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09-16 投稿



deputing 发音

英:[d??pju?t??]  美:[d??pju?t??]

英:  美:

deputing 中文意思翻译




deputing 词性/词形变化,deputing变形

动词过去式: deputed |动词过去分词: deputed |动词第三人称单数: deputes |动词现在分词: deputing |

deputing 相似词语短语

1、deputising ─── vt.委...为代表;vi.担任代表

2、degouting ─── 去郊游

3、deputizing ─── vi.代理;代表;vt.指定…为代理;授权…为代表

4、reputing ─── n.名誉;声望;vt.名誉;认为;把…称为

5、departing ─── 离开(depart的现在分词)

6、depleting ─── v.用尽,耗尽;使减少(deplete的ing形式)

7、depicting ─── 描绘

8、depurating ─── vt.使净化;提纯;vi.净化;清洁

9、debuting ─── n.初次登台;开张;vi.初次登台;n.(Debut)人名;(法)德比

deputing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、North Song Dynasty Party Deputing ─── 北宋党争

2、The main goal of this paper is to provide our understanding, proposal and guiding direction for those deputing and unsolved problems in ATM technology. ─── 本文的主要目的是为ATM(异步传输模式)技术中一些亟待解决的和有争议的问题提出我们自己的理解、建议和指导性的思路。

3、The Nanjing Technical University MSTC's sixth anniversary commemoration series activity formally started with the " Computer Hospital" first free medical treatment service's deput. ─── 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部六周年纪念系列活动随着“电脑医院”首期义诊服务的开张正式启动了。

4、Lodovico. May be the letter moved him; For, as I think, they do command him home, Deputing Cassio in his government. ─── 罗多维科也许这封信激动了他;因为照我猜想起来,他们是要召他回国,叫凯西奥代理他的职务。

5、The deputing side will pay the expenses of the exchange participants on the line Liberec-Shanghai-.Liberec and on the line Shanghai-Prague-Shanghai including extras for Baggage over weight. ─── 派出方将负责支付交流人员的来回机票和行李超重附加费,旅行线路为利勃累茨-上海-利勃累茨以及上海-利勃累茨-上海。

6、In these deputing problems, the traffic source model theory is a current research hot-point. ─── 在这些问题中,有关业务源模型的理论是当前研究的焦点之一。

7、She could not bear the idea of deputing to any one the active measures necessary to be taken in order to save Jem. ─── 她不愿把这个援救杰姆的紧要步骤叫人家去代劳。


horn意思: n. 喇叭;触角;角质;号 v. 强行介入 一、读音:英 [h??n];美 [h??rn] 二、例句: The driver tooted his horn as he approached the bend. 开车的人在快要转弯时按响了喇叭。 三、词汇用法/搭配: 1、blow a horn 吹号角 2、grow horns 长角 3、hunting horn 猎号





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