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09-16 投稿



hoistway 发音

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hoistway 中文意思翻译



hoistway 短语词组

1、hoistway plan ─── 井道平面图

2、hoistway cable ─── 井道电缆

3、hoistway data ─── 井道数据

4、hoistway enclosure ─── 提升机外壳

5、hoistway light ─── 井道灯

6、hoistway learn ─── 井道学习

7、hoistway door ─── 升降机井门;厅门;电梯通道门

8、hoistway entrance ─── 提升机入口

9、hoistway date ─── 井道日期

hoistway 相似词语短语

1、hoister ─── n.提升机;起重机

2、hoist ─── v.升起,吊起;抬高,举起;n.起重机;吊车;升降机;升起,增加;信号旗;旗宽;n.(Hoist)(美、印、英、加)霍伊斯特(人名)

3、highway ─── n.公路,大路;捷径

4、coastways ─── adv.沿着海岸地;近海地

5、hoistways ─── n.(货物)起卸口,提升间

6、hoistman ─── n.绞车司机;起重机司机

7、hoisted ─── v.提起(重物);(用起重机等)吊起;升起(旗等)(hoist的过去式和过去分词)

8、footway ─── n.[交][矿业]人行道;小路

9、fishway ─── n.(使鱼得上瀑布或堤堰之)[水产]鱼道;鱼梯(等于fishladder)

hoistway 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hoistway door ─── 升降机井门电梯厅门

2、electric hoistway ─── 电梯井

3、Jig, scaffold, install car support and life line has been dismantled in hoistway. ─── 井道内的样板架,脚手架,轿厢安装支撑架,安装生命线拆离。

4、The top space of elevator hoistway; ─── 井道顶部空间;

5、Keywords elevator hoistway;pressurization air supply rate;effective area;permeable suspended ceiling; ─── 关键词电梯井;加压送风量;有效面积;通透式吊顶;

6、hoistway enclosure ─── 竖井墙

7、hoistway entrance ─── 电梯通道进口

8、The first step is to close all vents and openings at the top of the hoistway to prevent water from entering the elevator shaft. ─── 第一步是关紧电梯井道上方所有的排气口以及出口,防止水进入电梯井道。

9、The safety part in hoistway and pit is finished, safety loop is connective. ─── 井道安全部件、底坑安全部件安装到位,安全路导通。

10、Through simulating elevator hoistway information, elevator controller is tested and assessed. ─── 通过模拟电梯井道信息,实现对电梯控制柜的自动检测。

11、The mechanical works of hoistway and cabine as well as the electrical installation in the hoistway, controller and E&I Panel have to be finished to ensure inspection run. ─── 完成井道和机房的机械工作以及在井道、控制柜和E&I板的电气安装以确保检修运行。

12、hoistway access switch ─── 机井入口开关

13、blind hoistway ─── 无中间出口的升降机竖井

14、Size of car and hoistway of elevators ─── 电梯吊舱和通道尺寸

15、Elastic mid-strength rock wool board: used for heat preservation, fireproofing and sound absorption for the building wall/roof, such as curtain wall, inner wall partition and elevator hoistway, etc. ─── 有弹性,中等强度岩棉板:适用于建筑墙体/屋顶保温、防火、吸音,如幕墙、内墙隔断、电梯井等。

16、elevator hoistway ─── 升降机井道电梯井电梯间

17、The mechanical works of hoistway and cabine as well as the electrical installation in the hoistway and controller have to be finished to guarantee runs in normal mode. ─── 井道的机械工作,轿厢,电气零部件的安装,控制柜等必须在第一次正常运行前完成。 电气线路亦须完成及检查。

18、Size of car and hoistway of elevators ─── 电梯轿厢及井道的尺寸

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