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09-13 投稿



scotching 发音

英:[?skɑ?t???]  美:[?sk?t???]

英:  美:

scotching 中文意思翻译




scotching 常用词组

scotch pine ─── [生]苏格兰松树

scotch whisky ─── 苏格兰威士忌酒

scotch tape ─── 透明胶带

scotching 词性/词形变化,scotching变形

scotching 相似词语短语

1、scooching ─── 铲

2、botching ─── vt.糟蹋;拙笨地修补;拙劣地拼凑;vi.拙笨地修补;弄坏某事物;n.难看的补缀;笨拙的修补;笨拙的工作

3、scrootching ─── 偷盗

4、scratching ─── v.划伤;擦伤;刮痕(scratch的ing形式)

5、blotching ─── n.斑点;污点;疙瘩;vt.弄脏

6、scorching ─── adj.灼热的;激烈的;讽刺的;过早硫化的;v.把…烧焦;严厉批评;切割;过早硫化(scorch的ing形式)

7、scutching ─── v.打散整理(纤维织物),打麻,梳打;用掌击(scutch的现在分词)

8、scritching ─── 划伤

9、scrooching ─── v.蜷缩,蹲伏

scotching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The landlord was sceptical and decided to try to trick the man with five-year Scotch. ─── 店主有些将信将疑,决定用5年陈酿的苏格兰酒来耍耍这个家伙。

2、We gave the Smiths a bottle of gin last Christmas, so this year they gave us a bottle of Scotch Whisky to even thing up a bit. ─── 去年圣诞节我们送史密斯家一瓶杜松子酒,因此今年他们给我们一瓶苏格兰威土忌,算是有来有往。

3、It is hoped that the new laws will scotch the snake of dishonesty among members of the government. ─── 大家希望新法律能打击政府人员贪赃枉法。

4、"Scotch" is used only informally. ─── “Scotch”一词仅用作非正式形式。

5、Connie was accustomed to Kensington or the Scotch hills or the Sussex downs: that was her England. ─── 康妮是住惯了根新洞,看惯了苏格兰的小山,和苏色克斯的海岸沙丘的人,那便是她心目中的英格兰

6、A little drop of scotch would be very welcome. ─── 很想来一点儿酒。

7、Man, she is stoned out of her mind on schoolboy scotch! ─── 啊呀,她被葡萄酒醉得不省人事了。

8、OK. Here you are, sir. Scotch with iced water. ─── 好嘞。给您,先生。加冰水的苏格兰威士忌。

9、Flavor characteristics: Apple, pear, citrus, melon, pineapple, peach, butter, honey, vanilla, butter scotch, spice. ─── 口味特征:苹果,生梨,柑橘,甜瓜,凤梨,桃子,黄油,蜂蜜,香草,苏格兰黄油,辣味。

10、It is probably safe to assume that almost any Scotch pine could be crossed with almost any other Scotch pine. ─── 可以有把握地这样设想,几乎任何的苏格兰赤松都能和其他任何的苏格兰赤松杂交。

11、Anyway, there never was any one more Scotch in this wide world. ─── 不管怎样,普天之下没有人比他更像一个苏格兰人了。

12、The lads had spent all evening tanking up on scotch. ─── 小伙子们整晚都在狂饮苏格兰威士忌。

13、"You drink Scotch," she said," All Republicans drink Scotch. ─── “你喝的是苏格兰威士忌,”她说,“共和党人都喝这个。”

14、We gave the Smiths a bottle of gin last Christmas, so this year they gave us a bottle of Scotch to even things up a bit. ─── 去年圣诞节我们送给史密斯家一瓶杜松子酒,今年他们便给我们送了一瓶苏格兰威士忌酒,以使礼尚往来。

15、Two ounces scotch on rock please. ─── 两盎司加冰的苏格兰酒。

16、He mixed himself a mild Scotch and soda. ─── 他给自己调了一杯加苏打水的淡味苏格兰威士忌酒。

17、Have a Scotch! ─── 喝一杯苏格兰威士忌!

18、Well, I think I'll have a scotch. ─── 嗯,我想来一杯苏格兰威士忌酒。

19、What would you like to drink: Lemonade, orangeade or scotch? ─── 你想喝点什么,柠檬汁,甜橙汽水还是苏格兰威士忌?

20、Bimonthly Special: Whiskey and Cigar Order a cigar, and you have the privilege to enjoy a choice of Scotch and Bourbon RMB380. ─── 双月推荐:威士忌和雪茄点一支雪茄,您就可以人民币380元的价格品尝苏格兰或者美国威士忌。

21、Are most Scotch whiskies blended or straight? ─── 大多数苏格兰威士忌都是勾兑的吗?

22、Would you like Scotch, bourbon, Chablis or fruit Juice? ─── 哦,你喝苏格兰威士忌酒、旁、酒、布利白葡萄酒,还是果汁?

23、But I think I'd like some fish,some Scotch salmon please. ─── 不过我想点一份鱼,请给我来一份苏格兰鲑鱼。

24、"It is, Peter," he said, pouring me a massive Scotch in a cut-glass tumbler. ─── “这是的,彼得”,他说着,在一个刻花玻璃杯中给我斟了满满一杯苏格兰威士忌酒。

25、But a Scotch will not do any harm to my health, I believe . ─── 不过,我想来杯威士忌吧。

26、How do you like your scotch,straight up or on the rocks? ─── 您要什么样的威士忌酒,纯酒还是加冰块的?

27、The British embassy in Tokyo had sent over a supply of Scotch whisky and mincemeat pies. ─── 位于东京的英国大使馆给他们送来了苏格兰威士忌和苹果派。

28、A Double Scotch: How Chivas Regal and the Glenlivet Became Global Icons(F. ─── Paul Pacult,)的详细介绍,评论,读后感及网上价格比较。

29、One wine had a huge whiskey style nose with a high alcohol aftertaste, like an aged scotch. ─── 一种闻着有很典型威士忌的葡萄酒拥有一种高酒精余味。

30、A scotch, a screw driver or a martini? ─── 你要苏格兰威士忌酒,还是起子酒或马丁尼酒?

31、He's got a broad Scotch accent. ─── 他说话带有浓重的苏格兰口音。

32、How would you like scotch, with or without ice? ─── 您的苏格兰威士忌要放冰块吗?

33、Have you got any scotch tape ? ─── 你有透明胶带吗?

34、Some officers were buying monkeys for mascots. Big deal! I was saving my money for Scotch and old Granddad. ─── 当时一些军官纷纷购买猴子当作吉祥物。太有意思啰!我却把把钱省下来买(苏格兰)威士忌酒喝,省下来给俺爷爷用。

35、The noun Scots refers to the Scottish dialect of the English language and Scotch is whisky. ─── scots 作名词时,指英语中的苏格兰方言或称苏格兰英语;Scotch则专指苏格兰威士忌.

36、She want some scotch tape, but he have not get any. ─── 她想要一些透明胶带,但他没有。

37、The majority of all Scotch whiskies ? including single malts ? are blended. ─── 大多数苏格兰威士忌,包括纯麦威士忌都是勾兑的。

38、He orders a second Scotch and water. ─── 他又要了一杯兑水的苏格兰威士忌。

39、"A Scotch on the rocks please," he said to the barman. ─── 他对酒吧服务员说:“来杯苏格兰威士忌加冰块”。

40、And how would you like your Scotch,straight or on the rock? ─── 您要的苏格兰威士忌要放冰块吗?

41、If they be accidently dropped onto the ground then there can be some scrape、scotch、 attaint 、even break. ─── 一旦你失手落下,它们可能会少了一角,留下无法挽回的擦痕、刻痕、损坏、甚至破碎。

42、Of course. And I tasted Scotch whisky there. ─── 当然。我还品尝了苏格兰威士忌。

43、One whisky sour and one scotch on the rocks, please. ─── 一分柠檬威士忌和一份加冰块的苏格兰威士忌。

44、He ordered a large double Scotch from the bar man. ─── 他向酒吧服务员要了大杯双人份苏格兰威士忌。

45、He settled into the armchair, agreed that a Scotch on the rocks would be perfect, and lighted a cigarette as his host poured the drink. ─── 他在扶手椅上坐下后说,只要一杯冰浸威士忌就很不错了,在主人给他斟酒时,他自己点燃了一支香烟。

46、In contrast to the cold weather on the day, the students generated a scotching hot atmosphere. ─── 天气虽然很冷,但是一点都没有影响同学们热火朝天的气氛。

47、Mrs. Barlow thanked him and left the court to have a glass of Scotch and describe how she had planned a "kind and gentle " raid in contrast to the ones she saw on television. ─── 巴洛夫人谢过他,离开法庭去喝了一杯苏格兰威士忌,并讲述了她如何策划这次与她在电视上所看到的镜头截然不同的“友好而又温和”的抢劫行动。

48、Oh, it must be very hard. The sun was scotching and you were in a sweat. ─── 哦,一定很辛苦吧。太阳很晒,你满身大汗。

49、Oh, it must be very hard. The sun was scotching and you were in a sweat. ─── 哦,一定很辛苦吧。太阳很晒,你满身大汗。

50、How would you like your Scotch whisky, straight or on the rocks? ─── 您喜欢哪种苏格兰威士忌,纯的还是加冰块的?

51、"It is a gray day." "Yes, but dinna ye see the patch of blue?" --- Scotch Shoemaker. ─── “这是个阴天”“不错,但你难道没有看见也有补丁似的几片蔚蓝的天空吗”?

52、He tossed back the remainder of his scotch. ─── 他一口干掉了剩下的威士忌酒。

53、Typical of the Scotch, Burns had a reputation for being funny and charming. ─── 彭斯是一名典型的苏格兰人,以有趣和有魅力而闻名。

54、"He is not the kind of novelist," says Anthony Burgess, "whom you sit down to with a Scotch or an apple. ─── 安东尼伯吉斯说,“当你们坐下来,伴着苏格兰威士忌或苹果酒时,你就明白他不是那某一种类型的小说家。”

55、Italy was full of fine views and virtually empty of Scotch whiskey. ─── 意大利多的是美景,真正缺的是苏格兰威士忌。

56、Have you get any scotch tape? ─── 你有透明胶带吗?

57、A University of Michigan engineering student died Monday after celebrating his 21st birthday with 20 shots of scotch in 10 minutes. ─── 一位密西根大学的学生,在庆祝自己21岁的派对上,因为在10分钟之内连饮20杯威士忌烈酒而暴毙。

58、Would you like Scotch,bourbon,Chablis or fruit Juice? ─── 你喝苏格兰威士忌酒、波旁、啤酒、卡布利白葡萄酒,还是果汁?

59、She is a Scotchwoman, and speaks with a Scotch accent, and now and then a provincial word drops out so prettily. ─── 她是苏格兰人,说话带苏格兰口音,不时还漏出一个很贴切的方言字眼。

60、Are you sure you will not have a Scotch? ─── 你肯定不要苏格兰威士忌吗?

61、In combination with precision motion control and laser scanning along axle and circular direction, the method can classify and recognize the defects of scotching and flaking on wheel tread. ─── 再结合精密运动控制,以及车轴和圆周方向的快速激光扫描,实现了踏面擦伤和剥离等缺陷参数的分类和识别。

62、Nathan Muir:Scotch, never less than twelve years old. ─── 内森:苏格兰威士忌,不要少于12年的。

63、Just a bottle of scotch and a carton of cigarettes. ─── 只有一瓶苏格兰威士忌和一条香烟。

64、And how would you like your Scotch, straight or on the rock? ─── 您要的苏格兰威士忌要放冰决吗?

65、He took another big swallow of the Scotch, hoping it would revive him. ─── 他又喝了一大口威士忌,想借此提提精神。

66、Ah, come on. Let's have a nightcap together, Scotch? ─── 噢!来吧,我们一起喝一杯睡前酒,威士忌好吗?

67、Ballantines 21 years old is regarded by many as the ultimate in supreme premium Scotch whisky - an understated, classic gift offering. ─── 在苏格兰高级威士忌品牌中,百龄坛21年被视为其中的极品,它蜜糖般的香甜及入口时的香郁醇和,令人回味无穷。

68、UBS said it remained fully committed to investment banking, scotching speculation about the future of the unit. ─── 瑞银表示,将继续全面致力于投资银行业务,这消除了外界对于瑞银该业务未来的猜测。

69、They won't allow us to accept registered parcel post packages sealed with Scotch tape. ─── 不允许我们接收用透明纸胶带封的包裹,

70、How do you like your scotch, straight up or on the rocks? ─── 您要什么样的威士忌酒,纯酒还是加冰块的?

71、How would you like your Scotch, straight or on the rocks? ─── 您喜欢哪一种苏格兰威士忌,纯的还是加冰块的?

72、Scotch is mainly used of certain products such as whisky and broth. ─── Scotch主要用于某些产品,如苏格兰的威士忌和汤.

73、The sun was scotching and you were in a sweat. ─── 太阳很晒,你满身大汗。

74、A most consummate fool, I got myself entrapped into a Scotch marriage. ─── 多年以前当我年轻无知的时候,我有一次非正式的结婚。

75、Title: Study on Cultivation Technique for Good Quality and High Yield of Scotch Spearmint(Mentha cardiaca L. ─── 关键词:苏格兰型留兰香;优质;高产;栽培技术

76、He drank the best part of a bottle of Scotch waiting for her to get home. ─── 在等她回家的那段时间里,他喝了大半瓶苏格兰威士忌酒。

77、Grudgingly, she told me that Granny came of Irish Scotch, and French stock in which Negro blood had somewhere and somehow been infused. ─── 她勉强告诉我说姥姥是爱尔兰、苏格兰、法国血统,黑人的血液不知从什么地方混杂进来。

78、Coil scotch tape to go up in forefinger needle, can stick paillette easily come down. ─── 将透明胶带卷在食指尖上,轻松就可把亮片粘下来。

79、World Pie Championship jury member John Young poses with two scotch pies during the judging of the competition in Dunfermline, Scotland. ─── 全球馅饼竞标赛评选中,评选团成员John Young将两个苏格兰派摆在自己眼睛前。

80、He stands and opens a bureau and pulls out a bottle of scotch. ─── 他站在那里,打开五斗橱,抓起一瓶苏格兰威士忌。

81、Otherwise I would have scotch on the rocks,eh? ─── 否则我就会要威士忌加冰块,对吧?


83、Quickly, I traipsed through the snow to find my hotel and, more importantly, a shot of aged scotch. ─── 很快的,我踏着茫茫大雪去寻找旅馆,我还打算去买一支陈年威士忌。

84、What is a single malt Scotch whisky? ─── 什么是苏格兰纯麦威士忌?

85、She's not the pilchard sort of little slip of a girl, she's a Bonny Scotch trout. ─── 她并不象那瘦小的沙丁,她是动人的苏格兰白鲈鱼。”

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