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09-13 投稿



hoise 发音

英:[[h??z]]  美:[[h??z]]

英:  美:

hoise 中文意思翻译




hoise 相似词语短语

1、house ─── n.住宅;家庭;机构;议会;某种用途的建筑物;vt.覆盖;给…房子住;把…储藏在房内;vi.住;n.(House)人名;(英)豪斯

2、Boise ─── n.博伊西(美国爱达荷州首府)

3、hoised ─── n.升起,提升间;vt.吊起;上升;vi.被举起;升起(等于hoist)

4、poise ─── n.平衡;姿势;镇静;vt.使平衡;保持……姿势;vi.平衡;准备好;悬着;n.(Poise)(法)普瓦斯(人名)

5、hose ─── n.软管;长筒袜;男性穿的紧身裤;vt.用软管浇水;痛打

6、hoist ─── v.升起,吊起;抬高,举起;n.起重机;吊车;升降机;升起,增加;信号旗;旗宽;n.(Hoist)(美、印、英、加)霍伊斯特(人名)

7、noise ─── n.[环境]噪音;响声;杂音;vt.谣传;vi.发出声音;大声议论;n.(Noise)人名;(英)诺伊斯

8、toise ─── n.突阿斯(长度单位,约等于1.95米)

9、horse ─── 马

hoise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Anh oi em dinh khi nao nghi lam thi moi di hoi chac k ton nhieu tien dau , ─── 哥阿,我打算什么时候没去上班才去问,可能不用花很多钱的.

2、Northbound opposite HSBC Centre will continue to be temporarily relocated to Hoi King Street outside HSBC Centre. ─── 丰中心对面的专线小巴站,将继续临时迁往海景街丰中心外面。

3、Whereas Tung Ping Chau, Double Haven, Hoi Ha Wan and Tsim Chau are all popular dive sites, the Ninepin Group is a perfect dive site I visit most frequently. ─── 东平洲、印洲塘、海下湾和尖洲都是著名的潜水好去处,而果洲群岛则是我经常取景的好地方。

4、CNEC Hoi Ta Tong School ─── 中华传道会许大同学校

5、Distribution: Tai Tam Bay, Ho Chung, Hoi Ha Wan, Wu Shek Kok (Sha Tau Kok Sea), Lai Chi Wo, Tung Chung (San Tau), etc. ─── 地理分布:大潭湾、?涌、海下湾、乌石角(沙头角海)、荔枝窝、东涌等地。

6、The results showed walking lowered PR, HOV and HOI, elevated SV, SI, VPE and EWK, but had little effect on CO, CI and LVWI. ─── SV、SI、VPE、EWK升高; 而对于CO、CI、LVWI的影响较小。

7、Besides harassing HOI's students, she exploits every opportunity to humiliate him. ─── 开心鬼教康用爱去感动徐以息她的报复的行为。

8、 双语使用场景

9、Mistaking Dai Hoi's identity as her cousin, Mabel lets him stay with her and her 4 siblings. ─── 在大海眼前的新香港, 新奇无比, 尤如置身外国。

10、Hok Hoi Books Tower ─── 学海书楼


12、It is accessible from Hoi Wong Road. ─── 可由海皇路前往。

13、hoise bucket ─── 提升吊桶, 吊罐

14、The HOI Resolution and HOL Resolution in Horn Set ─── Horn集上的HOI消解与HOL消解

15、Unique tourism resources, humanities, the natural landscape has axiang fu Imperial City, Hoi will Temple, Guo Tongkuangyu city, nine female fairylakea such. ─── 旅游资源得天独厚,人文、自然景观拥有皇城相府、海会寺、郭峪古城、九女仙湖等。

16、d) Realignment of Hoi Yu Street to the north; ─── 把海裕街的路线北移;

17、The man fell from the rooftop of Hoi Lai Estate carpark on November 3.He was sent to Caritas Medical Centre and died later that day. ─── 他11月3日下午约2时30分,被发现从海丽邨停车场天台堕下,被送往明爱医院,当天死亡。

18、All the subscribers must be registered electors of the Hoi Sham constituency. ─── 所有签署人士必须已登记为海心选区的选民。

19、Robert Lau Hoi Chew ─── 刘会洲

20、The realization of Confucian political ideal must depend on political authority and do not deny existent absolute monarchy, on the contrary, Confucianists think that absolute monarchy nourish taking care of hoi polloi' survival and order. ─── 儒家理想的实现并不以否定业已存在的君主的统治为前提,相反,儒家认为君主政治怀有维护民众生存与安宁的实质性目的。

21、The young boy Hoi live next to a cemetery with his grandmother.To him, death is the most natural thing in the world. ─── 小孩阿海与祖母住在坟场旁边,对他来说死亡是很自然的事。

22、604, Chevalier Commercial Center, 8 Wang Hoi Rd., Kowloon Bay, Kln. ─── 办公地址: 中国香港中国香港香港Rm.

23、Hom wa vua thi xong hsk cao cap tuy hoi met chut, nhung vi chup anh dep nen van phai cuoi rat tuoi !hihi! ─── 昨天我考高级汉语hsk,刚考完的时候虽然有点累,但为了照得好我还是笑,像不累的样子一样!

24、Hoi Lok was rescued by a volunteer and brought to the SPCA in the hope that he would find a new home. ─── 可乐是一头被义工拯救的本地短毛猫,在协会已住上了半个年头,您可以给他一个舒适安稳的家吗?

25、hoi polloi ─── n. 民众, 大众

26、Temporary banning of turning movements from Westlands Road to Pan Hoi Street, Quarry Bay ─── 临时禁止车辆于鱼涌华兰路转入滨海街

27、It is accessible from Hoi Fai Road. ─── 可由海辉道前往。

28、Why do you think would the rich, usually so quick to isolate themselves in real life, be so eager to embrace the hoi polloi online? ─── 你认为,那些在现实世界中往往很快把自己隔绝起来的富人为什么会如此热切地投入到网络大众中去?

29、China Merchants said its subsidiary, Hoi Hung, agreed to acquire 64% issued share capital of Hempel-Hai Hong and certain trademarks to Hempel for HK$1.15bn. ─── 中国招商局国际有限公司下属的海虹同意用11.5亿港币收购汉帛-海虹64%的股份和汉帛的一些商标。


32、Hoi Ha Wan is located in the northeastern part of Hong Kong near Sai Kung, and is a sheltered bay of 260ha. ─── 幅员260公顷的海下湾是一个遮蔽海湾,位于香港东北部,邻近西贡。

33、Grant of a permit to operate a light refreshment kiosk at Hoi Sham Park ─── 承投海心公园小食亭的经营许可证

34、Its founder, also know as The Heavenly Kings, includes Terence Yin, Daniel Wu, Andrew Lin Hoi, and Conroy Chan Chi Chung. ─── 其创办人,亦被称为四大天王包括尹子维、吴彦祖、连凯和陈子聪。

35、It is understood that the North Sea Chu Hoi Chu and commercial housing and the housing reform of the Housing popular, one near the MTR and offer Fuk Road overpasses, traffic facilities; ─── 据了解,海珠北和海珠中的商品房和房改房较受欢迎,一来靠近地铁和盘福路立交,交通便利;

36、Tui Min Hoi Market ─── 对面海街市

37、I went from Hoi An to Hanoi and Sapa already and I'm going to Bangkok tomorrow morning by air. ─── 从会安去了河内,沙巴,明天飞去泰国曼谷。请去最新游记。

38、A half-day field study will help participants to understand the dynamics of inter-tidal environment at Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. ─── 半天的考察活动协助参加者了解海下湾海岸公园多变的潮间带环境。

39、11%, 56%, 11% and 22% in the involuted HOI group; ─── 在消退后期组的阳性表达率分别为11%、56%、11%和22%;

40、TWGHS Sun Hoi Directors'College Wu King Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T. ─── 东华三院辛亥年总理中学新界屯门湖景。

41、New Face Series - Ageless Idol (Hoi Chun Kit) ─── 新秀系列之永远的偶像(海俊杰)

42、Other Weifen series is Man Hoi Wong Kung to be in production processes Weifen perfect combination of technology and crafts show results. ─── 幻彩微粉系列是好粤来在功地将微粉生产工艺与幻彩工艺完美结合的科技成果。

43、The design of formwork for Hau Hoi Wan Elevated Approach Bridge,Hongkong-Shenzhen Western Corridor is presented. ─── 介绍港深西部通道后海湾高架引桥的模具设计。

44、But the bigger message was: American justice depends on the welfare of hoi polloi. Jurors are people too and, increasingly, they are the common people. ─── 但此事所传达的更重要信息是:美国的司法公正视普通民众的安康而定。陪审员也是人,而且,他们是普通人。

45、Glut1 can be utilized as a specific marker for HOI to be distinguished from other vascular anomalies. ─── GLUT1可作为HOI同其它血管病变相鉴别的特异性指标。

46、A person who acquires one of these exclusive gems is someone who wishes to set himself apart from the hoi polloi. ─── 无论谁购买这独特宝石都希望自己是不同于普罗大众的。

47、RICH is a kind of tumor composed of hyperplastic capillary endothelial cells, which is different from HOI not only in tissue architexture but also in clinical manifestations. ─── RICH是临床表现和组织结构均与HOI不同的血管内皮细胞增生性肿瘤。

48、,kenning ind. bldg.,19 wang hoi rd. ─── 企业地址: unit 19,12/f.

49、Alumna Yu Hoi Ning, Heidi (CHEM) married Mr. Leung Yau Shing on 13 December 2008, a group of Chemistry alumni attended the banquet to share their happiness. ─── 余海宁校友(化学)于二零零八年十二月十三日与梁祐诚先生共谐连理,一众二零零六年毕业的化学系校友出席当晚的婚宴,与一对新人分享喜悦。

50、Lo Tze Hoi Q. C. Centenary Scholarship ─── 劳子开皇仁书院百周年纪念奖学金

51、kln bay ind ctr.15 wang hoi rd. ─── 企业地址: 3/f rm 15.

52、You may win a Glass-Bottomed Boat Trip to visit the underwater coral community at the Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park! ─── 你更有机会赢取玻璃底船之旅,亲身观赏海下湾海岸公园的海底珊瑚群落。

53、Hoi Luen Environmental Services will employ the proper procedures and apply the correct chemicals to clean your type of carpeting. ─── 我们会用适当的程序和正确的化学品清洁你的地毯。

54、School Year Hoi Ha Wan School Visit Programme Bookings ─── 学年海下湾参观项目

55、The following day, Dai Hoi wandered around Hong Kong alone in search of his father. ─── 大海变为人后,一个人走到香港各处寻找他的爸爸。

56、comparing stomach-shaped obstrution with haelthy ones, the PR, CI, CO, HOI, PP, BLK, MHR, EWK, MSP, increased significantly (p

57、Within the boundary of the existing Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works, Wah Fuk Street, Tui Mun Hoi, Sai Kung. ─── 位于西贡对面海华福街西贡污水处理厂范围内。

58、A good hearted deed gets HOI Sum-kwai (Raymond Wong), the personification of the Happy Ghost, into a series of mishap. ─── 善心的开心鬼化身康森贵(黄百鸣),误将一孕妇送错医院,令过气女歌星徐半香(张曼玉)之鬼魂错过投胎时间。

59、English: A poster announcing Dr. Sun practising medicine in voluntary service at the Jinghu Hospital (Mirror Lake Hospital) in Macao after hois graduation in 1892. ─── 中文:这是孙中山先生在1892年于香港西医书院毕业后,在澳门镜湖医院义诊时的广告。

60、Rt. 6 and Rt. 6A is a good time to diversify routing in order to remain these two bus routes. ah!it seems that KMB cannot enjoy Hoi Lai Estate market. ─── 不过讲起都好笑,运输署反对原因为影响原乘客,但之前又响度建议其中一条缩短唔入尖码,那不是影响原有乘客吗?

61、Fans were delighted to see their heroes riding with the hoi polloi. ─── 拥趸们欣喜的看到他们的英雄们在和大家伙一起骑车。

62、It is understood that in addition to the site registered buyers Fangcun residents, near the businessmen and professional markets Hoi Chu, Lai Wan residents, more white-collar from Tianhe District. ─── 据了解,到现场登记的买家除了芳村居民、附近专业市场的生意人及海珠、荔湾的居民外,更有来自天河区的白领。

63、In order for the legal aid to be activated, Chu Hoi Dick &Ho Loy need to pay a total of $25,000 RIGHT NOW. ─── 为了更有效地令公众了解整个皇后码头保育事件与第三期填海工程的问题,本土行动还需要$5000出版进一步的特刊与海报.

64、Participant were able to identify the animals they have found in Hoi Ha Wan by using the HHW Marine Life Identification chart. ─── 参加者利用海下湾海洋生物卡辨认海下湾的生物。

65、Closure of Coral Beach in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park ─── 关闭海下湾海岸公园珊瑚滩

66、Isachne hoi ─── n. 浙江柳叶箬

67、Hoi Ping Road may be closed. ─── 可能封闭开平道。

68、Keywords Hospital onset of infection(HOI);Fungus;Antibacterials; ─── 关键词院内感染;真菌;抗菌药物;

69、On the other hand, XIAO fights back by making use of TIN's wife CHING YEUK SAM (Chow Hoi Mei) to strengthen his power in the gang. ─── 另一方面,肖打架回到利用锡的妻子程龙跃萨姆(周海美),以加强他的力量在岗。肖最终成为团伙头目,他认为,一切都在控制之中。

70、According to David Choi New World official, that the New World Choi Yat appreciation prospects and living quality of many buyers, inter-Lai Wan, many Milky Way, Yuexiu and Hoi Chu customers. ─── 据逸彩新世界负责人介绍,认同逸彩新世界升值前景及居住品位的买家不少,除荔湾客外,也有很多天河、越秀和海珠的客户。

71、The values of SI,TPR,VPE,HOI and CPP were at normal range when MAP was reduced to sixty percent of basic value. But the value of VPE was lower than normal one and ST segment moved down in ninty percent of patients. ─── 当MAP降至基础值的60%时,SI、TPR、HOI、CPP均达正常范围,但VPE低于正常值,且ECG监测发现有90%病例出现ST段下移。

72、Main actor by Jackie Chan &Sammo Hung.And I like the performance of Mang Hoi ( The friend of Jackie Chan in the movie, the shorter one). ─── 当中更喜欢看孟海的演出(即是常常在成龙旁边出现的朋友,那位较矮的演员)。

73、Schefflera hoi ─── n. 红河鹅掌柴

74、With a mysterious smile: "This is a distance from the Heung Hoi flower. ─── 带着一种神秘的微笑:“这是来自一个远方卖花者的香海。

75、It provides not less than 160 carparking spaces and is accessible from Yuet Hoi Street. ─── 提供不少於160個停车位,可由悅海街前往。

76、2003 Kowloon City District Council Hoi Sham By-election ─── 2003年九龙城区议会海心选区补选

77、The invisible hand of nature created this beautiful sculpture at Hoi Sham Park, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon. ─── 大自然的无形之手,为九龙土瓜湾海心公园留下这座奇异的雕塑。

78、China Guangdong Shunde Hoi Yuen Road tail length on the 28th. ─── 地址佛山市顺德区容桂海尾长源路28号.

79、I'm still in Qui Nhon, but going to Hoi An a day after tommorrow. ─── 仍然在归仁市,后天去会安。加了数篇归仁游记,请去看看。

80、He has received a number of scholarships and awards including the Mak Hoi Hung Music Prize, Barbara Fei Vocal Scholarship, Kong Yue Kau Memorial Scholarship, the S. ─── 先后获得麦海鸿音乐奖、费明仪声乐奖学金、江誉镠纪念奖学金、S.

81、It is of some reference value, and reveals Hoise's concern and intention, to make a comment on it. ─── 对其略作评介,对研究地方史有一定的参考价值,也可见霍西之关注点和用心与意图。

82、Ninja Ra Hoi! ─── 忍者勇士


house英 [ha?s] 美 [ha?s] n.房屋;全家人;(从事某种生意的)公司;(英国)下议院v.给…提供住房;收藏;安置第三人称单数: houses 复数: houses 现在分词: housing 过去式: housed 过去分词: housedhouses英 [?ha?z?z] n.住宅( house的名词复数 );议院;(从事某种生意的)公司;(英国)下议院


house英 [ha?s] 美 [ha?s] n.房屋;全家人;(从事某种生意的)公司;(英国)下议院v.给…提供住房;收藏;安置第三人称单数: houses 复数: houses 现在分词: housing 过去式: housed 过去分词: housedhouses英 [?ha?z?z] n.住宅( house的名词复数 );议院;(从事某种生意的)公司;(英国)下议院

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