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09-16 投稿



imperceptibility 发音

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imperceptibility 中文意思翻译



imperceptibility 网络释义

n. 细微;目所不见;无法感知

imperceptibility 反义词


imperceptibility 同义词

quietness | inaudibility | immateriality | untouchability | quiet | stillness | silence | insubstantiality | faintness | softness | noiselessness |intangibility | impalpability

imperceptibility 短语词组

1、imperceptibility principle ─── 不可察觉性原则

imperceptibility 相似词语短语

1、deceptibility ─── 欺骗性

2、imperfectibility ─── 不完全性

3、impartibility ─── n.不可分

4、perceptibility ─── n.感觉力;理解力;可察觉性

5、imperceptivity ─── n.无感觉;无知觉能力

6、imprescriptibility ─── 不可描述性

7、imperceptibly ─── adv.极微地;微细地;察觉不到地

8、imperceptible ─── adj.感觉不到的;极细微的

9、imperceptively ─── 不知不觉地

imperceptibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The simulation results show that it has high hiding capacity, good imperceptibility and certain robustness to JPEG lossy compression. ─── 仿真结果表明,该方法提高了信息嵌入量,具有较好的信息隐藏效果,同时对JPEG压缩具有一定的抵抗能力。

2、In the pre-Qin period, a dayspring of Chinese historical civilization, Many elements of culture and civilization had been occurred from nothing to being, from small to big, from imperceptibility to intricacy, from original to mature. ─── 在先秦这一中国历史文明的开端时期,有许多文化和文明因素都经历了从无到有、从小到大、从简单到复杂、从萌生到成熟的过程。

3、Experimental results show the proposed technique has high robustness in image processing operations and good imperceptibility. ─── 实验结果表明,本方法具有较好的不可见性以及对一般图像处理具有一定程度的鲁棒性。

4、Experimental results show that embedded watermark is imperceptibility and robust to many attacks, such as noise adding, re-sampling, low pass filtering and re-quantization and so on. ─── 实验结果表明,嵌入后的水印不仅具有很好的不可感知性,而且对添加噪声、重新采样、低通滤波和重新量化等攻击也具有很好的鲁棒性。

5、Chaos map and image blending technology are introduced to improve the imperceptibility, security and robustness of hiding image. ─── 利用混沌映射结合图像融合,将隐藏信息隐藏在载体图像的不同位置,提高了隐藏的视觉效果,保证了隐藏信息的安全性.

6、By adjusting coefficient difference based on edge detection in wavelet transformation domain,integrative optimization of watermarking imperceptibility and robustness is implemented. ─── 通过基于小波边缘的检测,调节系数差,实现了水印透明性和鲁棒性的综合优化。

7、Thus robustness and imperceptibility could be well balanced. ─── 与其它水印算法比较,该文提出的自适应算法适合于具有不同总体特性和局部特性的图像。

8、The experimental results show that the improved method is robust to many attack operations and a significant improvement in imperceptibility is achieved. ─── 改进后的算法具有良好的鲁棒性,不可感知性更高,隐藏效果更好。

9、Methods After the dusts being injected in vivo , the imperceptibility changes in rats were observed and the fiber features were compared with statistics in rat by advanced microscope, SEM analysis. ─── 方法大鼠体内染尘后,用高倍显微镜、电子显微镜观察其在动物体内的变化,并统计对比纤维变化特征。

10、This watermark algorithm can contain the detection threshold into a predefined scope and attain quite good imperceptibility. ─── 该方法能够将检测门限控制在事先设定的范围内,具有较好的隐秘性;

11、Real love can affords the test of time, real love often conceal between imperceptibility. ─── 真正的爱经得起时间的考验,真正的爱常常隐匿在细微之间。

12、The key of digital watermark to copyright protection is the imperceptibility and robustness for embedded information. ─── 用于版权保护的数字水印设计的关键是水印信息嵌入的隐蔽性和抵抗攻击的鲁棒性。

13、The test shows that it has good imperceptibility but poor embedding capacity. ─── 试验结果表明该算法具有良好的不可感知性,但嵌入容量比拟小。

14、The main characteristics of this arithmetic are large watermark information which can be embedded, good imperceptibility and not needing original database when recover the watermark. ─── 该算法的主要特点是可嵌入的水印信息量大,且隐蔽性好,水印恢复不需要原始数据库。

15、Then comparison to zero watermarking was made to proof the copyright.The result indicated this method is very good to solute the contradictory question of robustness and imperceptibility. ─── 实验结果表明,该方法很好地解决了传统水印鲁棒性和不可感知性的矛盾问题,对常用的图像处理和几何攻击具有较好的鲁棒性。

16、The experiments show that the algorithm has great function to improve the imperceptibility and robustness of the concealed information. ─── 实验结果表明,该算法对提高信息隐藏的隐蔽性,确保隐藏信息的健壮性具有较好效果。

17、How to embed enough message on condition of imperceptibility is our object. ─── 如何在满足不可感知性的前提下隐藏尽可能多的信息是追求的目标。

18、The imperceptibility of watermarking and the localization of image alter have become the urgen key issues in binary image authentication watermarking technology. ─── 在二值图像认证水印技术中,水印的不可见性和图像的篡改定位是目前需要解决的两个关键问题。

19、DMM series colloid mill: Make the solid be imperceptibility with liquid. ─── DMM系列胶体磨:该设备用于使流体中的颗粒超细微化。

20、Experimental result show that the watermarking method based on SVD used to attack the image processing performs well in both imperceptibility and robustness. ─── 实验结果表明,基于奇异值分解的本算法对常用的图像处理攻击具有良好的鲁棒性和不可见性。

21、This scheme enhanced the information imperceptibility and the resources section redundancies utilization rate, compared with other schemes of information hiding based on PE file. ─── 分析表明,此方案与已有基于PE文件的信息隐藏方法相比,提高了信息隐蔽性和资源节空闲可利用率。

22、Keywords Information hiding;Robustness;Capacity;Imperceptibility;Security;Steganalysis; ─── 信息隐藏;鲁棒性;容量;不可见性;安全性;隐藏分析;

23、The robustness and imperceptibility of watermarked image with the different weighting factors are demonstrated and analyzed in detail. ─── 针对不同权重因子的水印系统, 详细分析和讨论了所提出水印方案的隐蔽性和稳健性。

24、Digital watermarking is a new technical means to the copyright protection of image,and the robustness is incompatible with the imperceptibility. ─── 数字水印是图像信息版权保护的一种新兴的技术手段,水印的不可感知性和鲁棒性是相互制约的两个对立面。

25、Hence, this scheme is powerful and possesses the adjustable threshold value to obtain the balance relationships between the imperceptibility and robustness. ─── 我们的系统可以经由调整临界参数,获得不可视性和强韧性中最佳的平衡。

26、Like most person, her imperceptibility reforms the influence that brings possibly this. ─── 像大多数人一样,她无法感知这场改革可能带来的影响。

27、This paper proposes a new image watermarking scheme in order to solve the contradiction between imperceptibility and robustness. ─── 针对如何解决水印不可见性和鲁棒性矛盾这一问题提出了一种新的水印方案。

28、Experimental results show that imperceptibility and robustness are improved by 8.94% and 9.88% averagely. ─── 实验表明,不可见性与鲁棒性平均提高8.94%和9.88%。

29、This watermark algorithm can contain the detection threshold into a predefined scope and attain quite good imperceptibility . ─── 该方法能够将检测门限控制在事先设定的范围内,具有较好的隐秘性;

30、This algorithm is robust to most signal processing except lossy compression. It also has good imperceptibility , high security and big watermark capacity. . ─── 该算法除对有损压缩等攻击鲁棒性较弱外,对剪切和比特替换等攻击都具有较强的鲁棒性,算法还具有较好的不可见性、较高的安全性和较大的水印容量。

31、Experimental results show that the proposed scheme can achieve high imperceptibility and satisfactory robustness against MP3 encoding. ─── 实验表明该水印具有很好的隐蔽性,对于MP3编码表现出优良的稳健性。

32、evaluation of imperceptibility ─── 不可感知性评价

33、Our aim of product development is to provide as good products as "perfection and excellence with imperceptibility" for human beings by introducing modern design concept and creating for new changes. ─── 导入现代的设计理念,创新求变,为人类提供"细微彰显精湛"的好产品,是产品开发的宗旨。

34、By using the new watermark-embedding algorithm the imperceptibility can be ensured, the loss in the following compression and encoding process can be avoided at the same time. ─── 水印嵌入算法既避免了后续压缩编码过程时水印信号的损坏,又保证了其不可感知性。

35、Suspend Life. Your life functions slow to imperceptibility. ─── 暂缓生命:你的生命活动非常缓慢以至于无法侦测。

36、An applied study of adjusting window breadth and location as related to imperceptibility structure of DR chest image ─── 调整窗宽窗位对DR胸部影像细微结构显示的应用研究

37、The experimental results show that the algorithm is realized easily and visually effective with satisfying imperceptibility and robustness. ─── 实验证明,该算法易于实现,具有较好的不可觉察性及鲁棒性,是一种实用的音频水印算法。

38、Digital watermarking is a new technique for digital multimedia copyright protection, the differences of the algorithms make the robustness and the imperceptibility of this technique very different. ─── 数字水印是近年来出现的一种新的数字多媒体产品版权保护技术,用于嵌入水印的算法的不同使得该技术的不可见性,鲁棒性等特性大相径庭。

39、Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has better imperceptibility and stronger robustness. ─── 实验结果表明,算法具有较好的透明性和鲁棒性。

40、The high quality often embodies imperceptibility just asSometimes a list ,a piece of paper and a calling card will affect a company’s visualize if it is not good enough. ─── 高品质的东西往往体现在细微之处, 公司的形象往往也在细微之处体现。有时就是一份产品目录、一张信纸、甚至一张名片, 如不在意, 良好的公司形象可能因此大打折扣。

41、Sustainable idealistic begin to go deep into peoples" heart.And then, the study of Sustainable development begins to imperceptibility and crystallizes. ─── 然而随着可持续观念的深入,对可持续的研究也更加的细微化、具体化。

42、Finally, experiments show the good imperceptibility and robustness under the attacks. ─── 实验证明该算法具有良好的不可感知性和较强的鲁棒性。

43、In DCT-based system, select mid-frequency as the watermark carrier for the consideration of the tradeoff between the imperceptibility and robustness requirements. ─── 在DCT水印系统中,选择DCT系数的中频系数作为嵌入的载体(出于不可觉察性和健壮性的考虑);

44、This paper investigated and compared the main algorithms of audio watermarking and their performance including imperceptibility, roubustness, complexity degree and embedding quantity in detail. ─── 摘要对目前音频水印中的主要算法进行了系统的描述,并对其在不可见性、鲁棒性、计算复杂度以及嵌入量,四个方面作了比较。

45、It has been proved by experiments that this algorithm is high imperceptibility, high capacity, and robust to affine transformation and JPEG lossy compression. ─── 实验证明,本文提出的算法不仅具有很好的抗仿射变换和抗JPEG压缩的鲁棒性,而且具有较小的嵌入失真和较大的水印容量。

46、When we embed message,we must make a compromise between bits and imperceptibility. ─── 在对重要目标信息进行隐藏时,必须在二者之间做一个权衡。

47、The technology of watermark relative to copyright protection, it is an information hiddentechnology that demanded blindly drawn, large capacity and good imperceptibility. ─── 相对于版权保护的水印技术,它是一个要求盲提取、大容量和良好不可感知性的信息隐藏技术。

48、Experimental results show that embedded watermark is imperceptibility and robust to many attacks,such as noise adding,re-sampling,low pass filtering,re-quantization and lossy compression and so on. ─── 实验结果表明,嵌入的水印不仅具有很好的透明性,而且对重新采样、低通滤波、添加噪声、重新量化、有损压缩等攻击也具有很好的鲁棒性。

49、Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has better imperceptibility and stronger robustness. ─── 实验结果表明,算法具有较好的透明性和鲁棒性。

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