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09-13 投稿


anticlinal 发音

英:[['?nt?kl?nl]]  美:[['?nt?kl?nl]]

英:  美:

anticlinal 中文意思翻译



anticlinal 短语词组

1、anticlinal fold ─── 背斜, ─── 背斜褶皱

2、anticlinal wall ─── 垂周壁

3、anticlinal zone ─── 背斜带

4、anticlinal mountain ─── 背斜山

5、anticlinal fault ─── 背斜断层

6、anticlinal arch ─── 背斜拱

7、anticlinal spring ─── 背斜泉

8、anticlinal valley ─── 背斜谷

9、anticlinal axis ─── [机] 逆斜轴

10、anticlinal theory ─── 背斜理论

11、anticlinal ridge ─── 背斜山脊

12、anticlinal limb ─── 背斜翼

13、anticlinal vertebra ─── 直棘胸椎

14、anticlinal bend ─── 背斜曲部

15、anticlinal division ─── 垂周分裂

16、anticlinal conformation ─── [化] 反错构象

17、anticlinal trap ─── 背斜圈闭

18、anticlinal dome ─── 背斜隆起

19、anticlinal bowing ─── 背斜突出部

anticlinal 词性/词形变化,anticlinal变形

副词: anticlimactically |形容词: anticlimactic |

anticlinal 同义词

anticlinal 反义词


anticlinal 相似词语短语

1、geanticlinal ─── adj.地背斜的

2、anticlimax ─── n.突降法;虎头蛇尾;令人扫兴的结尾

3、anticlines ─── n.[地质]背斜;背斜层

4、anticolonial ─── adj.反殖民主义的

5、anticling ─── 防斜

6、anaclinal ─── adj.与四周地层反方向下降的;[地质]正倾型的

7、anticyclical ─── 反衰退的;反周期的

8、anticlerical ─── adj.反圣职者的;反对教会干预政治的

9、anticline ─── n.[地质]背斜;背斜层

anticlinal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Spacings between anticlinal crests and synclinal troughs in the member tend to be equal in some series of folds ─── 岩层中的背斜峰和向斜谷之间的距离趋于相等。

2、Keywords Fuyu reservoir;depositional facies;distribution;Changchunling anticlinal zone;Daqing Oil-Field; ─── 扶余油层;沉积相;分布规律;长春岭背斜;大庆油田;

3、An anticlinal fold in which a mobile core, such as salt or gypsum, has pierced through the more brittle overlying rock. ─── 活动的岩蕊在一背斜褶曲内活动的岩蕊(如像盐或石膏)突破了较脆的上覆岩层

4、Keywords Philosophy of petroleum exploration;anticlinal theory;trap theory;petroleum system; ─── 找油思路;背斜理论;圈闭理论;含油气系统;

5、anticlinal meander ─── 背斜河曲

6、The anticlinal wall of a cell is perpendicular to the surface of the plant body. ─── 细胞的垂周壁垂直于植物体的表面。

7、Carbonate and sandstone reservoirs produce oil and gas primarily from anticlinal traps of Pliocene to Pleistocene age. ─── 沙岩和碳酸盐油气藏大约位于上新世到更新世的背斜圈闭中。

8、anticlinal cell division ─── 垂周细胞分裂

9、anticlinal zone ─── 背斜带

10、In cylindrical organs, such as stems and roots, the term radial is often used instead of anticlinal. Compare periclinal. ─── 在圆柱状的器官如茎、根中,通常用“放射状的”这个词来代替“垂周的”。

11、There may exist three patterns for the vacuoles to participate in the formation of anticlinal wall. ─── 参与初始周壁形成的物质可能来源于高尔基体产生的小泡和液泡,而且液泡来源的小泡可能以三种不同的方式参与壁的形成。

12、Keywords Hydrocarbon migration;Inclusion;Illite;Oil-gas reservoiring;Central anticlinal zone;Xihu depression;Donghai; ─── 油气运移;包裹体;伊利石;油气成藏;中央背斜带;西湖凹陷;东海;

13、anticlinal bend ─── 背斜弯曲背斜曲部

14、the anticlinal axis [line, fold, strata, valley] ─── 背斜轴[线, 褶曲, 层, 谷]

15、The epidermis at ventral side of dorsal microphylls and dorsal side of ventral microphylls are similar, which are sub-square or rectangular in shape and straight or sinuolate in anticlinal walls. ─── 背叶腹面与腹叶背面的表皮细胞形态相似,近方形或矩形,垂周壁纹饰平直或浅波浪形。

16、These terms are defined as follows and illustrated with reference to an anticlinal traps,the simplest type. ─── 含有烃类的那部分圈闭的最低点称为溢出点。

17、The complex geologic characters and abnormal high pressure are existed in high dipped and anticlinal structure in the east of Sichuan. ─── 川东地区高陡背斜构造地质情况复杂,井下压力异常。

18、In the same structural belt,mud volcanoes occur in paternoster distribution along trend of the major fault and anticlinal zone. ─── 泥火山构造在地震相上为不连续、弱振幅的空白反射或杂乱反射,呈柱状与围岩不整合接触。

19、anticlinal strata ─── 背斜层

20、anticlinal trap ─── 背斜圈闭

21、A new knowledge of the Shenglicun anticlinal genesis in Dongying sag ─── 东营凹陷胜利村背斜成因新认识

22、Analysis of Secondary Anticlinal Structure to Increase Geologic Reserves ─── 分析次级背斜构造增加地质储量

23、An anticlinal division results in the formation of anticlinal walls between daughter cells, allowing a tissue to increase its circumference. ─── 细胞的垂周分裂导致子细胞间垂周壁的形成,组织因此增加其周长。

24、Keywords Jizhong Depression;transtension;anticlinal mechanism;longitudinal anticlines;transverse anticlines;composite antilines; ─── 冀中坳陷;断裂作用;构造背斜;纵向背斜;横向背斜;复合背斜;

25、The fluvial-delta depositional facies sandbodies is good reservoir, primary types of the gas pool are deep basin gas trap, anticlinal trap and fault block trap.3. ─── 气藏类型主要以深盆气藏、背斜圈闭及断块圈闭气藏为主。

26、The anticlinal wall of epidermic cell looks like waves. ─── 于贝母表皮细胞垂周壁多波状弯曲。

27、anticlinal valley ─── 背斜谷

28、Under the effect of Himalayan orogeny, a series of anticlinal structures were formed and their tops were denuded in a different degree in Quaternary, in eastern Qaidam basin, Northwest China. ─── 柴达木盆地东部在喜马拉雅造山运动的作用下,第四系形成了一系列背斜构造,其顶部受到了不同程度的剥蚀。

29、An anticlinal division results in the formation of anticlinal walls between daughter cells, allowing a tissue to increase its circumference. ─── 细胞的垂周分裂导致子细胞间垂周壁的形成,组织因此增加其周长。

30、anticlinal closure ─── 背斜闭合度

31、Kuang, M.-Y. The variation of the formation thickness and the evolution of the anticlinal structures in the Tiehchenshan gas field, Miaoli, Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 7, 121-132. ─── 关明义(1970)苗栗铁砧山气田地层层厚变化与背斜构造之演变。台湾石油地质,第7号,第121-132页。

32、anticlinal oil-gas field ─── 背斜油气田

33、Characteristics of Waterflooding in Fracture Reservoirs of Wangchang Anticlinal Structure ─── 王场背斜构造裂缝性油藏注水开发特征研究

34、It is shown that the leaf epidermal cells are polygonal or irregular in shape.The patterns of anticlinal walls are straight, sinuous or sinuate. ─── 叶表皮细胞形状有不规则形与多边形,表皮细胞垂周壁有平直、浅波状、波状或深波状。

35、An anticlinal fold in which a mobile core,such as salt or gypsum,has pierced through the more brittle overlying rock. ─── 活动的岩蕊在一背斜褶曲内活动的岩蕊(如像盐或石膏)突破了较脆的上覆岩层

36、The results reveal that the epidermal cells on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces are irregular or polygonal shapes,and their anticlinal walls are mainly straight-arched,scarcely sinuolate; ─── 结果表明:所有材料的上下表皮细胞均为不规则形或多边形,垂周壁主要为平直或拱形,稀有浅波状;

37、anticlinal fault ─── 背斜断层

38、roll-over anticlinal trap ─── 滚卷背斜圈闭

39、Four kinds of ridge like structures, saddle structural lithological ridge, fault lithological ridge, anticlinal lithological ridge and lithological ridge, can be identified from the structural map. ─── 从该构造图上识别出油气向西部斜坡带运移的4种脊状构造,即鞍状构造-岩性脊、断层-岩性脊、背斜-岩性脊和纯岩性脊。


41、anticlinal mount ─── 背斜山

42、anticlinal axis ─── 背斜轴


44、Keywords hydrocarbon migration;inclusion thermometry;authigenic illite dating;oil and gas accumulation;Central Anticlinal Zone;the Xihu Sag;the East China Sea Basin; ─── 油气运移;包裹体测温;自生伊利石测年;油气成藏;中央背斜带;西湖凹陷;东海盆地;

45、The complex geologic characters and abnormal high pressure are existed in high dipped and anticlinal structure in the east of Sichuan. ─── 川东地区高陡背斜构造地质情况复杂,井下压力异常。

46、The core of the anticlinal fold, which is squeezed between faults, underwent intense crushing ─── 背斜褶皱的核部在断层间受到挤压,遭受到很强的破坏。

47、anticlinal wall ─── 垂周壁

48、Central Anticlinal Zone; ─── 中央背斜带;

49、anticlinal flexure ─── 背斜挠曲

50、Anticlinal, faulted and stratigraphic traps are commonly found in the basin. ─── 盆地内的圈闭类型有背斜、断鼻、断块和地层圈闭等,可能发育多套储盖组合。

51、In view of the variation in the dip, here could be a local anticlinal fold. ─── 鉴于倾斜方向的变化,此地可能存在一个局部的背斜褶皱。

52、Central Anticlinal Zone ─── 中央背斜带

53、the anticlinal walls are straight and few appear arched.The upper epidermic cells have cluster crystal. ─── 垂周壁平直,少数弓形,上表皮细胞内含有晶簇。

54、Anticlinal Describing something that is at right angles to a surface. ─── 垂周的:与表面垂直的结构。

55、anticlinal theory ─── 背斜理论

56、anticlinal mountain ─── 背斜山背斜脊

57、The pool types and scales are controlled by oil source sag,regional source-reservoir-cap rock complex,anticlinal structures or fault-blocks and sedimentary facies or sandbody types. ─── 油气藏的类型和规模受控于生油洼陷、区域生储盖组合、背斜构造或早期形成的断块构造以及沉积相带或砂体类型。

58、anticlinal conformation ─── 反错构象

59、Anticlinal belts ─── 背斜构造带

60、anticlinal control ─── 背斜控制

61、The anticlinal wall of a cell is perpendicular to the surface of the plant body. ─── 细胞的垂周壁垂直于植物体的表面。

62、Keywords complicated fault block;hydrocarbon reservoir;seismic interpretation;seismic forward;coherent analysis;central anticlinal belt and Dongying sag; ─── 复杂断块;油气藏;地震解释;地震正演;相干分析;中央背斜带;东营凹陷;

63、the patterns of anticlinal walls are sinuolate or sinuate, and rarely straight; ─── 垂周壁式样多数为浅波形或深波形,少数为平直形。

64、anticlinal fold ─── 背斜褶皱背斜

65、The results show that the shape of leaf epidermal cells are polygonal or irregular, and the anticlinal walls are straight, sinuate or sinuolate. ─── 结果表明,该属植物叶表皮细胞形态(表面观)为多边形和不规则形,垂周壁式样为平直、浅波缘、深波缘;

66、On the basis of the shapes of leaf epidermal cells, patterns of anticlinal walls, types of stomatal apparatus, stomatal index and stomatal size, all examined Lepisorus can be divided into four groups. ─── 瓦韦属不同药用植物在叶表皮细胞的大小、形态、垂周壁式样以及气孔器类型、气孔器大小、气孔指数等特征上存在差异, 据此可以划分为4种类型。

67、Hydrocarbon Accumulation Mode in the Central Anticlinal Zone of Xihu Depression, Donghai Basin ─── 东海西湖凹陷中央背斜带油气成藏模式研究

68、The results showed that leaf epidermal cells were either polygonal or irregular, with straight, arched, or sinuous anticlinal walls. ─── 结果表明,野丁香属植物叶表皮细胞为多边形或不规则形状,垂周壁平直、弓状或波状。

69、anticlinal ridge ─── 背斜岭背斜脊

70、anticlinal spring ─── 背斜泉

71、So far, a great deal of oil and gas have been discovered in the central anticlinal belt, whereas relatively small amount in the south fr... ─── 南缘前锋带和北缘推覆带油气发现较少,勘探潜力还很大,但地质地形等情况复杂,需要配套的相关技术攻关,目前已积累了一定的经验和措施。

72、an anticlinal fold in which a mobile core,such as salt or gypsum,has pierced through the more brittle overlying rock ─── 活动的岩蕊,在一背斜褶曲内活动的岩蕊(如像盐或石膏)突破了较脆的上覆岩层

73、Keywords Chaidamu basin;Sanhu depression;Quaternary period;Anticlinal trap;Forming;Distribution; ─── 柴达木盆地;三湖坳陷;第四纪;背斜圈闭;形成;分布;

74、anticlinal division ─── 垂周分裂

75、The studies show common features among them such as the stomata which is found in the lower epidermis, the wavy anticlinal walls of the epidermmal cells and the cyclocytic stomatal type. ─── 结果表明,其间存在明显共性:表皮构造均为单面气孔式,上下表皮细胞垂周壁皆呈不同程度的波状起伏,气孔器类型皆为环列型。

76、The results show that the anticlinal walls of upper epidermis in Pseudocystopteris and Athyrium are a little thicker and the shape of them is wavilness; ─── 结果显示:假冷蕨属和蹄盖蕨属植物上表皮细胞的垂周壁都有加厚,且多为波浪状;

77、anticlinal bulge ─── 背斜脊的厚度和高程

78、However, the epidermal cells of cotyledons, leaves and sepals were irregular with undulate anticlinal walls. ─── 子叶、叶、花萼和果实上的表皮细胞呈无规则形,垂周壁波形。

79、The main conclusions are as follows: The cells of the upper epidermis are usually polygonal, and the patterns of anticlinal walls are straight or arched, few slightly sinuolate. ─── 结果表明:中国大蒜芥属植物叶上表皮细胞通常为多边形,垂周壁平直或弓形,少有稍浅波状,叶下表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁波状或深波状;

80、anticlinal flank ─── 背斜翼

81、Fulongquan gas field is situated in transition zone between the massif in southeast of Songliao basin and the center depressed area.It is made up of south and north anticlinal high. ─── 伏龙泉气田位于伏龙泉构造带,后者处于松辽盆地东南部隆起区与中央凹陷的过渡带,由南北两个高点组成。

82、anticlinal vertebra ─── 直棘胸椎

83、In addition, the stomata apparatus are ruleless and only distribute on the lower epidermis.On the upper epidermis, anticlinal wall caves in sinuose groove to countercheck the transpiration. ─── 为进一步研究这2种忍冬属植物叶的形态解剖特征,通过光学显微镜观察发现,叶均为异面叶,栅栏组织发达,细胞长柱形;

84、anticlinal river ─── 背斜河

85、An anticlinal fold with a columnar salt plug at its core. ─── 背斜的岩石皱褶,核心部有柱状盐填充。

86、The both surface cells had sinuate anticlinal walls in surface view. ─── 正面观上,上下表皮细胞的细胞壁均呈不同程度的波浪状。

87、oil-gas anticlinal deposit ─── 背斜油气藏

88、The trap type of Carboniferous is con-sidered to be a low-amplitude anticlinal structure overlying the upper part of Ordovician... ─── 石炭系的圈闭类型属披覆于奥陶系上部的低幅度背斜构造。在上述研究基础上,结合沉积相特征提出了石炭系的油水分布模型。

89、(3)The stomata are anisocytic;the shape of the epidermal cells is polygonal,and the anticlinal walls are straight to curved. ─── 分叉蓼组(西伯利亚蓼除外)植物的叶表皮气孔器类型具有高度一致性,说明该组是一个自然类群。

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