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09-16 投稿



osculate 发音

英:[?ɑ?skj??le?t]  美:[??skj??le?t]

英:  美:

osculate 中文意思翻译



osculate 网络释义

vt. 接吻;接触;与……有共同特性vi. 有共同点;有共通点

osculate 词性/词形变化,osculate变形


osculate 相似词语短语

1、osculates ─── v.(曲线或面)与(另一曲线或面)互成密切;亲吻

2、oscillate ─── vt.使振荡;使振动;使动摇;vi.振荡;摆动;犹豫

3、fossulate ─── adj.有小窝的

4、ossiculate ─── 听骨

5、inosculate ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

6、postulate ─── vt.假定;要求;视…为理所当然;n.基本条件;假定

7、osculated ─── v.(曲线或面)与(另一曲线或面)互成密切;亲吻

8、jaculate ─── vt.向前掷;vi.投掷

9、oculate ─── adj.具单眼的(等于ocellate)

osculate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this big world, we osculate with so many different kinds of people. Because of this everybody knows that there are lots of emotions engendered in our life. ─── 在广袤的世界,独一无二的我们有着很多共通之处,这是每个人都知道的,也正因为这样,人们在生活中产生了各种各样的情感。

2、numerous of GuangZhou Export Machindise Fair experience, can fluent osculate and negotiate business with foreign clients; ─── 多次的广交会经验,能流利的和外商沟通,洽谈;

3、In this big world, we osculate with so many different kinds of people.Because of this everybody knows that there are lots of emotions engendered in our life. ─── 在广袤的世界,独一无二的我们有着很多共通之处,这是每个人都知道的,也正因为这样,人们在生活中产生了各种各样的情感。

4、osculate: v. ─── 接触,共有。

5、Throught numerous of GuangZhou Export Machindise Fair experience,can fluent osculate and negotiate business with foreign clients; ─── 带着多次的广交会经验,能流利的和外商沟通,洽谈;

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