎]长臂猿(gibbon的名词复数);n.(Gibbons)人名;(英)吉本斯

4、jibbons ─── n.青葱

5、Twibbon ─── 特维本

6、ribbon ─── n.带;缎带;(勋章等的)绶带;带状物;勋表;vi.形成带状;vt.把…撕成条带;用缎带装饰

7、gibbous ─── adj.突起的;[天]凸圆的;驼背的

8、gibbing ─── n.拉销;凹形楔;雄猫;vt.用扁栓固定

9、Gibbon ─── n.[脊椎]长臂猿;n.(Gibbon)人名;(英、葡、匈、塞、巴基)吉本

gibbon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A tiny baby siamang (a type of gibbon) sprawls on his mother's stomach at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida. ─── 一只合趾猴(长臂猿的一种)躺在妈妈的肚子上,好舒服呀!

2、Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) ─── 白眉长臂猿

3、"Every person has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, which he gives himself. --E Gibbon" ─── 每个人都接受两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的来自自己--吉朋

4、The gibbon cries on either shore sounded without stay,While my light boat passed myriads of mountains on its way. ─── 一路上,只听到长江两岸的猿猴不停地啼叫,轻快的船儿转眼间已经过了万重高山。

5、Any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan. ─── 无尾猿,类人猿一种猩猩科大而无尾的东半球灵长目动物,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩、长臂猿和猩猩

6、The gibbon all green with envy ─── 吃醋的长臂猿

7、Gibbons have the longest arms of any primate, relative to body size, according to the FFI species profile about the cao vit gibbon. ─── 根据FFI对东部黑冠长臂猿的资料记载,它是所有灵长类动物中手臂最长的猿类,几乎与其身体一样长。

8、Gibbon's book blames Christianity in part for the fall of the Roman Empire. ─── 吉本在书中将罗马帝国的衰亡部分地归因于基督教。

9、"ape: any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan." ─── 无尾猿,类人猿: 一种猩猩科大而无尾的东半球灵长目动物,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩、长臂猿和猩猩。

10、Gibbon was white, smart and male. ─── 吉本是白人,既聪明,又是男性。

11、Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one , more important, which he gives himself. (Edward Gibbon, British historian) ─── 每个人都受两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的是来自自己。(英国历史学家吉朋E)

12、"My sober mind was no longer intoxicated by the fumes of politics" (Edward Gibbon). ─── “我的严肃的头脑再也不会被政治的烟气所陶醉了” (爱德华·吉本)。

13、Lar gibbon ─── 白掌长臂猿(长臂猿科)


15、Gibbon and Landis test ─── 吉-兰二氏试验:检末梢循环

16、"the increasing hatred, which retarded the execution of his great designs" (Edward Gibbon). ─── “逐渐增长的仇恨,推迟了他的伟大计划的执行” (爱德华·吉本)。

17、The hoolock gibbon mainly distributes in the mid-mountain humid evergreen broad-leaved forest. ─── 它们主要分布在中山湿性常绿阔叶林。

18、A great-grandmother of mine, who was a friend of Gibbon, lived to the age of ninety-two, and to her last day remained a terror to all her descendants. ─── 我的一位曾祖母是吉本的朋友,她活到九十二岁高龄,一直到死,她始终是让子孙们全都感到敬畏的人。

19、Gibbon's catheter ─── 吉本(氏)导尿管

20、A city of western Switzerland on the northern shore of Lake Geneva.Originally a Celtic settlement, Lausanne became a center of Calvinism after the1530's and was home to Voltaire, Gibbon, and Rousseau in the18th century.Population, 126, 200. ─── 洛桑瑞士西部一城市,位于日内瓦湖北岸。最初是一个凯尔特人的住宅区。16世纪30年代后成为一个加尔文教中心。18世纪时伏尔泰、吉朋和卢梭均住于此地。人口126,

21、My sober mind was no longer intoxicated by the fumes of politics(Edward Gibbon. ─── 我的严肃的头脑再也不会被政治的烟气所陶醉了(爱德华 吉本)。

22、Title: Polygynous Mating System and Behavioural Reason of Black Crested Gibbon ( Nomascus concolor jingdongensis ) at Dazhaizi, Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, China ─── 关键词:黑长臂猿景东亚种;群体大小和组成;社会结构;多配制;地方种群;无量山

23、Pileated gibbon ─── n. 戴帽长臂猿

24、The Idea of Roman Jurisprudence by Edward Gibbon ─── 吉本:罗马法理学的观念

25、And when Gibbon had finished the DECLINE AND FALL, he had only a few moments of joy; ─── 另一个比较有名的例子是亚历山大,他因为已没有国家供他征服而号啕大哭。

26、"I was still the slave of education and prejudice" (Edward Gibbon) ─── “我受教育和偏见的影响还是很深”(爱德华·吉本)

27、Vain was that ambition, surely not an ignoble one, to set his name beside those of Gibbon and Mommsen. ─── 他曾想与吉本和蒙森齐名。这雄心无疑是高尚的,然而如今只是一场空。

28、Gibbon's hernia ─── [医] 吉本氏疝(全疝水囊肿)

29、Ubuntu 7.10 - previous stable version, released in October 2007, codenamed Gutsy Gibbon. ─── 以前的成熟版,发表于2007年10月,代号勇敢长臂猿。

30、Vain was that ambition, surely not an ignoble one, to set his name beside those of Gibbon and Mommsen. ─── 他曾想与吉朋和蒙森齐名。 这雄心无疑是高尚的,然而如今只是一场空。

31、any of various large,tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae,including the chimpanzee,gorilla,gibbon,and orangutan ─── 无尾猿,类人猿,一种猩猩科大而无尾的东半球灵长目动物,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩、长臂猿和猩猩

32、Gibbon of course was said to have lived his life in his footnotes. ─── 当然,据说吉本的一生都花在自己的脚注上。

33、With its spectacular locomotion and haunting, bird-like calls, the cao vit gibbon is a real show-stealer. ─── 惊人的移动方式,鸟儿似的鸣叫,东部黑冠长臂猿可以称得上是名副其实的表演家了。”

34、Thousands of sandhill cranes roost on the Platte River during their annual migratory stopover at the Rowe Sanctuary near Gibbon, Nebraska. ─── 年度迁徙途中的数千只沙丘鹤在内布拉斯加州吉本附近的罗保护区停留,栖息在普拉特河上。

35、There is a wax replica of Chang Ta-chien with a stuffed gibbon beside him in the atelier at Maya Abode in Taipei. ─── 位于台北士林的摩耶精舍画室中,有一尊大千先生的蜡像,陪侍在旁的,则是一只猿猴标本。

36、Based on the behavior and motion of gibbon, the basic principle and control target of the simplified two-link gibbon robot is studied. ─── 根据长臂猿的生活习性及其运动特点,本文提出了双摆式仿生长臂猿机器人的基本原理及其控制目标。

37、Gibbon's hydrocele ─── [医] 带疝水囊肿

38、Hoolock gibbon ─── n. 白眉长臂猿

39、Therapy and pathogenic isolation and identification of choronic scours of a gibbon ─── 一例白眉长臂猿慢性腹泻的诊治及病原分离鉴定

40、Every person has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, whch he gives himself. --E Gibbon ─── 每个人都接受两种教育, 一种来自别人,另一种更重要的来自自己。 --吉朋

41、large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web. ─── 产于苏门答腊的大型黑色长臂猿,第二脚趾与第三脚趾之间由蹼部分相连。

42、Kloss's gibbon ─── n. 克氏长臂猿

43、black gibbon bone ─── 猿骨

44、With its spectacular locomotion and haunting, bird-like calls, the cao vit gibbon is a real show-stealer. ─── 惊人的移动方式,鸟儿似的鸣叫,东部黑冠长臂猿可以称得上是名副其实的表演家了。

45、Gibbon's monumental work 'The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire' ─── 吉本的不朽著作《罗马帝国盛衰史》

46、coming generations; a future-day Gibbon of Macaulay. ─── 下一代;即将到来的麦考利的《长臂猿》。

47、a city of western Switzerland on the northern shore of Lake Geneva. Originally a Celtic settlement,Lausanne became a center of Calvinism after the1530's and was home to Voltaire,Gibbon,and Rousseau in the18th century. Population,126,200 ─── 洛桑,瑞士西部一城市,位于日内瓦湖北岸。最初是一个凯尔特人的住宅区。16世纪30年代后成为一个加尔文教中心。18世纪时伏尔泰、吉朋和卢梭均住于此地。人口126,200

48、Churches and altars were polluted by atrocious murders(Edward Gibbon) ─── 教堂和圣坛被凶残的谋杀亵渎了(爱德华 吉本)

49、Along with the Hainan gibbon, the sister species from which it has recently split, the cao vit gibbon is one of the two most endangered apes in the cao vit gibbon world, FFI says. ─── FFI 指出,和海南黑胸长臂猿一样,一种近期才划分出来的姊妹物种,东部黑冠长臂猿是世界上两种极度濒危猿类物种之一。

50、In Gibbon's models, blood dripped over a wire mesh to expose it to oxygen. ─── 在吉彭的机器上,血液滴穿一个金属网,使血液暴露在氧气之中。

51、A tiny baby siamang (a type of gibbon) sprawls on his mother's stomach at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida. ─── 一只合趾猴(长臂猿的一种)躺在妈妈的肚子上,好舒服呀!

52、The first of earthly blessings,independence.-----Edward Gibbon ─── 尘世中最大幸福是自立。--------E.吉朋

53、"We have established community groups on both sides of the border to patrol and protect the gibbon's habitat. ─── “我们在中国和越南两国都建立了社区团队进行巡逻并保护它们的栖息地。

54、" What he means is: history is not necessarily boring, and the great historian of the book is often abundant charm, such as Herodotus, Thucydides, Gibbon and布鲁塔克. ─── 他的意思是:历史不一定是枯燥乏味的,伟大的历史学家的著作常常是意趣盎然的,例如希罗多德、修昔底德、布鲁塔克和吉本。

55、gibbon ape leukemia virus ─── GALV

56、agile gibbon ─── 敏猿

57、Liana was the main media and connection through which hoolock gibbon traveled between arbor forests and shrubs. ─── 藤本植物是白眉长臂猿在乔灌层之间活动的主要交通媒介和连接纽带。

58、Like Gibbon (whose view of the Roman Empire she absolutely contradicts), Simone Weil as a historical writer is tendentious, exhaustive, and infuriatingly certain. ─── 作为一个历史学家,她并不总是处在最佳状态,没有一个从根本上怀疑时代更迭和历史变革的人会从历史学家那里得到令他完全满意的答案。

59、David Grief pulled himself together with a jerk, for he found himself gazing fascinated at the heads of the three men he had left at New Gibbon. ─── 大卫·格里菲周身一振打了个冷战,只见眼前摆着的正是他留在新吉博岛的三个人的人头,他立刻吓呆了。

60、By applying the Lagrange equation and analyzing the postural characteristic of gibbon, the dynamical modeling of the bionic robot is achieved. ─── 根据分析力学中的拉格朗日方程及其分析方法,依据长臂猿的体态特征建立了该仿生机器人的动力学模型。

61、23 Gibbon close, Redhill, Surrey, December 24th, 2006. ─── 吉本院 23号,瑞德西尔,萨瑞,2006.12.24。

62、Gibbon, in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, deplored that the art of printing failed to reach Europe with the importation of silk. ─── 早在公元前四世纪希腊就知道中国是养蚕的国家。而中国人却根本不在乎丝绸卖给谁。

63、Hoolock gibbon depended on and preferred for the tall arbor.Less use of understory by hoolock gibbon was related to homogeneous of vegetation and the lower degree of human disturbance. ─── 白眉长臂猿对高大乔木具有依赖性和选择偏好,对林下竹灌层的选择不高与植被分布均匀和人为干扰强度较小有关。

64、The results of regression analysis showed that liane density and slope were the main factors affecting the habitat use by hoolock gibbon at Datang in spring. ─── 回归检验结果显示,坡度和藤本密度为影响大塘片区白眉长臂猿生境利用的主要因子。

65、Crested gibbon ─── n. 黑长臂猿

66、Ever and anon the stillness is rent by the scream of a gibbon. ─── 寂静不时地被长臂猿的尖叫声划破。

67、Common gibbon ─── n. 白掌长臂猿

68、large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web ─── 产于苏门答腊的大型黑色长臂猿,第二脚趾与第三脚趾之间由蹼部分相连

69、In contrast with their writing, the style of Pope, of Johnson, of Gibbon, looks cold and pedantic.This writing is blood-warm. ─── 我只是试验者,我是个永不停息追索者,在我身后永远不存在‘过去’”。

70、This moment may be for you as it was for Robert Gibbon Johnson in 1820 on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, New Jersey. ─── 也许你也会有这么一刻,要知道罗伯特·吉本·约翰逊1820年站在新泽西塞勒姆县政府大楼台阶上就曾犹豫。

71、"The narrowness of its ecological niche, combined with its ostentatious behavior has, however, helped to precipitate the cao vit gibbon's sharp decline. ─── “狭小的生存环境,爱表现的个性,促使东部黑冠长臂猿的数量急剧下降。

72、Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, which he gives himself. (Edward Gibbon, British historian) ─── 每个人都受两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的是来自自己。(英国历史学家吉朋)

73、The selectivity of geographical space by hoolock gibbon responded requirement for avoiding wind and preferring sunshine. ─── 大塘片区白眉长臂猿对地理空间的选择反应了避风和趋向阳光的需求。

74、" Watch the FFI video below to see and hear the cao vit gibbon. ─── 收看下面FFI关于东部黑冠长臂猿的视频。

75、"Churches and altars were polluted by atrocious murders" (Edward Gibbon) ─── “教堂和圣坛被凶残的谋杀亵渎了”(爱德华·吉本)

76、Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon is a testing version. ─── 10目前还是一个测试版本,请谨慎使用。

77、Graeme Gibbon Brooks, managing director of the British company Dryad Maritime Intelligence Service, said the incident was unlikely to deter attacks. ─── 此前,美国海军发布图片,显示一个降落伞是携带包裹降落在沙特油轮“天狼之星”的甲板上,并说这很有可能是交付赎金。

78、Gray gibbon ─── n. 灰长臂猿

79、ape:Any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan. ─── 猩猩:一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩猩猩属)产于波罗门和苏门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾

80、The vegetation inhabited by hoolock gibbon was homogeneous at Datang region. ─── 在大塘,白眉长臂猿适宜栖息的植被有较高的均匀性。

81、But even before Gibbon the balance of power had shifted. ─── 但即便在吉本的时代之前,力量的平衡便已经开始变化。

82、The habitat loss and illegal hunting are two reasons making the decline of population and individuals of hoolock gibbon. ─── 栖息环境的急剧恶化和人类猎捕是造成白眉长臂猿数量下降的两个主要原因。

83、gibbon, however, is of opinion that theirs was a valid marriage ─── 但是,据吉本看来,这二人的婚姻是经过正当手续的。

84、I was still the slave of education and prejudice(Edward Gibbon) ─── 我受教育和偏见的影响还是很深(爱德华 吉本)

85、The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators. -----Edward Gibbon ─── 天资聪颖但未受教育往往比受教育但无天赋的人更有可能获得荣誉和美德。

86、Gibbon says that he totally destroyed no less than seventy cities in the Balkan peninsula, and Theodosius bought him off by payments of tribute and tried to get rid of him for good by sending secret agents to assassinate him. ─── 吉本说他毁灭的巴尔干半岛城市总共多达70个,狄奥多西向他进贡,以此收买他,并且试图通过派特务去暗杀,永远摆脱他。

87、They have been predicting “the fall of America” for years, in the way that Gibbon described the fall of Rome. ─── 以英国历史学家吉本预言罗马帝国衰落的方式,法国人已经预言美国的衰落很多年了。

88、When one meant gibbon, he thinks of a horse ─── 心猿意马

89、artificial wool gibbon ─── 人造毛长臂猿

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