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09-16 投稿



schelling 发音


英:  美:

schelling 中文意思翻译




schelling 相似词语短语

1、shelling ─── n.炮击,炮轰;v.炮击;剥壳,脱壳,脱粒(shell的现在分词)

2、Schelling ─── n.先令(古代低地国家如荷兰、比利时、卢森堡等国的银币或合金币);n.(Schelling)人名;(德)舍林;(英)谢林

3、scheduling ─── n.时序安排,行程安排;v.把…列入计划;为…制定时间表(schedule的现在分词)

4、-celling ─── n.细胞的产生和形成

5、schillings ─── n.先令(奥地利的货币单位);n.(Schilling)人名;(德、匈)席林

6、celling ─── n.细胞的产生和形成

7、schilling ─── n.先令(奥地利的货币单位);n.(Schilling)人名;(德、匈)席林

8、scheming ─── adj.腹黑

9、schellies ─── 舍利

schelling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There was this kid at the VR studios way back when, and you didn't have to spend very long in Jesse Schell's orbit to go, the force is strong in this one. ─── 很早以前,你在虚拟现实工作室的这个年轻人,杰西.谢尔,身边呆一会儿,就会觉得,天命非他莫属。

2、Mister Schelling also used game theory to show how people become divided by race. ─── 先生还运用博弈论来显示人们是如何被种族而分割的。

3、Schelling had spent years trying to kick his tobacco addiction. ─── 谢林试图戒除烟瘾已经有多年时间了。

4、The researches, of conflict by Schelling and of cooperation by Aumann, provide a basic analytic framement for political science, economics, sociology, science of military affairs and so on. ─── 谢林对冲突的研究以及奥曼对合作的研究,为人们研究政治学、经济学、社会学、军事科学等提供了一个基本的分析框架。

5、This article focuses on the study and collation of the philosophical basis, the inte rnal expression, meaning and result of Schelling's conception of tragedy. ─── 谢林的悲剧审美观认为,全部悲剧艺术的基础是隐蔽的历史必然性对人类自由的干预。

6、The differentiation in the constitution of philosophy furnished by this critique reflects Schelling’s experience of thought concerning the crisis and the inner differentiation of metaphysics. ─── 具体效果是澄清消极哲学与积极哲学的差别,反映出谢林对于形上学内部的危机与差异化的思想经验。

7、Damon Schell: In the past, maybe we've been known as Honda-plus, so we are really trying to get a character that makes Acura bold and aggressive. ─── 达蒙夏伟:在过去,也许我们已经知道,本田多,所以我们真的是想一个字符,使阿库拉大胆和积极的。

8、Captain Hanson (Schell) of the Batavia Queen embarks on a perilous search for sunken treasure off the island of Krakatoa. ─── 巴达维亚皇后号的汉森船长(谢尔)正前往喀拉喀托岛进行一次危险的勘探,只为找出沉没的金银财宝。

9、After reading Schelling and other idealists, he found a way to criticise the over mechanical view of the Enlightenment. ─── 在阅读过谢林和其他唯心主义者之后,他发现了一种批判以往启蒙运动的机械观点的方法。

10、Similarly, Thomas Schelling once said that he would be willing to pay extra in advance for a hotel room without a television in it. ─── 类似地,托马斯·谢林曾说他愿意为一个没有电视的房间预付额外的费用。

11、Thomas Schelling and Robert Aumann will share the Nobel Prize in economics this year. ─── 今年将由T和R共享诺贝尔经济学奖。

12、A Modern Interpretation of Schelling's Humanitarian Mythological Perspective ─── 谢林人本主义神话观的当代阐释

13、Hollywood creature designer Jordu Schell is back to show us how to sculpt a 1:1 scale monster bust. ─── 好莱坞人物造型设计师-展示制作1:1怪物模式方法!

14、Outside the geo-political sphere, Mr Schelling also found that people tended to co-operate more readily than a group of them behaving purely rationally would. ─── 在地缘政治领域之外,谢林先生还发现,人通常都是愿意合作的,但当他们在一个团队中完全依理性行事时,则不那么容易合作。

15、Contributions to Game Theory by Aumann and Schelling ─── 奥曼与谢林对博弈论的贡献

16、For instance Hegel、Schelling、Fichte and later New Kanteism. ─── 比如黑格尔、谢林、费希特和后来的新康德主义。

17、It is decided that intellectual intuition is possible because of re-recognizing of nature which is by Schelling. ─── 而沿着这条线索,我们就建立起从自我到自然再到艺术最后复归于人的联系。

18、But "it is doubtful that any one single event, no matter how global,iconic and well-executed, can succeed in healing such deep historicalwounds," Schell added. ─── 但“任何一个单一的事件,无论怎样全球化,标志化和完善实施,能否成功地医治这种深刻的历史伤口,还值得怀疑。”夏伟补充。

19、The so-called new myth of the modern theorists is based on Schelling's theory of myth consciously or unconsciously to a certain extent. ─── 现代理论家们所谓的新神话都有意识或无意识地依据了谢林的神话理论。

20、Gaussian- schell beam ─── 高斯谢尔光束

21、Mr Schelling's leaps of lateral thinking have been so spectacular that his colleagues sometimes thought he had lost his mind. ─── 谢林先生的横向思维极富跳跃性,以至于他的同事们有时认为他脑子出了问题。

22、The paper reinterpretes Schelling's aesthetic theory and demonstrates his unique status and value in the history of German classic aesthetics, even in the whole history of western aesthetics. ─── 本文试图通过对谢林美学思想的述评,论证其在德国古典美学乃至整个西方美学史上的独特而重要的地位和价值。

23、Schelling, Thomas C. "Some Economics of Global Warming",American Economic Review." Vol.82 (1992)Issue 1 Pages: 1-14 ─── 马里兰大学著名经济学家谢林教授的全球变暖经济学分析,经典文章哦!

24、The country should seize the moment to form an alliance with the US to combat climate change, says Orville Schell. ─── 奥维尔•斯科勒说,中国应该抓住这一机遇与美国结成联盟来共同抗击气候变化。

25、Bizarre as it may seem to turn one person's decision into a three-way inner struggle, Schelling avers that this technique works. ─── 将一个人的决定变成三方参与的内心斗争,可能有些荒诞,但谢林断言这种方法行之有效。

26、Professor Schelling will deliver his lecture entitled Managing Nuclear Proliferation. ─── 谢林教授将以核扩散问题的处理为题,主持公开讲座。

27、Schelling had criticized the Cartesean ontological argument, and had reversed the ontological relation between the actuality and the potentiality in God’s existence; ─── 谢林批评了笛卡尔的存有学论证,并且倒转了神存在之中现实与潜在的先后关系,从而扭转了论证的路向,标示出存有学论证的效力只在于消极哲学的范围内。

28、Schelling agreed with Kant that the only objects we have direct knowledge of is consciousness. ─── 在我们直接认知的对象是自我意识这一点上,谢林和康德是一致的。

29、Schelling: This shit is too beautiful not to be real. ─── 谢林:这大便太美了!所以它不可能不是真的。

30、“They don't know what they're talking about,” opined Thomas Schelling when I met him shortly after he, too, was awarded the Nobel prize in economics. ─── “他们不知道自己在说什么,”托马斯?谢林(ThomasSchelling)获得诺贝尔经济学奖不久后遇见我时说。

31、Orville Schell is director of the Center on US-China Relations at the Asia Society and a longtime writer on China. ─── 奥维尔·斯科勒,美国亚洲协会中美关系中心主任,长期以来撰写了大量关于中国的文章。

32、Spokesperson Jim Schell surmises that people who think of themselves as good drivers welcome a processor that can verify their innocence in accidents; ─── 通用汽车公司发言人谢尔猜测,自诩为优良驾驶的民众,会喜欢这样一个处理器,以证明他们在意外事件中的清白;

33、he advocated a more spiritual and religious interpretation of life, based on what he had learnt from Kant and Schelling. ─── 他倡导了以坎特与斯凯灵理论的对人类精神化与宗教化的诠释。

34、"A site of the programmers Schell said. ─── 某网站程序员的夏伟如是说。

35、This year, China broke a 161-year-old temperature record. The environmental consequences of the country's breakneck growth are evident, says Orville Schell, and coal is at the heart of the crisis. ─── 今年,中国的气温打破了161年以来的纪录。奥维尔·斯科勒指出,中国飞速增长的环境后果已经很明显了,而煤炭是问题的核心。

36、Lead exterior designer Damon Schell explains the thinking behind it on the sidelines of the show. ─── 导致外部设计师戴蒙夏伟解释背后的想法上,双方的表演。

37、From it we can discover a principle of artism.Hegel criticized insensately that as a kind of Epistemological Interpretation which is from Schelling's intellectual intuition to esthetical intuition. ─── 作为一种认识论,从“理智直观”到“美感直观”遭到了黑格尔的激烈批评,这种批评如果成立,那么谢林前期哲学的理论基础将彻底崩塌。

38、This kind of relations is a kind of real freedom from Schelling’s On freedom. ─── 而在自由中回望艺术哲学,我们发现了普遍的艺术化原则的可能性。

39、An Astonishing Sixty Years: The Legacy of Hiroshima By: Schelling, Thomas C. ─── 令人惊异的六十年:广岛的遗产。

40、And one of my greatest my two greatest accomplishments I think for Carnegie Mellon was that I got Jessica Hodgins and Jesse Schell to come here and join our faculty. ─── 很早以前,你在虚拟现实工作室的这个年轻人,婕西.谢尔,身边呆一会儿,就会觉得,天命非他莫属。

41、They were especially drawn to F. W. J. Schelling, whose philosophy of nature, a hash of intuition and metaphysical speculation, was closer to theosophy than to modern science. ─── 它们特别注意谢林的自然哲学,哈希直觉和形而上学投机,是接近theosophy比现代科学相结合。

42、After reading Schelling and other idealists , he found a way to criticise the over mechanical view of the Enlightenment. ─── 在阅读过谢林和其他唯心主义者之后,他发现了一种批判以往启蒙运动的机械观点的方法。

43、ISBN号: Schelling; freedom; system; God; good and evil ─── 出版年:谢林;自由;体系;上帝;善与恶

44、"If she can grab on to the China issue and reformat it in this way, this would be an extraordinary accomplishment," said Schell. ─── “如果她能够抓住中国问题,然后以这种式改变目前的处境,这将是一个伟大的成就,”斯科勒说。

45、Mister Schelling, an American, is a retired professor of the University of Maryland. ─── 先生是美国人,他是马里兰大学的退休教授。

46、Theory of tragedy plays a very important part in Schelling's thought of art. ─── 摘要悲剧在谢林的艺术体系中占有非常重要的位置。

47、Schell was promoted on June 19, according to Automotive News, when Fiat shook up Chrysler's management. ─── 夏伟晋升于6月19日,根据汽车新闻,当菲亚特荣升克莱斯勒的管理。

48、This paper discusses the differences between Hegel's and Schelling's aesthetics, and the origin of modern philosophy of art. ─── 摘要本文旨在阐明黑格尔美学与谢林美学的差别,以及现代艺术哲学的起源。

49、A Comparison of the Aesthetic Views of Tragedy of Schelling and Hegel ─── 谢林与黑格尔的悲剧审美观之比较

50、The basic theory of Schelling's philosophy will collapse if Hegel’s critical theory is right.So we should regard Schelling's philosophy impartially. ─── 因此,在回到谢林艺术哲学本身的同时,我们也有必要从新的角度审视它,这种审视带有“价值中立”的意味。

51、Schell Maximilian ─── 马克西米利安·谢尔

52、Maximilian Schell ─── 马克西米·利安·谢尔,德国电影演员,凭借《纽伦堡审判》一片荣获1961-1962年度第34届奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

53、Mister Schelling also used game theory to show how people become divided by race.He found that divided societies can result even among persons mostly willing to live near people of another race. ─── 谢林先生同时还使用博弈理论来表明人们是如何由种族分离的,他发现分裂的社会能导致多数人愿意生活在另一种族附近。

54、On the issue of intuition, Husserl, Kant, Ficht, Schelling, Heidegger and Scheler have thought-provoking relevancy. ─── 在直观的问题上,胡塞尔和康德、费希特、谢林、海德格尔以及舍勒有着发人深省的关联。

55、Kammann M,Laufs J,Schell J,et al.Rapid insertional mutagenesis of DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)[J].Nucleic Acids Res,1989,17(13):5404. ─── 王关林,李大力,方宏筠.蜂毒溶血肽基因的定点诱变及其在大肠杆菌中的表达[J].遗传学报,2000,27(2):176-182.

56、The position Schelling arrives at after such tangled abstractions is not that far removed from that of Spinoza. ─── 谢林在作出上述纠缠难懂的抽象之后到达的位置与从斯宾诺莎抹去的不远。

57、In Schelling's philosophical conception, art is set in an alternative: either as the ultimate moment of philosophical consciousness or as a phase in the identity system. ─── 摘要谢林哲学中的艺术摆荡在两端:一是哲学意识的最终环节,一是同一性体系里的一个面向。

58、After it we should give reflection to Schelling's philosophy and Hegel’s critical theory. ─── 但如果满足于不偏不倚地“审视”,那么实际上我们只是完成了对不同观念的陈述。

59、This thought is derived from Richards, Coleridge, Schelling and Kant in turn. ─── 这种对立调和思想可以依次上溯到瑞恰慈、柯勒律治、谢林和康德等人,是由他们的有关思想变化而来的。

60、The position Schelling arrives at after such tangled abstractions is not that far removed from that of Spinoza. ─── 在作出上述纠缠难懂的抽象之后到达的位置与从斯宾诺莎抹去的不远。

61、For Schelling, the Absolute or 'World-Soul' is expressed through the dual aspects of nature and mind. ─── 对于谢林来说,绝对或者世界精神是被自然和精神双重观点表达的。

62、According to Schelling, the basis of all tragic art lies in thecovert historical necessity's interference with human freedom. ─── 谢林是19世纪德国著名的哲学美学家,更是一位上承康德,下起黑格尔,具有极其重要的过渡和中介作用的悲剧理论家。

63、Schelling had spent years trying to kick his tobacco addiction. ─── 谢林试图戒除烟瘾已经有多年时间了。

64、Schell etchant ─── 帅尔侵蚀液

65、"Since then, the revolution has bubbled up again in many forms" (Jonathan Schell) ─── “从那以后,革命又以各种形式变得激烈起来了”(乔纳森·谢尔)

66、Schell had been promoted to the important position just weeks ago. ─── 谢尔已晋升到重要的地位却在几周前.

67、Schelling's aesthetic thought has great influences on German aesthetics at his time and the late history of western aesthetics. ─── 他的美学思想对当时及后世都产生了极大的影响。

68、As the Asia Society’s Orville Schell has noted, “Without [the United States and China] in the climate-change game, there is, in effect, no game at all, and Copenhagen cannot succeed. ─── 亚洲协会代表奥维尔谢尔指出:“如果没有美国和中国的参与,气候变化博弈就没有实际意义,哥本哈根的谈判也不可能成功。”

69、In the introduction, the paper gives the aesthetics works of Kant, Fichte and Romanticists, Schelling, Schiller and Hegel new illuminations. ─── 本文包括三个部分:导论性的对德国古典美学的批判,作为全文主体的对现象学美学的批判以及结论部分。

70、Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling ─── 谢林格

71、Credible threats could also be made with brinkmanship, gradually increasing the probability of a conflict, Mr Schelling observed, adding that children understood brinkmanship perfectly. ─── 谢林先生发现,有威慑力的威胁也可以与边缘政策配合使用,以逐渐提高发生冲突的机率。他补充说,儿童对边缘政策的理解非常到位。

72、The Nobel prize for economics was awarded yesterday to Thomas Schelling and Robert Aumann for their individual contributions to the understanding of conflict and co-operation. ─── 以表彰他们在促进对冲突与合作的理解方面所作的贡献。

73、Professor Schelling delivered his lecture entitled Managing Nuclear Proliferation. ─── 谢林教授以核扩散问题的处理为题,主持公开讲座。

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